private static void FixupRadii(PrivateArea pa, float radius) { Plugin.Log($"FixupRaddi called - {radius}"); foreach (SphereCollider sphere in pa.GetComponents <SphereCollider>()) { Plugin.Log("sphere adjusted"); sphere.radius = radius; sphere.isTrigger = true; sphere.enabled = pa.IsEnabled(); = Plugin.SphereColliderName; } }
// Token: 0x06000E7E RID: 3710 RVA: 0x000679D0 File Offset: 0x00065BD0 public static bool CheckAccess(Vector3 point, float radius = 0f, bool flash = true, bool wardCheck = false) { List <PrivateArea> list = new List <PrivateArea>(); bool flag = true; if (wardCheck) { flag = true; using (List <PrivateArea> .Enumerator enumerator = PrivateArea.m_allAreas.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { PrivateArea privateArea = enumerator.Current; if (privateArea.IsEnabled() && privateArea.IsInside(point, radius) && !privateArea.HaveLocalAccess()) { flag = false; list.Add(privateArea); } } goto IL_B8; } } flag = false; foreach (PrivateArea privateArea2 in PrivateArea.m_allAreas) { if (privateArea2.IsEnabled() && privateArea2.IsInside(point, radius)) { if (privateArea2.HaveLocalAccess()) { flag = true; } else { list.Add(privateArea2); } } } IL_B8: if (!flag && list.Count > 0) { if (flash) { foreach (PrivateArea privateArea3 in list) { privateArea3.FlashShield(false); } } return(false); } return(true); }
private static SphereCollider GetAForceFieldForPrivateArea(PrivateArea pa) { Plugin.Log("GetAForceFieldForPrivateArea called"); SphereCollider forceField = null; try { forceField = GetForceFieldInRange(pa.transform.position, 2); // if we didn't find one, make one if (null == forceField && pa.IsEnabled()) { Plugin.Log("GetAForceFieldForPrivateArea - forcefield not found but PA is active and enabled. Creating ForceField"); forceField = CreateForceField(pa.transform.position, pa.m_radius); forceField.enabled = pa.IsEnabled(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Plugin.LogError($"GetAForceFieldForPrivateArea - {ex.Message}"); } return(forceField); }
public static bool RPC_ToggleEnabled(long uid, long playerID, PrivateArea __instance) { // if using the original interaction behavior then just return true and run the original code if (Settings.WardInteractBehavior.Value == Plugin.WardInteractBehavior.Original) { return(true); } ZLog.Log((object)("Toggle enabled from " + playerID + " creator is " + __instance.m_piece.GetCreator())); if (__instance.m_nview.IsOwner() && ((__instance.IsPermitted(playerID) && Settings.WardInteractBehavior.Value == Plugin.WardInteractBehavior.OwnerAndPermitted) || (Settings.WardInteractBehavior.Value == Plugin.WardInteractBehavior.All))) { __instance.SetEnabled(!__instance.IsEnabled()); } return(false); }
private static void PostFix(PrivateArea __instance) { UpdateForceField(__instance, __instance.IsEnabled()); }
public static bool GetHoverText(PrivateArea __instance, ref string __result) { // if using the original interaction behavior then just return true and run the original code if (Settings.WardInteractBehavior.Value == Plugin.WardInteractBehavior.Original) { return(true); } Plugin.LogDebug("Executing Patched GetHoverText"); if (!__instance.m_nview.IsValid()) { __result = ""; return(false); } if (Player.m_localPlayer == null) { __result = ""; return(false); } __instance.ShowAreaMarker(); StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(256); // Player or owner hovering over so display activate/dectivate options if (__instance.m_piece.IsCreator() || (Settings.WardInteractBehavior.Value == Plugin.WardInteractBehavior.OwnerAndPermitted && __instance.IsPermitted(Player.m_localPlayer.GetPlayerID())) || Settings.WardInteractBehavior.Value == Plugin.WardInteractBehavior.All) { if (__instance.IsEnabled()) { stringBuilder.Append(__instance.m_name + " ( $piece_guardstone_active )"); stringBuilder.Append("\n$piece_guardstone_owner:" + __instance.GetCreatorName()); stringBuilder.Append("\n[<color=yellow><b>$KEY_Use</b></color>] $piece_guardstone_deactivate"); } else { stringBuilder.Append(__instance.m_name + " ($piece_guardstone_inactive )"); stringBuilder.Append("\n$piece_guardstone_owner:" + __instance.GetCreatorName()); stringBuilder.Append("\n[<color=yellow><b>$KEY_Use</b></color>] $piece_guardstone_activate"); if (Settings.WardInteractBehavior.Value != Plugin.WardInteractBehavior.OwnerOnly) { if (__instance.IsPermitted(Player.m_localPlayer.GetPlayerID()) && !__instance.m_piece.IsCreator()) { stringBuilder.Append("\n[<color=yellow><b>" + Settings.InteractModifier.Value.ToString() + " - $KEY_Use</b></color>] $piece_guardstone_remove"); } else if (!__instance.m_piece.IsCreator()) { stringBuilder.Append("\n[<color=yellow><b>" + Settings.InteractModifier.Value.ToString() + " - $KEY_Use</b></color>] $piece_guardstone_add"); } } } } else if (__instance.IsEnabled()) { // Player is not permitted and is not the owner and ward is active... do nothing stringBuilder.Append(__instance.m_name + " ( $piece_guardstone_active )"); stringBuilder.Append("\n$piece_guardstone_owner:" + __instance.GetCreatorName()); if (Settings.WardInteractBehavior.Value != Plugin.WardInteractBehavior.OwnerOnly) { stringBuilder.Append("\n[<color=yellow><b>" + Settings.InteractModifier.Value.ToString() + " - $KEY_Use</b></color>] $piece_guardstone_remove"); } } else { // player is not permitted and is not the owner, but ward is inactive.... show modifier stringBuilder.Append(__instance.m_name + " ( $piece_guardstone_inactive )"); stringBuilder.Append("\n$piece_guardstone_owner:" + __instance.GetCreatorName()); if (Settings.WardInteractBehavior.Value != Plugin.WardInteractBehavior.OwnerOnly) { stringBuilder.Append("\n[<color=yellow><b>" + Settings.InteractModifier.Value.ToString() + " - $KEY_Use</b></color>] $piece_guardstone_add"); } } __instance.AddUserList(stringBuilder); __result = Localization.instance.Localize(stringBuilder.ToString()); Plugin.LogDebug($"Result {__result}"); return(false); }
public static bool Interact(Humanoid human, bool hold, PrivateArea __instance, ref bool __result) { // if using the original interaction behavior then just return true and run the original code if (Settings.WardInteractBehavior.Value == Plugin.WardInteractBehavior.Original) { return(true); } // default to a false just in case. __result = false; Plugin.Log("Patched Interact"); // if not allowing permitted players to activate/deactivate, just run the standard function if (Settings.WardInteractBehavior.Value == Plugin.WardInteractBehavior.OwnerOnly) { return(true); } if (hold) { Plugin.Log("HOLDING"); __result = false; //don't execute.. what's the point? return(false); } Player player = human as Player; // If player is creator // or if ward mode is ownerandpermitted and is permitted or behavior is all AND modifier key is not being held.... if (__instance.m_piece.IsCreator() || ((Settings.WardInteractBehavior.Value == Plugin.WardInteractBehavior.OwnerAndPermitted && __instance.IsPermitted(player.GetPlayerID()) || (Settings.WardInteractBehavior.Value == Plugin.WardInteractBehavior.All)) && !UtilityClass.CheckKeyHeld(Settings.InteractModifier.Value)) ) { __instance.m_nview.InvokeRPC("ToggleEnabled", player.GetPlayerID()); __result = true; // don't execute the original code return(false); } Plugin.Log("Wasn't normal activation"); // if OwnerOnly then don't allow anyone to do anything else if (Settings.WardInteractBehavior.Value == Plugin.WardInteractBehavior.OwnerOnly) { __result = false; return(false); } // if the player is using the modifier key and gets this far, then toggle permitted // can only do this when the peice isn't active if (UtilityClass.CheckKeyHeld(Settings.InteractModifier.Value) && !__instance.IsEnabled()) { __instance.m_nview.InvokeRPC("TogglePermitted", player.GetPlayerID(), player.GetPlayerName()); __result = true; // don't execute original code return(false); } __result = false; return(false); }