Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine which action towards a target from a provided list of actions has the highest utility and perform it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="target">The avatar that caused an event</param>
        /// <param name="possibleActions">The list of possible actions to choose from</param>
        private PersonalAction React(IEnumerable <PersonalAction> possibleActions, PriorityPlanningAgent target = null)
            if (possibleActions == null)
                //Log.Warn ("There are no actions!");

            PersonalAction highestUtilityAction = null;
            double         highestUtility       = Double.MinValue;

            foreach (PersonalAction action in possibleActions)
                double testUtility = action.Utility(this); //save as its quite costly to calculate
                                                           //Log.Info ("Performing: " + action.ToString () + ": " + testUtility.ToString ()); //line for debugging

                if (testUtility > highestUtility)
                    highestUtility       = testUtility;
                    highestUtilityAction = action;

            if (highestUtilityAction != null)
                throw new NotImplementedException("MAKE THIS WORK!");
                //highestUtilityAction.Perform (Agent, target);

        void Start()
            // copy all actions into array
            var allActions = new List <ActionBt>();

            if (actions == null)
                Debug.LogError(gameObject.name + " has no actions assigned in his action set");
            actions.ForEach((a) =>
                if (a == null)
                    Debug.LogError("No actions assigned to: " + gameObject.name);

            // initialise agent
            agent        = new PriorityPlanningAgent(this.gameObject.name, allActions.ToArray(), () => timeControl.SunTime);
            agent.logger = this.UnityLog;

            // we need to keep time in order to filter actions by expiration
            if (timeControl == null)
                timeControl = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <DayNightCycle>();
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Based on an eventMessage string, determines and applies the net emotional effect of an event to the agent
        /// and the reaction. For the expression of emotion, the bot will choose the dominant emotion it currently feels.
        /// We consider that this dominant emotion supresses other emotions the bot feels (though we still consider all
        /// feelings in the determination of a reaction to a bot's actions).
        /// This method takes into considering the individual personality attributes of an agent when determining the
        /// true net emotional effect of an event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="eventMessage"></param>
        public void EvaluateEvent(string eventMessage, PriorityPlanningAgent target)
            // parse input text and generate series of emotional actions and consequences
            List <Reaction> events = _emotionProcessor.ProcessText(eventMessage);

            // clasify generated actions and generate general emotions
            Dictionary <EmotionType, double> resultingEmotions = ClassifyEvent(events);

            // calculate real emotions based on personality
            Dictionary <EmotionType, double> resultingPersonalityAffectedEmotions = CalculateNetEmotions(resultingEmotions);

            // modify emotions in the emotion tree

            // evaluate which emotion is the strongest
            EmotionType dominantEmotion = Emotions.findDominantEmotion(resultingPersonalityAffectedEmotions);

            // notify which emotion is the strongest

            // perform action with the highest relevance to current emotional status and a goal
            DetermineReactionBasedOnPersonality(DominantEmotionalEffect(resultingPersonalityAffectedEmotions), target);
        public PhysiologyModel(float dayInSeconds, PriorityPlanningAgent agent)
            // initialise multithreader
            //			var mt = Loom.Current;

            this.hunger = 0;
            this.thirst = 0;
            this.energy = 100;
            this.agent  = agent;

            // find the time control component

            // decay is calculated so that in some time interval in part of the day
            // 50 is the treshold value
            // increment = (50 / timeToFillInSeconds) * updateRateInSeconds;

            // agents get hungry two times
            hungerDecay = (50 / (dayInSeconds / 2)) * updateRateInSeconds;
            // agents get thirsty four times
            thirstDecay = (50 / (dayInSeconds / 4)) * updateRateInSeconds;
            // agents get tired three times
            energyDecay = (50 / (dayInSeconds / 3)) * updateRateInSeconds;
Example #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Determine the reaction to an event based on the supplied emotional effect.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dominantEmotionalEffect">The dominant emotional effect from an evaluated event</param>
 /// <param name="target">The agent from which an event was caused</param>
 private void DetermineReactionBasedOnPersonality(KeyValuePair <EmotionType, double> dominantEmotionalEffect, PriorityPlanningAgent target)
     if (IsNegativeEmotion(dominantEmotionalEffect.Key))
         if (IsTargetBasedEmotion(dominantEmotionalEffect.Key))
             React(NegativeActionsTowardsTarget, target);
             //normally, at this point we would work out an action for the bot for an emotion
             //based on reacting to the bot itself. (ie. how it may react to its dominant emotion)
             //We could then transfer control back  to a reaction to the target (if applicable).
             //For the demonstrator, since we know all testing actions are the result of another bot
             //and would thus justify a response to that bot, we will simply the code and just
             //react to that bot. We have also done this because we have yet to work out
             //how different personalities would express different intensities of emotion...for now,
             //in a higher level of the code, the bot just performs an animation dependent upon its
             //dominant emotion...then control will fall to here.
         if (IsTargetBasedEmotion(dominantEmotionalEffect.Key))
             React(PositiveActionsTowardsTarget, target);
             //Refer to the comment in the above section...
Example #6
 public ScheduleManager(PriorityPlanningAgent agent, Schedule schedule)
     this.agent    = agent;
     this.schedule = schedule;