Example #1
        public static void SeedCategories(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
            using (var context = new PrintWebSiteDbContext(

                       serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <DbContextOptions <PrintWebSiteDbContext> >()))
                Category uncategorized = new Category()
                    Name          = "Uncategorized",
                    SanitizedName = "uncategorized",
                    Description   = "Products that are not categorized. uncategorised, unclassified - not arranged in any specific grouping.",
                    DisplaySeqNo  = 0,
                    ModifiedOn    = DateTime.Now
Example #2
        public static void SeedConfigurations(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
            using (var context = new PrintWebSiteDbContext(

                       serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <DbContextOptions <PrintWebSiteDbContext> >()))
                Configuration slider1Config = new Configuration()
                    Key               = "Slider1",
                    Value             = "site/slider/slider1.png",
                    ConfigurationType = (int)ConfigurationType.HomeSliders,
                    ModifiedOn        = DateTime.Now

                Configuration slider2Config = new Configuration()
                    Key               = "Slider2",
                    Value             = "site/slider/slider2.png",
                    ConfigurationType = (int)ConfigurationType.HomeSliders,
                    ModifiedOn        = DateTime.Now

                Configuration slider3Config = new Configuration()
                    Key               = "Slider3",
                    Value             = "site/slider/slider3.png",
                    ConfigurationType = (int)ConfigurationType.HomeSliders,
                    ModifiedOn        = DateTime.Now

                Configuration slider4Config = new Configuration()
                    Key               = "Slider4",
                    Value             = "site/slider/slider4.png",
                    ConfigurationType = (int)ConfigurationType.HomeSliders,
                    ModifiedOn        = DateTime.Now

                Configuration dashboardRecordsSizePerPageConfig = new Configuration()
                    Key               = "DashboardRecordsSizePerPage",
                    Value             = "10",
                    ConfigurationType = (int)ConfigurationType.Other,
                    ModifiedOn        = DateTime.Now

                Configuration frontendRecordsSizePerPageConfig = new Configuration()
                    Key               = "FrontendRecordsSizePerPage",
                    Value             = "6",
                    ConfigurationType = (int)ConfigurationType.Other,
                    ModifiedOn        = DateTime.Now

                Configuration featuredRecordsSizePerPageConfig = new Configuration()
                    Key               = "FeaturedRecordsSizePerPage",
                    Value             = "3",
                    ConfigurationType = (int)ConfigurationType.Other,
                    ModifiedOn        = DateTime.Now

                Configuration currencySymbolConfig = new Configuration()
                    Key               = "CurrencySymbol",
                    Value             = "£",
                    Description       = "This currency symbol is shown with prices on website and invoices.",
                    ConfigurationType = (int)ConfigurationType.Other,
                    ModifiedOn        = DateTime.Now

                Configuration priceCurrencyPositionConfig = new Configuration()
                    Key               = "PriceCurrencyPosition",
                    Value             = "{price}{currency}",
                    Description       = "This configuration will set price and currency relation accross the website. {price} will be replaced with the price value and {currency} will be replaced by configured currency symbol.",
                    ConfigurationType = (int)ConfigurationType.Other,
                    ModifiedOn        = DateTime.Now

                Configuration enableCreditCardPayment = new Configuration()
                    Key               = "EnableCreditCardPayment",
                    Value             = "true",
                    Description       = "Set value to true or 1 to enable Credit card payments or set value to 0 or false to disable credit card payments.",
                    ConfigurationType = (int)ConfigurationType.Other,
                    ModifiedOn        = DateTime.Now

                Configuration enableCashOnDeliveryMethod = new Configuration()
                    Key               = "EnableCashOnDeliveryMethod",
                    Value             = "true",
                    Description       = "Set value to true or 1 to enable Cash on Delivery Method or set value to 0 or false to disable Cash on Delivery Method.",
                    ConfigurationType = (int)ConfigurationType.Other,
                    ModifiedOn        = DateTime.Now

                Configuration flatDeliveryChargesConfig = new Configuration()
                    Key               = "FlatDeliveryCharges",
                    Value             = "0",
                    Description       = "Set the value for Delivery Charges. This is flat delivery charges rate.",
                    ConfigurationType = (int)ConfigurationType.Other,
                    ModifiedOn        = DateTime.Now

                context.Configurations.AddRange(new List <Configuration> {
                    slider1Config, slider2Config, slider3Config, slider4Config, dashboardRecordsSizePerPageConfig, frontendRecordsSizePerPageConfig, featuredRecordsSizePerPageConfig, currencySymbolConfig, priceCurrencyPositionConfig, enableCreditCardPayment, enableCashOnDeliveryMethod, flatDeliveryChargesConfig
