Example #1
        public override void LoadContent(ContentManager contentManager)
            _sprite = contentManager.Load <SpriteSheet>("Environment/GreenTent")["14"];

            Width  = _sprite.Width;
            Height = _sprite.Height;

            VisualBounds = new Rectangle((int)Position.X, (int)Position.Y, Width, Height);

            var height = VisualBounds.Height / 2;

            CollisionBounds = new Rectangle(VisualBounds.X + 14, VisualBounds.Y + height - 8, VisualBounds.Width - 30, height - 8);

            _hull = new Hull(
                new Vector2(10, 59),
                new Vector2(48, 21),
                new Vector2(85, 58),
                new Vector2(85, 115),
                new Vector2(10, 115)
            _hull.Position = Position;


            var device = Services.GetService <GraphicsDevice>();

            _rectangle1 = new PrimitiveRectangle(device, Color.Yellow, false);
            _rectangle2 = new PrimitiveRectangle(device, Color.DarkGreen, false);
Example #2
        public override void LoadContent(ContentManager contentManager)
            var sheet = contentManager.Load <SpriteSheet>("Environment/Plants/FoliagePlants");

            string[] potentialShrubs = Tile.TileType switch
                TileType.LightGrass => new [] { "359", "361", "363" },
                TileType.Grass => new[] { "391", "393", "395", "413" },
                TileType.DeadGrass => new [] { "365", "327" },
                TileType.Sand => new [] { "365", "327" },
                TileType.Gravel => new[] { "365", "327" },
                _ => null

            var rand = new Random(Guid.NewGuid().GetHashCode());

            _sprite = sheet[potentialShrubs[rand.Next(0, potentialShrubs.Length)]];

            Width  = _sprite.Width;
            Height = _sprite.Height;

            VisualBounds = new Rectangle((int)Tile.X * 32, (int)Tile.Y * 32, Width, Height);
            Origin       = new Vector2(_sprite.Width / 2f - 16, _sprite.Height - 32);
            _rectangle   = new PrimitiveRectangle(Services.GetService <GraphicsDevice>(), Color.DarkGreen, false);
Example #3
        public override void LoadContent(ContentManager contentManager)

            // Move to content json
            _walkingAnimationSet = new AnimationSetBuilder(contentManager)
                                   .WithIndex(Orientation.Left, 118)
                                   .WithIndex(Orientation.Top, 105)
                                   .WithIndex(Orientation.Bottom, 131)
                                   .WithIndex(Orientation.Right, 144)

            _rectangle  = new PrimitiveRectangle(Services.GetService <GraphicsDevice>(), Color.Blue, false);
            _rectangle2 = new PrimitiveRectangle(Services.GetService <GraphicsDevice>(), Color.Green, false);

            Origin = new Vector2(32, 64);

            Width  = 32;
            Height = 64;
Example #4
        public override void LoadContent(ContentManager contentManager)
            _sheet = contentManager.Load <AnimatedSpriteSheet>("Environment/CampFire");

            _light = new PointLight()
                CastsShadows = true,
                Scale        = new Vector2(800f),
                ShadowType   = ShadowType.Illuminated


            Height = _sheet.Sprites.FirstOrDefault().Value.Height;
            Width  = _sheet.Sprites.FirstOrDefault().Value.Width;

            _rectangle = new PrimitiveRectangle(Services.GetService <GraphicsDevice>(), Color.Red, false);
Example #5
        public override void LoadContent(ContentManager contentManager)
            _sheet = contentManager.Load <T>(_assetName);

            if (_spriteName != null)
                _sprite = _sheet[_spriteName];

            _rectangle = new PrimitiveRectangle(Services.GetService <GraphicsDevice>(), Color.Yellow, false);

            if (_sprite != null)
                Width  = _sprite.Width;
                Height = _sprite.Height;
                Width  = _sheet.Width;
                Height = _sheet.Height;
Example #6
        protected override void LoadContent()
            _camera2D = new Camera2D(GraphicsDevice.Viewport);

            Services.AddService(_timeService = new TimeService(Services));
            Services.AddService(_aiService = new AIService(Services, Content));

            var mapService = new MapService();


            _gameObjectManager = new GameObjectManager();

            _pathFindingService = new PathFindingService(mapService, _gameObjectManager);

            _character = new PlayerCharacter(Services);

            _spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice);

            Services.AddService(_uiManager = new UIManager(Services, Content));

            //var mapGenerator = new MapGenerator(Services, GraphicsDevice, Guid.NewGuid().GetHashCode(), Content);
            var mapGenerator = new MapGenerator(Services, GraphicsDevice, -425262119, Content);

            _map = mapGenerator.Generate(400, 400);
            //_map = mapGenerator.Generate(100, 100);

            mapService.Map      = _map;
            _character.Position = _map.StartPosition;


            _pathFindingService = new PathFindingService(mapService, _gameObjectManager);

            _mapRenderer = new MapRenderer(Services, _map);

            _uiManager.AddVisual(new HotbarPanel());
            _uiManager.AddVisual(new TimePanel(Services)
                Position = new UVector2(UDim.Relative(0.01f), UDim.Relative(0.5f))

            _chicken = new Chicken(Services);
            _chicken.Position = _character.Position + new Vector2(4f * 32f, 4f * 32f);


            _temp = new PrimitiveRectangle(GraphicsDevice, Color.Black, false);
Example #7
        public override void LoadContent(ContentManager contentManager)
            string name = Tile.TileType switch
                TileType.Sand => "Dead",
                TileType.LightGrass => "Green",
                TileType.Grass => "Pale",
                TileType.DeadGrass => "Brown",
                TileType.Gravel => "Dead",
                TileType.Mountain => "Dead",
                _ => null

            var treesSheet = contentManager.Load <SpriteSheet>("Environment/Trees/Trees" + name);

            var rand    = new Random(Guid.NewGuid().GetHashCode());
            var exclude = new string[]
            var potentialTrees = treesSheet.Sprites.Where(x => !exclude.Contains(x.Key)).ToList();

            _sprite = potentialTrees[rand.Next(0, potentialTrees.Count)].Value;

            // Precalculate position and origin
            _destinationRectangle = new Rectangle((int)Position.X, (int)Position.Y, (int)_sprite.Width, (int)_sprite.Height);
            Origin = new Vector2(_sprite.Width / 2f - 16, _sprite.Height - 32);

            _rectangle  = new PrimitiveRectangle(Services.GetService <GraphicsDevice>(), Color.Red, false);
            _rectangle2 = new PrimitiveRectangle(Services.GetService <GraphicsDevice>(), Color.Yellow, false);
            _rectangle3 = new PrimitiveRectangle(Services.GetService <GraphicsDevice>(), Color.Green, false);
            _rectangle4 = new PrimitiveRectangle(Services.GetService <GraphicsDevice>(), Color.SkyBlue, false);

            Width  = _sprite.Width;
            Height = _sprite.Height;

            VisualBounds = new Rectangle((int)(Position.X - Origin.X), (int)(Position.Y - Origin.Y), Width, Height);

            var width = (int)(_sprite.Width / 2f);

            CollisionBounds = new Rectangle(VisualBounds.X + VisualBounds.Width / 2 - width / 2, (int)Position.Y - 4, width, 36); //32