static void Main(string[] args) { CudaContext ctx = null; DeBayersSubSampleKernel kernelDeBayersSubSample = null; DeBayersSubSampleDNGKernel kernelDeBayersSubSampleDNG = null; SetupCurandKernel kernelSetupCurand = null; CreateBayerWithNoiseKernel kernelCreateBayerWithNoise = null; CudaDeviceVariable <ushort> rawImg; string outputPathOwn = @"C:\Users\kunz_\Desktop\TrainingDataNN\FromOwnDataset\"; string outputPath5k = @"C:\Users\kunz_\Desktop\TrainingDataNN\From5kDataset\"; const int patchSize = 66; //These are the noise levels I measured for each ISO of my camera: double[] noiseLevels = new double[] { 6.66667E-05, 0.0001, 0.000192308, 0.000357143, 0.000714286, 0.001388889, 0.0025 }; string[] noiseLevelsFolders = new string[] { "ISO100", "ISO200", "ISO400", "ISO800", "ISO1600", "ISO3200", "ISO6400" }; //Process files from my own dataset: string[] files = File.ReadAllLines("FileListOwnImages.txt"); if (ctx == null) { ctx = new PrimaryContext(); ctx.SetCurrent(); CUmodule mod = ctx.LoadModulePTX("DeBayer.ptx"); kernelDeBayersSubSample = new DeBayersSubSampleKernel(ctx, mod); kernelDeBayersSubSampleDNG = new DeBayersSubSampleDNGKernel(ctx, mod); kernelSetupCurand = new SetupCurandKernel(ctx, mod); kernelCreateBayerWithNoise = new CreateBayerWithNoiseKernel(ctx, mod); } FileStream fs = new FileStream("ImagesCompleted.txt", FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write); StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fs); PEFFile pef = new PEFFile(files[0]); BayerColor[] bayerPattern = new BayerColor[pef.BayerPattern.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < pef.BayerPattern.Length; i++) { bayerPattern[i] = (BayerColor)pef.BayerPattern[i]; } kernelDeBayersSubSample.BayerPattern = bayerPattern; rawImg = new CudaDeviceVariable <ushort>(pef.RawWidth * pef.RawHeight); NPPImage_32fC3 img = new NPPImage_32fC3(pef.RawWidth / 2, pef.RawHeight / 2); NPPImage_32fC3 imgsmall = new NPPImage_32fC3(pef.RawWidth / 8, pef.RawHeight / 8); NPPImage_32fC3 patch = new NPPImage_32fC3(patchSize, patchSize); NPPImage_32fC1 patchBayerWithNoise = new NPPImage_32fC1(patchSize, patchSize); //NPPImage_8uC3 img8u = new NPPImage_8uC3(patchSize, patchSize); //Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(patchSize, patchSize, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); CudaDeviceVariable <byte> states = new CudaDeviceVariable <byte>(patchSize * patchSize * 48); //one state has the size of 48 bytes kernelSetupCurand.RunSafe(states, patchSize * patchSize); NppiRect maxRoi = new NppiRect(10, 10, pef.RawWidth / 8 - 10, pef.RawHeight / 8 - 10); List <NppiRect> ROIs = GetROIs(maxRoi, patchSize); float3[] imgGroundTruth = new float3[patchSize * patchSize]; float[] noisyPatchBayer = new float[patchSize * patchSize]; int counter = 0; int fileCounter = 0; FileStream fsWB1 = new FileStream("WhiteBalancesOwn.txt", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); StreamWriter swWB1 = new StreamWriter(fsWB1); foreach (var file in files) { pef = new PEFFile(file); float whiteLevelAll = pef.WhiteLevel.Value; float3 whitePoint = new float3(whiteLevelAll, whiteLevelAll, whiteLevelAll); float3 blackPoint = new float3(pef.BlackPoint.Value[0], pef.BlackPoint.Value[1], pef.BlackPoint.Value[3]); whitePoint -= blackPoint; float scale = pef.Scaling.Value; float3 scaling = new float3(pef.WhitePoint.Value[0] / scale, pef.WhitePoint.Value[1] / scale, pef.WhitePoint.Value[3] / scale); int RoiCounter = 0; foreach (var roi in ROIs) { swWB1.WriteLine((counter + RoiCounter).ToString("0000000") + "\t" + scaling.x.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "\t" + scaling.y.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "\t" + scaling.z.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); RoiCounter++; } fileCounter++; Console.WriteLine("Done " + fileCounter + " of " + files.Length); rawImg.CopyToDevice(pef.RawImage); kernelDeBayersSubSample.RunSafe(rawImg, img, (float)Math.Pow(2.0, pef.BitDepth)); imgsmall.ResetRoi(); img.ResizeSqrPixel(imgsmall, 0.25, 0.25, 0, 0, InterpolationMode.SuperSampling); RoiCounter = 0; foreach (var roi in ROIs) { imgsmall.SetRoi(roi); imgsmall.Copy(patch); patch.CopyToHost(imgGroundTruth); WriteRAWFile(outputPathOwn + @"GroundTruth\img_" + (counter + RoiCounter).ToString("0000000") + ".bin", imgGroundTruth, patchSize, patchSize); RoiCounter++; } RoiCounter = 0; foreach (var roi in ROIs) { imgsmall.SetRoi(roi); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { imgsmall.Copy(patch); kernelCreateBayerWithNoise.RunSafe(states, patch, patchBayerWithNoise, (float)noiseLevels[i], 0); patchBayerWithNoise.CopyToHost(noisyPatchBayer); WriteRAWFile(outputPathOwn + noiseLevelsFolders[i] + @"\img_" + (counter + RoiCounter).ToString("0000000") + ".bin", noisyPatchBayer, patchSize, patchSize); } RoiCounter++; } fileCounter++; counter += ROIs.Count; Console.WriteLine("Done " + fileCounter + " of " + files.Length); sw.WriteLine(file); sw.Flush(); } sw.Close(); sw.Dispose(); swWB1.Flush(); swWB1.Close(); rawImg.Dispose(); img.Dispose(); imgsmall.Dispose(); patch.Dispose(); patchBayerWithNoise.Dispose(); //Move on to DNG images from 5k dataset: files = File.ReadAllLines("FileListe5KKomplett.txt"); fs = new FileStream("ImagesCompleted5k.txt", FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write); sw = new StreamWriter(fs); DNGFile dng = new DNGFile(files[0]); int maxWidth = 7000; int maxHeight = 5000; rawImg = new CudaDeviceVariable <ushort>(maxWidth * maxHeight); img = new NPPImage_32fC3(maxWidth, maxHeight); // /2 imgsmall = new NPPImage_32fC3(maxWidth, maxHeight); // /8 patch = new NPPImage_32fC3(patchSize, patchSize); patchBayerWithNoise = new NPPImage_32fC1(patchSize, patchSize); imgGroundTruth = new float3[patchSize * patchSize]; noisyPatchBayer = new float[patchSize * patchSize]; counter = 0; fileCounter = 0; int roiCount = 0; FileStream fsWB2 = new FileStream("WhiteBalances5k.txt", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); StreamWriter swWB2 = new StreamWriter(fsWB2); foreach (var file in files) { dng = new DNGFile(file); bayerPattern = new BayerColor[dng.BayerPattern.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < dng.BayerPattern.Length; i++) { bayerPattern[i] = (BayerColor)dng.BayerPattern[i]; } kernelDeBayersSubSampleDNG.BayerPattern = bayerPattern; maxRoi = new NppiRect(10, 10, dng.RawWidth / 8 - 10, dng.RawHeight / 8 - 10); ROIs = GetROIs(maxRoi, patchSize); roiCount += ROIs.Count; float[] wb = dng.AsShotNeutral; int RoiCounter = 0; foreach (var roi in ROIs) { swWB2.WriteLine((counter + RoiCounter).ToString("0000000") + "\t" + (1.0f / wb[0]).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "\t" + (1.0f / wb[1]).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "\t" + (1.0f / wb[2]).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); RoiCounter++; } fileCounter++; Console.WriteLine("Done " + fileCounter + " of " + files.Length); Console.WriteLine("RoiCoint: " + ROIs.Count); unsafe { fixed(ushort *ptr = dng.RawImage) { rawImg.CopyToDevice((IntPtr)ptr, 0, 0, dng.RawWidth * dng.RawHeight * 2); } } NppiRect rect = new NppiRect(0, 0, dng.RawWidth / 2, dng.RawHeight / 2); img.SetRoi(rect); kernelDeBayersSubSampleDNG.RunSafe(rawImg, img, dng.MaxVal, dng.MinVal); rect = new NppiRect(0, 0, dng.RawWidth / 8, dng.RawHeight / 8); imgsmall.SetRoi(rect); img.ResizeSqrPixel(imgsmall, 0.25, 0.25, 0, 0, InterpolationMode.SuperSampling); RoiCounter = 0; foreach (var roi in ROIs) { imgsmall.SetRoi(roi); imgsmall.Copy(patch); patch.CopyToHost(imgGroundTruth); WriteRAWFile(outputPath5k + @"GroundTruth\img_" + (counter + RoiCounter).ToString("0000000") + ".bin", imgGroundTruth, patchSize, patchSize); RoiCounter++; } RoiCounter = 0; foreach (var roi in ROIs) { imgsmall.SetRoi(roi); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { imgsmall.Copy(patch); kernelCreateBayerWithNoise.RunSafe(states, patch, patchBayerWithNoise, (float)noiseLevels[i], 0); patchBayerWithNoise.CopyToHost(noisyPatchBayer); WriteRAWFile(outputPath5k + noiseLevelsFolders[i] + @"\img_" + (counter + RoiCounter).ToString("0000000") + ".bin", noisyPatchBayer, patchSize, patchSize); } RoiCounter++; } fileCounter++; counter += ROIs.Count; Console.WriteLine("Done " + fileCounter + " of " + files.Length); sw.WriteLine(file); sw.Flush(); } sw.Close(); sw.Dispose(); swWB2.Flush(); swWB2.Close(); Console.WriteLine("Total cropped ROIs: " + roiCount); rawImg.Dispose(); img.Dispose(); imgsmall.Dispose(); patch.Dispose(); patchBayerWithNoise.Dispose(); states.Dispose(); ctx.Dispose(); }