public async Task <ActionResult> Reservation(ReservationView reserv) { // var appId = db.Apartments.FirstOrDefault(t => t.ApTypeId == reserv.TypeId).ApartmentId; var appartment = db.Apartments.Include(r => r.Type).FirstOrDefault(r => r.ApTypeId == reserv.TypeId); // var price = db.ApTypes.FirstOrDefault(w => w.TypeId == reserv.TypeId).Price; var reservation = new Reservation() { StartDate = reserv.StartDate, GuestCount = reserv.GuestCount, Name = reserv.Name, EndDate = reserv.EndDate, ApartmentId = appartment.ApartmentId, ChildrenCount = reserv.ChildrenCount, Note = reserv.Note, PhoneNumber = reserv.PhoneNumber, Status = ReservationStatus.ReservedByUser, ReservationPriсe = PriceHelper.GetPrice(appartment.Type, reserv.GuestCount), Email = reserv.Email }; db.Reservations.Add(reservation); await db.SaveChangesAsync(); reservation.Apartment = db.Apartments.Include(r => r.Type).FirstOrDefault(r => r.ApTypeId == reserv.TypeId); emailHelper.SendEmail(reservation, Server); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public List <DatColStockModel> MapToDatCol(Int32 vendorId, List <Model.WehkampStockMutation> mutations) { using (var pDb = new PetaPoco.Database(Environments.Current.Connection, "System.Data.SqlClient")) { int connectorID = pDb.FirstOrDefault <int>(@"select connectorid from contentproduct where vendorid = @0 and isassortment = 1", vendorId); int shopNumber = ConnectorHelper.GetStoreNumber(connectorID); int differenteShopNumber = VendorHelper.GetDifferenceShopNumber(vendorId); string employeeNumber = VendorHelper.GetEmployeeNumber(vendorId); var salesSlipNumber = ReceiptHelper.GetSlipNumber(vendorId); int _receiptIndex = GenericSlipNumberHelper.GetSlipNumberForTransfer(vendorId, ReceiptHelper.STOCK_SALESSLIP_RECEIPT_NUMBER_SETTING_KEY); int _receiptIndexSurplu = GenericSlipNumberHelper.GetSlipNumberForTransfer(vendorId, ReceiptHelper.STOCK_SALESSLIP_RECEIPT_NUMBER_SETTING_KEY_SURPLUS); mutations.ForEach(mutation => { _index += 200; var line = new DatColStockModel { StoreNumber = (mutation.MutationQuantity > 0 ? differenteShopNumber : shopNumber).ToString("D3") + " 01", EmployeeNumber = employeeNumber, ReceiptNumber = salesSlipNumber, TransactionType = "20", DateNotified = mutation.MutationDate.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmm"), RecordType = "01", SubType = "00", NumberOfSkus = Math.Abs(mutation.MutationQuantity), MancoOrSurplus = mutation.MutationQuantity > 0 ? shopNumber : differenteShopNumber, FixedField1 = "000000000+", RecordSequence = _index, FixedField2 = "000", FixedField3 = "000000000+", FixedField4 = "000", FixedField5 = "000000000+", FixedField6 = "000", OriginalSellingPrice = (int)Math.Round(PriceHelper.GetPrice(mutation.ProductID, vendorId) * 100), FixedField7 = "00", ArticleNumberColorCodeSizeCode = ProductHelper.GetPFAItemNumber(mutation.Articlenumber, mutation.Colorcode, mutation.ProductID), Barcode = BarcodeHelper.GetBarcode(mutation.ProductID), Receipt = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", 0, mutation.MutationQuantity > 0 ? differenteShopNumber.ToString("D3") : shopNumber.ToString(), _receiptIndex.ToString().PadLeft(4, '0')), TaxCode = "1", EmployeeNumber2 = employeeNumber, ScannedWithBarcodeReader = 0 }; _list.Add(line); }); ReceiptHelper.IncrementSalesSlipNumber(ref salesSlipNumber, vendorId, ReceiptHelper.STOCK_SALESSLIP_NUMBER_SETTINGKEY); return(_list); } }
public async Task <ActionResult> Create([Bind(Include = "ReservationId,ApartmentId,StartDate,EndDate,Name,Suname,Email,PhoneNumber")] Reservation reservation) { reservation.Status = ReservationStatus.ReservedByUser; reservation.ReservationPriсe = PriceHelper.GetPrice(db.Apartments.Include(e => e.Type).First(r => r.ApartmentId == reservation.ApartmentId).Type, reservation.GuestCount); if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Reservations.Add(reservation); await db.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } ViewBag.ApartmentId = new SelectList(db.Apartments, "ApartmentId", "Name", reservation.ApartmentId); return(View(reservation)); }
private ReturnOrderDatcolModel GetDetailLevelForStore(int storeNumber, string employeeNumber, int salesSlipNumber, int transferSalesSlipNumber, DateTime messageTime, int ledgerQuantity, int differenceNumber, int recordSequence, int productID, int vendorId) { var line = new ReturnOrderDatcolModel() { StoreNumber = string.Format("{0} {1}", differenceNumber.ToString("D3"), "01"), EmployeeNumber = employeeNumber, ReceiptNumber = salesSlipNumber, TransactionType = "20", // DateNotified = messageTime.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmm"), RecordType = "01", SubType = "00", NumberOfDifferences = ledgerQuantity, Price = (int)Math.Round(PriceHelper.GetPrice(productID, vendorId) * 100), ReceivingStore = storeNumber, RecordSequence = recordSequence, TransferNumber = string.Format("{0}{1}", differenceNumber.ToString("D3"), transferSalesSlipNumber.ToString("D4")), SkuVendorItemNumber = ProductHelper.GetPFAItemNumber(null, null, productID), EmployeeNumber2 = employeeNumber, Barcode = BarcodeHelper.GetBarcode(productID).PadLeft(20, '0'), }; return(line); }
private void 新增ToolStripButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {//新增水电气费 string v_费用类型 = "物业费用"; string v_小区名称 = this.小区名称ToolStripComboBox.Text.Trim(); string v_楼栋名称 = this.楼栋名称ToolStripComboBox.Text.Trim(); string v_计费年份 = this.计费年份ToolStripComboBox.Text.Trim(); string v_计费月份 = this.计费月份ToolStripComboBox.Text.Trim(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(v_计费年份) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(v_计费月份) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(v_小区名称) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(v_楼栋名称)) { new MsgBoxForm("提示", "没有选择正确的计费年份,计费月份,小区名称,楼栋名称等信息!").ShowDialog(); return; } double d_计费单价 = PriceHelper.GetPrice("电费"); if (d_计费单价 <= 0) { new MsgBoxForm("提示", string.Format("{0}计费单价还未设定,请先在小区信息设置界面进行设置!", "电费")).ShowDialog(); return; } if (new MsgBoxForm("提示", string.Format("现在将新增{0}-{1}{2}年{3}月的{4}数据,是否继续?", v_小区名称, v_楼栋名称, v_计费年份, v_计费月份, v_费用类型), true).ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } string query = string.Format("select 自动编号 from 水电气费 where 计费年份={0} and 计费月份={1} and 费用类型='{2}' and 楼栋名称='{3}'", v_计费年份, v_计费月份, v_费用类型, v_楼栋名称); DataTable dt = DataHelper.GetDataTable(query); if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) {//插入新月份费用的业主基本信息 string insertQuery = "INSERT INTO 水电气费 (楼栋名称,业主编号,业主姓名,表编号) SELECT 业主信息.楼栋名称,业主信息.业主编号,业主信息.业主姓名,电表信息.电表编号 from 业主信息 right join 电表信息 on 业主信息.业主编号=电表信息.业主编号 WHERE (业主信息.业主编号 NOT IN (SELECT 业主编号 FROM 迁出信息)) AND (业主信息.楼栋名称='" + v_楼栋名称 + "')"; DataHelper.UpdateOrDeleteRecord(insertQuery); string updateQuery = "UPDATE 水电气费 SET 登记标志='正在登记',费用类型='" + v_费用类型 + "',计费年份=" + v_计费年份 + ",计费月份=" + v_计费月份 + ",计费单价=" + d_计费单价 + " WHERE 登记标志 IS NULL AND (楼栋名称='" + v_楼栋名称 + "')"; DataHelper.UpdateOrDeleteRecord(updateQuery); int MyLastMonth = Convert.ToInt16(v_计费月份) - 1; int MyLastYear = Convert.ToInt16(v_计费年份); if (MyLastMonth == 0) { MyLastMonth = 12; MyLastYear = Convert.ToInt16(v_计费年份) - 1; } //将上月止数作为新月份底数 string lastMonthQuery = "Select 楼栋名称,业主编号,业主姓名,计费年份,计费月份,费用类型,表编号,上月数,本月数 FROM 水电气费 WHERE 计费年份=" + MyLastYear + " AND 计费月份=" + MyLastMonth + " AND 费用类型='" + v_费用类型 + "' AND 楼栋名称='" + v_楼栋名称 + "' AND 登记标志='完成登记'"; DataTable myLastMonthTable = DataHelper.GetDataTable(lastMonthQuery); if (myLastMonthTable.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow dRow in myLastMonthTable.Rows) { string My楼栋名称 = Helper.Obj2String(dRow[0]); string My业主编号 = Helper.Obj2String(dRow[1]); string My计费年份 = Helper.Obj2String(dRow[3]); string My计费月份 = Helper.Obj2String(dRow[4]); string My费用类型 = Helper.Obj2String(dRow[5]); string My表编号 = Helper.Obj2String(dRow[6]); double My上月数 = Helper.Obj2Double(dRow[7]); double My本月数 = Helper.Obj2Double(dRow[8]); updateQuery = "UPDATE 水电气费 SET 上月数=" + My本月数 + " WHERE 计费年份=" + v_计费年份 + " AND 计费月份=" + v_计费月份 + " AND 费用类型='" + v_费用类型 + "' AND 楼栋名称='" + v_楼栋名称 + "' AND 业主编号='" + My业主编号 + "' AND 表编号='" + My表编号 + "'"; DataHelper.UpdateOrDeleteRecord(updateQuery); } } DataHelper.CommitUpdate(); SynGasRegisterInfo(v_计费年份, v_计费月份, v_楼栋名称, "正在登记"); } else { new MsgBoxForm("提示", "当月" + v_费用类型 + "已登记!").ShowDialog(); return; } }
public JsonResult GetAppPrice(int apTypeId, int gusetCount) { var type = db.ApTypes.Find(apTypeId); return(Json(PriceHelper.GetPrice(type, gusetCount), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }