Example #1
        public void AddPrice(float open, float high, float low, float close, float volume = 0)
            PriceBar priceBar = new PriceBar();

            priceBar.Write(_timeStamper.Next, open, high, low, close, volume);
        private void OnNewPrice(PriceBar price)
            // Ensure only one update processed at a time from multi-threaded timer
            lock (this)
                // Update the last price, or append?
                var ds0 = (IOhlcDataSeries <DateTime, double>)_seriesViewModels[0].DataSeries;
                var ds1 = (IXyDataSeries <DateTime, double>)_seriesViewModels[1].DataSeries;

                if (_lastPrice != null && _lastPrice.DateTime == price.DateTime)
                    ds0.Update(price.DateTime, price.Open, price.High, price.Low, price.Close);
                    ds1.Update(price.DateTime, _sma50.Update(price.Close).Current);
                    ds0.Append(price.DateTime, price.Open, price.High, price.Low, price.Close);
                    ds1.Append(price.DateTime, _sma50.Push(price.Close).Current);

                    // If the latest appending point is inside the viewport (i.e. not off the edge of the screen)
                    // then scroll the viewport 1 bar, to keep the latest bar at the same place
                    if (XVisibleRange.Max > ds0.Count)
                        var existingRange = _xVisibleRange;
                        var newRange      = new IndexRange(existingRange.Min + 1, existingRange.Max + 1);
                        XVisibleRange = newRange;

                _lastPrice = price;
Example #3
        public void PriceBar_Write_Works()
            var priceBars = new PriceBars(10);
            var priceBar1 = new PriceBar(DateTime.Now.Ticks, 1, 2, 3, 4);
            var priceBar2 = new PriceBar();

            priceBar2.Write(DateTime.Now.Ticks, 1, 2, 3, 4);

            priceBars.Write(priceBar1.Timestamp, priceBar1.Open, priceBar1.High, priceBar1.Low, priceBar1.Close);
            priceBars.Write(priceBar2.Timestamp, priceBar2.Open, priceBar2.High, priceBar2.Low, priceBar2.Close);
            priceBars.Write(priceBar1.Timestamp, priceBar1.Open, priceBar1.High, priceBar1.Low, priceBar1.Close);

            Assert.AreEqual(3, priceBars.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(priceBars.Current.Timestamp, priceBar1.Timestamp);
            Assert.AreEqual(priceBars.Current.Open, priceBar1.Open);
            Assert.AreEqual(priceBars.Current.High, priceBar1.High);
            Assert.AreEqual(priceBars.Current.Low, priceBar1.Low);
            Assert.AreEqual(priceBars.Current.Close, priceBar1.Close);
            Assert.AreEqual(priceBars.Current.Volume, 0);

            Assert.AreEqual(priceBars.Previous.Timestamp, priceBar2.Timestamp);
            Assert.AreEqual(priceBars.Previous.Open, priceBar2.Open);
            Assert.AreEqual(priceBars.Previous.High, priceBar2.High);
            Assert.AreEqual(priceBars.Previous.Low, priceBar2.Low);
            Assert.AreEqual(priceBars.Previous.Close, priceBar2.Close);
            Assert.AreEqual(priceBars.Previous.Volume, 0);
        private PriceBar GetUpdatedData()
            double num       = _lastPriceBar.Close + ((_random.NextDouble() - 0.48) * (_lastPriceBar.Close / 100.0));
            double high      = (num > _lastPriceBar.High) ? num : _lastPriceBar.High;
            double low       = (num < _lastPriceBar.Low) ? num : _lastPriceBar.Low;
            long   volumeInc = (long)((_random.NextDouble() * 30000 + 20000) * 0.05);

            _lastPriceBar = new PriceBar(_lastPriceBar.DateTime, _lastPriceBar.Open, high, low, num, _lastPriceBar.Volume + volumeInc);

Example #5
        protected override Signal GenerateSignal(Security security, DateTime AsOf)
            security.SetSwingPointsAndTrends(BarCount, PriceBarSize.Weekly);

            // Only generate signals after the last close of the week has finalized this bar
            if (AsOf != Calendar.LastTradingDayOfWeek(AsOf))

            // Today's weekly trend
            PriceBar weeklyBar = security.GetPriceBar(AsOf, PriceBarSize.Weekly);

            if (weeklyBar == null)

            TrendQualification weeklyTrend = weeklyBar.GetTrendType(BarCount);

            // Get the weekly trend from the prior week
            PriceBar priorWeek = weeklyBar.PriorBar;

            TrendQualification priorWeekTrend = priorWeek?.GetTrendType(BarCount) ?? TrendQualification.NotSet;

            if (weeklyTrend == priorWeekTrend)

            if (weeklyTrend == TrendQualification.AmbivalentSideways ||
                weeklyTrend == TrendQualification.ConfirmedSideways ||
                weeklyTrend == TrendQualification.SuspectSideways)
                return(new Signal(security, PriceBarSize.Daily, AsOf, SignalAction.CloseIfOpen, 1));

            if (weeklyTrend == TrendQualification.SuspectBullish ||
                weeklyTrend == TrendQualification.ConfirmedBullish)
                return(new Signal(security, PriceBarSize.Daily, AsOf, SignalAction.Buy, 1));

            if (weeklyTrend == TrendQualification.SuspectBearish ||
                weeklyTrend == TrendQualification.ConfirmedBearish)
                return(new Signal(security, PriceBarSize.Daily, AsOf, SignalAction.Sell, 1));

        private void InitData(IMarketDataService marketDataService)
            var prices = marketDataService.GetHistoricalData(DefaultPointCount);

            _lastPrice = prices.Last();

            // Populate data series with some data
            _ohlcDataSeries.Append(prices.Select(x => x.DateTime),
                                   prices.Select(x => x.Open),
                                   prices.Select(x => x.High),
                                   prices.Select(x => x.Low),
                                   prices.Select(x => x.Close));
            _xyDataSeries.Append(prices.Select(x => x.DateTime), prices.Select(y => _sma50.Push(y.Close).Current));
        public RandomPricesDataSource(int candleIntervalMinutes, bool simulateDateGap, int updatesPerPrice, int randomSeed, double startingPrice, DateTime startDate)
            _candleIntervalMinutes = candleIntervalMinutes;
            _simulateDateGap       = simulateDateGap;
            _updatesPerPrice       = updatesPerPrice;

            _initialPriceBar = new PriceBarInfo
                Close    = startingPrice,
                DateTime = startDate

            _lastPriceBar = new PriceBar(_initialPriceBar.DateTime, _initialPriceBar.Close, _initialPriceBar.Close, _initialPriceBar.Close, _initialPriceBar.Close, 0L);
            _random       = new Random(randomSeed);
Example #8
        public PriceSeries GetPriceData(string dataset)
            if (_dataSets.ContainsKey(dataset))

            // e.g. resource format: Abt.Controls.SciChart.Example.Resources.EURUSD_Daily.csv
            var csvResource = string.Format("{0}.{1}", ResourceDirectory, Path.ChangeExtension(dataset, "csv"));

            var priceSeries = new PriceSeries();

            priceSeries.Symbol = dataset;

            var assembly = typeof(DataManager).Assembly;

            // Debug.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", assembly.GetManifestResourceNames()));
            using (var stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(csvResource))
                using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(stream))
                    string line = streamReader.ReadLine();
                    while (line != null)
                        var priceBar = new PriceBar();
                        // Line Format:
                        // Date, Open, High, Low, Close, Volume
                        // 2007.07.02 03:30, 1.35310, 1.35310, 1.35280, 1.35310, 12
                        var tokens = line.Split(',');
                        priceBar.DateTime = DateTime.Parse(tokens[0], DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);
                        priceBar.Open     = double.Parse(tokens[1], NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);
                        priceBar.High     = double.Parse(tokens[2], NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);
                        priceBar.Low      = double.Parse(tokens[3], NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);
                        priceBar.Close    = double.Parse(tokens[4], NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);
                        priceBar.Volume   = long.Parse(tokens[5], NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);

                        line = streamReader.ReadLine();

            _dataSets.Add(dataset, priceSeries);

        private PriceBar GetNextRandomPriceBar()
            double   close     = _lastPriceBar.Close;
            double   num       = (_random.NextDouble() - 0.9) * _initialPriceBar.Close / 30.0;
            double   num2      = _random.NextDouble();
            double   num3      = _initialPriceBar.Close + _initialPriceBar.Close / 2.0 * Math.Sin(7.27220521664304E-06 * _currentTime) + _initialPriceBar.Close / 16.0 * Math.Cos(7.27220521664304E-05 * _currentTime) + _initialPriceBar.Close / 32.0 * Math.Sin(7.27220521664304E-05 * (10.0 + num2) * _currentTime) + _initialPriceBar.Close / 64.0 * Math.Cos(7.27220521664304E-05 * (20.0 + num2) * _currentTime) + num;
            double   num4      = Math.Max(close, num3);
            double   num5      = _random.NextDouble() * _initialPriceBar.Close / 100.0;
            double   high      = num4 + num5;
            double   num6      = Math.Min(close, num3);
            double   num7      = _random.NextDouble() * _initialPriceBar.Close / 100.0;
            double   low       = num6 - num7;
            long     volume    = (long)(_random.NextDouble() * 30000 + 20000);
            DateTime openTime  = _simulateDateGap ? EmulateDateGap(_lastPriceBar.DateTime) : _lastPriceBar.DateTime;
            DateTime closeTime = openTime.AddMinutes(_candleIntervalMinutes);
            PriceBar candle    = new PriceBar(closeTime, close, high, low, num3, volume);

            _lastPriceBar = new PriceBar(candle.DateTime, candle.Open, candle.High, candle.Low, candle.Close, volume);
            _currentTime += _candleIntervalMinutes * 60;
        public override void InitExampleForUiTest()


            _lastPrice = default(PriceBar);

            var marketDataService = new MarketDataService(new DateTime(2000, 08, 01, 12, 00, 00), 5, 20);

            // add initizal data

            // perform zoom extents to restore default VisibleRange

            // add one price bar to update location of annotations
        private void OnNewPrice(PriceBar price)
            // Update the last price, or append?
            double smaLastValue;

            if (_lastPrice.DateTime == price.DateTime)
                _ohlcDataSeries.Update(_ohlcDataSeries.Count - 1, price.Open, price.High, price.Low, price.Close);

                smaLastValue = _sma50.Update(price.Close).Current;
                _xyDataSeries.UpdateYAt(_xyDataSeries.Count - 1, smaLastValue);
                _ohlcDataSeries.Append(price.DateTime, price.Open, price.High, price.Low, price.Close);

                smaLastValue = _sma50.Push(price.Close).Current;
                _xyDataSeries.Append(price.DateTime, smaLastValue);

                // If the latest appending point is inside the viewport (i.e. not off the edge of the screen)
                // then scroll the viewport 1 bar, to keep the latest bar at the same place
                var visibleRange = MainSurface.XAxes[0].VisibleRange;
                if (visibleRange.MaxAsDouble > _ohlcDataSeries.Count)
                    visibleRange.SetMinMaxDouble(visibleRange.MinAsDouble + 1, visibleRange.MaxAsDouble + 1);

            Activity.RunOnUiThread(() =>
                _ohlcAxisMarker.SetBackgroundColor((price.Close >= price.Open ? StrokeUpColor : StrokeDownColor).ToColor());

            _ohlcAxisMarker.Y1Value = price.Close;
            _smaAxisMarker.Y1Value  = smaLastValue;

            _lastPrice = price;
        private void OnNewPrice(PriceBar price)
            InvokeOnMainThread(() =>
                // Update the last price, or append?
                double smaLastValue;
                if (_lastPrice.DateTime == price.DateTime)
                    _ohlcDataSeries.Update(_ohlcDataSeries.Count - 1, price.Open, price.High, price.Low, price.Close);

                    smaLastValue = _sma50.Update(price.Close).Current;
                    _xyDataSeries.UpdateYAt(_xyDataSeries.Count - 1, smaLastValue);
                    _ohlcDataSeries.Append(price.DateTime, price.Open, price.High, price.Low, price.Close);

                    smaLastValue = _sma50.Push(price.Close).Current;
                    _xyDataSeries.Append(price.DateTime, smaLastValue);

                    // If the latest appending point is inside the viewport (i.e. not off the edge of the screen)
                    // then scroll the viewport 1 bar, to keep the latest bar at the same place
                    var xaxis        = Runtime.GetNSObject <SCICategoryDateTimeAxis>(MainSurface.XAxes[0].Handle);
                    var visibleRange = Runtime.GetNSObject <SCIDoubleRange>(xaxis.VisibleRange.Handle);
                    if (visibleRange.Max > _ohlcDataSeries.Count)
                        MainSurface.XAxes[0].VisibleRange = new SCIDoubleRange(visibleRange.Min + 1, visibleRange.Max + 1);

                _ohlcAxisMarker.Style.BackgroundColor = (price.Close >= price.Open ? StrokeUpColor : StrokeDownColor).ToColor();

                _ohlcAxisMarker.Position = price.Close;
                _smaAxisMarker.Position  = smaLastValue;

                _lastPrice = price;
Example #13
        public void HeikenAshiBar_Write_Works()
            var haBars = new HeikenAshiBars(10);

            haBars.BarUpdated += delegate(IHeikenAshiBar current) { };
            var priceBar1 = new PriceBar(DateTime.Now.Ticks, 1, 2, 3, 4);
            var priceBar2 = new PriceBar(DateTime.Now.Ticks, 2, 3, 4, 0);
            var priceBar3 = new PriceBar();

            priceBar3.Write(DateTime.Now.Ticks, 1, 2, 3, 4);

            haBars.Write(priceBar1.Timestamp, priceBar1.Open, priceBar1.High, priceBar1.Low, priceBar1.Close);

            Assert.AreEqual(4, haBars.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(haBars.Current.Timestamp, priceBar1.Timestamp);
            Assert.AreEqual(haBars.Previous.Timestamp, priceBar3.Timestamp);
Example #14
        public void CandlestickBar_Write_Works()
            var CandlestickBars = new CandlestickBars(1000);

            CandlestickBars.BarUpdated += delegate(ICandlestickBar current) { };
            var priceBar1 = new PriceBar(DateTime.Now.Ticks, 2, 3, 4, 0);
            var priceBar2 = new PriceBar();
            var priceBar3 = new PriceBar(DateTime.Now.Ticks, 1, 2, 3, 4);

            priceBar2.Write(DateTime.Now.Ticks, priceBar3.Open, priceBar3.High, priceBar3.Low, priceBar3.Close);

            CandlestickBars.Write(priceBar3.Timestamp, priceBar3.Open, priceBar3.High, priceBar3.Low, priceBar3.Close);

            Assert.AreEqual(4, CandlestickBars.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(CandlestickBars.Current.Timestamp, priceBar3.Timestamp);
            Assert.AreEqual(CandlestickBars.Previous.Timestamp, priceBar2.Timestamp);
Example #15
        public async Task <List <PriceBar> > GetPriceBars(List <Tuple <string, EGranularity> > barSpecsList, int count, ECandleFormat priceFormat = ECandleFormat.midpoint)
            List <PriceBar> bars = new List <PriceBar>();

            foreach (var spec in barSpecsList)
                Func <CandlesRequest> request = () => new CandlesRequest
                    instrument   = spec.Item1,
                    granularity  = spec.Item2,
                    candleFormat = priceFormat,
                    count        = count

                List <Candle> pollCandles = null;

                pollCandles = await Rest.GetCandlesAsync(request());

                if (pollCandles != null && pollCandles.Count > 0)
                    pollCandles.OrderBy(c => Convert.ToDateTime(c.time).ToUniversalTime());

                    foreach (var candle in pollCandles)
                        var bar = new PriceBar()
                            instrument = spec.Item1, granularity = spec.Item2.ToString()
                        bar.InjectWith(candle, false);

Example #16
        public override Trade NewStoploss(Position position, DateTime AsOf)
            position.Security.SetSwingPointsAndTrends(BarCount, BarSize);

            if (position.ExecutedTrades.Count > 1)
                throw new UnknownErrorException();

            // First prior swingpoint is first prior that is REALIZED at the time of signal, so we have to look at least BarCount bars back
            PriceBar firstPriorSwingPoint = null;

            switch (BarSize)
            case PriceBarSize.Daily:
                firstPriorSwingPoint = position.Security.GetPriceBar(Calendar.PriorTradingDay(AsOf, BarCount), BarSize);

            case PriceBarSize.Weekly:
                firstPriorSwingPoint = position.Security.GetPriceBar(Calendar.PriorTradingWeekStart(AsOf, BarCount), BarSize);

            case PriceBarSize.Monthly:
                firstPriorSwingPoint = position.Security.GetPriceBar(Calendar.PriorTradingMonthStart(AsOf, BarCount), BarSize);

            case PriceBarSize.Quarterly:
                firstPriorSwingPoint = position.Security.GetPriceBar(Calendar.PriorTradingMonthStart(AsOf, BarCount), BarSize);


            decimal stopPrice      = -1m;
            decimal expExecutionPx = position.Security.GetPriceBar(AsOf, BarSize).Close;

            switch (position.PositionDirection)
            case PositionDirection.ShortPosition:
                // First prior swingpoint high
                while ((firstPriorSwingPoint.GetSwingPointType(BarCount) & SwingPointType.SwingPointHigh) == 0)
                    firstPriorSwingPoint = firstPriorSwingPoint.PriorBar;
                stopPrice = firstPriorSwingPoint.High + .01m;

            case PositionDirection.LongPosition:
                // First prior swingpoint low
                while ((firstPriorSwingPoint.GetSwingPointType(BarCount) & SwingPointType.SwingPointLow) == 0)
                    firstPriorSwingPoint = firstPriorSwingPoint.PriorBar;
                stopPrice = firstPriorSwingPoint.Low - .01m;

            // If the last valid swingpoint is on the wrong side of our trade (above exp trade price for a long, below a short), use an ATR atop
            switch (position.PositionDirection)
            case PositionDirection.LongPosition:
                if (stopPrice >= expExecutionPx)
                    BackupStoploss.Stoploss_ATR_Multiple = this.Stoploss_ATR_Multiple;
                    BackupStoploss.Stoploss_ATR_Period   = this.Stoploss_ATR_Period;
                    return(BackupStoploss.NewStoploss(position, AsOf));

            case PositionDirection.ShortPosition:
                if (stopPrice <= expExecutionPx)
                    BackupStoploss.Stoploss_ATR_Multiple = this.Stoploss_ATR_Multiple;
                    BackupStoploss.Stoploss_ATR_Period   = this.Stoploss_ATR_Period;
                    return(BackupStoploss.NewStoploss(position, AsOf));

            if (stopPrice <= 0)
                stopPrice = 0.01m;

            var stop = new Trade(
                0, stopPrice)
                TradeDate = AsOf

Example #17
        private decimal TrailingStop(Position position, Trade currentStop, DateTime AsOf)
            // Get the last price bar of the position
            PriceBar bar       = position.Security.GetPriceBarOrLastPrior(AsOf, PriceBarSize.Daily, 1);
            decimal  lastClose = bar.Close;

            // Get the last ATR, which is the AsOf date
            var securityLastAtr = bar.AverageTrueRange(Stoploss_ATR_Period);

            // Calculate the stop price baseline
            decimal riskDollarsPerShare = (securityLastAtr * Stoploss_ATR_Multiple);
            decimal stopPrice           = (lastClose - (position.PositionDirection.ToInt() * riskDollarsPerShare));

            if (stopPrice <= 0)
                stopPrice = 0.01m;

            // If a creeping stop is enabled, calculate the new stop price based on change from the existing stop
            decimal adjustedBaseStop = currentStop.StopPrice;

            if (Stoploss_Creep_Percent > 0)
                switch (position.PositionDirection)
                case PositionDirection.LongPosition:
                    // Increase base stop
                    adjustedBaseStop *= (1 + Stoploss_Creep_Percent);

                case PositionDirection.ShortPosition:
                    // Decrease base stop
                    adjustedBaseStop *= (1 - Stoploss_Creep_Percent);

            // Compare the new baseline stop vs the adjusted prior stop, and select whichever is more conservative
            switch (position.PositionDirection)
            case PositionDirection.NotSet:
                throw new UnknownErrorException();

            case PositionDirection.LongPosition:
                return(Math.Max(stopPrice, adjustedBaseStop));

            case PositionDirection.ShortPosition:
                return(Math.Min(stopPrice, adjustedBaseStop));

                throw new UnknownErrorException();
Example #18
        public static PriceSeries GetPriceDataByRange(List <Tick> ticks, double rangeCount, IDiscontinuousDateTimeCalendar calendar, double barTimeFrame, out Tuple <DateTime, double> min, out Tuple <DateTime, double> max)
            var priceSeries = new PriceSeries();
            var dateTime    = new DateTime();

            min = null;
            max = null;

            double open   = 0;
            double high   = 0;
            double low    = 0;
            double close  = 0;
            long   volume = 0;
            double range  = 0;

            bool hasTicks = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < ticks.Count; i++)
                if (Math.Abs(range) < rangeCount)
                    if (!calendar.IsValueInGap(ticks[i].DateTime))
                        if (!hasTicks)
                            high = ticks[i].High;
                            low  = ticks[i].Low;
                            open = ticks[i].Open;

                            if (priceSeries.Count == 0)
                                dateTime = ticks[i].DateTime;
                            hasTicks = true;
                            high = high < ticks[i].High ? ticks[i].High : high;
                            low  = low > ticks[i].Low ? ticks[i].Low : low;

                        volume += ticks[i].Volume;
                        range   = high - low;

                        close = ticks[i].Close > open ? low + rangeCount : high - rangeCount;
                else if (hasTicks)
                    if (range / rangeCount > 2)
                        for (int j = 0; j < range / rangeCount; j++)
                            var priceBar = new PriceBar
                                DateTime = calendar.GetValueByOffset(dateTime, priceSeries.Count * barTimeFrame),
                                Open     = ticks[i].Close > open ? open + j * rangeCount : open - j * rangeCount,
                                High     = ticks[i].Close > open ? open + j * rangeCount : open - j * rangeCount,
                                Low      = ticks[i].Close > open ? open + j * rangeCount : open - (j + 1) * rangeCount,
                                Close    = ticks[i].Close > open ? open + j * rangeCount : open - (j + 1) * rangeCount,
                                Volume   = volume


                            if (priceSeries.Count == 1)
                                min = new Tuple <DateTime, double>(priceBar.DateTime, priceBar.Low);
                                max = new Tuple <DateTime, double>(priceBar.DateTime, priceBar.High);
                                if (priceBar.High > max.Item2)
                                    max = new Tuple <DateTime, double>(priceBar.DateTime, priceBar.High);
                                if (priceBar.Low < min.Item2)
                                    min = new Tuple <DateTime, double>(priceBar.DateTime, priceBar.Low);
                        var priceBar = new PriceBar
                            DateTime = calendar.GetValueByOffset(dateTime, priceSeries.Count * barTimeFrame), Open = open, High = high, Low = low, Close = close, Volume = volume


                        if (priceSeries.Count == 1)
                            min = new Tuple <DateTime, double>(priceBar.DateTime, priceBar.Low);
                            max = new Tuple <DateTime, double>(priceBar.DateTime, priceBar.High);
                            if (priceBar.High > max.Item2)
                                max = new Tuple <DateTime, double>(priceBar.DateTime, priceBar.High);
                            if (priceBar.Low < min.Item2)
                                min = new Tuple <DateTime, double>(priceBar.DateTime, priceBar.Low);

                    range    = 0;
                    hasTicks = false;

Example #19
        public override decimal UpdatePositionStoplossPrice(Position position, Trade currentStop, DateTime AsOf)
            position.Security.SetSwingPointsAndTrends(BarCount, BarSize);

            // First prior swingpoint is first prior that is REALIZED at the time of signal, so we have to look at least BarCount bars back
            PriceBar firstPriorSwingPoint = null;

            switch (BarSize)
            case PriceBarSize.Daily:
                firstPriorSwingPoint = position.Security.GetPriceBar(Calendar.PriorTradingDay(AsOf, BarCount), BarSize);

            case PriceBarSize.Weekly:
                firstPriorSwingPoint = position.Security.GetPriceBar(Calendar.PriorTradingWeekStart(AsOf, BarCount), BarSize);

            case PriceBarSize.Monthly:
                firstPriorSwingPoint = position.Security.GetPriceBar(Calendar.PriorTradingMonthStart(AsOf, BarCount), BarSize);

            case PriceBarSize.Quarterly:
                firstPriorSwingPoint = position.Security.GetPriceBar(Calendar.PriorTradingMonthStart(AsOf, BarCount), BarSize);


            decimal stopPrice = -1m;
            decimal lastPx    = position.Security.GetPriceBar(AsOf, PriceBarSize.Daily).Close;

            switch (position.PositionDirection)
            case PositionDirection.ShortPosition:
                // First prior swingpoint high
                while ((firstPriorSwingPoint.GetSwingPointType(BarCount) & SwingPointType.SwingPointHigh) == 0)
                    firstPriorSwingPoint = firstPriorSwingPoint.PriorBar;
                stopPrice = firstPriorSwingPoint.High + .01m;

            case PositionDirection.LongPosition:
                // First prior swingpoint low
                while ((firstPriorSwingPoint.GetSwingPointType(BarCount) & SwingPointType.SwingPointLow) == 0)
                    firstPriorSwingPoint = firstPriorSwingPoint.PriorBar;
                stopPrice = firstPriorSwingPoint.Low - .01m;

            // If the last valid swingpoint is on the wrong side of our trade (above exp trade price for a long, below a short), use an ATR atop
            switch (position.PositionDirection)
            case PositionDirection.LongPosition:
                if (stopPrice >= position.Security.GetPriceBar(AsOf, PriceBarSize.Daily).Close)
                    BackupStoploss.Stoploss_ATR_Multiple = this.Stoploss_ATR_Multiple;
                    BackupStoploss.Stoploss_ATR_Period   = this.Stoploss_ATR_Period;
                    return(BackupStoploss.UpdatePositionStoplossPrice(position, currentStop, AsOf));

            case PositionDirection.ShortPosition:
                if (stopPrice >= position.Security.GetPriceBar(AsOf, PriceBarSize.Daily).Close)
                    BackupStoploss.Stoploss_ATR_Multiple = this.Stoploss_ATR_Multiple;
                    BackupStoploss.Stoploss_ATR_Period   = this.Stoploss_ATR_Period;
                    return(BackupStoploss.UpdatePositionStoplossPrice(position, currentStop, AsOf));

            if (stopPrice <= 0)
                stopPrice = 0.01m;

            // Calculate the adjusted base stop if we are using a creeping stop
            decimal adjustedBaseStop = currentStop.StopPrice;

            if (Stoploss_Creep_Percent > 0)
                switch (position.PositionDirection)
                case PositionDirection.LongPosition:
                    // Increase base stop
                    adjustedBaseStop *= (1 + Stoploss_Creep_Percent);

                case PositionDirection.ShortPosition:
                    // Decrease base stop
                    adjustedBaseStop *= (1 - Stoploss_Creep_Percent);

            switch (position.PositionDirection)
            case PositionDirection.LongPosition:
                return(Math.Max(stopPrice, adjustedBaseStop));

            case PositionDirection.ShortPosition:
                return(Math.Min(stopPrice, adjustedBaseStop));

                throw new UnknownErrorException();
Example #20
        public static PriceSeries GetPriceDataByTimeFrame(List <Tick> ticks, int timeFrame, IDiscontinuousDateTimeCalendar calendar, out Tuple <DateTime, double> min, out Tuple <DateTime, double> max)
            var priceSeries = new PriceSeries();
            var dateTime    = ticks[0].DateTime;

            min = null;
            max = null;

            double open   = 0;
            double high   = 0;
            double low    = 0;
            double close  = 0;
            long   volume = 0;

            bool hasTicks = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < ticks.Count; i++)
                if (ticks[i].DateTime < dateTime + TimeSpan.FromMinutes(timeFrame))
                    if (!calendar.IsValueInGap(ticks[i].DateTime))
                        if (!hasTicks)
                            high     = ticks[i].High;
                            low      = ticks[i].Low;
                            open     = ticks[i].Open;
                            hasTicks = true;
                            high = high < ticks[i].High ? ticks[i].High : high;
                            low  = low > ticks[i].Low ? ticks[i].Low : low;

                        close   = ticks[i].Close;
                        volume += ticks[i].Volume;
                    if (hasTicks)
                        var priceBar = new PriceBar
                            DateTime = dateTime, Open = open, High = high, Low = low, Close = close, Volume = volume


                        if (priceSeries.Count == 1)
                            min = new Tuple <DateTime, double>(priceBar.DateTime, priceBar.Low);
                            max = new Tuple <DateTime, double>(priceBar.DateTime, priceBar.High);
                            if (priceBar.High > max.Item2)
                                max = new Tuple <DateTime, double>(priceBar.DateTime, priceBar.High);
                            if (priceBar.Low < min.Item2)
                                min = new Tuple <DateTime, double>(priceBar.DateTime, priceBar.Low);

                        hasTicks = false;
                        dateTime = dateTime + TimeSpan.FromMinutes(timeFrame);

Example #21
 private void Push(PriceBar priceBar)
     PushFeed(priceBar.TimeStamp, priceBar.Open, priceBar.High, priceBar.Low, priceBar.Close, priceBar.Volume);
        /// <summary>
        /// Handler for OANDA rate data received from data stream.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">The price tick data received.</param>
        protected virtual void OnRateReceived(RateStreamResponse data)
            if (!data.IsHeartbeat())
                if (_chartsInitialized)
                    string    instrument      = data.tick.instrument;
                    Chart     instrumentChart = _charts.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Value.Instrument == instrument).Value;
                    IPriceBar lastFrameBar    = instrumentChart.Frames.Last().Bar;

                    double bidPrice = data.tick.bid;
                    double askPrice = data.tick.ask;
                    double midPrice = (data.tick.ask - data.tick.bid) / 2;

                    if (Convert.ToDateTime(data.tick.time).ToUniversalTime() < instrumentChart.CreateNewFrameTime)

                        lastFrameBar.closeBid = bidPrice;
                        lastFrameBar.closeAsk = askPrice;
                        lastFrameBar.closeMid = midPrice;

                        if (lastFrameBar.closeBid <= lastFrameBar.lowBid)
                            lastFrameBar.lowBid = lastFrameBar.closeBid;
                        if (lastFrameBar.closeAsk <= lastFrameBar.lowAsk)
                            lastFrameBar.lowAsk = lastFrameBar.closeAsk;
                        if (lastFrameBar.closeMid <= lastFrameBar.lowMid)
                            lastFrameBar.lowMid = lastFrameBar.closeMid;

                        if (lastFrameBar.closeBid >= lastFrameBar.highBid)
                            lastFrameBar.highBid = lastFrameBar.closeBid;
                        if (lastFrameBar.closeAsk >= lastFrameBar.highAsk)
                            lastFrameBar.highAsk = lastFrameBar.closeAsk;
                        if (lastFrameBar.closeMid >= lastFrameBar.highMid)
                            lastFrameBar.highMid = lastFrameBar.closeMid;
                        lastFrameBar.complete = true;

                        PriceBar newBar = new PriceBar()
                            time = MAOE.Utilities.GetTimeAsXmlSerializedUtc(instrumentChart.CreateNewFrameTime.Value),

                            openBid  = bidPrice,
                            highBid  = bidPrice,
                            lowBid   = bidPrice,
                            closeBid = bidPrice,

                            openAsk  = askPrice,
                            highAsk  = askPrice,
                            lowAsk   = askPrice,
                            closeAsk = askPrice,

                            openMid  = midPrice,
                            highMid  = midPrice,
                            lowMid   = midPrice,
                            closeMid = midPrice,

                            volume = 1

                        instrumentChart.Frames.Add(CreateChartFrame(newBar, instrumentChart));

Example #23
        public override int NewPositionSize(Portfolio portfolio, Signal IndicatedTrade, DateTime AsOf, decimal initialRiskPercent)
            IndicatedTrade.Security.SetSwingPointsAndTrends(BarCount, BarSize);

            decimal riskDollarsTotal = portfolio.EquityWithLoanValue(AsOf, TimeOfDay.MarketEndOfDay) * initialRiskPercent;

            // First prior swingpoint is first prior that is REALIZED at the time of signal, so we have to look at least BarCount bars back
            PriceBar firstPriorSwingPoint = null;

            switch (BarSize)
            case PriceBarSize.Daily:
                firstPriorSwingPoint = IndicatedTrade.Security.GetPriceBar(Calendar.PriorTradingDay(AsOf, BarCount), BarSize);

            case PriceBarSize.Weekly:
                firstPriorSwingPoint = IndicatedTrade.Security.GetPriceBar(Calendar.PriorTradingWeekStart(AsOf, BarCount), BarSize);

            case PriceBarSize.Monthly:
                firstPriorSwingPoint = IndicatedTrade.Security.GetPriceBar(Calendar.PriorTradingMonthStart(AsOf, BarCount), BarSize);

            case PriceBarSize.Quarterly:
                firstPriorSwingPoint = IndicatedTrade.Security.GetPriceBar(Calendar.PriorTradingMonthStart(AsOf, BarCount), BarSize);


            decimal stopPrice      = -1m;
            decimal expExecutionPx = IndicatedTrade.Security.GetPriceBar(AsOf, BarSize).Close;

            switch (IndicatedTrade.SignalAction)
            case SignalAction.Sell:
                // First prior swingpoint high
                while ((firstPriorSwingPoint.GetSwingPointType(BarCount) & SwingPointType.SwingPointHigh) == 0)
                    firstPriorSwingPoint = firstPriorSwingPoint.PriorBar;
                stopPrice = firstPriorSwingPoint.High + .01m;

            case SignalAction.Buy:
                // First prior swingpoint low
                while ((firstPriorSwingPoint.GetSwingPointType(BarCount) & SwingPointType.SwingPointLow) == 0)
                    firstPriorSwingPoint = firstPriorSwingPoint.PriorBar;
                stopPrice = firstPriorSwingPoint.Low - .01m;

            // If the last valid swingpoint is on the wrong side of our trade (above exp trade price for a long, below a short), use an ATR atop
            switch (IndicatedTrade.SignalAction)
            case SignalAction.Sell:
                if (stopPrice >= expExecutionPx)
                    BackupStoploss.Stoploss_ATR_Multiple = this.Stoploss_ATR_Multiple;
                    BackupStoploss.Stoploss_ATR_Period   = this.Stoploss_ATR_Period;
                    return(BackupStoploss.NewPositionSize(portfolio, IndicatedTrade, AsOf, initialRiskPercent));

            case SignalAction.Buy:
                if (stopPrice <= expExecutionPx)
                    BackupStoploss.Stoploss_ATR_Multiple = this.Stoploss_ATR_Multiple;
                    BackupStoploss.Stoploss_ATR_Period   = this.Stoploss_ATR_Period;
                    return(BackupStoploss.NewPositionSize(portfolio, IndicatedTrade, AsOf, initialRiskPercent));

            decimal initialBuffer       = expExecutionPx * initialRiskPercent;
            decimal riskDollarsPerShare = Math.Abs(IndicatedTrade.Security.GetPriceBar(AsOf, BarSize).Close - stopPrice);

            if (riskDollarsPerShare < initialBuffer)
                riskDollarsPerShare = initialBuffer;

            int positionSize = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round((riskDollarsTotal / riskDollarsPerShare), 0));

Example #24
        protected override Signal GenerateSignal(Security security, DateTime AsOf)
            security.SetSwingPointsAndTrends(BarCount, PriceBarSize.Daily);
            security.SetSwingPointsAndTrends(BarCount, PriceBarSize.Weekly);

            // Today's daily trend
            PriceBar           dailyBar   = security.GetPriceBar(AsOf, PriceBarSize.Daily);
            TrendQualification dailyTrend = dailyBar.GetTrendType(BarCount);

            // Today's weekly trend
            // We use last week's value until this week is completed on Friday, then we can start using that bar
            PriceBar weeklyBar = security.GetPriceBar(AsOf, PriceBarSize.Weekly);

            if (AsOf != Calendar.LastTradingDayOfWeek(AsOf))
                weeklyBar = weeklyBar?.PriorBar;

            if (weeklyBar == null)

            TrendQualification weeklyTrend = weeklyBar.GetTrendType(BarCount);

            TrendAlignment currentTrendAlignment = GetTrendAlignment(dailyTrend, weeklyTrend);

            if (currentTrendAlignment == TrendAlignment.Sideways || currentTrendAlignment == TrendAlignment.Opposing)
                return(new Signal(security, PriceBarSize.Daily, AsOf, SignalAction.CloseIfOpen, 1));

            // Get the trend from the last period
            if (dailyBar.PriorBar == null)

            TrendQualification priorDayTrend = dailyBar.PriorBar.GetTrendType(BarCount);
            // Get the weekly trend from the prior day, which will align with yesterday's daily trend
            PriceBar priorWeek = security.GetPriceBar(Calendar.PriorTradingDay(AsOf), PriceBarSize.Weekly);

            if (priorWeek == null)
            TrendQualification priorWeekTrend = priorWeek.GetTrendType(BarCount);

            TrendAlignment priorTrendAlignment = GetTrendAlignment(priorDayTrend, priorWeekTrend);

            if (currentTrendAlignment == priorTrendAlignment)

            if (currentTrendAlignment == TrendAlignment.Bullish)
                if (dailyTrend == TrendQualification.ConfirmedBullish && weeklyTrend == TrendQualification.ConfirmedBullish)
                    return(new Signal(security, PriceBarSize.Daily, AsOf, SignalAction.Buy, 1.0));
                //if (dailyTrend == TrendQualification.SuspectBullish && weeklyTrend == TrendQualification.ConfirmedBullish)
                //    return new Signal(security, PriceBarSize.Daily, AsOf, SignalAction.Buy, .75);
                //if (dailyTrend == TrendQualification.ConfirmedBullish && weeklyTrend == TrendQualification.SuspectBullish)
                //    return new Signal(security, PriceBarSize.Daily, AsOf, SignalAction.Buy, .50);
                //if (dailyTrend == TrendQualification.SuspectBullish && weeklyTrend == TrendQualification.SuspectBullish)
                //    return new Signal(security, PriceBarSize.Daily, AsOf, SignalAction.Buy, .25);
            if (currentTrendAlignment == TrendAlignment.Bearish)
                if (dailyTrend == TrendQualification.ConfirmedBearish && weeklyTrend == TrendQualification.ConfirmedBearish)
                    return(new Signal(security, PriceBarSize.Daily, AsOf, SignalAction.Sell, 1.0));
                //if (dailyTrend == TrendQualification.SuspectBearish && weeklyTrend == TrendQualification.ConfirmedBearish)
                //    return new Signal(security, PriceBarSize.Daily, AsOf, SignalAction.Sell, .75);
                //if (dailyTrend == TrendQualification.ConfirmedBearish && weeklyTrend == TrendQualification.SuspectBearish)
                //    return new Signal(security, PriceBarSize.Daily, AsOf, SignalAction.Sell, .50);
                //if (dailyTrend == TrendQualification.SuspectBearish && weeklyTrend == TrendQualification.SuspectBearish)
                //    return new Signal(security, PriceBarSize.Daily, AsOf, SignalAction.Sell, .25);
