Example #1
 /// <summary>
 /// To use: Prepare Windows Media Writer and other objects, construct, call the Encode method,
 /// use properties and other methods to get results, release, close Windows Media Writer.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="segment">Batch params for this segment.  We assume all fields have already been validated.</param>
 /// <param name="jobStart">Absolute start time of the first segment of the job in ticks</param>
 /// <param name="offset">The total timespan in ticks of all previous segments in this job</param>
 /// <param name="wmWriter">Windows Media Writer object to write to.  We assume it has been preconfigured and started.</param>
 /// <param name="progressTracker">Where to put UI status updates</param>
 /// <param name="logMgr">Where to put log messages</param>
 /// <param name="profileData">compressed media types we are writing to in the norecompression case</param>
 public WMSegment(ArchiveTranscoderJob job, ArchiveTranscoderJobSegment segment,
                  long jobStart, long offset, WMWriter wmWriter,
                  ProgressTracker progressTracker, LogMgr logMgr, ProfileData profileData, bool norecompression,
                  WMSegment previousSegment)
     cancel                 = false;
     this.logMgr            = logMgr;
     this.job               = job;
     this.segment           = segment;
     this.offset            = offset;
     this.jobStart          = jobStart;
     this.progressTracker   = progressTracker;
     this.profileData       = profileData;
     this.norecompression   = norecompression;
     this.m_PreviousSegment = previousSegment;
     videoStream            = null;
     slideStream            = null;
     audioStreams           = null;
     presentationMgr        = null;
     writer                 = wmWriter;
     startTime              = endTime = DateTime.MinValue;
     startTime              = DateTime.Parse(segment.StartTime);
     endTime                = DateTime.Parse(segment.EndTime);
     useSlideStream         = false;
     if (Utility.SegmentFlagIsSet(segment, SegmentFlags.SlidesReplaceVideo))
         useSlideStream = true;
Example #2
        public void FrameGrabTest()
            long start = DateTime.Parse(this.segment.StartTime).Ticks;
            long end   = DateTime.Parse(this.segment.EndTime).Ticks;

            this.presentationMgr = new PresentationMgr(this.segment.PresentationDescriptor, start, end,
                                                       start - jobStart - offset, this.logMgr, 0, progressTracker);

            this.FrameGrabMgr.FrameGrabInterval   = 1000;
            this.FrameGrabMgr.DifferenceThreshold = 250;

Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Write audio, video and presentation data for this segment.  This can be a long-running process.
        /// It can be cancelled with the Stop method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="noRecompression"></param>
        /// <returns>A message string indicates a serious problem.  Null for normal termination.</returns>
        public String Encode()
            if (cancel)

            if ((startTime == DateTime.MinValue) || (endTime == DateTime.MinValue))
                return("Invalid timespan.");

            if (useSlideStream && norecompression)
                return("A slide stream cannot be processed in 'no recompression' mode.");

            progressTracker.EndValue = (int)((TimeSpan)(endTime - startTime)).TotalSeconds;

            if (useSlideStream)
                slideStream = new SlideStreamMgr(job, segment, logMgr, 29.97, writer.FrameWidth, writer.FrameHeight); //Using slides in place of the video
                videoStream = new StreamMgr(segment.VideoDescriptor.VideoCname, segment.VideoDescriptor.VideoName, startTime, endTime, norecompression, PayloadType.dynamicVideo);

            audiorecompression = !norecompression;
            //In this case we actually do need to recompress just the audio:
            if ((norecompression) && (segment.AudioDescriptor.Length != 1))
                audiorecompression = true;

            audioStreams = new StreamMgr[segment.AudioDescriptor.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < segment.AudioDescriptor.Length; i++)
                audioStreams[i] = new StreamMgr(segment.AudioDescriptor[i].AudioCname, segment.AudioDescriptor[i].AudioName, startTime, endTime, !audiorecompression, PayloadType.dynamicAudio);

            if (cancel)

            actualSegmentStart = 0;
            actualSegmentEnd   = 0;

            if (norecompression)
                if (useSlideStream)
                    //Not supported
                    // Warn and log an error if a problem is detected with the media type, but try to proceed anyway.
                    videoStream.ValidateCompressedMT(profileData.VideoMediaType, logMgr);
                    // Make the last MT available to the caller to pass to the next segment to facilitate the checking.
                    //this.compressedVideoMediaType = videoStream.GetFinalCompressedVideoMediaType();

                if (audioStreams.Length == 1)
                    //There is truly no recompression in this case.
                    ///as above, do the same check with the Audio MediaType.  Log a warning if the MT changed, but attempt to proceed.
                    audioStreams[0].ValidateCompressedMT(profileData.AudioMediaType, logMgr);
                    //this.compressedAudioMediaType = audioStreams[0].GetFinalCompressedAudioMediaType();
                    progressTracker.AVStatusMessage = "Writing Raw AV";
                    //In this case we have to recompress audio in order to do the mixing, but that should be relatively quick.
                    //Note that the WMSDK docs say that SetInputProps must be set before BeginWriting.  This implies that
                    //alternating between writing compressed and uncompressed samples is not supported.  Therefore we will
                    //first recompress the mixed audio, then deliver compressed samples to the writer.

                    for (int i = 0; i < audioStreams.Length; i++)
                        progressTracker.AVStatusMessage = "Reading Audio (" + (i + 1).ToString() + " of " + audioStreams.Length.ToString() + ")";
                        if (cancel)
                        if (!audioStreams[i].ToRawWMFile(progressTracker))
                            return("Failed to configure a raw audio profile.");

                    progressTracker.AVStatusMessage = "Mixing Audio";
                    mixer = new AudioMixer(audioStreams, this.logMgr);

                    /// PRI3: We could tell the mixer to recompress with the previous segment's MT (if any).
                    /// For now we just use the
                    /// mixer's voting mechanism to choose the 'dominant' input (uncompressed) format,
                    /// and make the profile from one of the streams that uses that format.

                    progressTracker.AVStatusMessage = "Writing Raw AV";
            else             // Recompress both audio and video
                //In order to recompress, we first need to convert each stream to a raw wmv/wma
                //A slide stream starts life uncompressed, so just initialize decks.
                if (!useSlideStream)
                    progressTracker.AVStatusMessage = "Reading Video";
                    if (!videoStream.ToRawWMFile(progressTracker))
                        return("Failed to configure the raw video profile.");
                    if (!slideStream.Init(progressTracker))
                        return("Failed to prepare slide decks.");
                for (int i = 0; i < audioStreams.Length; i++)
                    progressTracker.AVStatusMessage = "Reading Audio (" + (i + 1).ToString() + " of " + audioStreams.Length.ToString() + ")";
                    if (cancel)
                    if (!audioStreams[i].ToRawWMFile(progressTracker))
                        return("Failed to configure a raw audio profile.");

                mixer = new AudioMixer(audioStreams, this.logMgr);

                //The SDK allows us to reconfigure the MediaTypes on the fly if we are writing uncompressed samples.
                //We do this at the beginning of every segment, even though most of the time it is probably the same MT.
                if (useSlideStream)
                progressTracker.CurrentValue    = 0;
                progressTracker.AVStatusMessage = "Transcoding AV";

            //Now all the config and prep is done, so write the segment.

            //If there is a Presentation stream, process it here unless the slides were used for the video stream.
            if ((!useSlideStream) && (this.segment.PresentationDescriptor != null) &&
                (this.segment.PresentationDescriptor.PresentationCname != null))
                progressTracker.CurrentValue        = 0;
                progressTracker.ShowPercentComplete = false;
                progressTracker.AVStatusMessage     = "Writing Presentation";
                /// The offset for PresentationMgr is a timespan in ticks to be subtracted from each absolute timestamp
                /// to make a new absolute timestamp which has been adjusted for accumulted time skipped (or overlap) between
                /// segments, or time during which there is missing AV data at the beginning of the first segment.
                ///   It is calculated as: actualSegmentStart - jobStart - offset
                ///		where:
                ///	actualSegmentStart: Time of the first AV write for the current segment
                ///	JobStart: user requested start time for the first segment in this job (Presentation data reference time)
                ///	offset: calculated actual duration of all segments previous to this one.
                ///	Note that the presentation output will use the user-specified jobStart as the reference time.
                ///	During playback, relative timings of presentation events will be calculated by subtracting the reference time.
                ///	Also note that the reference time may not be the same as the actualSegmentStart for the first segment of the
                ///	job in the case where there is missing data at the beginning.  This often (always) happens if we
                ///	begin processing an archive from the beginning, since it takes several seconds to get the first AV bits
                ///	into the database after the ArchiveService joins a venue.

                //long thisSegmentOffset = this.actualSegmentStart - startTime.Ticks;
                //long tmpoffset = this.actualSegmentStart-jobStart-offset;
                //Debug.WriteLine ("this segment offset. actualSegmentStart = " + this.actualSegmentStart.ToString() +
                //	" jobStart = " + jobStart.ToString() + " offset = " + offset.ToString() +
                //	" offset to presenterMgr = " + tmpoffset.ToString());
                long previousSegmentEndTime = 0;
                if (m_PreviousSegment != null)
                    previousSegmentEndTime = m_PreviousSegment.actualSegmentEnd;
                presentationMgr = new PresentationMgr(this.segment.PresentationDescriptor, this.actualSegmentStart, this.actualSegmentEnd,
                                                      this.actualSegmentStart - jobStart - offset, this.logMgr, previousSegmentEndTime, progressTracker);

                if (cancel)
                String errmsg = presentationMgr.Process();
                if (errmsg != null)
                    this.logMgr.ErrorLevel = 5;
                progressTracker.ShowPercentComplete = true;

            if ((useSlideStream) && (slideStream != null))

 /// <summary>
 /// Add this stream to the appropriate group, or create a new group as necessary.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="stream"></param>
 public void AddStream(Stream stream)
     if (stream.Payload == "dynamicAudio")
         /// if stream name matches an existing group, just add it
         /// otherwise make a new group.
         bool matchfound = false;
         foreach (StreamGroup sg in audioGroups)
             if (sg.IsInAudioGroup(stream))
                 matchfound = true;
         if (!matchfound)
             StreamGroup newsg = new StreamGroup(this.cname, "", stream.Payload);
     else if (stream.Payload == "dynamicVideo")
         /// if stream name matches an existing group, just add it
         /// otherwise make a new group.
         bool matchfound = false;
         foreach (StreamGroup sg in videoGroups)
             if (sg.IsInVideoGroup(stream))
                 matchfound = true;
         if (!matchfound)
             StreamGroup newsg = new StreamGroup(this.cname, "", stream.Payload);
     else if ((stream.Payload == "dynamicPresentation") ||              //CP running standalone uses dynamicPresentation
              (stream.Payload == "RTDocument"))                         //CP as a capability or CXP Presenter uses RTDocument
         PresenterWireFormatType wireFormat;
         PresenterRoleType       role;
         string presenterName;
         if (PresentationMgr.GetPresentationType(stream, out wireFormat, out role, out presenterName))
             ///PRI2: We need a better solution here:  We would like to filter out all non-instructors, but
             ///we can't afford to look at every frame.
             if ((wireFormat == PresenterWireFormatType.CPNav) ||
                 (wireFormat == PresenterWireFormatType.CPCapability) ||
                 (wireFormat == PresenterWireFormatType.RTDocument) ||
                 (wireFormat == PresenterWireFormatType.CP3))
             // && (role == PresenterRoleType.Instructor))
                 //add to existing group if there is a match
                 bool matchfound = false;
                 foreach (StreamGroup sg in presGroups)
                     if (sg.IsInPresGroup(stream, wireFormat, role))
                         matchfound = true;
                 //if no match, create a new group
                 if (!matchfound)
                     StreamGroup newsg = new StreamGroup(this.cname, "", stream.Payload);
                     newsg.AddStream(stream, wireFormat, role);
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Filter the contents of the existing tempdir using the specified
        /// difference threshold.  Rewrite tempdir, metadata and differenceMetrics.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="threshold"></param>
        internal void Refilter(double threshold)
            //Make an imageFilter instance and configure with the new threshold.
            ImageFilter.ImageFilter imgFilter = null;
            try {
                imgFilter = new ImageFilter.ImageFilter();
                imgFilter.DifferenceThreshold = threshold;
            catch {
            Console.WriteLine("Refiltering framegrabs using threshold: " + threshold.ToString());

            List <double> newDifferenceMetrics          = new List <double>();
            List <PresentationMgr.DataItem> newMetadata = new List <PresentationMgr.DataItem>();
            RTUpdate rtu = new RTUpdate();

            this.deckGuid = Guid.NewGuid();
            rtu.DeckGuid  = this.deckGuid;
            rtu.SlideSize = 1.0;
            rtu.DeckType  = (Int32)DeckTypeEnum.Presentation;
            string filebase  = "slide";
            string extent    = ".jpg";
            int    fileindex = 1;

            try {
                string newDir = Utility.GetTempDir();
                string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(this.tempdir, "*.jpg");
                Array.Sort(files, new PMPComparer());
                string previous = null;
                for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++)
                    string file = files[i];
                    string msg;
                    bool   error = false;
                    double metric;

                    if (imgFilter.ImagesDiffer(previous, file, out msg, out error, out metric))
                        string newFilename = filebase + fileindex.ToString() + extent;
                        File.Copy(file, Path.Combine(newDir, newFilename));
                        rtu.SlideIndex = fileindex - 1; // This is a zero-based index
                        newMetadata.Add(new PresentationMgr.DataItem(metadata[i].Timestamp, PresentationMgr.CopyRTUpdate(rtu)));
                        DateTime t = new DateTime(metadata[i].Timestamp);
                        Console.WriteLine("Refilter keeping old index: " + (i + 1).ToString() +
                                          "; new index: " + fileindex.ToString() +
                                          "; difference: " + metric.ToString() + "; time: " + t.ToString());
                        previous = file;
                this.metadata          = newMetadata;
                this.differenceMetrics = newDifferenceMetrics;
                Directory.Delete(this.tempdir, true);
                this.tempdir = newDir;
            catch (Exception) {
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Capture stills from the video stream.  Create a temporary directory and save the images there.
        /// Compile a list of DataItem objects to indicate when the slide transitions should take place.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string Process()
            ImageFilter.ImageFilter imgFilter = null;
            try {
                imgFilter = new ImageFilter.ImageFilter();
                imgFilter.DifferenceThreshold = this.differenceThreshold;
            catch {
                this.errorLog.Append("Video capture images in the presentation will not be filtered probably " +
                                     "because ImageMagick is not available in the configuration.\r\n");

            this.differenceMetrics = new List <double>();
            metadata = new List <PresentationMgr.DataItem>();
            RTUpdate rtu = new RTUpdate();

            this.deckGuid = Guid.NewGuid();
            rtu.DeckGuid  = this.deckGuid;
            rtu.SlideSize = 1.0;
            rtu.DeckType  = (Int32)DeckTypeEnum.Presentation;

            this.videoStream = new StreamMgr(videoDescriptor.VideoCname, videoDescriptor.VideoName, new  DateTime(this.start), new DateTime(this.end), false, PayloadType.dynamicVideo);
            MediaTypeVideoInfo mtvi = videoStream.GetUncompressedVideoMediaType();

            this.tempdir = Utility.GetTempDir();
            string filebase  = "slide";
            string extent    = ".jpg";
            int    fileindex = 1;

            BufferChunk bc;
            long        time;
            bool        newStream;
            string      previousFile = null;

            this.stopNow = false;
            while ((!stopNow) && (videoStream.GetNextSample(out bc, out time, out newStream)))
                if ((time - lastFramegrab) >= (long)(this.frameGrabIntervalMs * Constants.TicksPerMs))
                    DateTime dt = new DateTime(time);
                    Debug.WriteLine("time=" + dt.ToString() + ";length=" + bc.Length.ToString());
                    lastFramegrab = time;
                    string      filepath    = Path.Combine(tempdir, filebase + fileindex.ToString() + extent);
                    PixelFormat pixelFormat = subtypeToPixelFormat(mtvi.SubType);
                    Bitmap      bm          = new Bitmap(mtvi.VideoInfo.BitmapInfo.Width, mtvi.VideoInfo.BitmapInfo.Height, pixelFormat);
                    BitmapData  bd          = bm.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, mtvi.VideoInfo.BitmapInfo.Width, mtvi.VideoInfo.BitmapInfo.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, pixelFormat);
                    Marshal.Copy(bc.Buffer, 0, bd.Scan0, bc.Length);
                    if ((SCALE) && (mtvi.VideoInfo.BitmapInfo.Width >= 1280))
                        int    w      = mtvi.VideoInfo.BitmapInfo.Width / 2;
                        int    h      = mtvi.VideoInfo.BitmapInfo.Height / 2;
                        Bitmap scaled = new Bitmap(bm, new Size(w, h));
                        scaled.Save(filepath, ImageFormat.Jpeg);
                        bm.Save(filepath, ImageFormat.Jpeg);
                    if (imgFilter != null)
                        string filterMsg;
                        bool   filterError;
                        double metric;
                        bool   differ = imgFilter.ImagesDiffer(filepath, previousFile, out filterMsg, out filterError, out metric);
                        if (filterError)
                        if (!differ)
                        Console.WriteLine("Framegrab slide index: " + fileindex.ToString() +
                                          "; difference: " + metric.ToString() + "; time: " + dt.ToString());
                    rtu.SlideIndex = fileindex - 1; // This is a zero-based index
                    metadata.Add(new PresentationMgr.DataItem(time - this.offset, PresentationMgr.CopyRTUpdate(rtu)));
                    previousFile = filepath;