public void UpdateLocation(string uriWithTag, PresenceStatus status, string message) { PresenceLocation item; if (!_locations.ContainsKey(uriWithTag)) { if (status != PresenceStatus.Unavailable) { item = new PresenceLocation(uriWithTag) { CurrentPresence = new Presence(status, message), Subscription = this }; _locations[item.Key] = item; } } else { item = (PresenceLocation)_locations[uriWithTag]; item.CurrentPresence = new Presence(status, message); if (status == PresenceStatus.Unavailable) { _locations.Remove(uriWithTag); } } }
public Contact() { this.presenceStatus = PresenceStatus.Offline; this.groupName = SpecialNames.SHARED_DOUBANGO; this.authorization = Authorization.UnKnown; this.hyperAvaiability = DateTime.Now; }
public void SetPresence(PresenceStatus statu) { SipMessage sipPacket = PacketFactory.SetPresence(statu); this.convSetPresence = this.convMgr.Create(sipPacket, true); this.convSetPresence.MsgRcv += new EventHandler <ConversationArgs>(convSetPresence_MsgRcv); }
protected virtual void OnDisconnected(EventArgs e) { Trace.Call(e); var msg = CreateMessageBuilder(); msg.AppendEventPrefix(); msg.AppendText(_("Disconnected from {0}"), NetworkID); Session.AddMessageToChat(Chat, msg.ToMessage()); _PresenceStatus = PresenceStatus.Offline; Session.UpdateNetworkStatus(); if (Disconnected != null) { Disconnected(this, e); } var hooks = new HookRunner("engine", "protocol-manager", "on-disconnected"); hooks.Environments.Add(new ChatHookEnvironment(Chat)); hooks.Environments.Add(new ProtocolManagerHookEnvironment(this)); var cmdChar = (string)Session.UserConfig["Interface/Entry/CommandCharacter"]; hooks.Commands.Add(new SessionHookCommand(Session, Chat, cmdChar)); hooks.Commands.Add(new ProtocolManagerHookCommand(this, Chat, cmdChar)); // show time hooks.Init(); hooks.Run(); }
public UserStatusChanged(string hubId, Guid userId, PresenceStatus status) { HubId = hubId; UserId = userId; Status = status; Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow; }
public override int GetHashCode() { int hash = 1; if (PresenceStatus != global::AcFunDanmu.RegisterRequest.Types.PresenceStatus.KPresenceOffline) { hash ^= PresenceStatus.GetHashCode(); } if (AppActiveStatus != global::AcFunDanmu.RegisterRequest.Types.ActiveStatus.KInvalid) { hash ^= AppActiveStatus.GetHashCode(); } if (pushServiceToken_ != null) { hash ^= PushServiceToken.GetHashCode(); } hash ^= pushServiceTokenList_.GetHashCode(); if (KeepaliveIntervalSec != 0) { hash ^= KeepaliveIntervalSec.GetHashCode(); } if (_unknownFields != null) { hash ^= _unknownFields.GetHashCode(); } return(hash); }
public override void SetPresenceStatus(PresenceStatus status, string message) { Trace.Call(status, message); // TODO: implement me }
private void ChangeStatusAction(PresenceStatus status) { if (status != Status) { Status = status; _logicClient.SendPing(Status); } }
public void setOnlineStatus(PresenceStatus pres_st) { pjsua2PINVOKE.Account_setOnlineStatus(swigCPtr, PresenceStatus.getCPtr(pres_st)); if (pjsua2PINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) { throw pjsua2PINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } }
public bool PresencePublish(PresenceStatus status) { if (this.IsPublicationEnabled) { return(this.PublishPresence(status)); } return(false); }
public PresenceStatusChangedEventArgs(PresenceStatus oldStatus, PresenceStatus newStatus, string newMessage) { OldStatus = oldStatus; NewStatus = newStatus; NewMessage = newMessage; }
private void UpdateInfo(Vector2 coords, string realmServerName, string realmLayerName, PresenceStatus status) { currentCoords = coords; currentRealmServerName = realmServerName; currentRealmLayerName = realmLayerName; currentPresenceStatus = status; RefreshInfo(); }
public void SendPing(PresenceStatus status) { var presenceNotification = new PresenceStatusNotification { Login = Login, PresenceStatus = status }; _queueClientService.SendData(_configurationService.MainQueueName, RouteKey, _configurationService.ExchangeName, presenceNotification); }
void RequestCreateFriendEntry(string id, string name, PresenceStatus status = PresenceStatus.ONLINE) { var model1 = new FriendEntry.Model() { status = status, userName = name, }; controller.view.friendsList.CreateOrUpdateEntryDeferred(id, model1); }
private void comboBoxStatus_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { PresenceStatus status = (this.comboBoxStatus.SelectedValue as Status).Value; this.configurationService.Set(Configuration.ConfFolder.RCS, Configuration.ConfEntry.STATUS, status.ToString()); if (this.sipService.IsPublicationEnabled) { this.sipService.PresencePublish(status); } }
public async Task SetCurrentPresence(PresenceStatus presence) { if (presence == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("value"); } using (var context = CreateContext()) { (await GetUser(context)).CurrentPresenceData = presence; await context.MySaveChanges(); } }
public ContactStatusChangedEventArgs(Contact contact, Contact via, PresenceStatus oldStatus, PresenceStatus newStatus) : base(oldStatus, newStatus) { = contact; this.via = via; if (via == null && contact != null) { via = contact.Via; } }
private bool PublishPresence(PresenceStatus status) { if (this.pubPres != null) { if (status == PresenceStatus.HyperAvailable) { this.pubPres.HyperAvailabilityTimeout = this.StartHyperAvailabilityTimer(); } return(this.pubPres.Publish(status)); } return(false); }
public bool Publish(PresenceStatus status) { this.presenceStatus = status; if (this.PartialPublication) { return(false); } else { return(this.PublishFullState()); } }
FriendEntry CreateFriendEntry(string id, string name, PresenceStatus status = PresenceStatus.ONLINE) { var model1 = new FriendEntry.Model() { status = status, userName = name, }; controller.view.friendsList.CreateOrUpdateEntry(id, model1); return(controller.view.friendsList.GetEntry(id) as FriendEntry); }
public virtual void SetPresenceStatus(PresenceStatus status, string message) { var args = new PresenceStatusChangedEventArgs(_PresenceStatus, status, message); _PresenceStatus = status; if (args.OldStatus != args.NewStatus) { OnPresenceStatusChanged(args); } }
public override int GetHashCode() { int hash = 1; if (appInfo_ != null) { hash ^= AppInfo.GetHashCode(); } if (deviceInfo_ != null) { hash ^= DeviceInfo.GetHashCode(); } if (envInfo_ != null) { hash ^= EnvInfo.GetHashCode(); } if (PresenceStatus != global::AcFunDanmu.RegisterRequest.Types.PresenceStatus.KPresenceOffline) { hash ^= PresenceStatus.GetHashCode(); } if (AppActiveStatus != global::AcFunDanmu.RegisterRequest.Types.ActiveStatus.KInvalid) { hash ^= AppActiveStatus.GetHashCode(); } if (AppCustomStatus.Length != 0) { hash ^= AppCustomStatus.GetHashCode(); } if (pushServiceToken_ != null) { hash ^= PushServiceToken.GetHashCode(); } if (InstanceId != 0L) { hash ^= InstanceId.GetHashCode(); } hash ^= pushServiceTokenList_.GetHashCode(); if (KeepaliveIntervalSec != 0) { hash ^= KeepaliveIntervalSec.GetHashCode(); } if (ztCommonInfo_ != null) { hash ^= ZtCommonInfo.GetHashCode(); } if (_unknownFields != null) { hash ^= _unknownFields.GetHashCode(); } return(hash); }
public static SipMessage SetPresence(PresenceStatus statu) { string msgContent = string.Format(string.Format("<args><presence><basic value=\"{0}\" /></presence></args>", (int)statu)); SipRequest req = new SipRequest(SipMethodName.Service, DEFAULT_URI); SipHeadField hFrom = new SipHeadField(SipHeadFieldName.From, Ower.Uri.Sid.ToString()); SipHeadField hCallID = new SipHeadField(SipHeadFieldName.CallID, Ower.Conncetion.NextCallID().ToString()); SipHeadField hCSeq = new SipHeadField(SipHeadFieldName.CSeq, "1 " + SipMethodName.Service); SipHeadField hEvent = new SipHeadField(SipHeadFieldName.Event, "SetPresence"); req.HeadFields.Add(hFrom); req.HeadFields.Add(hCallID); req.HeadFields.Add(hCSeq); req.HeadFields.Add(hEvent); req.Body = msgContent; return(req); }
private bool BroadcastingAllowed(PresenceStatus presenceStatus) { bool broadcastingAllowed = false; switch (presenceStatus) { case PresenceStatus.Online: case PresenceStatus.Away: case PresenceStatus.BRB: case PresenceStatus.Idle: case PresenceStatus.Phone: case PresenceStatus.Unknown: broadcastingAllowed = true; break; } return(broadcastingAllowed); }
private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { this.Cursor = System.Windows.Input.Cursors.Wait; //this.imageAvatar.Source = MyImageConverter.FromBitmap(Properties.Resources.avatar_48); //this.labelFreeText.Content = this.configurationService.Get(Configuration.ConfFolder.RCS, Configuration.ConfEntry.FREE_TEXT, Configuration.DEFAULT_RCS_FREE_TEXT); string strName = this.configurationService.Get(Configuration.ConfFolder.IDENTITY, Configuration.ConfEntry.DISPLAY_NAME, Configuration.DEFAULT_IDENTITY_DISPLAY_NAME); if (strName != "John Doe") { //this.labelDisplayName.Content = strName; } if (System.IO.File.Exists(MainWindow.AVATAR_PATH)) { //this.imageAvatar.Source = new ImageSourceConverter().ConvertFromInvariantString(MainWindow.AVATAR_PATH) as ImageSource; } Status[] statues = new Status[] { new Status("Online", PresenceStatus.Online, "/BogheApp;component/embedded/16/user_16.png"), new Status("Busy", PresenceStatus.Busy, "/BogheApp;component/embedded/16/user_busy_16.png"), new Status("Be Right Back", PresenceStatus.BeRightBack, "/BogheApp;component/embedded/16/user_back16.png"), new Status("Away", PresenceStatus.Away, "/BogheApp;component/embedded/16/user_time_16.png"), new Status("On The Phone", PresenceStatus.OnThePhone, "/BogheApp;component/embedded/16/user_onthephone_16.png"), new Status("HyperAvailable", PresenceStatus.HyperAvailable, "/BogheApp;component/embedded/16/user_hyper_avail_16.png"), new Status("Offline", PresenceStatus.Offline, "/BogheApp;component/embedded/16/user_offline_16.png") }; PresenceStatus status = (PresenceStatus)Enum.Parse(typeof(PresenceStatus), this.configurationService.Get(Configuration.ConfFolder.RCS, Configuration.ConfEntry.STATUS, Configuration.DEFAULT_RCS_STATUS.ToString())); int statusIndex = statues.ToList().FindIndex(x => x.Value == status); //this.registrations.CollectionChanged += (_sender, _e) => //{ // this.MenuItemFile_Registrations.Header = String.Format("Registrations ({0})", this.registrations.Count); //}; this.watchers.CollectionChanged += (_sender, _e) => { //this.MenuItemEAB_Authorizations.Header = String.Format("Authorizations ({0})", this.watchers.Count); }; this.Cursor = System.Windows.Input.Cursors.Arrow; table1_MouseLeftButtonDown(null, null); }
private string getStatusImage(PresenceStatus status) { switch (status) { case PresenceStatus.Online: { return(ImageOnline); } case PresenceStatus.Afk: { return(ImageAfk); } } return(ImageOffline); }
void OnAccountStateChanged(int accState) { Logger.LogNotice($"Registration state changed from {_registrationState} to {accState}"); _registrationState = accState; RaiseRegistrationStateChanged(); if (RegisterState == SipAccountState.Online && (PresenceStatus.Code == PresenceStatusCode.Unknown || PresenceStatus.Code == PresenceStatusCode.Offline)) { PresenceStatus = new PresenceStatus(PresenceStatusCode.Available); } if (RegisterState == SipAccountState.Offline && PresenceStatus.Code != PresenceStatusCode.Offline) { PresenceStatus = new PresenceStatus(PresenceStatusCode.Offline); } }
internal override void UpdateFromDocument(JObject doc) { _userId = doc["user"]["id"].ToObject <string>(); switch (doc["status"].ToObject <string>()) { case "online": Status = PresenceStatus.Online; break; case "idle": Status = PresenceStatus.Idle; break; case "dnd": Status = PresenceStatus.DoNotDisturb; break; default: Status = PresenceStatus.Offline; break; } }
protected virtual void OnDisconnected(EventArgs e) { Trace.Call(e); var msg = CreateMessageBuilder(); msg.AppendEventPrefix(); msg.AppendText(_("Disconnected from {0}"), NetworkID); Session.AddMessageToChat(Chat, msg.ToMessage()); _PresenceStatus = PresenceStatus.Offline; Session.UpdateNetworkStatus(); if (Disconnected != null) { Disconnected(this, e); } }
private void RefreshBotPersonalMessage() { if (_messenger.Owner != null) { string message = "Idle"; PresenceStatus status = PresenceStatus.Online; using (ControlServiceAgent tvControlAgent = new ControlServiceAgent()) { ActiveRecording[] activeRecordings = tvControlAgent.GetActiveRecordings(); if (activeRecordings.Length > 0) { message = "Recording"; status = PresenceStatus.Busy; } else { LiveStream[] liveStreams = tvControlAgent.GetLiveStreams(); if (liveStreams.Length > 0) { message = "Streaming"; status = PresenceStatus.Away; } else { UpcomingRecording upcomingRecording = tvControlAgent.GetNextUpcomingRecording(false); if (upcomingRecording != null) { message = "Waiting for next scheduled recording"; } } } } if (_messenger.Owner.PersonalMessage == null || _messenger.Owner.PersonalMessage.Message != message) { _messenger.Owner.PersonalMessage = new PersonalMessage(message); } if (_messenger.Owner.Status != status) { _messenger.Owner.Status = status; } } }
void Owner_StatusChanged(object sender, StatusChangedEventArgs e) { if (InvokeRequired) { BeginInvoke(new EventHandler<StatusChangedEventArgs>(Owner_StatusChanged), new object[] { sender, e }); return; } if (messenger.Nameserver.IsSignedIn) { if (Messenger.Owner.Online) { lastStatus = Messenger.Owner.Status; } comboStatus.SelectedIndex = comboStatus.FindString(GetStatusString(Messenger.Owner.Status)); } }
public override void SetPresenceStatus(PresenceStatus status, string message) { Trace.Call(status, message); if (!_IrcClient.IsConnected) { return; } switch (status) { case PresenceStatus.Online: _IrcClient.RfcAway(); break; case PresenceStatus.Away: if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(message)) { // HACK: empty away message unsets away state on IRC message = "away"; } _IrcClient.RfcAway(message); break; } }
public override void SetPresenceStatus(PresenceStatus status, string message) { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); }
/// <summary> /// Set the <see cref="Status"/> and fire <see cref="Contact.StatusChanged"/> , /// <see cref="Contact.ContactOnline"/> and <see cref="Contact.ContactOffline"/> event. /// </summary> /// <param name="newStatus"></param> internal void SetStatus(PresenceStatus newStatus) { //Becareful deadlock! PresenceStatus currentStatus = PresenceStatus.Unknown; lock (syncObject) { currentStatus = status; } if (currentStatus != newStatus) { PresenceStatus oldStatus = currentStatus; lock (syncObject) { status = newStatus; } // raise an event OnStatusChanged(new StatusChangedEventArgs(oldStatus, newStatus)); // raise the online/offline events if (oldStatus == PresenceStatus.Offline) OnContactOnline(new StatusChangedEventArgs(oldStatus, newStatus)); if (newStatus == PresenceStatus.Offline) OnContactOffline(new StatusChangedEventArgs(oldStatus, newStatus)); } }
internal void RemoveFromList(RoleLists list) { if ((lists & list) != RoleLists.None) { lists ^= list; // set this contact to offline when it is neither on the allow list or on the forward list if (!(OnForwardList || OnAllowedList)) { status = PresenceStatus.Offline; //also clear the groups, becase msn loose them when removed from the two lists contactGroups.Clear(); } NotifyManager(); } }
internal static global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef getCPtr(PresenceStatus obj) { return (obj == null) ? new global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef(null, global::System.IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr; }
public override void SetPresenceStatus(PresenceStatus status, string message) { Trace.Call(status, message); if (!IsConnected) { return; } switch (status) { case PresenceStatus.Online: JabberClient.Show = ShowType.NONE; JabberClient.Priority = Server.Priorities[status]; JabberClient.Status = message; break; case PresenceStatus.Away: JabberClient.Priority = Server.Priorities[status]; JabberClient.Show = ShowType.away; JabberClient.Status = message; break; } JabberClient.SendMyPresence(); base.SetPresenceStatus(status, message); }
public override void SetPresenceStatus(PresenceStatus status, string message) { Trace.Call(status, message); if (!IsConnected) { return; } switch (status) { case PresenceStatus.Online: JabberClient.Show = ShowType.NONE; JabberClient.Priority = Server.Priorities[status]; JabberClient.Status = message; break; case PresenceStatus.Away: JabberClient.Priority = Server.Priorities[status]; JabberClient.Show = ShowType.away; JabberClient.Status = message; break; } JabberClient.SendMyPresence(); // send presence update to all MUCs, see XEP-0045: // foreach (var chat in Chats) { if (!(chat is XmppGroupChatModel)) { continue; } var muc = (XmppGroupChatModel) chat; var to = new Jid(muc.ID) { Resource = muc.OwnNickname }; var presence = new Presence() { Show = JabberClient.Show, Status = JabberClient.Status, From = JabberClient.MyJID, To = to }; if (JabberClient.EnableCapabilities) { presence.AddChild(JabberClient.Capabilities); } JabberClient.Send(presence); } base.SetPresenceStatus(status, message); }
public static int GetContactStatusImageIndex(PresenceStatus status) { switch (status) { case PresenceStatus.Online: return Online; case PresenceStatus.Busy: case PresenceStatus.Phone: return Busy; case PresenceStatus.BRB: case PresenceStatus.Away: case PresenceStatus.Lunch: return Away; case PresenceStatus.Idle: return Idle; case PresenceStatus.Hidden: return Hidden; case PresenceStatus.Offline: return Offline; default: return Offline; } }
public static int GetCircleStatusImageIndex(PresenceStatus status) { switch (status) { case PresenceStatus.Online: return CircleOnline; case PresenceStatus.Offline: return CircleOffline; } return CircleOffline; }
private List<string> GetContacts(PresenceStatus status) { List<string> contacts = new List<string>(); foreach (Contact contact in _messenger.ContactList.All) { if (contact.Status == status) { contacts.Add(Regex.Replace(contact.Name, @"[^A-Za-z0-9]", "")); } } return contacts; }
public bool PresencePublish(PresenceStatus status) { if (this.IsPublicationEnabled) { return this.PublishPresence(status); } return false; }
public bool Publish(PresenceStatus status) { this.presenceStatus = status; if (this.PartialPublication) { return false; } else { return this.PublishFullState(); } }
private string GetStatusString(PresenceStatus status) { switch (status) { case PresenceStatus.Away: case PresenceStatus.BRB: case PresenceStatus.Lunch: case PresenceStatus.Idle: return "Away"; case PresenceStatus.Online: return "Online"; case PresenceStatus.Offline: return "Offline"; case PresenceStatus.Hidden: return "Hidden"; case PresenceStatus.Busy: case PresenceStatus.Phone: return "Busy"; } return "Offline"; }
public override void SetPresenceStatus(PresenceStatus status, string message) { Trace.Call(status, message); if (!IsConnected || !JabberClient.IsAuthenticated) { return; } PresenceType? xmppType = null; string xmppShow = null; switch (status) { case PresenceStatus.Online: xmppType = PresenceType.available; JabberClient.Priority = Server.Priorities[status]; break; case PresenceStatus.Away: xmppType = PresenceType.available; JabberClient.Priority = Server.Priorities[status]; xmppShow = "away"; break; case PresenceStatus.Offline: xmppType = PresenceType.unavailable; break; } if (xmppType == null) { return; } JabberClient.Presence(xmppType.Value, message, xmppShow, JabberClient.Priority); }
public override void SetPresenceStatus(PresenceStatus status, string message) { }
/// <summary> /// Translates MSNStatus enumeration to messenger's textual status presentation. /// </summary> /// <param name="status">MSNStatus enum object representing the status to translate</param> /// <returns>The corresponding textual value</returns> protected internal static string ParseStatus(PresenceStatus status) { switch (status) { case PresenceStatus.Online: return "NLN"; case PresenceStatus.Busy: case PresenceStatus.Phone: return "BSY"; case PresenceStatus.Idle: return "IDL"; case PresenceStatus.BRB: case PresenceStatus.Away: case PresenceStatus.Lunch: return "AWY"; case PresenceStatus.Offline: return "FLN"; case PresenceStatus.Hidden: return "HDN"; default: break; } return "Unknown status"; }
public void SetPresenceStatus(PresenceStatus status, string message) { }
private bool PublishPresence(PresenceStatus status) { if (this.pubPres != null) { if (status == PresenceStatus.HyperAvailable) { this.pubPres.HyperAvailabilityTimeout = this.StartHyperAvailabilityTimer(); } return this.pubPres.Publish(status); } return false; }
public void setOnlineStatus(PresenceStatus pres_st) { pjsua2PINVOKE.Account_setOnlineStatus(swigCPtr, PresenceStatus.getCPtr(pres_st)); if (pjsua2PINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw pjsua2PINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); }
private void comboStatus_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (InvokeRequired) { BeginInvoke(new EventHandler(comboStatus_SelectedIndexChanged), sender, e); return; } PresenceStatus newstatus = (PresenceStatus)Enum.Parse(typeof(PresenceStatus), comboStatus.Text); if (messenger.Connected) { if (newstatus == PresenceStatus.Offline) { foreach (ConversationForm convform in ConversationForms) { if (convform.Visible == true) { if (MessageBox.Show("You are signing out from example client. All windows will be closed.", "Sign out", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) != DialogResult.Yes) { return; } else { break; } } } Messenger.Disconnect(); } else { Messenger.Owner.Status = newstatus; lastStatus = newstatus; } } else if (newstatus == PresenceStatus.Offline) { SetLastStatusCombo(); } else { lastStatus = newstatus; } }
public override void SetPresenceStatus(PresenceStatus status, string message) { Trace.Call(status, message); // TODO: implement me // should we send updates here?!? }
/// <summary> /// Set the status of the contact list owner (the client). /// </summary> /// <remarks>You can only set the status _after_ SignedIn event. Otherwise you won't receive online notifications from other clients or the connection is closed by the server.</remarks> internal void SetPresenceStatus( PresenceStatus newStatus, ClientCapabilities newLocalIMCaps, ClientCapabilitiesEx newLocalIMCapsex, ClientCapabilities newLocalPECaps, ClientCapabilitiesEx newLocalPECapsex, string newEPName, PersonalMessage newPSM, bool forcePEservice) { if (IsSignedIn == false) throw new MSNPSharpException("Can't set status. You must wait for the SignedIn event before you can set an initial status."); if (newStatus == PresenceStatus.Offline) { SignoutFrom(MachineGuid); return; } bool setAll = (Owner.Status == PresenceStatus.Offline); if (setAll || forcePEservice || newStatus != Owner.Status || newLocalIMCaps != Owner.LocalEndPointIMCapabilities || newLocalIMCapsex != Owner.LocalEndPointIMCapabilitiesEx || newLocalPECaps != Owner.LocalEndPointPECapabilities || newLocalPECapsex != Owner.LocalEndPointPECapabilitiesEx || newEPName != Owner.EpName) { XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); XmlElement userElement = xmlDoc.CreateElement("user"); // s.IM (Status, CurrentMedia) if (setAll || forcePEservice || newStatus != Owner.Status) { XmlElement service = xmlDoc.CreateElement("s"); service.SetAttribute("n", ServiceShortNames.IM.ToString()); service.InnerXml = "<Status>" + ParseStatus(newStatus) + "</Status>" + "<CurrentMedia>" + MSNHttpUtility.XmlEncode(newPSM.CurrentMedia) + "</CurrentMedia>"; userElement.AppendChild(service); // Don't call Owner.Status = newStatus. } // s.PE (UserTileLocation, FriendlyName, PSM, Scene, ColorScheme) if (setAll || forcePEservice) { XmlElement service = xmlDoc.CreateElement("s"); service.SetAttribute("n", ServiceShortNames.PE.ToString()); service.InnerXml = newPSM.Payload; userElement.AppendChild(service); // Don't set owner.PersonalMessage here. It is replaced (with a new reference) when NFY PUT received. } // sep.IM (Capabilities) if (setAll || newLocalIMCaps != Owner.LocalEndPointIMCapabilities || newLocalIMCapsex != Owner.LocalEndPointIMCapabilitiesEx) { ClientCapabilities localIMCaps = setAll ? ClientCapabilities.DefaultIM : newLocalIMCaps; ClientCapabilitiesEx localIMCapsEx = setAll ? ClientCapabilitiesEx.DefaultIM : newLocalIMCapsex; XmlElement sep = xmlDoc.CreateElement("sep"); sep.SetAttribute("n", ServiceShortNames.IM.ToString()); XmlElement capabilities = xmlDoc.CreateElement("Capabilities"); capabilities.InnerText = ((long)localIMCaps).ToString() + ":" + ((long)localIMCapsEx).ToString(); sep.AppendChild(capabilities); userElement.AppendChild(sep); // Don't call Owner.LocalEndPointIMCapabilities. It is recursive call to this method. } // sep.PE (Capabilities) if (setAll || newLocalPECaps != Owner.LocalEndPointPECapabilities || newLocalPECapsex != Owner.LocalEndPointPECapabilitiesEx) { ClientCapabilities localPECaps = setAll ? ClientCapabilities.DefaultPE : newLocalPECaps; ClientCapabilitiesEx localPECapsEx = setAll ? ClientCapabilitiesEx.DefaultPE : newLocalPECapsex; XmlElement sep = xmlDoc.CreateElement("sep"); sep.SetAttribute("n", ServiceShortNames.PE.ToString()); XmlElement VER = xmlDoc.CreateElement("VER"); VER.InnerText = Credentials.ClientInfo.MessengerClientName + ":" + Credentials.ClientInfo.MessengerClientBuildVer; sep.AppendChild(VER); XmlElement TYP = xmlDoc.CreateElement("TYP"); TYP.InnerText = "1"; sep.AppendChild(TYP); XmlElement capabilities = xmlDoc.CreateElement("Capabilities"); capabilities.InnerText = ((long)localPECaps).ToString() + ":" + ((long)localPECapsEx).ToString(); sep.AppendChild(capabilities); userElement.AppendChild(sep); // Don't call Owner.LocalEndPointPECapabilities. It is recursive call to this method. } // sep.PD (EpName, State) if (setAll || newEPName != Owner.EpName || newStatus != Owner.Status) { XmlElement sep = xmlDoc.CreateElement("sep"); sep.SetAttribute("n", ServiceShortNames.PD.ToString()); XmlElement clientType = xmlDoc.CreateElement("ClientType"); clientType.InnerText = "1"; sep.AppendChild(clientType); XmlElement epName = xmlDoc.CreateElement("EpName"); epName.InnerText = MSNHttpUtility.XmlEncode(newEPName); sep.AppendChild(epName); XmlElement idle = xmlDoc.CreateElement("Idle"); idle.InnerText = ((newStatus == PresenceStatus.Idle) ? "true" : "false"); sep.AppendChild(idle); XmlElement state = xmlDoc.CreateElement("State"); state.InnerText = ParseStatus(newStatus); sep.AppendChild(state); userElement.AppendChild(sep); // Don't set Owner.EpName. It is recursive call to this method. } if (userElement.HasChildNodes) { string xml = userElement.OuterXml; string me = ((int)Owner.ClientType).ToString() + ":" + Owner.Account; MultiMimeMessage mmMessage = new MultiMimeMessage(me, me); mmMessage.RoutingHeaders[MIMERoutingHeaders.From][MIMERoutingHeaders.EPID] = NSMessageHandler.MachineGuid.ToString("B").ToLowerInvariant(); mmMessage.Stream = 1; mmMessage.ReliabilityHeaders[MIMEReliabilityHeaders.Flags] = "ACK"; mmMessage.ContentKey = MIMEContentHeaders.Publication; mmMessage.ContentHeaders[MIMEContentHeaders.URI] = "/user"; mmMessage.ContentHeaders[MIMEContentHeaders.ContentType] = "application/user+xml"; mmMessage.InnerBody = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(xml); NSMessage nsMessage = new NSMessage("PUT"); nsMessage.InnerMessage = mmMessage; MessageProcessor.SendMessage(nsMessage); } } }
public Status(string text, PresenceStatus value, String imageSource) { this.text = text; this.value = value; this.imageSource = imageSource; }
private bool BroadcastingAllowed(PresenceStatus presenceStatus) { bool broadcastingAllowed = false; switch (presenceStatus) { case PresenceStatus.Online: case PresenceStatus.Away: case PresenceStatus.BRB: case PresenceStatus.Idle: case PresenceStatus.Phone: case PresenceStatus.Unknown: broadcastingAllowed = true; break; } return broadcastingAllowed; }
public abstract void SetPresenceStatus(PresenceStatus status, string message);
protected virtual void OnDisconnected(EventArgs e) { Trace.Call(e); Session.AddTextToChat( Chat, String.Format( "-!- {0}", String.Format( _("Disconnected from {0}"), NetworkID ) ) ); _PresenceStatus = PresenceStatus.Offline; Session.UpdateNetworkStatus(); if (Disconnected != null) { Disconnected(this, e); } }
void UpdatePresenceStatus(PresenceStatus status, string message) { lock (_ProtocolManagers) { foreach (var manager in _ProtocolManagers) { manager.SetPresenceStatus(status, message); } } }