/// <summary>
 /// Local msthod for firing the PreProcessBodyFrame event
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 protected virtual void OnPreProcessBodyFrame(PreProcessBodyFrameEventArgs e)
     if (PreProcessBodyFrame != null)
         PreProcessBodyFrame(this, e);
        async void bodyReader_FrameArrived(object sender, BodyFrameArrivedEventArgs e)

                // grab color frame
                var colorFrame = colorReader.AcquireLatestFrame();

                if (colorFrame != null)
                    // ColorFrame is IDisposable
                    using (colorFrame)
                        BodyFrame frame = e.FrameReference.AcquireFrame();

                        if (frame != null)
                            using (frame)
                                SensorStatus = SensorStatus.Active;

                                if (this.bodies == null)
                                    this.bodies = new Body[kinectSensor.BodyFrameSource.BodyCount];

                                // The first time GetAndRefreshBodyData is called, Kinect will allocate each Body in the array.
                                // As long as those body objects are not disposed and not set to null in the array,
                                // those body objects will be re-used.


                                FrameDescription frameDescription = colorFrame.FrameDescription;

                                // verify data and write the new color frame data to the display bitmap
                                if ((frameDescription.Width == this.videoImageSource.PixelWidth) && (frameDescription.Height == this.videoImageSource.PixelHeight))
                                    await DisplayColorFrame(colorFrame);

                                if (DrawBodies == true)
                                    using (DrawingContext dc = this.drawingGroup.Open())
                                        // Draw a transparent background to set the render size
                                        // get size of color space
                                        dc.DrawRectangle(Brushes.Transparent, null, new Rect(0.0, 0.0, frameDescription.Width, frameDescription.Height));

                                        for (int i = 0; i < bodies.Length; i++)
                                            Body body = bodies[i];

                                            if (body.IsTracked)
                                                this.DrawClippedEdges(body, dc);

                                                var args = new PreProcessBodyFrameEventArgs(frame, bodies);

                                                IReadOnlyDictionary<JointType, Joint> joints = body.Joints;
                                                foreach (JointType jointType in joints.Keys)
                                                    this.Joints[(int)jointType] = joints[jointType];
                                                Point[] jointPoints = new Point[joints.Count];

                                                // convert the Joint points to depth (display) space
                                                foreach (JointType jointType in joints.Keys)
                                                    ColorSpacePoint depthSpacePoint = this.coordinateMapper.MapCameraPointToColorSpace(joints[jointType].Position);
                                                    jointPoints[(int)jointType] = new Point(depthSpacePoint.X, depthSpacePoint.Y);

                                                this.DrawBody(Joints, jointPoints, dc);
                                                this.DrawHand(body.HandLeftState, jointPoints[(int)JointType.HandLeft], dc);
                                                this.DrawHand(body.HandRightState, jointPoints[(int)JointType.HandRight], dc);

                                                DrawHead(body, dc);

                                                OnBodyTracked(new BodyTrackedEventArgs(body, i, dc));


                                        // prevent drawing outside of our render area
                                        this.drawingGroup.ClipGeometry = new RectangleGeometry(new Rect(0.0, 0.0, colorWidth, colorHeight));
                                    for (int i = 0; i < bodies.Length; i++)
                                        Body body = bodies[i];

                                        if (body.IsTracked)
                                            OnBodyTracked(new BodyTrackedEventArgs(body, i, null));


            catch (Exception ex)
                // ignore if the frame is no longer available
                var msg = ex.Message;