Example #1
        public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader)

            int version = reader.ReadInt();

            m_Game = reader.ReadInt();
            int count = reader.ReadInt();

            for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                int  one    = reader.ReadInt();
                int  two    = reader.ReadInt();
                int  three  = reader.ReadInt();
                int  four   = reader.ReadInt();
                int  five   = reader.ReadInt();
                int  six    = reader.ReadInt();
                bool winner = reader.ReadBool();

                new TicketEntry(this, one, two, three, four, five, six, winner);

            m_PowerBall = PowerBall.Game;

            if (PowerBall.Instance != null && m_PowerBall != null && m_Game == m_PowerBall.GameNumber)
Example #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            MegaMillions mega = new MegaMillions();

            string jsonMegaMillions = mega.GetJson();

            EuroJackpot euroJackpot = new EuroJackpot();

            string jsonEuroJackpot = euroJackpot.GetJson();

            EuroMillions euroMillions = new EuroMillions();

            string jsonEuroMillions = euroMillions.GetJson();

            PowerBall powerBall = new PowerBall();

            string jsonPowerBall = powerBall.GetJson();
Example #3
    public void UsePower(float shootValue)
        GameObject newPowerBall    = GameObject.Instantiate(PowerBallPrefab, initTransform.position, Quaternion.identity);
        PowerBall  powerBallScript = newPowerBall.GetComponent <PowerBall>();

        powerBallScript.SetElement(PowerElement, shootValue);
        public void TestPowerBallCompareNotEqual()
            FakeNumberGenerator numberGenerator = new FakeNumberGenerator(new List <int> {
                1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
            PowerBall mine    = new PowerBall(numberGenerator);
            PowerBall winning = new PowerBall(numberGenerator);

            Assert.AreEqual(-1, mine.CompareTo(winning));
Example #5
        private PowerBall generateNumber()
            var PowerBallObject = new PowerBall();

            PowerBallObject.FirstNumber  = fivenumbers[0];
            PowerBallObject.SecondNumber = fivenumbers[1];
            PowerBallObject.ThirdNumber  = fivenumbers[2];
            PowerBallObject.FourthNumber = fivenumbers[3];
            PowerBallObject.FifthNumber  = fivenumbers[4];
            PowerBallObject.PowerNumber  = generatePowerNumber();
Example #6
        public PowerBallTicket() : base(null, TicketType.Powerball, false)
            Name     = "a powerball ticket";
            LootType = LootType.Blessed;
            Hue      = 2106;

            if (PowerBall.Instance != null && PowerBall.Game != null)
                m_PowerBall = PowerBall.Game;
                m_Game = m_PowerBall.GameNumber;
                m_Game = 0;
Example #7
        public void TestPowerBall()
            int[] PH = new int[5];
            int   RB = 6;

            PH[0] = 0;
            PH[1] = 1;
            PH[2] = 2;
            PH[3] = 3;
            PH[4] = 4;

            PowerBall player = new PowerBall(PH, RB);
            PowerBall Com    = new PowerBall(PH, RB);

            Bet <PowerBall> TryBet = new Bet <PowerBall>();

            TryBet.Player      = player;
            TryBet.Computer[0] = Com;

            Assert.AreEqual(1, TryBet.DoBet());
Example #8
        public PowerBallTicket(Mobile owner, PowerBall powerball) : base(owner, TicketType.Powerball, false)
            Name     = "a powerball ticket";
            LootType = LootType.Blessed;
            Hue      = 2106;

            m_PowerBall = powerball;

            if (m_PowerBall != null)
                m_Game = m_PowerBall.GameNumber;
                m_Game = 0;

            if (PowerBall.Instance != null)
Example #9
        public PowerBallStatsGump(PowerBall item, Mobile from)
            : base(50, 50)
            m_PowerBall = item;
            m_From      = from;

            int gameNumber = 0;

            if (PowerBall.Game != null)
                gameNumber = PowerBall.Game.GameNumber;


            AddBackground(50, 0, 350, 350, 9250);


            if (PowerBall.Game != null && PowerBall.Game.IsActive)
                AddLabel(70, 15, labelColor, String.Format("Current Powerball Game: {0}", gameNumber));
                AddLabel(70, 20, GMColor, "Offline");

            if (m_From.AccessLevel > AccessLevel.Player)
                AddLabel(70, 40, GMColor, String.Format("Gold Sink: {0}", PowerBall.GoldSink));

                if (PowerBall.Instance != null)
                    AddLabel(225, 40, GMColor, "Current Game's Profit:");
                    AddLabel(325, 60, GMColor, String.Format("{0}", PowerBall.Instance.Profit));

                AddLabel(70, 185, GMColor, "*Warning* GM Options *Warning*");

                AddLabel(105, 215, GMColor, "Reset All Stats");
                AddButton(70, 215, 0xFBD, 0xFBF, 2, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

                AddLabel(105, 245, GMColor, "Current Game Guaratee Jackpot");
                AddButton(70, 245, 0xFBD, 0xFBF, 3, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

                AddLabel(105, 275, GMColor, m_PowerBall.IsActive ? "Set Game Inactive" : "Set Active");
                AddButton(70, 275, 0xFBD, 0xFBF, 4, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);

                if (PowerBall.Game != null && PowerBall.Game.MaxWhiteBalls <= 20)
                    long odds = GetOdds();
                    if (odds > 6)
                        AddLabel(70, 305, GMColor, String.Format("Jackpot Odds: 1 in {0}", odds));
                int hue = 2041;

                AddImage(70, 200, 0x15A9, hue);
                AddImage(115, 265, 0x15A9, hue);
                AddImage(160, 200, 0x15A9, hue);
                AddImage(205, 265, 0x15A9, hue);
                AddImage(250, 200, 0x15A9, hue);
                AddImage(295, 265, 0x15A9, 0x21);

                TimeSpan ts = m_PowerBall.NextGame - DateTime.Now;
                string   text;

                if (ts.TotalHours >= 1)
                    int minutes = (int)ts.TotalMinutes - (((int)ts.TotalHours) * 60);
                    text = String.Format("Next Picks: {0} {1} and {2} {3}", ((int)ts.TotalHours).ToString(), ts.TotalHours == 1 ? "hour" : "hours", minutes.ToString(), ts.TotalMinutes == 1 ? "minute" : "minutes");
                    text = String.Format("Next Picks: {0} {1}", ((int)ts.TotalMinutes).ToString(), ts.TotalMinutes == 1 ? "minute" : "minutes");

                AddLabel(70, 40, labelColor, text);

            AddHtml(105, 65, 200, 16, "<Basefont Color=#FFFFFF>Purchase Ticket</Basefont>", false, false);
            if (PowerBall.Instance != null && PowerBall.Instance.CanBuyTickets)
                AddButton(70, 65, 0xFBD, 0xFBF, 1, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
            //    AddImage(70, 65, 0xFB4);

            AddButton(70, 95, 0xFBD, 0xFBF, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, 2);
            AddHtml(105, 95, 200, 16, "<Basefont Color=#FFFFFF>Archived Picks</Basefont>", false, false);

            AddButton(70, 125, 0xFBD, 0xFBF, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, 3);
            AddHtml(105, 125, 200, 16, "<Basefont Color=#FFFFFF>Jackpot Winners</Basefont>", false, false);

            AddHtml(105, 155, 200, 16, "<Basefont Color=#FFFFFF>Current Game Info</Basefont>", false, false);
            if (m_PowerBall.IsActive)
                AddButton(70, 155, 0xFBD, 0xFBF, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, 4);
            //    AddImage(70, 155, 0xFB4);

            AddPage(2); //Archived Picks

            AddLabel(70, 20, labelColor, "Game");
            AddLabel(150, 20, labelColor, "Last 10 Picks");
            AddLabel(275, 20, labelColor, "Total Payout");

            int count = 0;

            for (int i = PowerBallStats.PicksStats.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                PowerBallStats stats  = PowerBallStats.PicksStats[i];
                string         payout = String.Format("{0:##,###,###}", stats.Payout);

                AddHtml(70, 50 + (count * 25), 50, 16, String.Format("<Basefont Color=#FFFFFF>{0}</Basefont>", stats.GameNumber.ToString()), false, false);
                AddHtml(305, 50 + (count * 25), 50, 16, String.Format("<Basefont Color=#FFFFFF>{0}</Basefont>", payout), false, false);

                if (stats.Picks != null && stats.Picks.Count > 0)
                    for (int j = 0; j < stats.Picks.Count; ++j)
                        if (j + 1 < stats.Picks.Count)
                            AddHtml(125 + (j * 25), 50 + (count * 25), 25, 16, String.Format("<Basefont Color=#FFFFFF>{0}</Basefont>", stats.Picks[j]), false, false);
                            AddHtml(250, 50 + (count * 25), 25, 16, String.Format("<Basefont Color=#FF0000>{0}</Basefont>", stats.Picks[j]), false, false);

                if (count++ >= 9)

            AddButton(350, 300, 0xFAE, 0xFB0, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, 1);

            AddPage(3); //Jackpot Winners

            AddLabel(70, 20, labelColor, "Player");
            AddLabel(150, 20, labelColor, "Jackpot Amount");
            AddLabel(300, 20, labelColor, "Time");

            count = 0;
            for (int i = PowerBallStats.JackpotStats.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                PowerBallStats stats         = PowerBallStats.JackpotStats[i];
                Mobile         mob           = stats.JackpotWinner;
                string         jackpotamount = String.Format("{0:##,###,### Gold}", stats.JackpotAmount);

                AddHtml(70, 50 + (count * 25), 100, 16, String.Format("<Basefont Color=#FFFFFF>{0}</Basefont>", mob != null ? mob.Name : "Unanimous"), false, false);
                AddHtml(150, 50 + (count * 25), 100, 16, String.Format("<Basefont Color=#FFFFFF>{0}</Basefont>", jackpotamount), false, false);
                AddHtml(270, 50 + (count * 25), 100, 16, String.Format("<Basefont Color=#FFFFFF>{0}</Basefont>", stats.JackpotTime.ToString()), false, false);

                if (count++ >= 9)

            AddButton(350, 300, 0xFAE, 0xFB0, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, 1);

            AddPage(4); //Current Game info

            List <Mobile> ticketList = new List <Mobile>();

            if (PowerBall.Instance != null)
                foreach (PowerBallTicket ticket in PowerBall.Instance.Tickets)
                    if (!ticketList.Contains(ticket.Owner) && ticket.Owner != null)

            AddLabel(70, 20, labelColor, "Current Game Information");

            if (PowerBall.Instance != null || PowerBall.Instance.PowerBall != null && PowerBall.Instance.PowerBall.IsActive)
                AddLabel(70, 80, labelColor, "Game Number:");
                AddHtml(200, 80, 300, 16, String.Format("<Basefont Color=#FFFFFF>{0}</Basefont>", gameNumber), false, false);

                string jackpotamount = String.Format("{0:##,###,### Gold}", PowerBall.Instance.JackPot);
                AddLabel(70, 110, labelColor, "Jackpot Amount:");
                AddHtml(200, 110, 300, 16, String.Format("<Basefont Color=#FFFFFF>{0}</Basefont>", PowerBall.Instance.JackPot > 0 ? jackpotamount : "0 Gold"), false, false);

                AddLabel(70, 140, labelColor, "Players:");
                AddHtml(200, 140, 300, 16, String.Format("<Basefont Color=#FFFFFF>{0}</Basefont>", ticketList.Count), false, false);

                if (PowerBall.Instance != null)
                    int entryCount = 0;
                    foreach (PowerBallTicket t in PowerBall.Instance.Tickets)
                        foreach (TicketEntry e in t.Entries)

                    AddLabel(70, 170, labelColor, "Tickets:");
                    AddHtml(200, 170, 300, 16, String.Format("<Basefont Color=#FFFFFF>{0}</Basefont>", entryCount.ToString()), false, false);

                    AddLabel(70, 200, labelColor, "Next Picks:");
                    AddHtml(200, 200, 300, 16, String.Format("<Basefont Color=#FFFFFF>{0}</Basefont>", PowerBall.Instance.PowerBall.NextGame), false, false);

                if (ticketList != null && ticketList.Count > 0)
                    AddButton(70, 300, 0x483, 0x481, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, 5);
                    AddHtml(110, 300, 200, 16, "<Basefont Color=#FFFFFF>Players</Basefont>", false, false);
                AddLabel(70, 80, labelColor, "Inactive");

            AddButton(350, 300, 0xFAE, 0xFB0, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, 1);


            AddLabel(70, 20, labelColor, "Players in Current Game");

            for (int k = 0; k < ticketList.Count; ++k)
                if (k < 12)
                    AddHtml(70, 45 + (k * 25), 100, 16, String.Format("<Basefont Color=#FFFFFF>{0}</Basefont>", ticketList[k] != null ? ticketList[k].Name : "Unanimous"), false, false);
                else if (k < 24)
                    AddHtml(180, 45 + ((k - 12) * 25), 100, 16, String.Format("<Basefont Color=#FFFFFF>{0}</Basefont>", ticketList[k] != null ? ticketList[k].Name : "Unanimous"), false, false);
                else if (k < 36)
                    AddHtml(290, 45 + ((k - 24) * 25), 100, 16, String.Format("<Basefont Color=#FFFFFF>{0}</Basefont>", ticketList[k] != null ? ticketList[k].Name : "Unanimous"), false, false);

            AddButton(290, 20, 0xFB1, 0xFB3, 0, GumpButtonType.Page, 1);
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Uses the power and starts dropping it.
        /// The power gain cooldown automaticly starts.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="playerPos">The player's position for the power.</param>
        public void UsePower(Vector2 playerPos)
            if (state != ScoreState.Gain)
                //Don't activate a power if you can't use it.

            //Drop the power over time.
            toAdd = -100;
            state = ScoreState.Loss;

            //Create the PowerBall.
            PowerBall temp = new PowerBall(GDGame, playerPos);