public void TestImportNewData() { var importInstance = new PostMigragion(); importInstance.ImportNewData(); var posts = new PostsBll().QueryAll(); posts.Should() .HaveCount(192, "because there are only 192 rows data in the table j_jcyy_basepost of data source"); var dbUpdateLogs = new DbUpdateLogBll().QueryAll(); dbUpdateLogs.Should().HaveCount(192, "because I just insert 192 rows data to the table Posts"); var relations = new PrimaryIdRelationBll().QueryAll(); relations.Should() .HaveCount(192, "becaust there are only 192 rows data in the table j_jcyy_basepost of data source"); var maxId = new OracleTableMaxIdBll().QuerySingle($"TableName='{nameof(J_JCYY_BASEPOST)}'"); maxId.Should().NotBeNull(); maxId?.MaxId.Should().Be("226"); }
public void TestUpdateEditedData() { var updateInstance = new PostMigragion(); updateInstance.UpdateEditedData(); var editedModel = new PostsBll().QuerySingle("PostName='测试修改安全监控员'"); editedModel.Should().NotBeNull(); var dbUpdateLog = new DbUpdateLogBll().QuerySingle($"TableName='{nameof(Posts)}' AND UpdateType=2"); dbUpdateLog.Should().NotBeNull(); }