Example #1
        static async Task <IEnumerable <string> > WarnIfNecessary(bool testRun, List <string> benchmarksToWarn, List <string> warnedBenchmarks,
                                                                  bool faster, PostgresRow testRunSet, PostgresRow previousRunSet, string machineName, string configName)
            var newlyWarned = benchmarksToWarn.Where(b => !warnedBenchmarks.Contains(b)).ToList();

            if (newlyWarned.Count == 0)
                return new string[] { }

            var commit         = testRunSet.GetReference <string> ("c_hash");
            var previousCommit = previousRunSet.GetReference <string> ("c_hash");

            string benchmarksString;

            if (newlyWarned.Count == 1)
                benchmarksString = String.Format("benchmark `{0}`", newlyWarned [0]);
            else if (newlyWarned.Count == 2)
                benchmarksString = String.Format("benchmarks `{0}` and `{1}`", newlyWarned [0], newlyWarned [1]);
                var allButLast = newlyWarned.GetRange(0, newlyWarned.Count - 1).Select(n => String.Format("`{0}`", n));
                benchmarksString = String.Format("benchmarks {0}, and `{1}`", String.Join(", ", allButLast), newlyWarned.Last());
            var timelineUrl = String.Format("http://xamarin.github.io/benchmarker/front-end/index.html#machine={0}&config={1}",
                                            machineName, configName);
            var compareUrl = String.Format("http://xamarin.github.io/benchmarker/front-end/compare.html#ids={0}+{1}",
                                           previousRunSet.GetValue <long> ("rs_id").Value,
                                           testRunSet.GetValue <long> ("rs_id").Value);
            var message = String.Format("The {0} got {1} between commits {2} and {3} on <{4}|{5}> — <{6}|compare>",
                                        benchmarksString, (faster ? "faster" : "slower"),
                                        SlackCommitString(previousCommit), SlackCommitString(commit),
                                        timelineUrl, testRunSet.GetReference <string> ("m_architecture"), compareUrl);
            var botName = faster ? "goodbot" : "badbot";

            if (testRun)
                Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", botName, message);
                await SendSlackMessage(message, "#performance-bots", botName, faster? ":thumbsup:" : ":red_circle:");

Example #2
		static async Task<IEnumerable<string>> WarnIfNecessary (bool testRun, List<string> benchmarksToWarn, List<string> warnedBenchmarks,
			bool faster, PostgresRow testRunSet, PostgresRow previousRunSet, string machineName, string configName)
			var newlyWarned = benchmarksToWarn.Where (b => !warnedBenchmarks.Contains (b)).ToList ();
			if (newlyWarned.Count == 0)
				return new string[] { };

			var commit = testRunSet.GetReference<string> ("c_hash");
			var previousCommit = previousRunSet.GetReference<string> ("c_hash");

			string benchmarksString;
			if (newlyWarned.Count == 1) {
				benchmarksString = String.Format ("benchmark `{0}`", newlyWarned [0]);
			} else if (newlyWarned.Count == 2) {
				benchmarksString = String.Format ("benchmarks `{0}` and `{1}`", newlyWarned [0], newlyWarned [1]);
			} else {
				var allButLast = newlyWarned.GetRange (0, newlyWarned.Count - 1).Select (n => String.Format ("`{0}`", n));
				benchmarksString = String.Format ("benchmarks {0}, and `{1}`", String.Join (", ", allButLast), newlyWarned.Last ());
			var timelineUrl = String.Format ("http://xamarin.github.io/benchmarker/front-end/index.html#machine={0}&config={1}",
				                  machineName, configName);
			var compareUrl = String.Format ("http://xamarin.github.io/benchmarker/front-end/compare.html#ids={0}+{1}",
				previousRunSet.GetValue<long> ("rs_id").Value,
				testRunSet.GetValue<long> ("rs_id").Value);
			var message = String.Format ("The {0} got {1} between commits {2} and {3} on <{4}|{5}> — <{6}|compare>",
							             benchmarksString, (faster ? "faster" : "slower"),
							             SlackCommitString (previousCommit), SlackCommitString (commit),
										 timelineUrl, testRunSet.GetReference<string> ("m_architecture"), compareUrl);
			var botName = faster ? "goodbot" : "badbot";
			if (testRun)
				Console.WriteLine ("{0}: {1}", botName, message);
				await SendSlackMessage (message, "#performance-bots", botName, faster ? ":thumbsup:" : ":red_circle:");
			return newlyWarned;