protected ConcurrentDictionary<string, PostcodeRegion> GetPractceDictionary()
            // Create test PostcodeRegions
            var postcodeRegion1 = new PostcodeRegion
                Postcode = Data.Postcode1,
                Region = Data.RegionLondon

            var postcodeRegion2 = new PostcodeRegion
                Postcode = Data.Postcode2,
                Region = Data.RegionNe

            // Create dictionary to return, add the values
            var dictionary = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, PostcodeRegion>();
            dictionary.TryAdd(Data.PracticeCode1, postcodeRegion1);
            dictionary.TryAdd(Data.PracticeCode2, postcodeRegion2);

            return dictionary;
        protected Practices GetPractices()
            // Create test PostcodeRegions
            var postcodeRegion1 = new PostcodeRegion
                Postcode = Data.Postcode1,
                Region = Data.RegionLondon

            var postcodeRegion2 = new PostcodeRegion
                Postcode = Data.Postcode2,
                Region = Data.RegionNe

            // Create dictionary, add the values
            var dictionary = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, PostcodeRegion>();
            dictionary.TryAdd(Data.PracticeCode1, postcodeRegion1);
            dictionary.TryAdd(Data.PracticeCode2, postcodeRegion2);

            // Return new Practices object
            return new Practices(dictionary);