Example #1
        public async Task <IHttpActionResult> PostTopicName([FromBody] PostTopicNameRequest request)
            string className  = "TopicsController";
            string methodName = "PostTopicName";
            string logEntry   = $"PublisherType = {request?.PublisherType}, TopicHandle = {request?.TopicHandle}";

            this.LogControllerStart(this.log, className, methodName, logEntry);

            var userProfileEntity = await this.usersManager.ReadUserProfile(this.UserHandle, this.AppHandle);

            if (userProfileEntity == null)

            // app published topic names can only be created by an administrator of that application
            if (request.PublisherType == PublisherType.App)
                bool isAdmin = await this.appsManager.IsAdminUser(this.AppHandle, this.UserHandle);

                if (!isAdmin)

            // currently, we only support app published topic names
            if (request.PublisherType != PublisherType.App)

            // if the topic handle does not exist, return an error that indicates the topic was not found
            var topicEntity = await this.topicsManager.ReadTopic(request.TopicHandle);

            if (topicEntity == null)

            // check if the requested topic name is already in use for this app
            var topicNameEntity = await this.topicNamesManager.ReadTopicName(this.AppHandle, request.TopicName);

            if (topicNameEntity != null)

            await this.topicNamesManager.InsertTopicName(

            this.LogControllerEnd(this.log, className, methodName, logEntry);
        public async Task CreateVerifyDeleteNamedTopicTest()
            HttpOperationResponse <object> deleteUserOperationResponse      = null;
            HttpOperationResponse <object> deleteTopicOperationResponse     = null;
            HttpOperationResponse <object> deleteTopicNameOperationResponse = null;
            DeleteTopicNameRequest         deleteTopicNameReq = new DeleteTopicNameRequest(publisherType: PublisherType.App);
            int endIndex = TestConstants.ConfigFileName.IndexOf(".");

            this.environment = TestConstants.ConfigFileName.Substring(0, endIndex);

            // create a user
            SocialPlusClient client = new SocialPlusClient(TestConstants.ServerApiBaseUrl);
            var t = await this.CreateUserForTest(client);

            PostUserResponse postUserResponse = t.Item1;
            string           auth             = t.Item2;
            string           userHandle       = postUserResponse.UserHandle;

            string appHandle = ManageAppsUtils.GetAppHandle(this.environment);

            if (appHandle == null)
                // delete the user and fail the test
                deleteUserOperationResponse = await client.Users.DeleteUserWithHttpMessagesAsync(authorization : auth);

                Assert.Fail("Failed to lookup appHandle");

            // add user as admin
            bool added = ManageAppsUtils.AddAdmin(this.environment, appHandle, userHandle);

            if (!added)
                // delete the user and fail the test
                deleteUserOperationResponse = await client.Users.DeleteUserWithHttpMessagesAsync(authorization : auth);

                Assert.Fail("Failed to set user as administrator");

            // create a topic
            string           topicTitle       = "Test topic for named topics";
            string           topicText        = "This sure is a fine topic.";
            BlobType         blobType         = BlobType.Image;
            string           blobHandle       = "http://myBlobHandle/";
            string           language         = "en-US";
            string           group            = "mygroup";
            PostTopicRequest postTopicRequest = new PostTopicRequest(publisherType: PublisherType.User, text: topicText, title: topicTitle, blobType: blobType, blobHandle: blobHandle, language: language, group: group);
            HttpOperationResponse <PostTopicResponse> postTopicOperationResponse = await client.Topics.PostTopicWithHttpMessagesAsync(request : postTopicRequest, authorization : auth);

            // if create topic was a success, grab the topic handle
            string topicHandle = string.Empty;

            if (postTopicOperationResponse.Response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                topicHandle = postTopicOperationResponse.Body.TopicHandle;
                // otherwise, delete the admin, the user and fail the test
                ManageAppsUtils.DeleteAdmin(this.environment, appHandle, userHandle);
                deleteUserOperationResponse = await client.Users.DeleteUserWithHttpMessagesAsync(authorization : auth);

                Assert.Fail("Create topic failed, cannot finish the CreateVerifyUpdateDeleteNamedTopicTest");

            string topicName = "UnitTestTopicName";

            // create a topic name
            PostTopicNameRequest           postTopicNameReq = new PostTopicNameRequest(publisherType: PublisherType.App, topicName: topicName, topicHandle: topicHandle);
            HttpOperationResponse <object> postTopicNameOperationResponse = await client.Topics.PostTopicNameWithHttpMessagesAsync(request : postTopicNameReq, authorization : auth);

            // if creating the topic name fails, delete the topic, the user, and fail the test
            if (!postTopicNameOperationResponse.Response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                deleteTopicOperationResponse = await client.Topics.DeleteTopicWithHttpMessagesAsync(authorization : auth, topicHandle : topicHandle);

                ManageAppsUtils.DeleteAdmin(this.environment, appHandle, userHandle);
                deleteUserOperationResponse = await client.Users.DeleteUserWithHttpMessagesAsync(authorization : auth);

                Assert.Fail("Create topic name failed, cannot finish the CreateVerifyUpdateDeleteNamedTopicTest");

            // get the topic name
            HttpOperationResponse <GetTopicByNameResponse> getTopicNameResponse = await client.Topics.GetTopicByNameWithHttpMessagesAsync(topicName : topicName, publisherType : PublisherType.App, authorization : auth);

            if (!getTopicNameResponse.Response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                // if get topic name fails, cleanup: delete the topic name, the admin, the user, and fail the test
                deleteTopicNameOperationResponse = await client.Topics.DeleteTopicNameWithHttpMessagesAsync(request : deleteTopicNameReq, authorization : auth, topicName : topicName);

                deleteTopicOperationResponse = await client.Topics.DeleteTopicWithHttpMessagesAsync(authorization : auth, topicHandle : topicHandle);

                ManageAppsUtils.DeleteAdmin(this.environment, appHandle, userHandle);
                deleteUserOperationResponse = await client.Users.DeleteUserWithHttpMessagesAsync(authorization : auth);

                Assert.Fail("get topic name failed, cannot finish the CreateVerifyUpdateDeleteNamedTopicTest");

            // delete the topic name we just created
            deleteTopicNameOperationResponse = await client.Topics.DeleteTopicNameWithHttpMessagesAsync(request : deleteTopicNameReq, authorization : auth, topicName : topicName);

            // if deleting the topic name fails, delete the topic, the admin, the user, and fail the test
            if (!deleteTopicNameOperationResponse.Response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                deleteTopicOperationResponse = await client.Topics.DeleteTopicWithHttpMessagesAsync(authorization : auth, topicHandle : topicHandle);

                ManageAppsUtils.DeleteAdmin(this.environment, appHandle, userHandle);
                deleteUserOperationResponse = await client.Users.DeleteUserWithHttpMessagesAsync(authorization : auth);

                Assert.Fail("Delete topic name failed, cannot finish the CreateVerifyUpdateDeleteNamedTopicTest");

            // do standard cleanup : delete the topic, delete the admin, and then delete the user
            deleteTopicOperationResponse = await client.Topics.DeleteTopicWithHttpMessagesAsync(authorization : auth, topicHandle : topicHandle);

            ManageAppsUtils.DeleteAdmin(this.environment, appHandle, userHandle);
            deleteUserOperationResponse = await client.Users.DeleteUserWithHttpMessagesAsync(authorization : auth);

            // if we reach here, the test was successful.
        public async Task CreateUpdateDeleteNamedTopicTest()
            var deleteRequest = new DeleteTopicNameRequest()
                PublisherType = PublisherType.App
            int endIndex = TestConstants.ConfigFileName.IndexOf(".");

            this.environment = TestConstants.ConfigFileName.Substring(0, endIndex);

            // create a user
            SocialPlusClient client = new SocialPlusClient(TestConstants.ServerApiBaseUrl);
            var t = await this.CreateUserForTest(client);

            PostUserResponse postUserResponse = t.Item1;
            string           auth             = t.Item2;
            string           userHandle       = postUserResponse.UserHandle;

            // get the app handle
            string appHandle = ManageAppsUtils.GetAppHandle(this.environment);

            if (appHandle == null)
                // delete the user and fail the test
                await client.Users.DeleteUserWithHttpMessagesAsync(authorization : auth);

                Assert.Fail("Failed to lookup appHandle");

            // add user as admin
            bool added = ManageAppsUtils.AddAdmin(this.environment, appHandle, userHandle);

            if (!added)
                // delete the user and fail the test
                await client.Users.DeleteUserWithHttpMessagesAsync(authorization : auth);

                Assert.Fail("Failed to set user as administrator");

            // create a topic
            string           topicTitle       = "Test topic for named topics";
            string           topicText        = "This sure is a fine topic.";
            BlobType         blobType         = BlobType.Image;
            string           blobHandle       = "http://myBlobHandle/";
            string           language         = "en-US";
            string           group            = "mygroup";
            string           topicHandle      = null;
            PostTopicRequest postTopicRequest = new PostTopicRequest(publisherType: PublisherType.User, text: topicText, title: topicTitle, blobType: blobType, blobHandle: blobHandle, language: language, group: group);
            HttpOperationResponse <PostTopicResponse> postTopicOperationResponse = await client.Topics.PostTopicWithHttpMessagesAsync(request : postTopicRequest, authorization : auth);

            if (postTopicOperationResponse.Response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                topicHandle = postTopicOperationResponse.Body.TopicHandle;

            // create another topic
            string           topicTitle2       = "Test topic #2 for named topics";
            string           topicText2        = "This one also sure is a fine topic.";
            string           language2         = "en-US";
            string           group2            = "mygroup2";
            string           topicHandle2      = null;
            PostTopicRequest postTopicRequest2 = new PostTopicRequest(publisherType: PublisherType.User, text: topicText2, title: topicTitle2, language: language2, group: group2);
            HttpOperationResponse <PostTopicResponse> postTopicOperationResponse2 = await client.Topics.PostTopicWithHttpMessagesAsync(request : postTopicRequest2, authorization : auth);

            if (postTopicOperationResponse2.Response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                topicHandle2 = postTopicOperationResponse2.Body.TopicHandle;

            if (!(postTopicOperationResponse.Response.IsSuccessStatusCode && postTopicOperationResponse2.Response.IsSuccessStatusCode))
                // if either topic creation fails, cleanup:
                // delete both topics, the admin, the user and fail the test
                await client.Topics.DeleteTopicWithHttpMessagesAsync(authorization : auth, topicHandle : topicHandle);

                await client.Topics.DeleteTopicWithHttpMessagesAsync(authorization : auth, topicHandle : topicHandle2);

                ManageAppsUtils.DeleteAdmin(this.environment, appHandle, userHandle);
                await client.Users.DeleteUserWithHttpMessagesAsync(authorization : auth);

                Assert.Fail("Create topics failed, cannot finish the CreateVerifyUpdateDeleteNamedTopicTest");

            // create a topic name for topic #1
            string topicName = "SpecialTopicName";
            PostTopicNameRequest           postTopicNameReq = new PostTopicNameRequest(publisherType: PublisherType.App, topicName: topicName, topicHandle: topicHandle);
            HttpOperationResponse <object> postTopicNameOperationResponse = await client.Topics.PostTopicNameWithHttpMessagesAsync(request : postTopicNameReq, authorization : auth);

            if (!postTopicNameOperationResponse.Response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                // if creating the topic name fails, cleanup:
                // delete both topics, the admin, the user, and fail the test
                await client.Topics.DeleteTopicWithHttpMessagesAsync(authorization : auth, topicHandle : topicHandle);

                await client.Topics.DeleteTopicWithHttpMessagesAsync(authorization : auth, topicHandle : topicHandle2);

                ManageAppsUtils.DeleteAdmin(this.environment, appHandle, userHandle);
                await client.Users.DeleteUserWithHttpMessagesAsync(authorization : auth);

                Assert.Fail("Create topic name failed, cannot finish the CreateVerifyUpdateDeleteNamedTopicTest");

            // update the topic name so that it now refers to topic #2
            PutTopicNameRequest            putTopicNameReq = new PutTopicNameRequest(publisherType: PublisherType.App, topicHandle: topicHandle2);
            HttpOperationResponse <object> putTopicNameOperationResponse = await client.Topics.PutTopicNameWithHttpMessagesAsync(topicName : topicName, request : putTopicNameReq, authorization : auth);

            if (!putTopicNameOperationResponse.Response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                // if updating the topic name fails, cleanup
                await client.Topics.DeleteTopicNameWithHttpMessagesAsync(topicName : topicName, request : deleteRequest, authorization : auth);

                await client.Topics.DeleteTopicWithHttpMessagesAsync(authorization : auth, topicHandle : topicHandle);

                await client.Topics.DeleteTopicWithHttpMessagesAsync(authorization : auth, topicHandle : topicHandle2);

                ManageAppsUtils.DeleteAdmin(this.environment, appHandle, userHandle);
                await client.Users.DeleteUserWithHttpMessagesAsync(authorization : auth);

                Assert.Fail("Put topic name failed, cannot finish the CreateVerifyUpdateDeleteNamedTopicTest");

            // do the standard cleanup
            await client.Topics.DeleteTopicNameWithHttpMessagesAsync(topicName : topicName, request : deleteRequest, authorization : auth);

            await client.Topics.DeleteTopicWithHttpMessagesAsync(authorization : auth, topicHandle : topicHandle);

            await client.Topics.DeleteTopicWithHttpMessagesAsync(authorization : auth, topicHandle : topicHandle2);

            ManageAppsUtils.DeleteAdmin(this.environment, appHandle, userHandle);
            await client.Users.DeleteUserWithHttpMessagesAsync(authorization : auth);
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Publish a new app-published topic with a topic name to Embedded Social
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="topicName">name of the new topic</param>
        /// <param name="topicTitle">title of the new topic</param>
        /// <param name="topicText">text of the new topic</param>
        /// <param name="topicCategory">category of the new topic</param>
        /// <returns>task that publishes a new topic</returns>
        private async Task CreateTopic(string topicName, string topicTitle, string topicText, string topicCategory)
            // format the input into an Embedded Social topic request
            PostTopicRequest topicRequest = new PostTopicRequest()
                PublisherType = PublisherType.App,
                Text          = topicText,
                Title         = topicTitle,
                BlobType      = BlobType.Unknown,
                BlobHandle    = string.Empty,
                Categories    = topicCategory,
                Language      = TopicLanguage,
                DeepLink      = string.Empty,
                FriendlyName  = topicName,
                Group         = string.Empty

            // publish to Embedded Social
            HttpOperationResponse <PostTopicResponse> postTopicOperationResponse = await this.client.Topics.PostTopicWithHttpMessagesAsync(request : topicRequest, authorization : this.authorization);

            // check response
            if (postTopicOperationResponse == null || postTopicOperationResponse.Response == null)
                throw new Exception("got null response");
            else if (!postTopicOperationResponse.Response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                throw new Exception("request failed with HTTP code: " + postTopicOperationResponse.Response.StatusCode + ", and reason: " + postTopicOperationResponse.Response.ReasonPhrase);
            else if (postTopicOperationResponse.Body == null)
                throw new Exception("got null response body");
            else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(postTopicOperationResponse.Body.TopicHandle))
                throw new Exception("topicHandle is null or whitespace");

            // publish the name for the topic
            string topicHandle = postTopicOperationResponse.Body.TopicHandle;
            PostTopicNameRequest topicNameRequest = new PostTopicNameRequest()
                PublisherType = PublisherType.App,
                TopicName     = topicName,
                TopicHandle   = topicHandle

            HttpOperationResponse postTopicNameOperationResponse = await this.client.Topics.PostTopicNameWithHttpMessagesAsync(request : topicNameRequest, authorization : this.authorization);

            // check response
            if (postTopicNameOperationResponse == null || postTopicNameOperationResponse.Response == null)
                // attempt to clean up the topic first
                HttpOperationResponse deleteTopicOperationResponse = await this.client.Topics.DeleteTopicWithHttpMessagesAsync(topicHandle : topicHandle, authorization : this.authorization);

                throw new Exception("got null response");
            else if (!postTopicNameOperationResponse.Response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                // attempt to clean up the topic first
                HttpOperationResponse deleteTopicOperationResponse = await this.client.Topics.DeleteTopicWithHttpMessagesAsync(topicHandle : topicHandle, authorization : this.authorization);

                throw new Exception("request failed with HTTP code: " + postTopicNameOperationResponse.Response.StatusCode + ", and reason: " + postTopicNameOperationResponse.Response.ReasonPhrase);
Example #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a topic name
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='operations'>
 /// The operations group for this extension method.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='request'>
 /// Post topic name request
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='authorization'>
 /// Format is: "Scheme CredentialsList". Possible values are:
 /// - Anon AK=AppKey
 /// - SocialPlus TK=SessionToken
 /// - Facebook AK=AppKey|TK=AccessToken
 /// - Google AK=AppKey|TK=AccessToken
 /// - Twitter AK=AppKey|RT=RequestToken|TK=AccessToken
 /// - Microsoft AK=AppKey|TK=AccessToken
 /// - AADS2S AK=AppKey|[UH=UserHandle]|TK=AADToken
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='cancellationToken'>
 /// The cancellation token.
 /// </param>
 public static async Task <object> PostTopicNameAsync(this ITopics operations, PostTopicNameRequest request, string authorization, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
     using (var _result = await operations.PostTopicNameWithHttpMessagesAsync(request, authorization, null, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false))
Example #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a topic name
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='operations'>
 /// The operations group for this extension method.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='request'>
 /// Post topic name request
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='authorization'>
 /// Format is: "Scheme CredentialsList". Possible values are:
 /// - Anon AK=AppKey
 /// - SocialPlus TK=SessionToken
 /// - Facebook AK=AppKey|TK=AccessToken
 /// - Google AK=AppKey|TK=AccessToken
 /// - Twitter AK=AppKey|RT=RequestToken|TK=AccessToken
 /// - Microsoft AK=AppKey|TK=AccessToken
 /// - AADS2S AK=AppKey|[UH=UserHandle]|TK=AADToken
 /// </param>
 public static object PostTopicName(this ITopics operations, PostTopicNameRequest request, string authorization)
     return(Task.Factory.StartNew(s => ((ITopics)s).PostTopicNameAsync(request, authorization), operations, CancellationToken.None, TaskCreationOptions.None, TaskScheduler.Default).Unwrap().GetAwaiter().GetResult());