Example #1
 public virtual event EventHandler <PostPriceChangedEventArgs> PostPriceChanged; // The event
 public virtual void OnPostPriceChanged(PostPriceChangedEventArgs e)             // Notify register objects
     if (PostPriceChanged != null)
         PostPriceChanged(this, e); // delagate invoke()
Example #2
        public void InboxMessage(object sender, PostPriceChangedEventArgs p)
            string content = string.Format("Post ID: {0} price has changed. The last Price was {1}. \n" +
                                           "   Now new Price is {2}. Good Offer!!!", p.ID, p.LastPrice, p.NewPrice);

            BoxMessages.Add(new UserMessageBox("System", "Post price changed!!!", content));
            Console.WriteLine("Add new message to " + ToString() + "\'s UserMessageBox: ");
            Console.WriteLine("   Content: " + content);