public async Task <PostInsertDto> AddPost(PostInsertDto postDto, int?currentUserId)
            var post = _mapper.Map <PostInsertDto, Post>(postDto);

            post.AuthorId = currentUserId.Value;

            await _postsRepository.AddAsync(post);

            await _unitOfWork.CompleteAsync();

        public async Task <ActionResult> AddPost([FromBody] PostInsertDto post)
                var postAdded = await _postsService.AddPost(post, ClaimResolver.getUserIdFromToken(User));

            catch (Exception Ex)
                return(BadRequest("The post cannot be added due to bad connection with the database" + Ex.Message));
        public async Task UpdatePost_Throw_PostNotFoundException()
            var postToUpdate = new PostInsertDto {
                Text = "Test text", Title = "Test title"
            var post = new Post {
                Text = "new text", Title = "new title", AuthorId = 3

            _postRepositoryMock.Setup(p => p.GetByIdAsync(It.IsAny <int>())).ReturnsAsync((Post)null);

            //Act and Assert
            Assert.ThrowsAsync <PostNotFoundException>(() => _postService.UpdatePost(postToUpdate, 2, 3));
        public async Task UpdatePost_Throw_UserHasNotPermissionException()
            var postToUpdate = new PostInsertDto {
                Text = "Test text", Title = "Test title"
            var post = new Post {
                Text = "new text", Title = "new title", AuthorId = 3, Id = 2

            _postRepositoryMock.Setup(p => p.GetByIdAsync(post.Id)).ReturnsAsync(post);

            //Act and Assert
            Assert.ThrowsAsync <UserHasNotPermissionException>(() => _postService.UpdatePost(postToUpdate, post.Id, 2));
        public async Task UpdatePost(PostInsertDto post, int id, int?currentUserId)
            var postToUpdate = await _postsRepository.GetByIdAsync(id);

            if (postToUpdate == null)
                throw new PostNotFoundException(id.ToString());

            if (!postToUpdate.AuthorId.Equals(currentUserId.Value))
                throw new UserHasNotPermissionException();

            postToUpdate.Text  = post.Text ?? postToUpdate.Text;
            postToUpdate.Title = post.Title ?? postToUpdate.Title;

            await _unitOfWork.CompleteAsync();
        public async Task <ActionResult> UpdatePost([FromBody] PostInsertDto post, [FromRoute] int id)
                await _postsService.UpdatePost(post, id, ClaimResolver.getUserIdFromToken(User));

                return(Ok("The post was updated successfully"));
            catch (PostNotFoundException ex)
            catch (UserHasNotPermissionException ex)
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(BadRequest("The post cannot be updated due to bad connection with the database" + ex.Message));