Example #1
        public async Task <PostInputViewModel> GetPostById(int id)
            var post = await this.postRepo.GetByIdAsync(id);

            if (post == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("Post not found");

            if (post.IsDeleted)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Post not found");

            var postModel = new PostInputViewModel
                Author      = post.Author.UserName,
                Id          = post.Id,
                FullContent = this.sanitizer.Sanitize(post.FullContent),
                IsDeleted   = post.IsDeleted,
                Title       = post.Title,
                Tags        = string.Join(", ", post.Tags.Select(p => p.Tag.Name))

Example #2
        public async Task GetAllActivePosts_WithNoSearchString_ShouldReturnAllPosts()
            var db = this.SetDb();

            var service = await this.Setup(db);

            var postModelA = new PostInputViewModel
                Title       = "Test Post",
                Author      = "*****@*****.**",
                FullContent = "Some test post content",
                Tags        = "Baking, Cakes"

            await service.CreatePost(postModelA);

            var postModelB = new PostInputViewModel
                Title       = "Test Post 2",
                Author      = "*****@*****.**",
                FullContent = "Some test post content",
                Tags        = "Baking"

            await service.CreatePost(postModelB);

            var posts = service.GetAllActivePosts(null);

Example #3
        public async Task GetPostByIdShouldReturnModel()
            // Arange
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <ApplicationDbContext>()
                          .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: Guid.NewGuid().ToString()).Options;

            var db     = new ApplicationDbContext(options);
            var config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg =>
                cfg.AddProfile <ApplicationProfile>();
            var mapper      = new Mapper(config);
            var postService = new PostService(db, mapper);
            var user        = new ApplicationUser
                UserName = "******",
                Email    = "*****@*****.**"
            await db.Users.AddAsync(user);

            var model = new PostInputViewModel
                CreatedOn   = DateTime.UtcNow,
                Description = "d1",
                ImageUrl    = "URL",
                Title       = "some title"
            var id = await postService.AddPostAsync(model, user.Id);

            var modelOutput = postService.GetPostById(id);

            Assert.Equal(modelOutput.Id, id);
Example #4
        public async Task GetAllCommentsPerPost_WithValidPost_ShouldReturnAllComments()
            var db = this.SetDb();

            var service = await this.Setup(db);

            var postModel = new PostInputViewModel
                Title       = "Test Post",
                Author      = "*****@*****.**",
                FullContent = "Some test post content",
                Tags        = "Baking, Cakes"

            await service.CreatePost(postModel);

            var commentModel = new CommentInputViewModel
                AuthorName = "*****@*****.**",
                Content    = "Test comment",
                PostId     = 1

            await service.CreateComment(commentModel);

            var result = await service.GetAllCommentsPerPost(1);

            var expectedCount = 1;
            var actualCount   = result.Comments.Count();

            Assert.Equal(expectedCount, actualCount);
Example #5
        public async Task GetAllMyComments_WithComments_ShouldReturnUserComment()
            var db = this.SetDb();

            var service = await this.Setup(db);

            var postModel = new PostInputViewModel
                Title       = "Test Post",
                Author      = "*****@*****.**",
                FullContent = "Some test post content",
                Tags        = "Baking, Cakes"

            await service.CreatePost(postModel);

            var commentModel = new CommentInputViewModel
                AuthorName = "*****@*****.**",
                Content    = "Test comment",
                PostId     = 1

            await service.CreateComment(commentModel);

            var comments = service.GetAllMyComments("*****@*****.**");

Example #6
        public async Task CreatePost_WithDuplicateTitle_ShouldThrow()
            var db = this.SetDb();

            var service = await this.Setup(db);

            var postModelA = new PostInputViewModel
                Title       = "Test Post",
                Author      = "*****@*****.**",
                FullContent = "Some test post content",
                Tags        = "Baking, Cakes"
            await service.CreatePost(postModelA);

            var postModelB = new PostInputViewModel
                Title       = "Test Post",
                Author      = "*****@*****.**",
                FullContent = "Some test postB content",
                Tags        = "Baking"


            await Assert.ThrowsAsync <InvalidOperationException
                                      >(async() => await service.CreatePost(postModelB));
Example #7
        public async Task CreateComment_WithValidData_ShouldAddCommentPost()
            var db = this.SetDb();

            var service = await this.Setup(db);

            var postModel = new PostInputViewModel
                Title       = "Test Post",
                Author      = "*****@*****.**",
                FullContent = "Some test post content",
                Tags        = "Baking, Cakes"

            await service.CreatePost(postModel);

            var commentModel = new CommentInputViewModel
                AuthorName = "*****@*****.**",
                Content    = "Test comment",
                PostId     = 1

            await service.CreateComment(commentModel);

            var comment = this.commentRepo.All().First();

            Assert.Contains <Comment>(comment, postRepo.All().First().Comments);
Example #8
        public async Task GetPostsByTag_WithDeletedPost_ShouldThrow()
            var db = this.SetDb();

            var service = await this.Setup(db);

            var postModelA = new PostInputViewModel
                Title       = "Test Post A",
                Author      = "*****@*****.**",
                FullContent = "Some test post content",
                Tags        = "Cakes"

            await service.CreatePost(postModelA);

            var post = await this.postRepo.GetByIdAsync(1);

            post.IsDeleted = true;

            await this.postRepo.SaveChangesAsync();


            Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => service.GetPostsByTag("Cakes"));
Example #9
        public async Task GetCommentToEditOrDelete_WithInValidCommentId_ShouldThrow()
            var db = this.SetDb();

            var service = await this.Setup(db);

            var postModel = new PostInputViewModel
                Title       = "Test Post",
                Author      = "*****@*****.**",
                FullContent = "Some test post content",
                Tags        = "Baking, Cakes"

            await service.CreatePost(postModel);

            var commentModel = new CommentInputViewModel
                AuthorName = "*****@*****.**",
                Content    = "Test comment",
                PostId     = 1

            await service.CreateComment(commentModel);


            await Assert.ThrowsAsync <NullReferenceException>(async() => await service.GetCommentToEditOrDelete(2));
        public async Task <IActionResult> NewPost(PostInputViewModel post)
            if (this.ModelState.IsValid == false)

            string postId = this.usersPostsService.AddPostToUser(this.User.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier), post.Description);

            foreach (var photo in post.Photos)
                var photoContent = await this.GetFileContent(photo);

                var photoId = await this.usersPostsService.AddPhotoToPost(postId);

                await this.SavePhotoToLocalSystemAsync(photoId, photoContent);

            foreach (var video in post.Videos)
                var videoContent = await this.GetFileContent(video);

                var videoId = await this.usersPostsService.AddVideoToPost(postId);

                await this.SavePhotoToLocalSystemAsync(videoId, videoContent);

Example #11
        public async Task <IActionResult> CreateAsync(PostInputViewModel input)
            var userId = UserId();
            await _postService.CreateAsync(input, userId);

Example #12
        public async Task GetCommentToEditOrDelete_WithValidCommentId_ShouldReturnComment()
            var db = this.SetDb();

            var service = await this.Setup(db);

            var postModel = new PostInputViewModel
                Title       = "Test Post",
                Author      = "*****@*****.**",
                FullContent = "Some test post content",
                Tags        = "Baking, Cakes"

            await service.CreatePost(postModel);

            var commentModel = new CommentInputViewModel
                AuthorName = "*****@*****.**",
                Content    = "Test comment",
                PostId     = 1

            await service.CreateComment(commentModel);

            var comment = service.GetCommentToEditOrDelete(1);

            var expectedCommentId = 1;
            var actualCommentId   = comment.Id;

            Assert.Equal(expectedCommentId, actualCommentId);
Example #13
        public async Task <IActionResult> Comment(PostInputViewModel input)
            if (this.ModelState.IsValid)
                var userId = this.userManager.GetUserId(this.User);

                await this.commentService.CreateAsync <PostInputViewModel>(input, userId);

            return(this.RedirectToAction(nameof(this.Discussion), new { id = input.DiscussionId }));
Example #14
        public async Task <IActionResult> Add(PostInputViewModel postInputModel)
            if (!this.ModelState.IsValid)

            var userId = this.User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value;
            var postId = await this.postService.AddPostAsync(postInputModel, userId);

Example #15
        public async Task <string> AddPostAsync(PostInputViewModel postInputModel, string userId)
            var post = this.mapper.Map <Post>(postInputModel);

            post.IsDeleted = false;
            post.CreatorId = userId;
            await this.db.Posts.AddAsync(post);

            await this.db.SaveChangesAsync();

Example #16
        public async Task <ActionResult <PostViewModel> > CreatePost(PostInputViewModel viewModel)      // null reference happening with viewModel
            if (viewModel == null)

            Post createdPost = await PostService.AddPost(Mapper.Map <Post>(viewModel));

                                   new { id = createdPost.Id },
                                   Mapper.Map <PostViewModel>(createdPost)));
Example #17
        public async Task <IActionResult> SoftDeletePost(PostInputViewModel model)
                await this.forumService.MarkPostAsDeleted(model);
            catch (Exception e)
                ViewData["Errors"] = e.Message;


Example #18
        public async Task UpdateComment_WithValidModel_ShouldSaveUpdatedComment()
            var db = this.SetDb();

            var service = await this.Setup(db);

            var postModel = new PostInputViewModel
                Title       = "Test Post",
                Author      = "*****@*****.**",
                FullContent = "Some test post content",
                Tags        = "Baking, Cakes"

            await service.CreatePost(postModel);

            var commentModel = new CommentInputViewModel
                AuthorName = "*****@*****.**",
                Content    = "Test comment content",
                PostId     = 1

            await service.CreateComment(commentModel);

            var comment = await this.commentRepo.GetByIdAsync(1);

            db.Entry(comment).State = EntityState.Detached;

            var model = this.Mapper.Map <Comment, EditCommentViewModel>(comment);

            model.FullContent = model.FullContent;
            model.Content     = "Edit content.";

            await service.UpdateComment(model);

            var expectedCommentContent = "Edit content.";
            var actualCommentContent   = (await this.commentRepo.GetByIdAsync(1)).Content;

            Assert.Equal(expectedCommentContent, actualCommentContent);
Example #19
        public async Task MarkPostAsDeleted(PostInputViewModel model)
            var post = await this.postRepo.GetByIdAsync(model.Id);

            post.IsDeleted = true;


                await this.postRepo.SaveChangesAsync();
            catch (Exception e)

                throw new InvalidOperationException("Sorry, an error occurred while trying to delete your post");
Example #20
        public async Task GetAllPosts_ShouldGetDeletedAndNotDeletedPosts()
            var db = this.SetDb();

            var service = await this.Setup(db);

            var postModelA = new PostInputViewModel
                Title       = "Test Post A",
                Author      = "*****@*****.**",
                FullContent = "Some test post content",
                Tags        = "Baking"

            await service.CreatePost(postModelA);

            var postModelB = new PostInputViewModel
                Title       = "Test Post B",
                Author      = "*****@*****.**",
                FullContent = "Some test post content",
                Tags        = "Baking"

            await service.CreatePost(postModelB);

            var post = await this.postRepo.GetByIdAsync(2);

            post.IsDeleted = true;

            await this.postRepo.SaveChangesAsync();

            var allPosts = service.GetAllPosts();

            var expectedPostCount = 2;
            var actualPostCount   = allPosts.Count();

            Assert.Equal(expectedPostCount, actualPostCount);
Example #21
        public async Task MarkCommentAsDeleted_WithValidModel_ShouldMarkCommentAsDeleted()
            var db = this.SetDb();

            var service = await this.Setup(db);

            var postModel = new PostInputViewModel
                Title       = "Test Post",
                Author      = "*****@*****.**",
                FullContent = "Some test post content",
                Tags        = "Baking, Cakes"

            await service.CreatePost(postModel);

            var commentModel = new CommentInputViewModel
                AuthorName = "*****@*****.**",
                Content    = "Test comment",
                PostId     = 1

            await service.CreateComment(commentModel);

            var comment = await this.commentRepo.GetByIdAsync(1);

            var model = this.Mapper.Map <Comment, EditCommentViewModel>(comment);

            model.FullContent = this.sanitizer.Sanitize(model.FullContent);
            model.Content     = this.sanitizer.Sanitize(model.Content);

            await service.MarkCommentAsDeleted(model);

            var expectedCommentIsDeleted = true;
            var actualCommentIsDeleted   = comment.IsDeleted;

            Assert.Equal(expectedCommentIsDeleted, actualCommentIsDeleted);
Example #22
        public async Task UpdateAsync(string id, PostInputViewModel input)
            var count = await _repository.CountAsync(SqlConstants.CategoriesCountByIds, new { ids = input.CategoryIds.ToArray() });

            if (count < input.CategoryIds.Count)
                throw new BlogException(StatusCodes.Status400BadRequest, $"参数错误:{nameof(input.CategoryIds)}");

            var parameters = new
                ContentAbstract = input.Content.GetPostAbstract(_blogSettings.PostAbstractWords),

            await _repository.UpdateAsync(SqlConstants.UpdatePost, parameters);
Example #23
        public async Task CreatePost_WithEmptyContent_ShouldThrow()
            var db = this.SetDb();

            var service = await this.Setup(db);

            var postModel = new PostInputViewModel
                Title       = "Test Post",
                Author      = "*****@*****.**",
                FullContent = "",
                Tags        = "Baking, Cakes"


            await Assert.ThrowsAsync <NullReferenceException>(async() => await service.CreatePost(postModel));
Example #24
        public async Task UpdatePost_WithValidTags_ShouldSaveUpdatedPost()
            var db = this.SetDb();

            var service = await this.Setup(db);

            var postModel = new PostInputViewModel
                Title       = "Test Post",
                Author      = "*****@*****.**",
                FullContent = "Some test post content",
                Tags        = "Baking"

            await service.CreatePost(postModel);

            var post = await this.postRepo.GetByIdAsync(1);

            db.Entry(post).State = EntityState.Detached;

            var model = new PostInputViewModel
                Id          = post.Id,
                Author      = post.Author.UserName,
                Title       = post.Title,
                FullContent = post.FullContent,
                Tags        = "Baking, Cakes",
                IsDeleted   = post.IsDeleted

            await service.UpdatePost(model);

            var expectedTags = "Baking, Cakes";
            var tags         = (await this.postRepo.GetByIdAsync(1)).Tags;
            var acutalTags   = string.Join(", ", tags.Select(tp => tp.Tag.Name));

            Assert.Equal(expectedTags, acutalTags);
Example #25
        public async Task UpdateComment_WithEmptyContent_ShouldThrow()
            var db = this.SetDb();

            var service = await this.Setup(db);

            var postModel = new PostInputViewModel
                Title       = "Test Post",
                Author      = "*****@*****.**",
                FullContent = "Some test post content",
                Tags        = "Baking, Cakes"

            await service.CreatePost(postModel);

            var commentModel = new CommentInputViewModel
                AuthorName = "*****@*****.**",
                Content    = "Test comment content",
                PostId     = 1

            await service.CreateComment(commentModel);

            var comment = await this.commentRepo.GetByIdAsync(1);

            db.Entry(comment).State = EntityState.Detached;

            var model = this.Mapper.Map <Comment, EditCommentViewModel>(comment);

            model.Content = "";


            await Assert.ThrowsAsync <NullReferenceException>(async() => await service.UpdateComment(model));
Example #26
        public async Task GetPostsByTag_WithInValidTag_ShouldThrow()
            var db = this.SetDb();

            var service = await this.Setup(db);

            var postModelA = new PostInputViewModel
                Title       = "Test Post A",
                Author      = "*****@*****.**",
                FullContent = "Some test post content",
                Tags        = "Cakes"

            await service.CreatePost(postModelA);


            Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => service.GetPostsByTag("Sponge"));
Example #27
        public async Task GetPostById_WithInValidId_ShouldThrow()
            var db = this.SetDb();

            var service = await this.Setup(db);

            var postModelA = new PostInputViewModel
                Title       = "Test Post A",
                Author      = "*****@*****.**",
                FullContent = "Some test post content",
                Tags        = "Baking, Cakes"

            await service.CreatePost(postModelA);


            await Assert.ThrowsAsync <NullReferenceException>(async() => await service.GetPostById(2));
Example #28
        public async Task GetAllMyComments_WithNoComments_ShouldThrow()
            var db = this.SetDb();

            var service = await this.Setup(db);

            var postModel = new PostInputViewModel
                Title       = "Test Post",
                Author      = "*****@*****.**",
                FullContent = "Some test post content",
                Tags        = "Baking, Cakes"

            await service.CreatePost(postModel);


            Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => service.GetAllMyComments("*****@*****.**"));
Example #29
        public async Task <IActionResult> CreatePost(PostInputViewModel model)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                var errors = this.ModelState.Values.SelectMany(p => p.Errors).Select(e => e.ErrorMessage).ToList();

                var errorModel = this.errorService.GetErrorModel(errors);

                return(View("Error", errorModel));

                await this.forumService.CreatePost(model);
            catch (Exception e)
                ViewData["Errors"] = e.Message;

Example #30
        public async Task CreateAsync(PostInputViewModel input, string userId)
            var count = await _repository.CountAsync(SqlConstants.CategoriesCountByIds, new { ids = input.CategoryIds.ToArray() });

            if (count < input.CategoryIds.Count)
                throw new BlogException(StatusCodes.Status400BadRequest, $"参数错误:{nameof(input.CategoryIds)}");

            var id = await _repository.GenerateIdAsync();

            var post = new
                ContentAbstract = input.Content.GetPostAbstract(_blogSettings.PostAbstractWords),
                CategoryIds     = input.CategoryIds,
                CreatorId       = userId

            await _repository.InsertAsync(SqlConstants.AddPost, post);