Example #1
        // this function fills the rest of the graph with random nodes
        private void fillNodesRecursively(NodeObject currentNode, List <int> currentPosition, int currentDepth, int maxDepth, List <PossibleNode> allPossibleNodes, ValidGraphPath[] validPaths)
            // check if the maximal depth is reached
            if (currentDepth >= maxDepth)

            // fill all missing nodes of the current object with new random nodes
            for (int idx = 0; idx < currentNode.dimension; idx++)
                // copy position list and add path index to the position
                List <int> tempCurrentPosition = new List <int>(currentPosition);

                if (currentNode.nodeObjects[idx] == null)
                    // get random possible node from list of all possible nodes
                    int                     randElement     = this.prng.Next(allPossibleNodes.Count);
                    PossibleNode            possibleNode    = allPossibleNodes.ElementAt(randElement);
                    NamespaceTypeDefinition classToUse      = possibleNode.givenClass;
                    MethodDefinition        nodeConstructor = possibleNode.nodeConstructor;

                    // generate path element from chosen interface
                    PathElement pathElement = new PathElement();

                    // create new node object
                    currentNode.nodeObjects[idx] = new NodeObject(this.graphDimension, this.graphValidPathCount, classToUse, nodeConstructor, pathElement, tempCurrentPosition);

                    // search through every valid path if the new created filler node has the same attributes as the valid path node
                    // => add it to the list of possible nodes that can be used for an exchange between valid node and filler node
                    for (int validPathId = 0; validPathId < validPaths.Count(); validPathId++)
                        for (int depth = 0; depth < validPaths[validPathId].pathElements.Count(); depth++)
                            // check if the used class of the current filler node is in the list of possible classes of the valid path node
                            if (validPaths[validPathId].pathElements.ElementAt(depth).linkGraphObject.possibleClasses.Contains(classToUse))
                                // add current filler node to the list of possible exchange nodes
                                if (!validPaths[validPathId].pathElements.ElementAt(depth).linkGraphObject.possibleExchangeObjects.Contains(currentNode.nodeObjects[idx]))

                this.fillNodesRecursively(currentNode.nodeObjects[idx], tempCurrentPosition, currentDepth + 1, maxDepth, allPossibleNodes, validPaths);
Example #2
        public ValidGraphPath[] generateValidPaths(int graphValidPathCount)
            // initialize valid graph paths
            ValidGraphPath[] validPaths = new ValidGraphPath[graphValidPathCount];
            for (int graphIdx = 0; graphIdx < graphValidPathCount; graphIdx++)
                validPaths[graphIdx] = new ValidGraphPath(this.graphDepth);

            List <ITypeReference> allInterfacesList = this.graphInterfaces.Keys.OfType <ITypeReference>().ToList <ITypeReference>();

            PossibleNode[] currentRoundBasePossibleNodes = new PossibleNode[graphValidPathCount];

            // generate valid paths
            for (int idx = 0; idx < this.graphDepth; idx++)
                // initialize path element
                for (int validPathIdx = 0; validPathIdx < graphValidPathCount; validPathIdx++)
                    validPaths[validPathIdx].pathElements[idx]             = new PathElement();
                    validPaths[validPathIdx].pathElements[idx].validPathId = validPathIdx;

                    if (idx != 0)
                        validPaths[validPathIdx].pathIndices[idx] = this.prng.Next(this.graphDimension);
                        // mark path index of start node as -1
                        validPaths[validPathIdx].pathIndices[0] = -1;

                // check if it is the first element of the valid path
                // => always the root for each valid path
                if (idx == 0)
                    // get random base class that is used to generate the valid path element (use it for all first elements of the valid paths)
                    ITypeReference      baseInterface    = allInterfacesList.ElementAt(this.prng.Next(allInterfacesList.Count()));
                    List <PossibleNode> baseList         = (List <PossibleNode>) this.graphInterfaces[baseInterface];
                    PossibleNode        basePossibleNode = baseList.ElementAt(this.prng.Next(baseList.Count()));

                    // for each valid path add a path element
                    for (int validPathIdx = 0; validPathIdx < graphValidPathCount; validPathIdx++)
                        // get valid interface
                        ITypeReference firstInterface = basePossibleNode.givenClass.Interfaces.ElementAt(this.prng.Next(basePossibleNode.givenClass.Interfaces.Count()));

                        // add interface to mandatory list (if it is not already in it)
                        if (!validPaths[0].pathElements[idx].mandatoryInterfaces.Contains(firstInterface))

                        // add valid interfaces to the path element
                        bool addAnotherInterface = true;
                        int  addInterfaceWeight  = 3;
                        while (addAnotherInterface)
                            // decide wether to add another valid interface or not
                            switch (this.prng.Next(addInterfaceWeight))
                            // add another interface to the list of valid interfaces
                            case 0:
                            case 1: {
                                // check if there exists more interfaces that could be added to the list of valid interfaces
                                if (basePossibleNode.givenClass.Interfaces.Count() == validPaths[validPathIdx].pathElements[idx].validInterfaces.Count())
                                    addAnotherInterface = false;

                                // add a random interface that is implemented by the base possible node
                                int nextInterfaceIdx = this.prng.Next(basePossibleNode.givenClass.Interfaces.Count());
                                while (true)
                                    ITypeReference tempInterface = basePossibleNode.givenClass.Interfaces.ElementAt(nextInterfaceIdx);

                                    // check if chosen interface is already added to the list of valid interfaces
                                    // => try next interface implemented by the base possible node
                                    if (validPaths[validPathIdx].pathElements[idx].validInterfaces.Contains(tempInterface))
                                        nextInterfaceIdx = (nextInterfaceIdx + 1) % basePossibleNode.givenClass.Interfaces.Count();

                                    // => add interface to list of valid interfaces

                                        // add interface to mandatory list (if it is not already in it)
                                        if (!validPaths[0].pathElements[idx].mandatoryInterfaces.Contains(tempInterface))


                            //do not add any more interfaces
                            default: {
                                addAnotherInterface = false;


                            // make adding another invalid interface more unlikely

                        // add invalid interfaces to the path element
                        addAnotherInterface = true;
                        addInterfaceWeight  = 2;
                        while (addAnotherInterface)
                            // decide wether to add another valid interface or not
                            switch (this.prng.Next(addInterfaceWeight))
                            // add another interface to the list of invalid interfaces
                            case 0:
                            case 1: {
                                // check if there exists anymore interfaces that could be added to the list of invalid interfaces
                                if (allInterfacesList.Count() <= (validPaths[validPathIdx].pathElements[idx].invalidInterfaces.Count() + validPaths[validPathIdx].pathElements[idx].validInterfaces.Count()))
                                    if (allInterfacesList.Count() == (validPaths[validPathIdx].pathElements[idx].invalidInterfaces.Count() + validPaths[validPathIdx].pathElements[idx].validInterfaces.Count()))
                                        addAnotherInterface = false;

                                    throw new ArgumentException("The sum of valid and invalid interfaces should never be greater than the count of all interfaces.");

                                // check if there exists anymore interfaces that could be added to the list of invalid interfaces
                                if (allInterfacesList.Count() <= (validPaths[validPathIdx].pathElements[idx].invalidInterfaces.Count() + basePossibleNode.givenClass.Interfaces.Count()))
                                    if (allInterfacesList.Count() == (validPaths[validPathIdx].pathElements[idx].invalidInterfaces.Count() + basePossibleNode.givenClass.Interfaces.Count()))
                                        addAnotherInterface = false;

                                    throw new ArgumentException("The sum of implemented and invalid interfaces should never be greater than the count of all interfaces.");

                                // add a random interface that is NOT implemented by the base possible node
                                int nextInterfaceIdx = this.prng.Next(allInterfacesList.Count());
                                while (true)
                                    ITypeReference tempInterface = allInterfacesList.ElementAt(nextInterfaceIdx);

                                    // check if chosen interface is NOT added to the list of invalid interfaces
                                    // and NOT implemented by the base possible node
                                    // => if it is try next interface of all interfaces
                                    if (validPaths[validPathIdx].pathElements[idx].invalidInterfaces.Contains(tempInterface) ||
                                        nextInterfaceIdx = (nextInterfaceIdx + 1) % allInterfacesList.Count();

                                    // => add interface to list of invalid interfaces

                                        // add interface to forbidden list (if it is not already in it)
                                        if (!validPaths[0].pathElements[idx].forbiddenInterfaces.Contains(tempInterface))



                            //do not add any more interfaces
                            default: {
                                addAnotherInterface = false;


                            // make adding another invalid interface more unlikely

                // => not the first element of the valid paths
                    // for each valid path add a path element
                    for (int validPathIdx = 0; validPathIdx < graphValidPathCount; validPathIdx++)
                        // if the valid path id is not the first
                        // => search through all already chosen valid paths if the current path is the same until now
                        // and get the idx of this valid path (the first occurring is all that is needed)
                        int samePathIdx = -1;
                        if (validPathIdx != 0)
                            for (int tempPathIdx = 0; tempPathIdx < validPathIdx; tempPathIdx++)
                                bool samePath = true;
                                for (int depth = 0; depth <= idx; depth++)
                                    if (validPaths[tempPathIdx].pathIndices[depth] != validPaths[validPathIdx].pathIndices[depth])
                                        samePath = false;
                                if (samePath)
                                    samePathIdx = tempPathIdx;

                        // if there does not exist a path that is the same up to this point
                        // => chose a random base possible node
                        PossibleNode basePossibleNode;
                        if (samePathIdx == -1)
                            // get random base class that is used to generate the valid path element
                            ITypeReference baseInterface = allInterfacesList.ElementAt(this.prng.Next(allInterfacesList.Count()));
                            List <PossibleNode> baseList = (List <PossibleNode>) this.graphInterfaces[baseInterface];
                            basePossibleNode = baseList.ElementAt(this.prng.Next(baseList.Count()));

                            // add interface to mandatory list (if it is not already in it)
                            if (!validPaths[validPathIdx].pathElements[idx].mandatoryInterfaces.Contains(baseInterface))

                        // if there already exists a path
                        // => use the same base possible node
                            basePossibleNode = currentRoundBasePossibleNodes[samePathIdx];

                            ITypeReference baseInterface = basePossibleNode.givenClass.Interfaces.ElementAt(this.prng.Next(basePossibleNode.givenClass.Interfaces.Count()));

                            // add interface to mandatory list (if it is not already in it)
                            if (!validPaths[samePathIdx].pathElements[idx].mandatoryInterfaces.Contains(baseInterface))

                        // add valid interfaces to the path element
                        bool addAnotherInterface = true;
                        int  addInterfaceWeight  = 3;
                        while (addAnotherInterface)
                            // decide wether to add another valid interface or not
                            switch (this.prng.Next(addInterfaceWeight))
                            // add another interface to the list of valid interfaces
                            case 0:
                            case 1: {
                                // check if there exists more interfaces that could be added to the list of valid interfaces
                                if (basePossibleNode.givenClass.Interfaces.Count() == validPaths[validPathIdx].pathElements[idx].validInterfaces.Count())
                                    addAnotherInterface = false;

                                // add a random interface that is implemented by the base possible node
                                int nextInterfaceIdx = this.prng.Next(basePossibleNode.givenClass.Interfaces.Count());
                                while (true)
                                    ITypeReference tempInterface = basePossibleNode.givenClass.Interfaces.ElementAt(nextInterfaceIdx);

                                    // check if chosen interface is already added to the list of valid interfaces
                                    // => try next interface implemented by the base possible node
                                    if (validPaths[validPathIdx].pathElements[idx].validInterfaces.Contains(tempInterface))
                                        nextInterfaceIdx = (nextInterfaceIdx + 1) % basePossibleNode.givenClass.Interfaces.Count();

                                    // => add interface to list of valid interfaces

                                        // check if there exist a prior path that has an element at the same position
                                        // => if not, add interface to list of mandatory interfaces of this path
                                        if (samePathIdx == -1)
                                            if (!validPaths[validPathIdx].pathElements[idx].mandatoryInterfaces.Contains(tempInterface))

                                        // => if there is, add interface to list of mandatory interfaces of the prior path
                                            if (!validPaths[samePathIdx].pathElements[idx].mandatoryInterfaces.Contains(tempInterface))



                            //do not add any more interfaces
                            default: {
                                addAnotherInterface = false;


                            // make adding another invalid interface more unlikely

                        // add invalid interfaces to the path element
                        addAnotherInterface = true;
                        addInterfaceWeight  = 2;
                        while (addAnotherInterface)
                            // decide wether to add another valid interface or not
                            switch (this.prng.Next(addInterfaceWeight))
                            // add another interface to the list of invalid interfaces
                            case 0:
                            case 1: {
                                // check if there exists anymore interfaces that could be added to the list of invalid interfaces
                                if (allInterfacesList.Count() <= (validPaths[validPathIdx].pathElements[idx].invalidInterfaces.Count() + validPaths[validPathIdx].pathElements[idx].validInterfaces.Count()))
                                    if (allInterfacesList.Count() == (validPaths[validPathIdx].pathElements[idx].invalidInterfaces.Count() + validPaths[validPathIdx].pathElements[idx].validInterfaces.Count()))
                                        addAnotherInterface = false;

                                    throw new ArgumentException("The sum of valid and invalid interfaces should never be greater than the count of all interfaces.");

                                // check if there exists anymore interfaces that could be added to the list of invalid interfaces
                                if (allInterfacesList.Count() <= (validPaths[validPathIdx].pathElements[idx].invalidInterfaces.Count() + basePossibleNode.givenClass.Interfaces.Count()))
                                    if (allInterfacesList.Count() == (validPaths[validPathIdx].pathElements[idx].invalidInterfaces.Count() + basePossibleNode.givenClass.Interfaces.Count()))
                                        addAnotherInterface = false;

                                    throw new ArgumentException("The sum of implemented and invalid interfaces should never be greater than the count of all interfaces.");

                                // add a random interface that is NOT implemented by the base possible node
                                int nextInterfaceIdx = this.prng.Next(allInterfacesList.Count());
                                while (true)
                                    ITypeReference tempInterface = allInterfacesList.ElementAt(nextInterfaceIdx);

                                    // check if chosen interface is NOT added to the list of invalid interfaces
                                    // and NOT implemented by the base possible node
                                    // => if it is try next interface of all interfaces
                                    if (validPaths[validPathIdx].pathElements[idx].invalidInterfaces.Contains(tempInterface) ||
                                        nextInterfaceIdx = (nextInterfaceIdx + 1) % allInterfacesList.Count();

                                    // => add interface to list of invalid interfaces

                                        // check if there exist a prior path that has an element at the same position
                                        // => if not, add interface to list of forbidden interfaces of this path
                                        if (samePathIdx == -1)
                                            if (!validPaths[validPathIdx].pathElements[idx].forbiddenInterfaces.Contains(tempInterface))

                                        // => if there is, add interface to list of forbidden interfaces of the prior path
                                            if (!validPaths[samePathIdx].pathElements[idx].forbiddenInterfaces.Contains(tempInterface))



                            //do not add any more interfaces
                            default: {
                                addAnotherInterface = false;


                            // make adding another invalid interface more unlikely

                        // add current base possible node to the current round base possible nodes
                        currentRoundBasePossibleNodes[validPathIdx] = basePossibleNode;

            // set all mandatory and forbidden interfaces lists of all nodes that lie on the same path
            for (int idx = 0; idx < this.graphDepth; idx++)
                for (int validPathIdx = 1; validPathIdx < graphValidPathCount; validPathIdx++)
                    // search through all prior valid paths if the current path is the same until now
                    // and get the idx of this valid path (the first occurring is all that is needed)
                    int samePathIdx = -1;

                    for (int tempPathIdx = 0; tempPathIdx < validPathIdx; tempPathIdx++)
                        bool samePath = true;
                        for (int depth = 0; depth <= idx; depth++)
                            if (validPaths[tempPathIdx].pathIndices[depth] != validPaths[validPathIdx].pathIndices[depth])
                                samePath = false;
                        if (samePath)
                            samePathIdx = tempPathIdx;

                    // if a path was found which is the same up to the current point
                    // => set the mandatory and forbidden list to the lists of the found path
                    if (samePathIdx != -1)
                        validPaths[validPathIdx].pathElements[idx].mandatoryInterfaces = validPaths[samePathIdx].pathElements[idx].mandatoryInterfaces;
                        validPaths[validPathIdx].pathElements[idx].forbiddenInterfaces = validPaths[samePathIdx].pathElements[idx].forbiddenInterfaces;
