// GET: /Payment/Cancel
        public ActionResult Cancel()
            PosBdo pos = null;
                Logger.Info("Got response from payment system to cancel transaction (by user)");
                //string paySystemUid = Session["__PaySystemUid"] as string;
                Logger.InfoFormat("  Payment Order nr in session is `{0}`", SessionStore.PaymentOrderNr);

                //var responseFromPaysera = Factory.PayseraBll.ParseData(Request["data"]);
                //var t = Factory.TransactionsBll.CancelTransactionByUser(paySystemUid);
                var t = Factory.TransactionsBll.CancelTransactionByUserUsingOrderNr(SessionStore.PaymentOrderNr);

                // Try to get POS information
                if (SessionStore.PosId > 0)
                    pos = Factory.PosBll.GetById(SessionStore.PosId);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.Error("Error canceling transaction", ex);

            return View("Cancel", GetLayoutForPos(), pos);
Example #2
 public void ValidateCurrencyCode(string currencyCode, PosBdo pos)
     if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(currencyCode))
         throw new IncorrectPaymentParamersException("Payment request must specify currency code");
Example #3
        public string FormatNoteForPayment(PosBdo pos, ProductBdo product, int maxLength)
            if (product == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("product");
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(product.ProductName))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("ProductName");

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.Append(pos.Name).Append(" - ");

            string noteEnd = ". Jusu uzsakymas http://www.dovanukuponai.com/gift/get/[order_nr]. Dekuoju, [owner_name]";

            int availableLen = maxLength - sb.Length - noteEnd.Length;

            if (availableLen < 1)

            sb.Append(product.ProductName.Length > availableLen ? product.ProductName.Substring(0, availableLen) : product.ProductName);

            //string shortProductName = posResponse.ProductName.Length > 90 ? posResponse.ProductName.Substring(0, 90) : posResponse.ProductName;
            //rq.PayText = String.Concat("RitosMasazai.lt - ", shortProductName, ". Jusu uzsakymas http://www.dovanukuponai.com/gift/get/[order_nr]. Dekoju, [owner_name]");

Example #4
        public PosDal()
            PosBdo p = new PosBdo();

            p.Id              = 1005;
            p.Name            = "Ritos Masažai";
            p.Description     = "Rankos, suteikiančios pagalbą, švelnesnės negu besimeldžiančios lūpos";
            p.PayseraPayerId  = "76457";
            p.PayseraPassword = "******";
            p.PosUrl          = new Uri("http://www.ritosmasazai.lt/");
            //p.ValidateUrl = new Uri("http://localhost:56620/Test/Validate");
            p.ValidateUrl    = new Uri("http://www.ritosmasazai.lt/test.php/lt/price/info/posUid/");
            p.IsTest         = false;
            p.UseTestPayment = false;

            p             = new PosBdo();
            p.Id          = 6666;
            p.Name        = "Test LocalShop";
            p.Description = "Just testing shop";
            p.PosUrl      = new Uri("http://localhost:56620/");
            p.ValidateUrl = new Uri("http://localhost:56620/Test/Validate");
            //p.ValidateUrl = new Uri("http://www.ritosmasazai.lt/lt/price/info/posUid/");
            p.IsTest         = true;
            p.UseTestPayment = true;

            p                 = new PosBdo();
            p.Id              = 1006;
            p.Name            = "Knygynai.lt";
            p.Description     = "Knygų ir knygynų paieška";
            p.PayseraPayerId  = "80213";
            p.PayseraPassword = "******";
            p.PosUrl          = new Uri("http://knygynai.lt/");
            //p.ValidateUrl = new Uri("http://localhost:8079/gspclient/gsinfo.php?posUid=");
            p.ValidateUrl    = new Uri("http://knygynai.lt/gsinfo.php?posUid=");
            p.IsTest         = false;
            p.UseTestPayment = false;

            p                 = new PosBdo();
            p.Id              = 1007;
            p.Name            = "Melisanda.lt";
            p.Description     = "Sveikatos ir Grožio Išsaugojimo Centras \"Melisanda\"";
            p.PayseraPayerId  = "82190";
            p.PayseraPassword = "******";
            //p.PayseraPayerId = "80213";
            //p.PayseraPassword = "******";
            p.PosUrl = new Uri("http://www.melisanda.lt/");
            //p.ValidateUrl = new Uri("http://localhost:8079/gspclient/gsinfo.php?posUid=");
            p.ValidateUrl    = new Uri("http://www.melisanda.lt/lt/price/info/posUid/");
            p.IsTest         = false;
            p.UseTestPayment = false;
Example #5
        public void Test_Form_PaymentNote_Is_Not_Empty()
            PosBdo     pos     = new PosBdo();
            ProductBdo product = new ProductBdo {
                ProductName = "Product"

            string note = _posBll.FormatNoteForPayment(pos, product, 250);

Example #6
        public void Test_PaymentNote_Must_Contain_OrderNr()
            PosBdo     pos     = new PosBdo();
            ProductBdo product = new ProductBdo {
                ProductName = "Product"

            string note = _posBll.FormatNoteForPayment(pos, product, 250);

            Assert.IsTrue(note.IndexOf("[order_nr]") >= 0);
Example #7
        public PaymentRequestValidationResponse ValidatePosPaymentRequest(PosBdo pos, string posUserUid)
            if (pos.ValidateUrl == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("POS does not have ValidateUrl to validate request from it");

            PaymentRequestValidationResponse response = null;

                //var validationUri = new Uri(pos.ValidateUrl.ToString() + posUserUid);
                string url = pos.ValidateUrl.ToString();
                url = url.EndsWith("/") || url.EndsWith("=") ? String.Concat(url, posUserUid) : String.Concat(url, "/", posUserUid);
                var validationUri = new Uri(url);
                Logger.InfoFormat("Validating request payment from POS: `{0}`", validationUri.ToString());
                response = _communicationBll.GetJsonResponse <PaymentRequestValidationResponse>(validationUri);
                if (response == null)
                    throw new BadResponseException("Got NULL response from POS on request validation");

                if (response.RequestedAmountMinor < 1)
                    throw new IncorrectPaymentParamersException("Payment request amount (minor) should be greater than 0");

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(response.ProductName))
                    throw new IncorrectPaymentParamersException("Payment request must specify product name");

                ValidateCurrencyCode(response.CurrencyCode, pos);

                // model.Locations = posResponse.Locations ?? new List<ProductServiceLocation>();
                foreach (var l in response.Locations)
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(l.LatLng) == false)
                        l.LatLngCoordinates = BllFactory.Current.HelperBll.ParseLatLng(l.LatLng, MapTypes.GoogleMap);

            catch (InvalidCastException icex)
            catch (Exception ex)
Example #8
        public ProductBdo SaveProductInformationFromPos(string posUserUid, PaymentRequestValidationResponse posResponse, ProductCheckoutModel checkout)
            if (posResponse == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Response from POS is NULL");

            ProductBdo product = new ProductBdo();
            PosBdo     pos     = new PosBdo();

            // TODO: use automapper
            Mapper.CreateMap <PaymentRequestValidationResponse, ProductBdo>()
            .ForMember(dest => dest.ProductPrice,
                       orig => orig.MapFrom(x => x.RequestedAmountMinor / 100m))
            .ForMember(dest => dest.ValidTill,
                       orig => orig.MapFrom(x => BllFactory.Current.HelperBll.ConvertFromUnixTimestamp(x.ProductValidTillTm)));

            product = Mapper.Map <ProductBdo>(posResponse);

            if (checkout.LocationId > 0)
                var location = posResponse.Locations.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == checkout.LocationId);
                if (location == null)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("LocationId", "Incorrect POS service location!");

                product.PosName             = location.Name;
                product.PosCity             = location.City;
                product.PosAddress          = location.Address;
                product.PhoneForReservation = location.PhoneReservation;
                product.EmailForReservation = location.EmailReservation;

            product.CustomerName  = checkout.CustomerName;
            product.CustomerEmail = checkout.CustomerEmail;
            product.CustomerPhone = checkout.CustomerPhone;
            product.Remarks       = checkout.Remarks;

            product.PaymentSystem = checkout.PaymentSystem;
            product.ProductUid    = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
            product.PosUserUid    = posUserUid;
            product.PaySystemUid  = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");

            Logger.Debug("Saving product information from POS and customer form");
            Logger.DebugFormat("  Pass product duration to save: `{0}`", product.ProductDuration);

            return(_productsDal.SaveProductInformationFromPos(product, pos));
Example #9
        public void Test_PaymentNote_Contains_Pos_Name()
            PosBdo pos = new PosBdo {
                Name = "MyShop"
            ProductBdo product = new ProductBdo {
                ProductName = "Product"

            string note = _posBll.FormatNoteForPayment(pos, product, 250);

            Assert.IsTrue(note.IndexOf(pos.Name) >= 0);
Example #10
        public void Test_Extremely_Long_Name_For_PaymentNote()
            PosBdo pos = new PosBdo {
                Id = 1005, Name = "My super-puper online e-Shop"
            ProductBdo product = new ProductBdo {
                ProductName = "product very long-long-long-long-long name"
            int maxLength = pos.Name.Length + product.ProductName.Length;

            // Check no exception
            string note = _posBll.FormatNoteForPayment(pos, product, maxLength);
Example #11
        public void Test_PaymentNote_Must_Contains_OwnerName()
            PosBdo pos = new PosBdo {
                Id = 1005, Name = "MyShop"
            ProductBdo product = new ProductBdo {
                ProductName = "Product"

            string note = _posBll.FormatNoteForPayment(pos, product, 250);

            Assert.IsTrue(note.IndexOf("[owner_name]") > 0);
Example #12
        public void Test_PaymentNote_Does_Not_Exceed_MaxLength()
            int    maxLength = 120;
            PosBdo pos       = new PosBdo {
                Id = 1005, Name = "My super-puper online e-Shop"
            ProductBdo product = new ProductBdo {
                ProductName = "product very long-long-long name"

            string note = _posBll.FormatNoteForPayment(pos, product, maxLength);

            Assert.IsTrue(note.Length <= maxLength);
Example #13
        public void Init()
            _pos             = new PosBdo();
            _pos.Id          = 1005;
            _pos.Name        = "Ritos Masazai";
            _pos.PosUrl      = new Uri("http://www.ritosmasazai.lt/");
            _pos.ValidateUrl = new Uri("http://localhost:56620/Test/Validate");

            _communicationBllMock.Setup(x => x.GetJsonResponse <BaseResponse>(It.IsAny <Uri>())).Returns(new BaseResponse {
                Status = true, Message = "Faked OK message"

            _configBllMock = new Mock <IConfigurationBll>();
            _configBllMock.Setup(x => x.Get())
            .Returns(() => new MySettings
                LengthOfPosUid = 32

            _securityBll = new SecurityBll(_configBllMock.Object, _communicationBllMock.Object);
Example #14
        public TestController()
            var pos = new PosBdo();

            pos.Id   = 6666;
            pos.Name = "Test shop";

            string uid;

            if (_products == null)
                _products = new List <ProductBdo>();

                uid = Factory.HelperBll.GenerateProductUid(pos.Id);
                _products.Add(new ProductBdo {
                    ProductUid = uid, Id = 666001, ProductName = "Test product #1", ProductPrice = 666.01m, PosId = pos.Id, PosName = pos.Name
                uid = Factory.HelperBll.GenerateProductUid(pos.Id);
                _products.Add(new ProductBdo {
                    ProductUid = uid, Id = 666001, ProductName = "Test product #2", ProductPrice = 666.22m, PosId = pos.Id, PosName = pos.Name
Example #15
        public ProductBdo SaveProductInformationFromPos(ProductBdo product, PosBdo pos)
            var p = new product();

                //p = Mapper.Map<product>(product);

                p.pos_user_uid   = product.PosUserUid;
                p.pay_system_uid = product.PaySystemUid;

                p.product_uid         = product.ProductUid;
                p.product_name        = product.ProductName;
                p.product_description = product.ProductDescription;
                p.product_duration    = product.ProductDuration;
                Logger.DebugFormat("  setting product_duration to: `{0}`", p.product_duration);
                p.product_price = product.ProductPrice;
                p.currency_code = product.CurrencyCode;

                p.customer_name  = product.CustomerName;
                p.customer_phone = product.CustomerPhone;
                p.customer_email = product.CustomerEmail;
                p.remarks        = product.Remarks;

                p.email_reservation = product.EmailForReservation;
                p.phone_reservation = product.PhoneForReservation;

                p.pos_id      = product.PosId;
                p.pos_name    = product.PosName;
                p.pos_address = product.PosAddress;
                p.pos_city    = product.PosCity;

                p.valid_from = product.ValidFrom;
                p.valid_till = product.ValidTill;

                Logger.Info("Saving product:");
                Logger.DebugFormat("  pos_user_uid:          `{0}`", p.pos_user_uid);
                Logger.DebugFormat("  pay_system_uid:        `{0}`", p.pay_system_uid);

                Logger.DebugFormat("  product_uid:           `{0}`", p.product_uid);
                Logger.DebugFormat("  product_name:          `{0}`", p.product_name);
                Logger.DebugFormat("  product_description:   `{0}`", p.product_description);
                Logger.DebugFormat("  product_duration:      `{0}`", p.product_duration);
                Logger.DebugFormat("  product_price:         `{0}`", p.product_price);
                Logger.DebugFormat("  currency_code:         `{0}`", p.currency_code);

                Logger.DebugFormat("  customer_name:         `{0}`", p.customer_name);
                Logger.DebugFormat("  customer_phone:        `{0}`", p.customer_phone);
                Logger.DebugFormat("  customer_email:        `{0}`", p.customer_email);
                Logger.DebugFormat("  remarks:               `{0}`", p.remarks);

                Logger.DebugFormat("  email_reservation:     `{0}`", p.email_reservation);
                Logger.DebugFormat("  phone_reservation:     `{0}`", p.phone_reservation);

                Logger.DebugFormat("  pos_id:                `{0}`", p.pos_id);
                Logger.DebugFormat("  pos_name:              `{0}`", p.pos_name);
                Logger.DebugFormat("  pos_city:              `{0}`", p.pos_city);
                Logger.DebugFormat("  pos_address:           `{0}`", p.pos_address);
                Logger.DebugFormat("  valid_from:            `{0}`", p.valid_from);
                Logger.DebugFormat("  valid_till:            `{0}`", p.valid_till);
                //Logger.DebugFormat("  PaymentSystem:        `{0}`", p.Pay);
                using (var db = new GiftServiceEntities())
            catch (System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException dbvex)
                Logger.Error("Validation error saving product", dbvex);
                foreach (var e in dbvex.EntityValidationErrors)
                    foreach (var sub in e.ValidationErrors)
                        Logger.ErrorFormat("  {0,-16}: {1}", sub.PropertyName, sub.ErrorMessage);

Example #16
 public ProductBdo SaveProductInformationFromPos(ProductBdo product, PosBdo pos)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Example #17
        // GET: /Payment/Make/UniquePaymentId
        public ActionResult Make(string id)
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                sb.AppendLine("Got request to make payment");
                sb.AppendFormat("  POS URL: {0}", Request.UserHostAddress).AppendLine();
                sb.AppendFormat("  UID from POS: `{0}`", id);

                int posId = Factory.PosBll.GetPosIdFromUid(id);
                PosBdo pos = Factory.PosBll.GetById(posId);

                var posResponse = Factory.SecurityBll.ValidatePosPaymentRequest(pos, id);
                posResponse.PosId = pos.Id;
                SessionStore.PosId = pos.Id;
                if (posResponse.Status != true)
                    Logger.ErrorFormat("POS returns false on request. " + posResponse.Message);
                    throw new BadResponseException(posResponse.Message);

                this.Session["__Product"] = posResponse;

                ProductCheckoutModel model = new ProductCheckoutModel();
                Mapper.CreateMap<PaymentRequestValidationResponse, ProductCheckoutModel>();
                model = Mapper.Map<ProductCheckoutModel>(posResponse);
                model.PosUserUid = id;
                //model.ProductName = posResponse.ProductName;
                model.ProductDuration = posResponse.ProductDuration;
                model.ProductValidTill = Factory.HelperBll.ConvertFromUnixTimestamp(posResponse.ProductValidTillTm);
                model.RequestedAmount = posResponse.RequestedAmountMinor / 100m;
                //model.CurrencyCode = posResponse.CurrencyCode;

                //model.Locations = posResponse.Locations ?? new List<ProductServiceLocation>();
                foreach (var l in model.Locations)
                    l.LatLngCoordinates.LatLngString = Factory.HelperBll.GetLatLngString(l.LatLngCoordinates, MapTypes.YandexMap);

                return View("Checkout", GetLayoutForPos(posId), model);
            catch (IncorrectPaymentParamersException ippex)
                Logger.Error("Incorrect price of product (less than 0)", ippex);
                return Incorrect(Resources.Language.Payment_Make_Error_IncorrectPriceFromRequest);
            catch (System.Net.WebException wex)
                Logger.Error("Probably, there is no connection with POS", wex);
                return Incorrect();
            catch (Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException jre)
                Logger.Error("Incorrect JSON response from POS", jre);
                return Incorrect();
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.Error("Error validating payment request from POS", ex);
                //return new RedirectResult(Url.Action("Error"));
                return Incorrect();