protected void DeleteClick(string msgID, string msgMessageID) { string PathTemplate; PathTemplate = Path.Combine(ConfigSettings.DataStoragePath, String.Format("webmail{1}{0}{1}mails", UC.UserId, Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)); string NameOfFile = PathTemplate + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + msgMessageID + ".tmsg"; if (File.Exists(NameOfFile)) { Message msg = new Message(); FileStream newfile = new FileStream(NameOfFile, FileMode.Open); BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter(); msg = (Message)bf.Deserialize(newfile); newfile.Close(); foreach (MessageAttach ma in msg.Attachment) { string attpath; attpath = Path.Combine(ConfigSettings.DataStoragePath, String.Format("webmail{2}{0}{2}{1}", UC.UserId, ma.Filename, Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)); if (File.Exists(attpath)) { File.Delete(attpath); } } File.Delete(NameOfFile); } DataRow dtpop3 = DatabaseConnection.CreateDataset("SELECT MAILSERVER,MAILUSER,MAILPASSWORD FROM ACCOUNT WHERE UID=" + UC.UserId).Tables[0].Rows[0]; string pop3 = dtpop3[0].ToString(); bool secure = false; if (pop3.StartsWith("!")) { pop3 = pop3.Substring(1); secure = true; } using (Pop3Client email = new Pop3Client(dtpop3[1].ToString(), dtpop3[2].ToString(), pop3, secure)) { email.OpenInbox(); email.NextEmail(Convert.ToInt32(msgID)); bool result = email.DeleteEmail(); if (!result) { lblError.Text = Root.rm.GetString("Mailtxt26"); } email.Quit(); email.CloseConnection(); FillMsgIn(true, false); dgmessages.Visible = false; } }
private void получитьToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { List <Config.Server> list = _config.GetPop3(); foreach (Config.Server srv in list) { try { Pop3Client email = new Pop3Client(srv.User, srv.Password, srv.Address); email.OpenInbox(); while (email.NextEmail()) { _inbox.Add(new Letter() { Subject = email.Subject, From = email.From, To = email.To }); email.DeleteEmail(); } email.CloseConnection(); } catch (Pop3LoginException) { string msg = "Сервер " + srv.Address + " не доступен"; MessageBox.Show(msg); } catch (Pop3ConnectException) { string msg = "Сервер " + srv.Address + " не доступен"; MessageBox.Show(msg); } } UpdateInbox(); }
/// <summary> /// Execute() implementation /// </summary> /// <param name='testConfig'>The Xml fragment containing the configuration for this test step</param> /// <param name='context'>The context for the test, this holds state that is passed beteen tests</param> public void Execute(XmlNode testConfig, Context context) { int delayBeforeCheck = context.ReadConfigAsInt32(testConfig, "DelayBeforeCheck", true); string server = context.ReadConfigAsString(testConfig, "Server"); string user = context.ReadConfigAsString(testConfig, "User"); string password = context.ReadConfigAsString(testConfig, "Password"); string from = null; bool showBody = false; string subject = null; int attachments = -1; bool found = false; if (testConfig.SelectSingleNode("ShowBody") != null) { showBody = context.ReadConfigAsBool(testConfig, "ShowBody"); } if (testConfig.SelectSingleNode("From") != null) { from = context.ReadConfigAsString(testConfig, "From"); } if (testConfig.SelectSingleNode("Subject") != null) { subject = context.ReadConfigAsString(testConfig, "Subject"); } if (testConfig.SelectSingleNode("Attachments") != null) { attachments = context.ReadConfigAsInt32(testConfig, "Attachments"); } if (delayBeforeCheck > 0) { context.LogInfo("Waiting for {0} seconds before checking the mail.", delayBeforeCheck); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(delayBeforeCheck * 1000); } var email = new Pop3Client(user, password, server); email.OpenInbox(); try { while (email.NextEmail()) { if (email.To == user && (email.From == from || from == null) && (email.Subject == subject || subject == null)) { if (attachments > 0 && email.IsMultipart) { int a = 0; IEnumerator enumerator = email.MultipartEnumerator; while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { var multipart = (Pop3Component) enumerator.Current; if (multipart.IsBody) { if (showBody) { context.LogData("Multipart body", multipart.Data); } } else { context.LogData("Attachment name", multipart.Name); a++; } } if (attachments == a) { found = true; break; } } else { if (showBody) { context.LogData("Single body", email.Body); } found = true; break; } } } if (!found) { throw new Exception("Failed to find email message"); } else { email.DeleteEmail(); } } finally { email.CloseConnection(); } }
private static void ReceiveMail() { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load((string)cfg.GetValue("game.xml", typeof(string))); Pop3Client pop3 = new Pop3Client( (string)cfg.GetValue("pop3.username", typeof(string)), (string)cfg.GetValue("pop3.password", typeof(string)), (string)cfg.GetValue("pop3.server", typeof(string))); pop3.OpenInbox(); while (pop3.NextEmail()) { Log("Receiving \"" + pop3.Subject + "\" from " + pop3.From); string body; if (pop3.Charset == "koi8-r") { body = KoiToWin(pop3.Body); } else { body = pop3.Body; } string filename = ""; bool checker = false; bool save = true; string folder = (string)cfg.GetValue("mailbox", typeof(string)); if (pop3.Subject.ToLower() == "request") { int i = 1; while (File.Exists(Path.Combine(folder, "request." + i.ToString()))) { i++; } filename = "request." + i.ToString(); Log("..this is a request :)"); TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(folder, filename + ".confirm"), false, Encoding.GetEncoding(1251)); tw.WriteLine("To: " + pop3.From); tw.WriteLine("Subject: [Wasteland] Request confirmation"); tw.WriteLine(""); tw.WriteLine("Request accepted. Wait for next turn please."); tw.Close(); } else { string[] ss = body.Split('\n'); int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < ss.Length; i++) { string s = ss[i]; Regex re; // Orders re = new Regex(@"#orders (\d+) ""(.*?)"""); if (re.IsMatch(s)) { Match m = re.Match(s); string faction = m.Groups[1].Value; string password = m.Groups[2].Value; XmlElement elFaction = (XmlElement)doc.SelectSingleNode( String.Format("/game/faction[@num='{0}']", faction.Replace("'", ""))); if (elFaction == null) { Log("..faction " + faction + " not found"); } else if (elFaction.GetAttribute("password") != password) { Log("..wrong password for " + faction); } else { Log("..found orders for " + faction); filename = "order." + faction; checker = true; break; } } // Report resend re = new Regex(@"#resend (\d+) ""(.*?)"""); if (re.IsMatch(s)) { Match m = re.Match(s); string faction = m.Groups[1].Value; string password = m.Groups[2].Value; XmlElement elFaction = (XmlElement)doc.SelectSingleNode( String.Format("/game/faction[@num='{0}']", faction.Replace("'", ""))); if (elFaction == null) { Log("..faction " + faction + " not found"); } else if (elFaction.GetAttribute("password") != password) { Log("..wrong password for " + faction); } else { Log("..found resend request for " + faction); string gamedir = (string)cfg.GetValue("gamedir", typeof(string)); int turnnum = Convert.ToInt32(doc.SelectSingleNode("game/@turn").Value); string turnname = "turn." + (turnnum - 1).ToString(); FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(gamedir, turnname), "report." + faction)); if (fi.Exists) { fi.CopyTo(Path.Combine(folder, fi.Name), false); } checker = false; save = false; filename = "resend"; break; } } // Mail re = new Regex(@"#mail (person )?(\d+)( (\d+) ""(.*?)"")?"); if (re.IsMatch(s)) { Match m = re.Match(s); string person = m.Groups[1].Value; string to = m.Groups[2].Value; string faction = m.Groups[4].Value; string password = m.Groups[5].Value; XmlElement elFaction = (XmlElement)doc.SelectSingleNode( String.Format("/game/faction[@num='{0}']", faction.Replace("'", ""))); XmlElement elRecipient = null; XmlElement elPerson = null; if (person != "person ") { elRecipient = (XmlElement)doc.SelectSingleNode( String.Format("/game/faction[@num='{0}']", to.Replace("'", ""))); } else { elPerson = (XmlElement)doc.SelectSingleNode( String.Format("//person[@num='{0}']", to.Replace("'", ""))); if (elPerson != null) { elRecipient = (XmlElement)doc.SelectSingleNode( String.Format("/game/faction[@num='{0}']", elPerson.GetAttribute("faction"))); } } if (elFaction != null && elFaction.GetAttribute("password") != password) { Log("..wrong password for " + faction); } else if (elRecipient == null || elRecipient.GetAttribute("email") == "") { Log("..recipient " + to + " not found"); } else { Log("..found mail from " + faction); filename = "mail." + faction + "-" + to + "." + DateTime.Now.ToString("HHmmssfff"); TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(folder, filename), false, Encoding.GetEncoding(1251)); tw.WriteLine("To: " + elRecipient.GetAttribute("email")); string subj = "Subject: [Wasteland] Private message"; if (elFaction != null) { subj += " from " + elFaction.GetAttribute("name") + " (" + elFaction.GetAttribute("num") + ")"; } tw.WriteLine(subj); tw.WriteLine(""); if (elPerson != null) { tw.WriteLine("Message received by " + Translit(elPerson.GetAttribute("name")) + " (" + to + ")."); } for (int j = i + 1; j < ss.Length; j++) { if (ss[j].Trim() == "#end") { break; } tw.WriteLine(ss[j]); } tw.Close(); filename = "confirm." + faction + "-" + to + "." + DateTime.Now.ToString("HHmmssfff"); tw = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(folder, filename), false, Encoding.GetEncoding(1251)); tw.WriteLine("To: " + pop3.From); tw.WriteLine("Subject: [Wasteland] Mail confirmation"); tw.WriteLine(""); if (elPerson == null) { tw.WriteLine("Message to " + elRecipient.GetAttribute("name") + " (" + to + ") sent."); } else { tw.WriteLine("Message to " + Translit(elPerson.GetAttribute("name")) + " (" + to + ") sent."); } tw.Close(); checker = false; save = false; break; } } } if (filename == "") { int j = 1; while (File.Exists(Path.Combine(folder, "spam." + j.ToString()))) { j++; } filename = "spam." + j.ToString(); Log("..this should be spam :/"); } } if (save) { TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(folder, filename), false, Encoding.GetEncoding(1251)); tw.WriteLine("From: " + pop3.From); tw.WriteLine("Subject: " + pop3.Subject); tw.WriteLine(""); tw.WriteLine(body); tw.Close(); } if (checker) { Log("Checking " + filename); RunEngine("/check " + Path.Combine(folder, filename)); } pop3.DeleteEmail(); } pop3.CloseConnection(); }
public static string FindAndRecordEmailBounces() { Pop3Client email = null; string message = string.Empty; try { email = new Pop3Client("*****@*****.**", "deadFax186", ""); email.OpenInbox(); // only process x amount of messages at a time because deleting is not really done until the session is closed const long nMaxProcess = 2; long nTotalCount = Math.Min(nMaxProcess, email.MessageCount); long nMaxEmail = email.MessageCount; long nMinEmail = Math.Max(0, email.MessageCount - nMaxProcess); for (long i = nMaxEmail - 1; i >= nMinEmail; i--) { email.NextEmail(i); if (0 != string.Compare(email.To, "*****@*****.**", true)) { continue; } // check the subject, delete items as appropriate if (email.Subject.ToLower().Contains("delay")) { email.DeleteEmail(); } string szRecipient = "", szAction = "", szStatus = "", szTo = "", szFrom = "", szSubject = "", szDate = "", szReply_to = ""; if (email.Subject.ToLower().Contains("failure notice") || email.Subject.ToLower().Contains("Delivery Status Notification (Failure)") || email.Subject.ToLower().Contains("Mail Delivery Failure") || email.Subject.ToLower().Contains("Mail System Error - Returned Mail")) { if (!email.IsMultipart) { szTo = GetEmailFromValue(GetValueFromKey(email.Body, "To:")); szFrom = GetEmailFromValue(GetValueFromKey(email.Body, "From:")); szSubject = CleanSubject(GetValueFromKey(email.Body, "Subject:")); szDate = GetValueFromKey(email.Body, "Date:"); szRecipient = GetEmailFromValue(GetValueFromKey(email.Body, "Final-Recipient:")); szAction = GetValueFromKey(email.Body, "Action:"); szStatus = GetValueFromKey(email.Body, "Status:"); szReply_to = GetEmailFromValue(GetValueFromKey(email.Body, "Reply-To:")); } else { System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator = email.MultipartEnumerator; while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { Pop3Component multipart = (Pop3Component)enumerator.Current; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(szTo)) { szTo = GetEmailFromValue(GetValueFromKey(multipart.Data, "To:")); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(szTo)) { szTo = GetEmailFromValue(GetValueFromKey(multipart.Data, "Original-Recipient:")); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(szFrom)) { szFrom = GetEmailFromValue(GetValueFromKey(multipart.Data, "From:")); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(szSubject)) { szSubject = CleanSubject(GetValueFromKey(multipart.Data, "Subject:")); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(szDate)) { szDate = GetValueFromKey(multipart.Data, "Date:"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(szDate)) { szDate = GetValueFromKey(multipart.Data, "Arrival-Date:"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(szRecipient)) { szRecipient = GetEmailFromValue(GetValueFromKey(multipart.Data, "Final-Recipient:")); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(szAction)) { szAction = GetValueFromKey(multipart.Data, "Action:"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(szStatus)) { szStatus = GetValueFromKey(multipart.Data, "Status:"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(szReply_to)) { szReply_to = GetEmailFromValue(GetValueFromKey(multipart.Data, "Reply-To:")); } } } message = message + szTo + " | " + szFrom + " | " + szReply_to + " | " + szSubject + " | " + szDate + " <br/>"; email.DeleteEmail(); } } message = message + string.Format("Total message count: {0}, Process message count: {1}", email.MessageCount.ToString(), nTotalCount.ToString()); email.CloseConnection(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (null != email) { try { email.CloseConnection(); } catch { } } message = "Exception thrown in FindAndRecordEmailBounces. Message: " + ex.Message; } return(message); }
/// <summary> /// Execute() implementation /// </summary> /// <param name='testConfig'>The Xml fragment containing the configuration for this test step</param> /// <param name='context'>The context for the test, this holds state that is passed beteen tests</param> public void Execute(XmlNode testConfig, Context context) { var delayBeforeCheck = context.ReadConfigAsInt32(testConfig, "DelayBeforeCheck", true); var server = context.ReadConfigAsString(testConfig, "Server"); var user = context.ReadConfigAsString(testConfig, "User"); var password = context.ReadConfigAsString(testConfig, "Password"); string from = null; var showBody = false; string subject = null; var attachments = -1; var found = false; if (testConfig.SelectSingleNode("ShowBody") != null) { showBody = context.ReadConfigAsBool(testConfig, "ShowBody"); } if (testConfig.SelectSingleNode("From") != null) { from = context.ReadConfigAsString(testConfig, "From"); } if (testConfig.SelectSingleNode("Subject") != null) { subject = context.ReadConfigAsString(testConfig, "Subject"); } if (testConfig.SelectSingleNode("Attachments") != null) { attachments = context.ReadConfigAsInt32(testConfig, "Attachments"); } if (delayBeforeCheck > 0) { context.LogInfo("Waiting for {0} seconds before checking the mail.", delayBeforeCheck); Thread.Sleep(delayBeforeCheck * 1000); } using (var email = new Pop3Client(user, password, server)) { email.OpenInbox(); while (email.NextEmail()) { if (email.To == user && (email.From == @from || @from == null) && (email.Subject == subject || subject == null)) { if (attachments > 0 && email.IsMultipart) { var a = 0; foreach (var multipart in email) { if (multipart.IsBody) { if (showBody) { context.LogData("Multipart body", multipart.Data); } } else { context.LogData("Attachment name", multipart.Name); a++; } } if (attachments == a) { found = true; break; } } else { if (showBody) { context.LogData("Single body", email.Body); } found = true; break; } } } if (!found) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to find email message"); } email.DeleteEmail(); } }