Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize this class
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="OId">OId - Unique identifier; <c>Family</c>, <c>Set</c>, <c>SubSet</c>, and <c>Designator</c>. The McEliece family must be <c>1</c> corresponding with the <see cref="AsymmetricEngines"/> enumeration.</param>
        /// <param name="M">The degree of the finite field GF(2^m)</param>
        /// <param name="T">The error correction capability of the code</param>
        /// <param name="FieldPoly">The field polynomial</param>
        /// <param name="CCA2Engine">The McEliece CCA2 cipher engine</param>
        /// <param name="Digest">The digest used by the cipher engine</param>
        /// <param name="Prng">The Prng used by the cipher</param>
        /// <exception cref="CryptoAsymmetricException">Thrown if the OId is invalid or; <c>t &lt; 0</c>, <c>t &gt; n</c>, or <c>poly</c> is not an irreducible field polynomial</exception>
        public MPKCParameters(byte[] OId, int M, int T, int FieldPoly, CCA2Ciphers CCA2Engine = CCA2Ciphers.Fujisaki, Digests Digest = Digests.SHA256, Prngs Prng = Prngs.CTRPrng)
            if (OId.Length != OID_SIZE)
                throw new CryptoAsymmetricException("MPKCParameters:Ctor", string.Format("The OId is invalid, the OId length must be {0} bytes!", OID_SIZE, new ArgumentException()));
            if (OId[0] != (byte)AsymmetricEngines.McEliece)
                throw new CryptoAsymmetricException("MPKCParameters:Ctor", string.Format("The OId is invalid, first byte must be family designator ({0})!", AsymmetricEngines.McEliece, new ArgumentException()));
            if (M < 1)
                throw new CryptoAsymmetricException("MPKCParameters:Ctor", "M must be positive!", new ArgumentException());
            if (M > 32)
                throw new CryptoAsymmetricException("MPKCParameters:Ctor", "M is too large!", new ArgumentOutOfRangeException());

            m_M               = M;
            this.Digest       = Digest;
            this.CCA2Engine   = CCA2Engine;
            this.RandomEngine = Prng;

            Array.Copy(OId, this.OId, Math.Min(OId.Length, OID_SIZE));
            m_N = 1 << M;
            m_T = T;

            if (T < 0)
                throw new CryptoAsymmetricException("MPKCParameters:Ctor", "T must be positive!", new ArgumentException());
            if (T > N)
                throw new CryptoAsymmetricException("MPKCParameters:Ctor", "T must be less than n = 2^m!", new ArgumentOutOfRangeException());

            if ((PolynomialRingGF2.Degree(FieldPoly) == M) && (PolynomialRingGF2.IsIrreducible(FieldPoly)))
                m_fieldPoly = FieldPoly;
                throw new CryptoAsymmetricException("MPKCParameters:Ctor", "Polynomial is not a field polynomial for GF(2^m)", new InvalidDataException());
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize this class
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="M">The degree of the finite field GF(2^m)</param>
        /// <param name="T">The error correction capability of the code</param>
        /// <param name="FieldPoly">The field polynomial</param>
        /// <param name="OId">Three bytes that uniquely identify the parameter set</param>
        /// <param name="CCA2Engine">The McEliece CCA2 cipher engine</param>
        /// <param name="Digest">The digest used by the cipher engine</param>
        /// <param name="Prng">The Prng used by the cipher</param>
        /// <exception cref="MPKCException">Thrown if; <c>t &lt; 0</c>, <c>t &gt; n</c>, or <c>poly</c> is not an irreducible field polynomial</exception>
        public MPKCParameters(int M, int T, int FieldPoly, byte[] OId, McElieceCiphers CCA2Engine = McElieceCiphers.Fujisaki, Digests Digest = Digests.SHA256, Prngs Prng = Prngs.CTRPrng)
            if (M < 1)
                throw new MPKCException("MPKCParameters:Ctor", "M must be positive!", new ArgumentException());
            if (M > 32)
                throw new MPKCException("MPKCParameters:Ctor", "M is too large!", new ArgumentOutOfRangeException());

            _M                = M;
            this.Digest       = Digest;
            this.CCA2Engine   = CCA2Engine;
            this.RandomEngine = Prng;

            Array.Copy(OId, this.OId, Math.Min(OId.Length, 3));
            _N = 1 << M;
            _T = T;

            if (T < 0)
                throw new MPKCException("MPKCParameters:Ctor", "T must be positive!", new ArgumentException());
            if (T > N)
                throw new MPKCException("MPKCParameters:Ctor", "T must be less than n = 2^m!", new ArgumentOutOfRangeException());

            if ((PolynomialRingGF2.Degree(FieldPoly) == M) && (PolynomialRingGF2.IsIrreducible(FieldPoly)))
                _fieldPoly = FieldPoly;
                throw new MPKCException("MPKCParameters:Ctor", "Polynomial is not a field polynomial for GF(2^m)", new InvalidDataException());