/// <summary>
        /// Given the polygon perimeters and its drawn chords, construct nodes out of each vertex and lists of each of their
        /// connected edges into a list of the class ChordSplittingGraphNode which will be used to split the polygon into
        /// chordless polygons.
        /// A special case exists where any vertex with four connections needs to be split into two vertices with two
        /// connections each, because this only happens when a hole shares a vertex with a concave vertex on the outer
        /// perimeter, and NOT splitting them would cause PolygonSplittingGraph to put them in the same ConnectedNodeGroup
        /// (thus losing a hole later down the line).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="allIsoPerims">Array of lists describing the polygon perimeters.</param>
        /// <param name="bipartiteNodeToChords">Map of all BipartiteNodes to Chords.</param>
        /// <param name="maxIndependentSet">MIS of BipartiteNodes which contains WHICH chords we should 'draw'.</param>
        /// <returns>A list of ChordSplittingGraphNodes that describe each vertex of the polygon (with chords included).</returns>
        private static List <PolygonSplittingGraphNode> _ConstructPolygonSplittingNodes(List <Vector2>[] allIsoPerims,
                                                                                        Dictionary <BipartiteGraphNode, Chord> bipartiteNodeToChords,
                                                                                        HashSet <BipartiteGraphNode> maxIndependentSet)
            var polygonSplittingNodes = new List <PolygonSplittingGraphNode>();
            var vertexToID            = new Dictionary <Vector2, int>();
            int nodeID = 0;

            foreach (List <Vector2> perim in allIsoPerims)
                for (int i = 0; i < perim.Count - 1; i++)
                    Vector2 vertex = perim[i];
                    if (vertexToID.ContainsKey(vertex))
                    vertexToID.Add(vertex, nodeID);

            SortedList <int, List <int> > nodeConnectionsByID = _FindVertexConnections(allIsoPerims, bipartiteNodeToChords, maxIndependentSet, vertexToID);

            foreach (Vector2 vertex in vertexToID.Keys)
                int vertexID           = vertexToID[vertex];
                var chordSplittingNode = new PolygonSplittingGraphNode(vertexID, nodeConnectionsByID[vertexID], vertex.x, vertex.y);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates PolygonSplittingGraphNodes for each vertex using PolyEdges as connections.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="polyToTileMap">A Dictionary mapping PolyEdges to their respective TileEdges (although in this
        /// method we just want the PolyEdges).</param>
        /// <returns>List of PolygonSplittingGraphNodes that represent the vertices/edges formed by the input PolyEdges</returns>
        private static SortedList <int, PolygonSplittingGraphNode> _CreatePolygonGraphSplittingNodes(Dictionary <PolyEdge, TileEdge> polyToTileMap)
            (Dictionary <Vector2, int> vertexToID, Dictionary <int, Vector2> idToVertex) = _InitialiseVertexIDBiDicts(polyToTileMap);
            var nodeConnections = new Dictionary <int, HashSet <int> >();

            foreach (int id in idToVertex.Keys)
                nodeConnections[id] = new HashSet <int>();
            foreach (PolyEdge polyEdge in polyToTileMap.Keys)
                int aID = vertexToID[polyEdge.a];
                int bID = vertexToID[polyEdge.b];
            var polygonNodes = new SortedList <int, PolygonSplittingGraphNode>();

            foreach (int id in idToVertex.Keys)
                var node = new PolygonSplittingGraphNode(id, nodeConnections[id].ToList(), idToVertex[id].x, idToVertex[id].y);
                polygonNodes.Add(id, node);
