Example #1
        private void button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            strOperator = "add";
            IPointCollection pointCollection;
            IPoint           point     = new PointClass();
            IPoint           fromPoint = new PointClass();
            IPoint           toPoint   = new PointClass();

            if (m_Feature.Shape.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline)
                pointCollection = new PolylineClass();
                IPolyline polyline = m_Feature.Shape as IPolyline;

                object missing1 = Type.Missing;
                object missing2 = Type.Missing;
                pointCollection = polyline as IPointCollection;
                fromPoint = pointCollection.get_Point(pointCollection.PointCount - 2);
                toPoint   = pointCollection.get_Point(pointCollection.PointCount - 1);
                point.PutCoords((fromPoint.X + toPoint.X) / 2 + 300, (fromPoint.Y + toPoint.Y) / 2 + 500);
                pointCollection.AddPoint(point, ref missing1, ref missing2);
            else if (m_Feature.Shape.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon)
                pointCollection = new PolygonClass();
                IPolygon polygon = m_Feature.Shape as IPolygon;

                object missing1 = Type.Missing;
                object missing2 = Type.Missing;
                pointCollection = polygon as IPointCollection;
                fromPoint = pointCollection.get_Point(pointCollection.PointCount - 2);
                toPoint   = pointCollection.get_Point(pointCollection.PointCount - 1);
                point.PutCoords((fromPoint.X + toPoint.X) / 2, (fromPoint.Y + toPoint.Y) / 2 + 50);
                pointCollection.AddPoint(point, ref missing1, ref missing2);
            IWorkspaceEdit workspaceEdit;
            IWorkspace     workspace;
            IDataset       dataset = m_FeatureLayer.FeatureClass as IDataset;

            workspace     = dataset.Workspace;
            workspaceEdit = workspace as IWorkspaceEdit;
Example #2
        private bool LoadROI(string inSample, out string msg)
                msg = "";
                if (roiLayerDic.Count > 0)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(inSample) && File.Exists(inSample))
                    XmlDocument xmlDocument = new XmlDocument();
                    XmlNode xmlNode = xmlDocument.SelectSingleNode("RegionsOfInterest");
                    if (xmlNode == null)
                        msg = "ROI内容为空!";
                    for (int i = 0; i < xmlNode.ChildNodes.Count; i++)
                        XmlNode  xmlNode2 = xmlNode.ChildNodes[i];
                        string   value    = xmlNode2.Attributes[0].Value;
                        string   value2   = xmlNode2.Attributes[1].Value;
                        string[] array    = value2.Split(new char[]
                        int       red   = CommonAPI.ConvertToInt(array[0]);
                        int       green = CommonAPI.ConvertToInt(array[1]);
                        int       blue  = CommonAPI.ConvertToInt(array[2]);
                        IRgbColor color = new RgbColorClass
                            Red   = red,
                            Green = green,
                            Blue  = blue
                        ROILayerClass rOILayerClass = new ROILayerClass();
                        rOILayerClass.ID          = ((roiLayerDic.Keys.Count == 0) ? 1 : (roiLayerDic.Keys.Max() + 1));
                        rOILayerClass.Name        = value;
                        rOILayerClass.Color       = color;
                        rOILayerClass.ElementList = new List <ROIElementClass>();
                        roiLayerDic.Add(rOILayerClass.ID, rOILayerClass);

                        string innerText = xmlNode2.SelectSingleNode("GeometryDef/CoordSysStr").InnerText;
                        spatialReference = EngineAPI.GetSpatialRefFromPrjStr(innerText);
                        XmlNodeList xmlNodeList = xmlNode2.SelectNodes("GeometryDef/Polygon/Exterior/LinearRing/Coordinates");
                        for (int j = 0; j < xmlNodeList.Count; j++)
                            IPointCollection pointCollection = new PolygonClass();
                            string           innerText2      = xmlNodeList[j].InnerText;
                            string[]         array2          = innerText2.Split(new char[]
                                ' '
                            int num = array2.Length / 2;
                            for (int k = 0; k < num; k++)
                                IPoint point = new PointClass();
                                double x     = CommonAPI.ConvertToDouble(array2[2 * k]);
                                double y     = CommonAPI.ConvertToDouble(array2[2 * k + 1]);
                                point.PutCoords(x, y);
                                object value3 = Missing.Value;
                                object value4 = Missing.Value;
                                pointCollection.AddPoint(point, ref value3, ref value4);
                            IPolygon polygon = pointCollection as IPolygon;
                            polygon.FromPoint = pointCollection.get_Point(0);
                            polygon.ToPoint   = pointCollection.get_Point(pointCollection.PointCount - 1);
                            if (spatialReference == null)
                                spatialReference = new UnknownCoordinateSystemClass();
                            polygon.SpatialReference = spatialReference;
                            IElement element = new PolygonElementClass();
                            element.Geometry = polygon;

                            ROIElementClass rOIElementClass = new ROIElementClass
                                Element = element,
                                Checked = true
            catch (Exception ex)
                msg = ex.Message;
        /// <summary>
        /// 回采进尺更新
        /// </summary>
        /// <params name="hd1">主巷道ID</params>
        /// <params name="hd2">辅助巷道ID</params>
        /// <params name="hd3">切眼巷道ID</params>
        /// <params name="Bid">要修改的回采对象的BID</params>
        /// <params name="hccd">回采的尺度</params>
        /// <params name="search">查询附近地质构造的距离</params>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Dictionary<string, IPoint> UpdateHCCD(string hd1, string hd2, string hd3, string Bid, double hccd, double zywid, double fywid, double qywid, double search = 0)
            Dictionary<string, IPoint> respnts = new Dictionary<string, IPoint>();

            Dictionary<string, string> hdids = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            hdids.Add(GIS_Const.FIELD_HDID, hd1);
            List<Tuple<IFeature, IGeometry, Dictionary<string, string>>> selobjs1 = Global.commonclss.SearchFeaturesByGeoAndText(Global.centerlyr, hdids);
            IPolyline pline1 = selobjs1[0].Item2 as IPolyline;

            hdids[GIS_Const.FIELD_HDID] = hd2;
            List<Tuple<IFeature, IGeometry, Dictionary<string, string>>> selobjs2 = Global.commonclss.SearchFeaturesByGeoAndText(Global.centerlyr, hdids);
            IPolyline pline2 = selobjs2[0].Item2 as IPolyline;

            hdids[GIS_Const.FIELD_HDID] = hd3;
            List<Tuple<IFeature, IGeometry, Dictionary<string, string>>> selobjs3 = Global.commonclss.SearchFeaturesByGeoAndText(Global.centerlyr, hdids);
            IPolyline pline3 = selobjs3[0].Item2 as IPolyline;
            hdids[GIS_Const.FIELD_HDID] = hd1 + "_" + hd2;
            IPointCollection pntcol = new PolygonClass();

            IFeatureClass feaclss = Global.hcqlyr.FeatureClass;
            IWorkspaceEdit wks = (feaclss as IDataset).Workspace as IWorkspaceEdit;

            string sql = "\"" + GIS_Const.FIELD_HDID + "\"='" + hdids[GIS_Const.FIELD_HDID] + "' AND \"" + GIS_Const.FIELD_BS + "\"=0 AND " + GIS_Const.FIELD_BID + "='" + Bid + "'";
            IQueryFilter queryfilter = new QueryFilterClass();
            queryfilter.WhereClause = sql;
            IFeatureCursor hdhc_cursors = feaclss.Update(queryfilter, false);
            IFeature hdhc_fea = hdhc_cursors.NextFeature();
            if (hdhc_fea == null)
                MessageBox.Show("没有找到对应的回采进尺空间信息,请检查数据库和地图!", "系统提示");
                return null;
                List<IPoint> pnthccols = new List<IPoint>();

                IPolygon hcpolygon = hdhc_fea.Shape as IPolygon;
                Dictionary<string, List<IPoint>> oldpnts = Global.commonclss.getCoordinates(hcpolygon, pline1, pline2, pline3, zywid, fywid);
                if (oldpnts.Count == 0)
                    return null;
                IPointCollection pts = hcpolygon as IPointCollection;
                //IPoint ptstart = pts.get_Point(0);
                //IPoint ptend = pts.get_Point(pts.PointCount-1);
                IPoint ptstart = oldpnts["2"][1];
                IPoint ptend = oldpnts["2"][0];
                IPoint ptcenter = new PointClass();
                ptcenter.X = (ptstart.X + ptend.X) / 2;
                ptcenter.Y = (ptstart.Y + ptend.Y) / 2;
                IPoint ptcenter1 = new PointClass();
                //ptcenter1.X = (pts.get_Point(1).X + pts.get_Point(2).X) / 2;
                //ptcenter1.Y = (pts.get_Point(1).Y + pts.get_Point(2).Y) / 2;
                ptcenter1.X = (oldpnts["1"][0].X + oldpnts["1"][1].X) / 2;
                ptcenter1.Y = (oldpnts["1"][0].Y + oldpnts["1"][1].Y) / 2;

                int dirflag = Global.commonclss.GetDirectionByPnt(pline3, ptcenter);
                IPolyline pline3new = new PolylineClass();
                pline3new.FromPoint = oldpnts["2"][0];
                pline3new.ToPoint = oldpnts["2"][1];
                pntcol = Global.hcjsclass.GetBackPolygonArea(pline1, pline2, pline3new, zywid, fywid, qywid, hccd, dirflag);
                if (pntcol != null)
                    Dictionary<string, string> dics = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < pntcol.PointCount - 1; i++)
                    IPolygon polygon = Global.commonclss.CreatePolygonFromPnts(pnthccols, Global.spatialref);
                    hdhc_fea.Shape = polygon;

                    IPoint prevHcPoint = pntcol.get_Point(pntcol.PointCount - 1);
                    prevHcPoint.Z = 0.0;
                    respnts.Add(Bid, prevHcPoint);
                    //Global.commonclss.UpdateFeature(sql, prevHcPoint, Global.pntlyr);
                    double xdeta = prevHcPoint.X - ptcenter1.X;
                    double ydeta = prevHcPoint.Y - ptcenter1.Y;
                    int xhpos = hdhc_fea.Fields.FindField(GIS_Const.FIELD_XH);
                    int xh = Convert.ToInt32(hdhc_fea.get_Value(xhpos));
                    //string sql_hdfull = "\""+GIS.GIS_Const.FIELD_HDID+"\"='" + hdids[GIS.GIS_Const.FIELD_HDID] + "' AND \""+GIS.GIS_Const.FIELD_BS+"\"=0 AND "+GIS.GIS_Const.FIELD_XH+">" + xh.ToString();
                    string sql_hdfull = "\"HdId\"='" + hdids[GIS_Const.FIELD_HDID] + "' AND \"" + GIS_Const.FIELD_BS + "\"=0 AND " + GIS_Const.FIELD_XH + ">" + xh.ToString();
                    IQueryFilter queryfilter1 = new QueryFilterClass();
                    queryfilter1.WhereClause = sql_hdfull;
                    queryfilter1.SubFields = "*";
                    IFeatureCursor otherhcursor = feaclss.Update(queryfilter1, false);
                    IFeature fea_hc = otherhcursor.NextFeature();
                    int bidpos = otherhcursor.FindField(GIS_Const.FIELD_BID);
                    while (fea_hc != null)
                        IPolygon reg = fea_hc.Shape as IPolygon;
                        ITransform2D trans = reg as ITransform2D;
                        trans.Move(xdeta, ydeta);
                        fea_hc.Shape = reg;
                        IPointCollection ptsothers = reg as IPointCollection;
                        IPoint ptothercenter = new PointClass();
                        Dictionary<string, List<IPoint>> otherpnts = Global.commonclss.getCoordinates(reg, pline1, pline2, pline3, zywid, fywid);
                        //ptothercenter.X = (ptsothers.get_Point(pts.PointCount - 3).X + ptsothers.get_Point(pts.PointCount - 2).X) / 2;
                        //ptothercenter.Y = (ptsothers.get_Point(pts.PointCount - 3).Y + ptsothers.get_Point(pts.PointCount - 2).Y) / 2;
                        ptothercenter.X = (otherpnts["1"][0].X + otherpnts["1"][1].X) / 2;
                        ptothercenter.Y = (otherpnts["1"][0].Y + otherpnts["1"][1].Y) / 2;
                        ptothercenter.Z = 0.0;
                        string bidval = fea_hc.get_Value(bidpos).ToString();
                        respnts.Add(bidval, ptothercenter);
                        //Global.commonclss.UpdateFeature(sql_hdfull, ptothercenter, Global.pntlyr);
                        fea_hc = otherhcursor.NextFeature();
            return respnts;
        /// <summary>
        /// 绘制工作面回采
        /// </summary>
        /// <params name="hd1">巷道1 ID</params>
        /// <params name="hd2">巷道2 ID</params>
        /// <params name="hd3">切眼  ID</params>
        /// <params name="hccd">回采长度</params>
        /// <params name="hd1wid1">巷道1宽度</params>
        /// <params name="hd1wid2">巷道2宽度</params>
        /// <params name="hcbz">回采与回采校正标识</params>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Dictionary<string, List<GeoStruct>> DrawHDHC(string hd1, string hd2, string hd3, double hccd, double hd1wid1, double hd1wid2, double qywid, int hcbz, double searchlen,
            Dictionary<string, string> dics, bool isAdd, IPoint prevPoint, out IPoint pos)
            List<int> hd_ids = new List<int>();
            IPoint prevHcPoint = new PointClass();
            pos = prevHcPoint;
            Dictionary<string, List<GeoStruct>> dzxlist = new Dictionary<string, List<GeoStruct>>();

            Dictionary<string, string> hdids = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            hdids.Add(GIS_Const.FIELD_HDID, hd1);
            List<Tuple<IFeature, IGeometry, Dictionary<string, string>>> selobjs1 = Global.commonclss.SearchFeaturesByGeoAndText(Global.centerlyr, hdids);

            if (null == selobjs1 || selobjs1.Count < 0)
                return null;

            IPolyline pline1 = selobjs1[0].Item2 as IPolyline;

            hdids[GIS_Const.FIELD_HDID] = hd2;
            List<Tuple<IFeature, IGeometry, Dictionary<string, string>>> selobjs2 = Global.commonclss.SearchFeaturesByGeoAndText(Global.centerlyr, hdids);
            IPolyline pline2 = selobjs2[0].Item2 as IPolyline;

            hdids[GIS_Const.FIELD_HDID] = hd3;
            List<Tuple<IFeature, IGeometry, Dictionary<string, string>>> selobjs3 = Global.commonclss.SearchFeaturesByGeoAndText(Global.centerlyr, hdids);
            IPolyline pline3 = selobjs3[0].Item2 as IPolyline;
            hdids[GIS_Const.FIELD_HDID] = hd1 + "_" + hd2;

            int dirflag = 0;
            List<Tuple<IFeature, IGeometry, Dictionary<string, string>>> selhcregs = Global.commonclss.SearchFeaturesByGeoAndText(Global.hcqlyr, hdids);
            if (prevPoint != null && selhcregs != null && selhcregs.Count > 0)
                dirflag = Global.commonclss.GetDirectionByPnt(pline3, prevPoint);
                Dictionary<string, List<IPoint>> regcoordinates = Global.commonclss.getCoordinates(selhcregs[0].Item2 as IPolygon, pline1, pline2, pline3, hd1wid1, hd1wid2);
                pline3 = new PolylineClass();
                pline3.FromPoint = regcoordinates["1"][1];
                pline3.ToPoint = regcoordinates["1"][0];
            List<Tuple<IFeature, IGeometry, Dictionary<string, string>>> selcjqs = Global.commonclss.SearchFeaturesByGeoAndText(Global.hcqlyr, hdids);
            IPointCollection pntcol = new PolygonClass();
            if (hcbz == 1)//粗糙回采
                pntcol = Global.hcjsclass.GetBackPolygonArea(pline1, pline2, pline3, hd1wid1, hd1wid1, qywid, hccd, dirflag);
                if (pntcol == null)
                    pos = null;
                    return null;
                List<IPoint> pnthccols = new List<IPoint>();
                for (int i = 0; i < pntcol.PointCount - 1; i++)
                if (isAdd)
                    Global.cons.AddHangdaoToLayer(pnthccols, dics, Global.hcqlyr);
                    IPolygon poly = Global.commonclss.CreatePolygonFromPnts(pnthccols, Global.spatialref);
                    if (selcjqs.Count > 0)
                        Global.commonclss.UpdateFeature(Global.hcqlyr, selcjqs[0].Item1, dics, poly);
                prevHcPoint = pntcol.get_Point(pntcol.PointCount - 1);
                pos = pntcol.get_Point(pntcol.PointCount - 1);


                //dzxlist = Global.commonclss.GetStructsInfos(prevHcPoint, hd_ids);
                dzxlist = Global.commonclss.GetStructsInfosNew(prevHcPoint, hd_ids, 2);
            if (hcbz == 2)//回采校正
                double x = 0.0;//Convert.ToDouble(this.txtX.Text);
                double y = 0.0;// Convert.ToDouble(this.txtY.Text);
                double hccd1 = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow((x - prevHcPoint.X), 2) + Math.Pow((y - prevHcPoint.Y), 2));
                string sql = "\"" + GIS_Const.FIELD_HDID + "\"='" + hd1 + "_" + hd2 + "' AND \"" + GIS_Const.FIELD_BS + "\"=0";
                Global.commonclss.DelFeatures(Global.hcqlyr, sql);
                pntcol = Global.hcjsclass.GetBackPolygonArea(pline1, pline2, pline3, hd1wid1, hd1wid1, hd1wid2, hccd1, dirflag);
                if (pntcol == null)
                    return null;
                List<IPoint> pnthccols = new List<IPoint>();
                for (int i = 0; i < pntcol.PointCount - 1; i++)
                if (isAdd)
                    Global.cons.AddHangdaoToLayer(pnthccols, dics, Global.hcqlyr);
                    IPolygon poly = Global.commonclss.CreatePolygonFromPnts(pnthccols, Global.spatialref);
                    Global.commonclss.UpdateFeature(Global.hcqlyr, selcjqs[0].Item1, dics, poly);
                prevHcPoint = pntcol.get_Point(pntcol.PointCount - 1);
                pos = prevHcPoint;
                //dzxlist = Global.commonclss.GetStructsInfos(prevHcPoint, hd_ids);
                dzxlist = Global.commonclss.GetStructsInfosNew(prevHcPoint, hd_ids, 2);

            return dzxlist;
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        ///     巷道回采校正
        /// </summary>
        private void TunnelHcJz(List <IPoint> pnts, string hd1, string hd2, string hd3, int workingfaceid, double zywid,
                                double fywid, double qywid)
            var hdids = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            hdids.Add(GIS_Const.FIELD_HDID, hd1);
            var selobjs1 =
                Global.commonclss.SearchFeaturesByGeoAndText(Global.centerlyr, hdids);
            var pline1 = selobjs1[0].Item2 as IPolyline;

            hdids[GIS_Const.FIELD_HDID] = hd2;
            var selobjs2 =
                Global.commonclss.SearchFeaturesByGeoAndText(Global.centerlyr, hdids);
            var pline2 = selobjs2[0].Item2 as IPolyline;

            hdids[GIS_Const.FIELD_HDID] = hd3;
            var selobjs3 =
                Global.commonclss.SearchFeaturesByGeoAndText(Global.centerlyr, hdids);
            var pline3 = selobjs3[0].Item2 as IPolyline;

            hdids[GIS_Const.FIELD_HDID] = hd1 + "_" + hd2;
            var sql = "\"" + GIS_Const.FIELD_HDID + "\"='" + hd1 + "_" + hd2 + "' AND \"" + GIS_Const.FIELD_BS +

            Global.commonclss.DelFeatures(Global.hcqlyr, sql);
            for (var k = 0; k < pnts.Count; k++)
                var pnt = pnts[k];
                var jzx = pnt.X;
                var jzy = pnt.Y;
                var xh          = 0;
                var selobjshcqs =
                    Global.commonclss.SearchFeaturesByGeoAndText(Global.hcqlyr, hdids);
                Dictionary <string, List <IPoint> > oldpnts = null;
                if (selobjshcqs.Count != 0)
                    oldpnts = Global.commonclss.getCoordinates(selobjshcqs[0].Item2 as IPolygon, pline1, pline2, pline3,
                                                               zywid, fywid);
                    xh = Convert.ToInt32(selobjshcqs[0].Item3[GIS_Const.FIELD_XH]);
                IPointCollection pntcol = new PolygonClass();
                if (selobjshcqs.Count == 0)
                    IPoint outp          = new PointClass();
                    var    distancealong = 0.0;
                    var    distancefrom  = 0.0;
                    var    bres          = false;
                    pline3.QueryPointAndDistance(esriSegmentExtension.esriNoExtension, pnt, false, outp,
                                                 ref distancealong, ref distancefrom, ref bres);
                    pntcol = Global.hcjsclass.GetBackPolygonArea(pline1, pline2, pline3, zywid, fywid, qywid,
                                                                 distancefrom, 0);
                    //IPolygon hcreg = selobjshcqs[0].Item2 as IPolygon;
                    //Dictionary<string, List<IPoint>> fourpnts = Global.commonclss.getCoordinates(hcreg, pline1, pline2, pline3, Global.linespace, Global.linespace);
                    //List<IPoint> listpnts = fourpnts["1"];
                    IPoint pntcenter = new PointClass();
                    pntcenter.PutCoords((oldpnts["1"][0].X + oldpnts["1"][1].X) / 2,
                                        (oldpnts["1"][0].Y + oldpnts["1"][1].Y) / 2);
                    pntcenter.Z = 0;
                    //double hccd1 = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow((pnt.X - pntcenter.X), 2) + Math.Pow((pnt.Y - pntcenter.Y), 2));
                    //查询回采方向 这里没有设置传入的切眼 可能会出错 需要调试2014-9-23
                    var dirflag = 0;
                    dirflag = Global.commonclss.GetDirectionByPnt(pline3, pntcenter);
                    pline3  = new PolylineClass();
                    if (oldpnts == null)
                    pline3.FromPoint = oldpnts["1"][1];
                    pline3.ToPoint   = oldpnts["1"][0];
                    IPoint outp          = new PointClass();
                    var    distancealong = 0.0;
                    var    distancefrom  = 0.0;
                    var    bres          = false;
                    pline3.QueryPointAndDistance(esriSegmentExtension.esriNoExtension, pnt, false, outp,
                                                 ref distancealong, ref distancefrom, ref bres);
                    pntcol = Global.hcjsclass.GetBackPolygonArea(pline1, pline2, pline3, zywid, fywid, qywid,
                                                                 distancefrom, dirflag);
                var pnthccols = new List <IPoint>();
                for (var i = 0; i < pntcol.PointCount - 1; i++)
                var dics = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                dics[GIS_Const.FIELD_ID]   = "0";
                dics[GIS_Const.FIELD_BS]   = "1";
                dics[GIS_Const.FIELD_HDID] = hdids[GIS_Const.FIELD_HDID];
                dics[GIS_Const.FIELD_XH]   = (xh + 1).ToString();
                Global.cons.AddHangdaoToLayer(pnthccols, dics, Global.hcqlyr);
                var prevPnt     = pntcol.get_Point(pntcol.PointCount - 1);
                var workingFace = selectWorkingFaceControl1.SelectedWorkingFace;
                if (prevPnt != null)
                    workingFace.SetCoordinate(prevPnt.X, prevPnt.Y, 0.0);
                var hd_ids = new List <int>();
                var geostructs = Global.commonclss.GetStructsInfos(prevPnt, hd_ids);
                if (geostructs == null)
                GeologySpaceBll.DeleteGeologySpaceEntityInfos(workingFace.WorkingFaceId); //删除对应工作面ID的地质构造信息
                foreach (var key in geostructs.Keys)
                    var geoinfos = geostructs[key];
                    var geo_type = key;
                    for (var i = 0; i < geoinfos.Count; i++)
                        var tmp = geoinfos[i];

                        var geologyspaceEntity = new GeologySpace();
                        geologyspaceEntity.WorkingFace  = workingFace;
                        geologyspaceEntity.TectonicType = Convert.ToInt32(key);
                        geologyspaceEntity.TectonicId   = tmp.geoinfos[GIS_Const.FIELD_BID];
                        geologyspaceEntity.Distance     = tmp.dist;
                        geologyspaceEntity.OnDateTime   = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString();

Example #6
        public static IGeometry GetExample10()
            const double CircleDegrees         = 360.0;
            const int    CircleDivisions       = 36;
            const double VectorComponentOffset = 0.0000001;
            const double CircleRadius          = 3.0;
            const double BaseZ = 0.0;

            //Extrusion: 3D Circle Polygon Extruded Along 3D Line Via ConstructExtrudeAlongLine()

            IPointCollection polygonPointCollection = new PolygonClass();

            IGeometry polygonGeometry = polygonPointCollection as IGeometry;


            IPoint originPoint = GeometryUtilities.ConstructPoint3D(0, 0, 0);

            IVector3D upperAxisVector3D = GeometryUtilities.ConstructVector3D(0, 0, 10);

            IVector3D lowerAxisVector3D = GeometryUtilities.ConstructVector3D(0, 0, -10);

            lowerAxisVector3D.XComponent += VectorComponentOffset;

            IVector3D normalVector3D = upperAxisVector3D.CrossProduct(lowerAxisVector3D) as IVector3D;

            normalVector3D.Magnitude = CircleRadius;

            double rotationAngleInRadians = GeometryUtilities.GetRadians(CircleDegrees / CircleDivisions);

            for (int i = 0; i < CircleDivisions; i++)
                normalVector3D.Rotate(-1 * rotationAngleInRadians, upperAxisVector3D);

                IPoint vertexPoint = GeometryUtilities.ConstructPoint3D(originPoint.X + normalVector3D.XComponent,
                                                                        originPoint.Y + normalVector3D.YComponent,

                polygonPointCollection.AddPoint(vertexPoint, ref _missing, ref _missing);

            polygonPointCollection.AddPoint(polygonPointCollection.get_Point(0), ref _missing, ref _missing);

            ITopologicalOperator topologicalOperator = polygonGeometry as ITopologicalOperator;


            //Define Line To Extrude Along

            ILine extrusionLine = new LineClass();

            extrusionLine.FromPoint = GeometryUtilities.ConstructPoint3D(-4, -4, -5);
            extrusionLine.ToPoint   = GeometryUtilities.ConstructPoint3D(4, 4, 5);

            //Perform Extrusion

            IConstructMultiPatch constructMultiPatch = new MultiPatchClass();

            constructMultiPatch.ConstructExtrudeAlongLine(extrusionLine, polygonGeometry);

            //Transform Extrusion Result

            IArea area = polygonGeometry as IArea;

            ITransform2D transform2D = constructMultiPatch as ITransform2D;

            transform2D.Move(extrusionLine.FromPoint.X - area.Centroid.X, extrusionLine.FromPoint.Y - area.Centroid.Y);

            return(constructMultiPatch as IGeometry);
        public static IGeometry GetExample10()
            const double CircleDegrees = 360.0;
            const int CircleDivisions = 36;
            const double VectorComponentOffset = 0.0000001;
            const double CircleRadius = 3.0;
            const double BaseZ = 0.0;

            //Extrusion: 3D Circle Polygon Extruded Along 3D Line Via ConstructExtrudeAlongLine()

            IPointCollection polygonPointCollection = new PolygonClass();

            IGeometry polygonGeometry = polygonPointCollection as IGeometry;


            IPoint originPoint = GeometryUtilities.ConstructPoint3D(0, 0, 0);

            IVector3D upperAxisVector3D = GeometryUtilities.ConstructVector3D(0, 0, 10);

            IVector3D lowerAxisVector3D = GeometryUtilities.ConstructVector3D(0, 0, -10);

            lowerAxisVector3D.XComponent += VectorComponentOffset;

            IVector3D normalVector3D = upperAxisVector3D.CrossProduct(lowerAxisVector3D) as IVector3D;

            normalVector3D.Magnitude = CircleRadius;

            double rotationAngleInRadians = GeometryUtilities.GetRadians(CircleDegrees / CircleDivisions);

            for (int i = 0; i < CircleDivisions; i++)
                normalVector3D.Rotate(-1 * rotationAngleInRadians, upperAxisVector3D);

                IPoint vertexPoint = GeometryUtilities.ConstructPoint3D(originPoint.X + normalVector3D.XComponent,
                                                                      originPoint.Y + normalVector3D.YComponent,

                polygonPointCollection.AddPoint(vertexPoint, ref _missing, ref _missing);

            polygonPointCollection.AddPoint(polygonPointCollection.get_Point(0), ref _missing, ref _missing);

            ITopologicalOperator topologicalOperator = polygonGeometry as ITopologicalOperator;

            //Define Line To Extrude Along

            ILine extrusionLine = new LineClass();
            extrusionLine.FromPoint = GeometryUtilities.ConstructPoint3D(-4, -4, -5);
            extrusionLine.ToPoint = GeometryUtilities.ConstructPoint3D(4, 4, 5);

            //Perform Extrusion

            IConstructMultiPatch constructMultiPatch = new MultiPatchClass();
            constructMultiPatch.ConstructExtrudeAlongLine(extrusionLine, polygonGeometry);

            //Transform Extrusion Result

            IArea area = polygonGeometry as IArea;

            ITransform2D transform2D = constructMultiPatch as ITransform2D;
            transform2D.Move(extrusionLine.FromPoint.X - area.Centroid.X, extrusionLine.FromPoint.Y - area.Centroid.Y);

            return constructMultiPatch as IGeometry;