public async Task Bulbasaur()
            PokemonInfoTable pokeInfo = await ORASConfig.GameConfig.GetPokemonInfo();

            TmsHms tmsHms = await ORASConfig.GameConfig.GetTmsHms();

            PokemonInfo nullInfo      = pokeInfo[0];
            PokemonInfo bulbasaurInfo = pokeInfo[Species.Bulbasaur];

            Assert.AreNotEqual(nullInfo, bulbasaurInfo, "Species info for Bulbasaur is the same as Null/Egg");

            Assert.AreEqual(6.9, bulbasaurInfo.WeightKg, "Species weight for Bulbasaur doesn't match the Pokedex!");
            Assert.AreEqual(0.7, bulbasaurInfo.HeightM, "Species height for Bulbasaur doesn't match the Pokedex!");
            Assert.AreEqual(PokemonTypes.Grass, PokemonTypes.GetValueFrom(bulbasaurInfo.Types[0]), "Bulbasaur's primary type should be Grass!");
            Assert.AreEqual(PokemonTypes.Poison, PokemonTypes.GetValueFrom(bulbasaurInfo.Types[1]), "Bulbasaur's secondary type should be Poison!");

            TestContext.Out.WriteLine("Bulbasaur can learn the following TMs:");

            foreach (var(_, tm) in bulbasaurInfo.TmHm
                     .Select((b, i) => (b, i))
                     .Where(t => t.Item1))
                string type = tm >= tmsHms.TmIds.Length ? "HM" : "TM";
                int    num  = (type == "HM") ? (tm - 100 + 1) : (tm + 1);
                TestContext.Out.WriteLine($"\t{type} {num}: {tmsHms.GetMove( tm ).Name}");
Example #2
        public override async Task RandomizeLearnsets(ProgressNotifier progressNotifier, CancellationToken token)
            progressNotifier?.NotifyUpdate(ProgressUpdate.StatusOnly("Randomizing learnsets..."));

            var config      = this.ValidateAndGetConfig().Learnsets;
            var learnsets   = (await this.Game.GetLearnsets()).ToList();
            var speciesInfo = await this.Game.GetPokemonInfo(edited : true);

            var moves     = (await this.Game.GetMoves()).ToList();
            var pokeNames = (await this.Game.GetTextFile(TextNames.SpeciesNames)).Lines;

            for (int i = 0; i < learnsets.Count; i++)
                string name = pokeNames[speciesInfo.GetSpeciesForEntry(i)];
                progressNotifier?.NotifyUpdate(ProgressUpdate.Update($"Randomizing learnsets...\n{name}", i / (double)learnsets.Count));

                bool preferSameType;
                var  learnset           = learnsets[i];
                var  species            = speciesInfo[i];
                var  chooseFrom         = moves;
                var  chooseFromSameType = chooseFrom.Where(mv => species.HasType(PokemonTypes.GetValueFrom(mv.Type))).ToList();
                Move move;

                for (int m = 0; m < learnset.Moves.Length; m++)
                    preferSameType    = config.FavorSameType && this.rand.Next(2) == 0;
                    move              = (preferSameType ? chooseFromSameType : chooseFrom).GetRandom(this.rand);
                    learnset.Moves[m] = (ushort)moves.IndexOf(move);

                if (config.RandomizeLevels)
                    learnset.Levels = learnset.Levels
                                      .Select(_ => (ushort)this.rand.Next(1, MathUtil.Clamp(config.LearnAllMovesBy, 10, 100)))
                                      .OrderBy(l => l)

                if (learnset.Levels.Length > 0)
                    // Make sure there's always at least one move on the Pokemon
                    learnset.Levels[0] = 1;

                    // Pick a random STAB/Normal attack move
                    var firstMoveChoose = moves.Where(m => m.Type == PokemonTypes.Normal.Id || species.HasType(PokemonTypes.GetValueFrom(m.Type)))
                                          .Where(m => m.Category == Move.CategoryPhysical || m.Category == Move.CategorySpecial)

                    move = firstMoveChoose.GetRandom(this.rand);
                    learnset.Moves[0] = (ushort)moves.IndexOf(move);

                    if (config.AtLeast4Moves)
                        if (learnset.Levels.Length < 4)
                            learnset.Levels = new ushort[4];
                        if (learnset.Moves.Length < 4)
                            learnset.Moves = new ushort[4];

                        // Make sure every Pokemon has at least 4 moves at level 1
                        for (int m = 1; m < 4; m++)
                            preferSameType     = config.FavorSameType && this.rand.Next(2) == 0;
                            move               = (preferSameType ? chooseFromSameType : chooseFrom).GetRandom(this.rand);
                            learnset.Levels[m] = 1;
                            learnset.Moves[m]  = (ushort)moves.IndexOf(move);

                    // Go down the list and make sure there are no duplicates
                    for (int m = learnset.Moves.Length - 1; m >= 0; m--)
                        while (Array.IndexOf(learnset.Moves, learnset.Moves[m], 0, m) >= 0)
                            preferSameType    = config.FavorSameType && this.rand.Next(2) == 0;
                            move              = (preferSameType ? chooseFromSameType : chooseFrom).GetRandom(this.rand);
                            learnset.Moves[m] = (ushort)moves.IndexOf(move);

                learnsets[i] = learnset;

            await this.Game.SaveLearnsets(learnsets);
        public override async Task RandomizeEggMoves(Random taskRandom, ProgressNotifier progressNotifier, CancellationToken token)
            var config = this.ValidateAndGetConfig().EggMoves;

            if (!config.RandomizeEggMoves)

            await this.LogAsync($"======== Beginning Egg Move randomization ========{Environment.NewLine}");

            progressNotifier?.NotifyUpdate(ProgressUpdate.StatusOnly("Randomizing egg moves..."));

            var eggMovesList = await this.Game.GetEggMoves();

            var speciesInfo = await this.Game.GetPokemonInfo(edited : true);

            var moves     = (await this.Game.GetMoves()).ToList();
            var pokeNames = (await this.Game.GetTextFile(TextNames.SpeciesNames)).Lines;
            var moveNames = (await this.Game.GetTextFile(TextNames.MoveNames)).Lines;

            for (var i = 0; i < eggMovesList.Length; i++)
                var name               = pokeNames[speciesInfo.GetSpeciesForEntry(i)];
                var species            = speciesInfo[i];
                var eggMoves           = eggMovesList[i];
                var chooseFrom         = moves.ToList();                 // Clone list
                var chooseFromSameType = chooseFrom.Where(mv => species.HasType(PokemonTypes.GetValueFrom(mv.Type))).ToList();
                var preferSameType     = config.FavorSameType && taskRandom.NextDouble() < (double)config.SameTypePercentage;

                ushort PickRandomMove()
                    var move   = (preferSameType ? chooseFromSameType : chooseFrom).GetRandom(taskRandom);
                    var moveId = (ushort)moves.IndexOf(move);

                    // We have to make sure the "-----" move is not picked because it breaks the game. Ideally
                    // we would just exclude it from the list of considered moves, but to ensure seed-compatiblity
                    // with the previous version of the randomizer, we need to keep the list of moves exactly
                    // the same when we pull a random one. We then replace any "-----" choices with the first real
                    // move.
                    if (moveId == 0)


                if (eggMoves.Empty || eggMoves.Count == 0)

                await this.LogAsync($"{name}:");

                progressNotifier?.NotifyUpdate(ProgressUpdate.Update($"Randomizing egg moves...\n{name}", i / (double)eggMovesList.Length));

                for (var m = 0; m < eggMoves.Count; m++)
                    eggMoves.Moves[m] = PickRandomMove();
                    await this.LogAsync($" - {moveNames[ eggMoves.Moves[ m ] ]}");

                await this.LogAsync();

                eggMovesList[i] = eggMoves;

            await this.Game.SaveEggMoves(eggMovesList);

            await this.LogAsync($"======== Finished Egg Move randomization ========{Environment.NewLine}");
Example #4
        public override async Task RandomizeLearnsets(Random taskRandom, ProgressNotifier progressNotifier, CancellationToken token)
            var config = this.ValidateAndGetConfig().Learnsets;

            if (!config.RandomizeLearnsets)

            await this.LogAsync($"======== Beginning Learnset randomization ========{Environment.NewLine}");

            progressNotifier?.NotifyUpdate(ProgressUpdate.StatusOnly("Randomizing learnsets..."));

            var learnsets   = (await this.Game.GetLearnsets()).ToList();
            var speciesInfo = await this.Game.GetPokemonInfo(edited : true);

            var moves             = (await this.Game.GetMoves()).ToList();
            var pokeNames         = (await this.Game.GetTextFile(TextNames.SpeciesNames)).Lines;
            var moveNames         = (await this.Game.GetTextFile(TextNames.MoveNames)).Lines;
            var maxMoveNameLength = moveNames.Max(n => n.Length);

            for (var i = 0; i < learnsets.Count; i++)
                var name = pokeNames[speciesInfo.GetSpeciesForEntry(i)];

                await this.LogAsync($"{name}:");

                progressNotifier?.NotifyUpdate(ProgressUpdate.Update($"Randomizing learnsets...\n{name}", i / (double)learnsets.Count));

                var learnset           = learnsets[i];
                var species            = speciesInfo[i];
                var chooseFrom         = moves.ToList();                 // Clone list
                var chooseFromSameType = chooseFrom.Where(mv => species.HasType(PokemonTypes.GetValueFrom(mv.Type))).ToList();

                ushort PickRandomMove()
                    var preferSameType = config.FavorSameType && taskRandom.NextDouble() < (double)config.SameTypePercentage;
                    var move           = (preferSameType ? chooseFromSameType : chooseFrom).GetRandom(taskRandom);
                    var moveId         = (ushort)moves.IndexOf(move);

                    // We have to make sure the "-----" move is not picked because it breaks the game. Ideally
                    // we would just exclude it from the list of considered moves, but to ensure seed-compatiblity
                    // with the previous version of the randomizer, we need to keep the list of moves exactly
                    // the same when we pull a random one. We then replace any "-----" choices with the first real
                    // move.
                    if (moveId == 0)

                    // Same logic as above but for One-Hit KO moves
                    if (config.NoOneHitMoves && Legality.Moves.OneHitMoves.Contains(moveId))


                for (var m = 0; m < learnset.Moves.Length; m++)
                    learnset.Moves[m] = PickRandomMove();

                if (config.RandomizeLevels)
                    learnset.Levels = learnset.Levels
                                      .Select(_ => (ushort)taskRandom.Next(1, MathUtil.Clamp(config.LearnAllMovesBy, 10, 100)))
                                      .OrderBy(l => l)

                if (learnset.Levels.Length > 0)
                    // Make sure there's always at least one move on the Pokemon
                    learnset.Levels[0] = 1;

                    // Pick a random STAB/Normal attack move
                    var firstMoveChoose = moves.Where(m => m.Type == PokemonTypes.Normal.Id || species.HasType(PokemonTypes.GetValueFrom(m.Type)))
                                          .Where(m => m.Category == Move.CategoryPhysical || m.Category == Move.CategorySpecial)
                    var move = firstMoveChoose.GetRandom(taskRandom);

                    learnset.Moves[0] = (ushort)moves.IndexOf(move);

                    if (config.AtLeast4Moves)
                        if (learnset.Levels.Length < 4)
                            learnset.Levels = new ushort[4];
                        if (learnset.Moves.Length < 4)
                            learnset.Moves = new ushort[4];

                        // Make sure every Pokemon has at least 4 moves at level 1
                        for (var m = 1; m < 4; m++)
                            learnset.Levels[m] = 1;
                            learnset.Moves[m]  = PickRandomMove();

                    // Go down the list and make sure there are no duplicates
                    for (var m = learnset.Moves.Length - 1; m >= 0; m--)
                        while (Array.IndexOf(learnset.Moves, learnset.Moves[m], 0, m) >= 0)
                            learnset.Moves[m] = PickRandomMove();

                for (var m = 0; m < learnset.Moves.Length; m++)
                    await this.LogAsync($"  - {moveNames[ learnset.Moves[ m ] ].PadLeft( maxMoveNameLength )} @ Lv. {learnset.Levels[ m ]}");

                await this.LogAsync();

                learnsets[i] = learnset;

            await this.Game.SaveLearnsets(learnsets);

            await this.LogAsync($"======== Finished Learnset randomization ========{Environment.NewLine}");