Example #1
        internal override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)

            _batch.Begin(samplerState: SamplerState.PointClamp);

            var(unit, startX, width, height) = Border.GetDefaultScreenValues();

            // background
            _batch.Draw(_background, new Rectangle(startX, 0, width, height), Color.White);

            // message
            var lines   = _mail.Lines;
            var message = lines[0];

            if (lines[1] != null)
                message += Environment.NewLine + lines[1];
            _fontRenderer.DrawText(_batch, message,
                                   new Vector2(startX + unit * 2, unit * 7), Color.Black, Border.SCALE);

            // pokemon portrait for portraitmail
            if (_mail.Template == "PORTRAITMAIL")
                var sprite = PokemonTextureManager.GetFront(_mail.PokemonId, POKEMON_PORTRAIT_PALETTE, 0);
                _batch.Draw(sprite, new Rectangle(
                                startX + unit, unit * 10,
                                (int)(Border.SCALE * sprite.Width),
                                (int)(Border.SCALE * sprite.Height)),
                            null, Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally, 0f);

            // author
            var offsetX = DEFAULT_AUTHOR_OFFSET;

            if (MAIL_AUTHOR_OFFSET.ContainsKey(_mail.Template))
                offsetX = MAIL_AUTHOR_OFFSET[_mail.Template];
            _fontRenderer.DrawText(_batch, _mail.Author,
                                   new Vector2(startX + offsetX * unit, unit * 14), Color.Black, Border.SCALE);

        protected override void DrawScreen(GameTime gameTime)
            var(unit, startX, width, height) = Border.GetDefaultScreenValues();

            // wild pokemon
            if (_enemyPokemonVisible && _enemyPokemonSize > 0f)
                var characterAlpha = (int)((_introProgress * 2) * 255);
                if (characterAlpha > 255)
                    characterAlpha = 255;

                var       pokemon = Battle.ActiveBattle.EnemyPokemon.Pokemon;
                Texture2D sprite;
                if (_introProgress < 1f)
                    sprite = PokemonTextureManager.GetFront(pokemon.Id, WILD_POKEMON_INTRO_PALETTE, pokemon.UnownLetter);
                    if (_enemyPokemonPalette == null)
                        sprite = pokemon.GetFrontSprite();
                        sprite = pokemon.GetFrontSprite(_enemyPokemonPalette);
                var pokemonTargetX = startX + unit * 12;
                var pokemonStartX  = -width - unit * 4;
                var pokemonX       = (int)(pokemonTargetX + (pokemonStartX * (1f - _introProgress)));

                var offset  = _enemyPokemonOffset;
                var spriteX = (int)(pokemonX + offset.X * Border.SCALE);
                var spriteY = (int)(StartY + offset.Y * Border.SCALE);

                var spriteRectangle = sprite.Bounds;
                var spriteHeight    = (int)(sprite.Height * Border.SCALE);
                if (offset.Y > 0)
                    spriteRectangle.Height -= (int)offset.Y;
                    spriteHeight           -= (int)(offset.Y * Border.SCALE);

                _batch.Draw(sprite, new Rectangle(spriteX, spriteY,
                                                  (int)(sprite.Width * Border.SCALE),
                            new Color(_enemyPokemonColor.R, _enemyPokemonColor.G, _enemyPokemonColor.B, characterAlpha));

            // player intro/outro
            if (_playerOutroProgress < 1f)
                int characterAlpha;
                int playerX;

                if (_playerOutroStarted)
                    var playerTargetX = unit * 10;
                    var playerStartX  = startX + unit;
                    playerX        = (int)(playerStartX - (playerTargetX * _playerOutroProgress));
                    characterAlpha = (int)(((1f - _playerOutroProgress) * 2) * 255);
                    var playerTargetX = startX + unit;
                    var playerStartX  = width + unit * 4;
                    playerX        = (int)(playerTargetX + (playerStartX * (1f - _introProgress)));
                    characterAlpha = (int)((_introProgress * 2) * 255);

                if (characterAlpha > 255)
                    characterAlpha = 255;

                var playerTextureX = _introProgress < 1f ? 1 : 0;
                _batch.Draw(_player, new Rectangle(playerX, StartY + unit * 5,
                                                   (int)(_player.Width / 2f * Border.SCALE),
                                                   (int)(_player.Height * Border.SCALE)),
                            new Rectangle(playerTextureX * 56, 0, 56, 56),
                            new Color(255, 255, 255, characterAlpha));

            // player pokemon
            if (_playerPokemonVisible && _playerPokemonSize > 0f)
                Texture2D sprite;
                if (_playerPokemonPalette == null)
                    sprite = Battle.ActiveBattle.PlayerPokemon.Pokemon.GetBackSprite();
                    sprite = Battle.ActiveBattle.PlayerPokemon.Pokemon.GetBackSprite(_playerPokemonPalette);
                var spriteWidth  = (int)((int)(sprite.Width * _playerPokemonSize) * Border.SCALE);
                var spriteHeight = spriteWidth;
                var spriteColor  = new Color(_playerPokemonColor.R,
                                             (int)(_playerPokemonColor.G * _playerPokemonSize),
                                             (int)(_playerPokemonColor.B * _playerPokemonSize));

                var offset  = _playerPokemonOffset;
                var spriteX = (int)(startX +
                                    unit * 2 +
                                    sprite.Width * Border.SCALE / 2f - spriteWidth / 2f +
                var spriteY = (int)(StartY +
                                    unit * 5 +
                                    (sprite.Height * Border.SCALE - spriteHeight) +
                                    offset.Y * Border.SCALE);

                var spriteRectangle = sprite.Bounds;
                if (offset.Y > 0)
                    spriteRectangle.Height -= (int)offset.Y;
                    spriteHeight           -= (int)(offset.Y * Border.SCALE);

                _batch.Draw(sprite, new Rectangle(spriteX, spriteY, spriteWidth, spriteHeight), spriteRectangle, spriteColor);

            _textbox.Draw(_batch, Border.DefaultWhite);
Example #3
        internal override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)

            _batch.Begin(samplerState: SamplerState.PointClamp);

            var unit   = (int)(Border.SCALE * Border.UNIT);
            var width  = Border.SCREEN_WIDTH * unit;
            var height = Border.SCREEN_HEIGHT * unit;
            var startX = (int)(Controller.ClientRectangle.Width / 2f - width / 2f);

            // draw black background
            _batch.DrawRectangle(new Rectangle(startX, 0, width, height), Color.Black);

            // draw pokemon portrait
            _batch.DrawRectangle(new Rectangle(
                                     (int)(startX + Border.SCALE * 3), unit,
                                     unit * 7, unit * 7), Border.DefaultWhite);
            var portrait = PokemonTextureManager.GetFront(_entry.Id, _portraitPalette);

            _batch.Draw(portrait, new Rectangle(
                            (int)(startX + Border.SCALE * 3), unit,
                            (int)(Border.SCALE * portrait.Width),
                            (int)(Border.SCALE * portrait.Height)), Color.White);

            // pokemon id
            _fontRenderer.DrawText(_batch, "^No." + _entry.Id.ToString("D3"),
                                   new Vector2(startX + Border.SCALE * 3 + unit, unit * 8), Border.DefaultWhite, Border.SCALE);

            // basic info
                                   _entry.Name + NewLine +
                                   _entry.Species + NewLine +
                                   "HT" + _height + NewLine +
                                   "WT" + _weight,
                                   new Vector2(startX + Border.SCALE * 3 + unit * 8, unit * 3), Border.DefaultWhite, Border.SCALE);

            // footprint
            // 16 footprints per row
            var footprintTextureX = ((_entry.Id - 1) % 16) * 16;
            var footprintTextureY = (int)Math.Floor((_entry.Id - 1) / 16d) * 16;

            _batch.Draw(_footprints, new Rectangle(
                            (int)(startX + unit * 17 + Border.SCALE * 3),
                            unit, unit * 2, unit * 2),
                        new Rectangle(footprintTextureX, footprintTextureY, 16, 16), Color.White);

            if (_entry.IsCaught)
                // text page
                _fontRenderer.DrawText(_batch, _pages[_pageIndex],
                                       new Vector2(startX + Border.SCALE * 3 + unit, unit * 11), Border.DefaultWhite, Border.SCALE);

                // page indicator
                _batch.Draw(_pageIndicators, new Rectangle(
                                (int)(startX + Border.SCALE * 3),
                                (int)(unit * 9 + Border.SCALE * 5),
                                (int)(Border.SCALE * _pageIndicators.Width),
                                (int)(Border.SCALE * _pageIndicators.Height / 2)),
                            new Rectangle(0, _pageIndex * 8, 16, 8), Color.White);

            // options and cursor
            var optionsStr = string.Join("", OPTIONS.Select((o, i) =>
                if (i == _cursorIndex && _selectorVisible)
                    return(">" + o);
                    return(" " + o);

            _fontRenderer.DrawText(_batch, optionsStr,
                                   new Vector2(startX + Border.SCALE * 3, unit * 17), Border.DefaultWhite, Border.SCALE);

            // overlay
            _batch.Draw(_overlay, new Rectangle(startX, 0, width, height), Color.White);

        internal override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)

            _batch.Begin(samplerState: SamplerState.PointClamp);

            var unit   = (int)(Border.SCALE * Border.UNIT);
            var width  = Border.SCREEN_WIDTH * unit;
            var height = Border.SCREEN_HEIGHT * unit;
            var startX = (int)(Controller.ClientRectangle.Width / 2f - width / 2f);

            // black background
            _batch.DrawRectangle(new Rectangle(startX, 0, width, height), Color.Black);

            var selectedLetter = Controller.ActivePlayer.UnownsCaught[_index];

            // sprite
            var unownColor  = UnownHelper.GetUnownDexColor(selectedLetter);
            var unownColor2 = new Color(unownColor.R / 2, unownColor.G / 2, unownColor.B / 2); // darker shade
            var palette     = new[]
                new Color(0, 0, 0),
                new Color(248, 248, 248)
            var sprite = PokemonTextureManager.GetFront(UnownHelper.UNOWN_ID, palette, selectedLetter);

            _batch.DrawRectangle(new Rectangle(
                                     startX + unit * 6, unit * 5,
                                     (int)(Border.SCALE * sprite.Width),
                                     (int)(Border.SCALE * sprite.Height)), Border.DefaultWhite);
            _batch.Draw(sprite, new Rectangle(
                            startX + unit * 6, unit * 5,
                            (int)(Border.SCALE * sprite.Width),
                            (int)(Border.SCALE * sprite.Height)), Color.White);

            // word
            var word = UNOWN_TEXTS[selectedLetter];

            for (var i = 0; i < word.Length; i++)
                var c = word[i] - 65;
                DrawUnownLetter(c, startX + unit * (4 + i), unit * 15);

            // cursor
            Point cursorPos;

            if (_index < 8)
                cursorPos = new Point(unit * 3, unit * (11 - _index));
            else if (_index == 8)
                cursorPos = new Point(unit * 3, unit * 2);
            else if (_index < 18)
                cursorPos = new Point(unit * (5 + _index - 9), unit * 2);
            else if (_index == 18)
                cursorPos = new Point(unit * 15, unit * 2);
                cursorPos = new Point(unit * 15, unit * (4 + _index - 19));
            _batch.Draw(_selector, new Rectangle(
                            startX + cursorPos.X,
                            (int)(Border.SCALE * _selector.Width),
                            (int)(Border.SCALE * _selector.Height)), Border.DefaultWhite);

            // unown letter frame
            for (var i = 0; i < Controller.ActivePlayer.UnownsCaught.Length; i++)
                Point letterPos;
                if (i < 8)
                    letterPos = new Point(unit * 4, unit * (11 - i));
                else if (i == 8)
                    letterPos = new Point(unit * 4, unit * 3);
                else if (i < 18)
                    letterPos = new Point(unit * (5 + i - 9), unit * 3);
                else if (i == 18)
                    letterPos = new Point(unit * 14, unit * 3);
                    letterPos = new Point(unit * 14, unit * (4 + i - 19));
                var letter = Controller.ActivePlayer.UnownsCaught[i];
                DrawUnownLetter(letter, startX + letterPos.X, letterPos.Y);

            // overlay
            _batch.Draw(_overlay, new Rectangle(startX, 0, width, height), Color.White);

        internal override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)

            _batch.Begin(samplerState: SamplerState.PointClamp);

            var(unit, startX, width, height) = Border.GetDefaultScreenValues();

            // fill background
            Border.DrawCenter(_batch, startX, 0, Border.SCREEN_WIDTH, Border.SCREEN_HEIGHT, Border.SCALE);

            // pokemon list box
            Border.Draw(_batch, startX + unit * 8, 0, 12, 14, Border.SCALE);

            // title box
            Border.Draw(_batch, startX + unit * 8, 0, 12, 3, Border.SCALE);
            _fontRenderer.DrawText(_batch, _title,
                                   new Vector2(startX + unit * 10, unit), Color.Black, Border.SCALE);

            if (CanChangeBox)
                _batch.Draw(_arrow, new Rectangle(
                                startX + unit * 8, unit,
                                (int)(_arrow.Width * Border.SCALE),
                                (int)(_arrow.Height * Border.SCALE)),
                            null, Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally, 0f);
                _batch.Draw(_arrow, new Rectangle(
                                startX + unit * 19, unit,
                                (int)(_arrow.Width * Border.SCALE),
                                (int)(_arrow.Height * Border.SCALE)), Color.White);

            // pokemon list
            var visiblePokemon = _pokemon.Skip(_scrollIndex).Take(VISIBLE_POKEMON).Select(p => p.DisplayName).ToList();

            if (visiblePokemon.Count < VISIBLE_POKEMON)
            var pokemonListText = string.Join(NewLine, visiblePokemon);

            _fontRenderer.DrawText(_batch, pokemonListText,
                                   new Vector2(startX + unit * 9, unit * 4), Color.Black, Border.SCALE);

            // selector
            if (!DialogVisible)
                if (_isMoving)
                    _batch.Draw(_moveSelector, new Rectangle(
                                    startX + unit * 9,
                                    unit * 3 + unit * 2 * _index,
                                    (int)(_moveSelector.Width * Border.SCALE),
                                    (int)(_moveSelector.Height * Border.SCALE)), Color.White);
                    _batch.Draw(_selector, new Rectangle(
                                    (int)(startX + unit * 8 + 7 * Border.SCALE),
                                    (int)(unit * 3 + Border.SCALE + unit * 2 * _index),
                                    (int)(_selector.Width * Border.SCALE),
                                    (int)(_selector.Height * Border.SCALE)), Color.White);

            // portrait background
            var targetRect = new Rectangle(
                startX + unit, unit * 4,
                (int)(PokemonTextureManager.TEXTURE_SIZE * Border.SCALE),
                (int)(PokemonTextureManager.TEXTURE_SIZE * Border.SCALE));

            if (!_optionsBox.Visible && !_isMoving)
                _batch.DrawRectangle(targetRect, POKEMON_PORTRAIT_BACKGROUND);

            if ((_pokemon.Length > _index + _scrollIndex || _isMoving) && _showPokemon)
                // pokemon portrait
                var       selectedPokemon = GetSelectedPokemon();
                Texture2D sprite;

                if (_optionsBox.Visible || _isMoving)
                    sprite = selectedPokemon.GetFrontSprite();
                    sprite = PokemonTextureManager.GetFront(selectedPokemon.Id, POKEMON_PORTRAIT_PALETTE, selectedPokemon.UnownLetter);
                _batch.Draw(sprite, targetRect, Color.White);

                // pokemon info
                var levelStr = selectedPokemon.Level == Pokemon.MAX_LEVEL ?
                               Pokemon.MAX_LEVEL.ToString().PadRight(4) :
                               ("^:L" + selectedPokemon.Level).PadRight(6);
                var infoStr = levelStr + PokemonStatHelper.GetGenderChar(selectedPokemon.Gender) + NewLine +
                _fontRenderer.DrawText(_batch, infoStr,
                                       new Vector2(startX + unit, unit * 12), Color.Black, Border.SCALE);

                // draw item box if the pokemon holds an item
                var heldItem = selectedPokemon.HeldItem;
                if (heldItem != null)
                    Texture2D icon;
                    if (heldItem.IsMail)
                        icon = _mailIcon;
                        icon = _itemIcon;
                    _batch.Draw(icon, new Rectangle(
                                    startX + unit * 7, unit * 12,
                                    (int)(Border.SCALE * _itemIcon.Width),
                                    (int)(Border.SCALE * _itemIcon.Height)), Color.White);

            // text box
            Border.Draw(_batch, startX, unit * 15, Border.SCREEN_WIDTH, 3, Border.SCALE);
            _fontRenderer.DrawText(_batch, _message,
                                   new Vector2(startX + unit, unit * 16), Color.Black, Border.SCALE);

            _optionsBox.Draw(_batch, Border.DefaultWhite);
            _confirmationBox.Draw(_batch, Border.DefaultWhite);

 protected static Texture2D GetPokemonPortrait(int id)
     return(PokemonTextureManager.GetFront(id, POKEMON_PORTRAIT_PALETTE));