internal void Play()
            for (int cnt = 0; cnt < 50; cnt++)
                var         norm  = MyUtils.GetRandomVector3Normalized();
                PointSpread point = new PointSpread(norm, m_center + Vector3D.Multiply(norm, MyUtils.GetRandomFloat(10, 50)));
            if (count < 120)
                foreach (var point in points)
                    var      color = Color.LightBlue.ToVector4();
                    Vector3D vec   = Vector3D.Lerp(point.pos, m_center, count / 120d);
                    var      cnter = Vector3D.Lerp(vec, m_center, 0.2);

                    MySimpleObjectDraw.DrawLine(vec, cnter, MyStringId.GetOrCompute("particle_laser"), ref color, 0.1f);
                if (count == 42 && CoreWarpExplode.instance.isSpecial)
                    cena = new MyEntity3DSoundEmitter(null);
                    MySoundPair m_bombExpl = new MySoundPair("ArcWepLrgCENAExpl");
                    cena.CustomMaxDistance = (float)Math.Pow(50, 2);
                    cena.CustomVolume      = 15f;
                    cena.PlaySingleSound(m_bombExpl, true);
            else if (count < 150)
                if (count == 120)
                    emitter = new MyEntity3DSoundEmitter(null);
                    MySoundPair m_bombExpl = new MySoundPair("ArcWepLrgWarheadExpl");
                    emitter.CustomMaxDistance = (float)Math.Pow(50, 2);
                    emitter.CustomVolume      = 15f;
                    emitter.PlaySingleSound(m_bombExpl, true);

                foreach (var point in points)
                    var      color = Color.LightBlue.ToVector4();
                    Vector3D vec   = Vector3D.Lerp(point.pos, m_center, (120 - count * 4d) / 120d);
                    var      cnter = Vector3D.Lerp(vec, m_center, 0.2);

                    MySimpleObjectDraw.DrawLine(vec, cnter, MyStringId.GetOrCompute("particle_laser"), ref color, 0.1f);
                done = true;
 public ExplosionEffect(Vector3D center)
     m_center = center;
     for (int cnt = 0; cnt < 500; cnt++)
         var         norm  = MyUtils.GetRandomVector3Normalized();
         PointSpread point = new PointSpread(norm, center + Vector3D.Multiply(norm, MyUtils.GetRandomFloat(10, 50)));
Example #3
    private static int CardValue(Card c, Card.Suit trump, PointSpread pointSpread)
        int value = 0;

        if (c.suit == trump)
            //On suit cards
            switch (c.value)
            case Card.Value.Nine:
                value = pointSpread.Nine;

            case Card.Value.Ten:
                value = pointSpread.Ten;

            case Card.Value.Queen:
                value = pointSpread.Queen;

            case Card.Value.King:
                value = pointSpread.King;

            case Card.Value.Ace:
                value = pointSpread.Ace;

            case Card.Value.Jack:
                value = pointSpread.RightBower;
            //Off suit ace
            if (c.value == Card.Value.Ace)
                value = pointSpread.OffSuitAce;
            //Left Bower
            if (c.value == Card.Value.Jack && c.suit == trump.SameColorSuit())
                value = pointSpread.Ace;
        //Debug.Log("C:" + c.Shortname() + " T:" + trump + " P: " + value);
        //Default to worth of 0
Example #4
    public static IEnumerator MakePlayDecision(int playerID, PointSpread pointSpread, StateMachineSystem.StateMachine targetMachine)
        int    trumpCaller = targetMachine.Memory.GetData <int>("TrumpCaller");
        Player player      = targetMachine.Memory.GetData <Player>("Player" + playerID);

        Card.Suit trump = targetMachine.Memory.GetData <Card.Suit>("Trump");
        yield return(null);

        Hand handViewframe = CloneListOfCards(player.GetHand());

        //Remove all legal plays
        handViewframe.RemoveAll((Card c) => { return(!isValidPlay(c, player, targetMachine)); });
        Card        playCard = null;
        List <Card> plays    = targetMachine.Memory.GetData <List <Card> >("Plays");

        //Calculate this player's team is winning

        //Debug.LogWarning("Player" + playerID);

        if (plays.Count == 0)

            Hand trumpHand = CloneListOfCards(handViewframe);
            trumpHand.RemoveAll((Card c) => { return(c.suit != trump); });
            trumpHand.Sort((Card x, Card y) => {
                if (CardValue(x, trump, pointSpread) < CardValue(y, trump, pointSpread))
            Dictionary <Card.Suit, int> singletonSuits = new Dictionary <Card.Suit, int>();
            foreach (Card card in player.GetHand())
                if (singletonSuits.ContainsKey(card.suit) == false)
                    singletonSuits.Add(card.suit, 0);
            //Limit suit count to only those that have one in them
            foreach (Card.Suit item in System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(Card.Suit)))
                if (singletonSuits.ContainsKey(item) && singletonSuits[item] > 1)

            //If we have 3+ trump in hand, lead with our strongest trump
            if (playCard == null)
                if (trumpHand.Count >= 3)
                    //Debug.Log("Leading Strong Trump");
                    playCard = trumpHand[trumpHand.Count - 1];

            //If we have just an Ace of an OffSuit, play that
            if (playCard == null)
                foreach (Card.Suit item in singletonSuits.Keys)
                    foreach (Card card in player.GetHand())
                        if (card.suit == item && card.value == Card.Value.Ace)
                            //Debug.Log("Leading offsuit Ace");
                            playCard = card;
                    if (playCard != null)

            //If we have the right bower, play that if its our only trump
            if (playCard == null && trumpHand.Count == 1)
                playCard = handViewframe.Find((Card c) => { return(c.suit == trump && c.value == Card.Value.Jack); });
                //if (playCard != null) Debug.Log("Leading Singleton Right Bower");

            //If we have a singleton card, play that.
            if (playCard == null)
                foreach (Card.Suit item in singletonSuits.Keys)
                    foreach (Card card in player.GetHand())
                        if (card.suit == item)
                            //Debug.Log("Leading Singleton");
                            playCard = card;
                    if (playCard != null)

            //Play our lowest value card.
            if (playCard == null)
                //Debug.Log("Leading Lowest Card");
                handViewframe.Sort((Card x, Card y) => { return((CardValue(x, trump, pointSpread) < CardValue(y, trump, pointSpread)) ? -1 : 1); });
                playCard = handViewframe[0];

            //Pick a random card
            if (playCard == null)
                playCard = handViewframe[Random.Range(0, handViewframe.Count)];
        else if (handViewframe.Count == 1)
            //Debug.Log("Only one valid play");
            //If there is only one card, play it
            playCard = handViewframe[0];
            bool teamWinningHand;

            List <Card> sortedPlays = CloneListOfCards(plays);
            sortedPlays.Sort((Card x, Card y) => {
                if (ScoreingValue(x, targetMachine) < ScoreingValue(y, targetMachine))
            //Make it so the best card is actually in the first position
                string ret = "SortedPlays: ";
                foreach (Card item in sortedPlays)
                    ret += item.Shortname() + ", ";
            int currentWinner = targetMachine.Memory.GetData <Dictionary <Card, int> >("PlaysMap")[sortedPlays[0]];
            teamWinningHand = currentWinner % 2 == playerID % 2;

            System.Func <Card, bool> isWinningPlay = (Card c) => {
                Card winningCard = sortedPlays[0];
                if (ScoreingValue(c, targetMachine) > ScoreingValue(winningCard, targetMachine))

            //Calcualte all cards that can win a play
            Hand winningPlays = CloneListOfCards(handViewframe);
            //Remove things that are not winning plays
            winningPlays.RemoveAll((Card c) => { return(!isWinningPlay(c)); });
            //Sort them by CardValue
            winningPlays.Sort((Card x, Card y) => { return((CardValue(x, trump, pointSpread) < CardValue(y, trump, pointSpread)) ? -1 : 1); });
            //Calculate all cards that can lose a play
            Hand losingPlays = CloneListOfCards(handViewframe);
            //Remove things that are winning plays
            losingPlays.RemoveAll((Card c) => { return(isWinningPlay(c)); });
            //Sort them by value
            losingPlays.Sort((Card x, Card y) => { return((CardValue(x, trump, pointSpread) < CardValue(y, trump, pointSpread)) ? -1 : 1); });

                string ret = "Losers: ";
                foreach (Card card in losingPlays)
                    ret += card.Shortname() + ", ";
                ret += "\nWinners:";
                foreach (Card card in winningPlays)
                    ret += card.Shortname() + ", ";

            //If we have no winning plays, or we are already winning
            if ((winningPlays.Count == 0 || teamWinningHand) && losingPlays.Count > 0)
                //Debug.Log("Playing worst card:(" + (winningPlays.Count == 0) + " || " + teamWinningHand + ") && " + (losingPlays.Count > 0) );
                //Play the lowest value losing play
                playCard = losingPlays[0];
            //If we have no losing plays, or we are not winning
            else if ((losingPlays.Count == 0 || teamWinningHand == false) && winningPlays.Count > 0)
                //Debug.Log("Playing best card:(" + (losingPlays.Count == 0) + " || " + (teamWinningHand == false) + ") && " + (winningPlays.Count > 0));
                //Play the lowest value winning play
                playCard = winningPlays[0];

        //do { playCard = player.GetHand()[Random.Range(0, player.GetHand().Count)]; } while (isValidPlay(playCard, player) == false);
        player.PostNotification("CardPlayedInZone" + targetMachine.UID, new object[] { GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag(GameManager.Tags.PlayZone), playCard });
Example #5
    public static IEnumerator MakeTrumpDiscardDecision(int playerID, PointSpread pointSpread, StateMachineSystem.StateMachine targetMachine)
        //Discard the lowest value card or a card that makes the hand two suited (aside from a trump)
        yield return(null);

        Player p = targetMachine.Memory.GetData <Player>("Player" + playerID);

        Card.Suit trump          = targetMachine.Memory.GetData <Card.Suit>("Trump");
        Card      discard        = null;
        Hand      cardsRemaining = CloneListOfCards(p.GetHand());

        System.Func <Hand> SortByLowestValue = () => {
            Hand temp = CloneListOfCards(cardsRemaining);
            temp.Sort((Card x, Card y) => {
                if (CardValue(x, trump, pointSpread) < CardValue(y, trump, pointSpread))

        System.Func <Hand> RemoveTrump = () => {
            Hand temp = CloneListOfCards(cardsRemaining);
            temp.RemoveAll((Card c) => { return(c.suit == trump); });
        System.Func <Hand> RemoveAces = () => {
            Hand temp = CloneListOfCards(cardsRemaining);
            temp.RemoveAll((Card c) => { return(c.value == Card.Value.Ace); });
        System.Func <Hand> LowerSuitCount = () => {
            Hand temp = CloneListOfCards(cardsRemaining);
            Dictionary <Card.Suit, int> suitCount = new Dictionary <Card.Suit, int>();
            foreach (Card card in temp)
                if (suitCount.ContainsKey(card.suit) == false)
                    suitCount.Add(card.suit, 0);
            int       lowestCount = int.MaxValue;
            Card.Suit fewestSuit  = Card.Suit.Clubs;
            foreach (Card.Suit suit in System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(Card.Suit)))
                if (suitCount.ContainsKey(suit) && suitCount[suit] > 0 && suitCount[suit] < lowestCount)
                    fewestSuit = suit;
            //Don't remove anything if it is our only suit
            if (suitCount[fewestSuit] != temp.Count)
                //Otherwise, remove all suits that do not match the smallest one.
                temp.RemoveAll((Card c) => { return(c.suit != fewestSuit); });


        System.Func <Hand>[] actions = new System.Func <Hand>[] { RemoveTrump, RemoveAces, LowerSuitCount, SortByLowestValue };
        //Attempt to try all of these actions, and if they leave us with
        for (int i = 0; i < actions.Length; i++)
            if (discard != null)
            //Perform a reduction on the hand
            Hand newPerspectives = actions[i]();
            //Check what that leaves us with
            if (newPerspectives.Count == 1)
                //If this criteria left us with only one card, we discard that.
                discard = newPerspectives[0];
            else if (newPerspectives.Count == 0)
                //If this action resulted in an empty list, it is not a valid criteria and we need to use our most recent intact version, sort it, and pick the lowest value from it.
                discard = SortByLowestValue()[0];
                //Otherwise, update the remaining cards after this reduction
                cardsRemaining = newPerspectives;
        if (discard == null)
            discard = cardsRemaining[0];

        p.PostNotification("CardPlayedInZone" + targetMachine.UID, new object[] { GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag(GameManager.Tags.PlayZone), discard });
Example #6
    public static IEnumerator MakeTrumpOrderingDecision(int playerID, PointSpread pointSpread, StateMachineSystem.StateMachine targetMachine)
        //Default to passing
        bool   pass         = true;
        Player player       = targetMachine.Memory.GetData <Player>("Player" + playerID);
        Card   revealedCard = targetMachine.Memory.GetData <Card>("RevealedCardFromKittie");

        Card.Suit?callSuit     = (revealedCard.faceDown) ? null : (Card.Suit?)revealedCard.suit;
        int       dealerID     = targetMachine.Memory.GetData <int>("Dealer");
        bool      dealerOnTeam = (dealerID % 2) == (playerID % 2);

        //Debug.Log("Player" + playerID+" team w/ Dealer: " + dealerOnTeam);

        if (callSuit != null)
            //Handle deciding on just this card
            int points = CalculateHandPoints(player.GetHand(), revealedCard, (Card.Suit)callSuit, dealerOnTeam, pointSpread);
            //Debug.Log("Player" + playerID + " Points: " + points);
            if (points >= pointSpread.callThreshold)
                pass = false;
            //Debug.Log("Player" + playerID + ": " + points + " for " + ((Card.Suit)callSuit).Shortname());
            //Call a loner if we are confident in our hand, unless we have more than seven points
            if (points >= pointSpread.lonerThreshold && targetMachine.Memory.GetData <int>("Team" + (playerID % 2) + "Points") <= 7)
                //If we are the dealer, calling loner is fine. If we are not the dealer, and it is the right bower, don't go alone.
                if (dealerID == playerID || revealedCard.value != Card.Value.Jack)
                    targetMachine.Memory.GetData <TrumpSelector>("TrumpSelector").aloneToggle.isOn = true;
            //If screw-the-dealer is enabled, disable passing
            if (GameManager.ScrewTheDealer && dealerID == playerID)
                pass = false;

            List <Card.Suit> suits = new List <Card.Suit>(new Card.Suit[] { Card.Suit.Clubs, Card.Suit.Diamonds, Card.Suit.Hearts, Card.Suit.Spades });
            int maxPoints = int.MinValue;
            foreach (Card.Suit suit in suits)
                int points = CalculateHandPoints(player.GetHand(), revealedCard, suit, dealerOnTeam, pointSpread);
                if (points > maxPoints)
                    maxPoints = points;
                    callSuit  = suit;
            if (maxPoints >= pointSpread.callThreshold)
                pass = false;

            //If this is a strong call, go alone
            if (maxPoints >= 9 && targetMachine.Memory.GetData <int>("Team" + (playerID % 2) + "Points") <= 7)
                targetMachine.Memory.GetData <TrumpSelector>("TrumpSelector").aloneToggle.isOn = true;

            //Debug.Log("Player" + playerID + ": " + maxPoints + " for " + ((Card.Suit)callSuit).Shortname());

        yield return(null);

        if (pass)
            player.PostNotification("Pass" + targetMachine.UID);
            player.PostNotification("OrderUp" + targetMachine.UID, (Card.Suit)callSuit);
Example #7
    private static int CalculateHandPoints(List <Card> hand, Card upCard, Card.Suit suitInQuestion, bool dealerOnTeam, PointSpread pointSpread)
        int ret = 0;

        //Calulate the face up card going to a player
        ret += CardValue(upCard, suitInQuestion, pointSpread) * ((dealerOnTeam) ? 1 : -1);
        List <Card.Suit> uniqueSuits = new List <Card.Suit>();

        foreach (Card card in hand)
            if (uniqueSuits.Contains(card.suit) == false)
            ret += CardValue(card, suitInQuestion, pointSpread);

        if (uniqueSuits.Count <= 2)
            ret += pointSpread.TwoSuited;

            string debugPrint = "Suit: " + suitInQuestion.Shortname() + " Points: " + ret + "\n Hand:";
            foreach (Card card in hand)
                debugPrint += card.Shortname();
                debugPrint += ",";

Example #8
        public override IEnumerator Enter()
            yield return(base.Enter());

            //Ensure no cards are animating
            if (GameManager.AnimateGame)
                foreach (Card card in owner.Memory.GetData <Deck>("GameDeck"))
                    while (card.animating)
                        yield return(null);

            //Advance the Dealer
            owner.Memory.SetData("Dealer", (owner.Memory.GetData <int>("Dealer") == 3) ? 0 : owner.Memory.GetData <int>("Dealer") + 1);

            //Set active player to right of the dealer.
            owner.Memory.SetData("ActivePlayer", (owner.Memory.GetData <int>("Dealer") == 3) ? 0 : owner.Memory.GetData <int>("Dealer") + 1);

            owner.Memory.SetData("Plays", new List <Card>());
            owner.Memory.SetData("PlaysMap", new Dictionary <Card, int>());

            owner.Memory.SetData("Player0Tricks", 0);
            owner.Memory.SetData("Player1Tricks", 0);
            owner.Memory.SetData("Player2Tricks", 0);
            owner.Memory.SetData("Player3Tricks", 0);

            PointSpread testingPointSpread;

            if (GameManager.RunGenetics)
                int[] array = null;
                yield return(GameManager.GeneticHandler.GetSpread((int[] inn) => { array = inn; }));

                testingPointSpread = new PointSpread(array);
                testingPointSpread = GameManager.DefaultPointSpread;
            //if (GameManager.RunGenetics) Debug.LogWarning("Trial of: " + testingPointSpread);
            owner.Memory.SetData("Player0PointSpread", testingPointSpread);
            owner.Memory.SetData("Player1PointSpread", GameManager.DefaultPointSpread);
            owner.Memory.SetData("Player2PointSpread", testingPointSpread);
            owner.Memory.SetData("Player3PointSpread", GameManager.DefaultPointSpread);

            owner.Memory.GetData <TrumpSelector>("TrumpSelector").aloneToggle.isOn = false;

            owner.Memory.SetData <bool>("Alone", false);
            //Remove trump if this is not our first round.
            owner.Memory.RemoveData <Card.Suit>("Trump");

            Deck playingDeck = owner.Memory.GetData <Deck>("GameDeck");

            playingDeck.basePosition = Vector3.Lerp(, owner.Memory.GetData <Player>("Player" + owner.Memory.GetData <int>("Dealer")).gameObject.transform.position, 0.55f);

            if (GameManager.AnimateGame)
                //Reorient the deck to the dealer
                yield return(playingDeck.Orient("Player" + owner.Memory.GetData <int>("Dealer"), owner));

            //Shuffle the deck

            //Deal to each player
            int[] dealSequence = new int[] { 3, 2, 3, 2,
                                             2, 3, 2, 3 };
            int player = owner.Memory.GetData <int>("ActivePlayer");

            for (int i = 0; i < dealSequence.Length; i++)
                //Mark the player as playing this round
                owner.Memory.GetData <Player>("Player" + player).playingRound = true;
                yield return(GameManager.cardAnimator.Deal("Player" + player, "GameDeck", dealSequence[i], GameManager.AnimateGame, owner));

                if (player > 3)
                    player = 0;

            Card revealedCard = owner.Memory.GetData <Deck>("GameDeck").Draw(1)[0];

            owner.Memory.SetData("RevealedCardFromKittie", revealedCard);
            owner.Memory.SetData <List <Card> >("KnownCards", new List <Card>(new Card[] { revealedCard }));
            yield return(GameManager.cardAnimator.Flip(revealedCard, GameManager.AnimateGame));

            owner.Transition <DetermineTrump>();