Example #1
        protected GestureManager()
            Action <bool> loadCompleted =
                result =>
                if (!result)
                    if (!LoadDefaults())
                        _Gestures = new List <IGesture>();
                if (OnLoadGesturesCompleted != null)
                    OnLoadGesturesCompleted(this, EventArgs.Empty);
                FinishedLoading = true;

            LoadGestures().ContinueWith(antecendent => loadCompleted(antecendent.Result));
            // Instantiate gesture analyzer using gestures loaded from file
            gestureAnalyzer = new PointPatternAnalyzer();//Gestures
Example #2
        protected GestureManager()
            if (!LoadGestures())
                _Gestures = new List <IGesture>();

            // Instantiate gesture analyzer using gestures loaded from file
            gestureAnalyzer = new PointPatternAnalyzer(Gestures);

            // Wireup event to mouse capture class to catch points captured
            Input.MouseCapture.Instance.BeforePointsCaptured += new PointsCapturedEventHandler(MouseCapture_BeforePointsCaptured);
            Input.MouseCapture.Instance.AfterPointsCaptured  += new PointsCapturedEventHandler(MouseCapture_AfterPointsCaptured);

            // Reload gestures if options were saved
            HighSign.UI.FormManager.Instance.InstanceRequested += (o, e) =>
                if (e.Instance is HighSign.UI.Forms.Options)
                    (e.Instance as HighSign.UI.Forms.Options).OptionsSaved += (so, se) => { LoadGestures(); }
Example #3
 protected GestureManager()
     LoadingTask = LoadGestures();
     // Instantiate gesture analyzer using gestures loaded from file
     gestureAnalyzer = new PointPatternAnalyzer();//Gestures