Example #1
 private void InitListViewModel(PointItemsViewModel viewModel, PointItems list)
     foreach (var item in viewModel.Items)
        public IActionResult _EditPointItems(int Itemskey)
            if (Itemskey <= 0)
                return(Json(new StatusMessageData(StatusMessageType.Error, "找不到该积分项目!")));
            PointItems          pointItem = pointItemsService.GetFullPointItems(Itemskey);
            EditPointItemsModel model     = new EditPointItemsModel()
                Applicationid    = pointItem.Applicationid,
                Description      = pointItem.Description,
                DisplayOrder     = pointItem.DisplayOrder,
                ExperiencePoints = pointItem.ExperiencePoints,
                Itemstyle        = pointItem.Itemstyle,
                Itemsname        = pointItem.Itemsname,
                SexyPoints       = pointItem.SexyPoints
            IEnumerable <PointType> pointType = pointTypeService.GetPointTypeList();

            if (pointType != null)
                ViewData["PointType"] = new SelectList(pointType, "Typekey", "Typename", pointItem.Itemskey);
Example #3
        public ActionResult List(PointFilterViewModel filterViewModel)
            InitPointFilterViewModel(ref filterViewModel, true);
            var                 filter    = Mapper.Map <PointFilter>(filterViewModel);
            PointItems          list      = _pointRepository.GetPointItems(UserContext.User.Id, UserContext.User.OrganizationId, filter);
            PointItemsViewModel viewModel = Mapper.Map <PointItemsViewModel>(list);

            viewModel.Filter = filterViewModel;
            InitListViewModel(viewModel, list);

            return(View(Mvc.View.Point.List, viewModel));
Example #4
        private void CalculatePointItemBasemOnCalculatedPoints(IEnumerable <Point> points, PixelsCaclulator parametrizedPixelsCaclulator)
            Coordinates GetCalculatedPixels(Point vs)
                var coor = parametrizedPixelsCaclulator.CalculatePixel(vs.ListOfVariables[0], vs.ListOfVariables[1]);

                coor.X -= _calculatedPointSize / 2; // change the coordinates to put pixel in the center of the point
                coor.Y -= _calculatedPointSize / 2;

            void ConnectPointWithLine(PointItem A, PointItem B)
                var CoorA = new Coordinates(A.Coordinates.X + _calculatedPointSize / 2, A.Coordinates.Y + _calculatedPointSize / 2);
                var CoorB = new Coordinates(B.Coordinates.X + _calculatedPointSize / 2, B.Coordinates.Y + _calculatedPointSize / 2);

                var lineItem = new LineItem(CoorA, CoorB);


            if (points == null || points.Count() == 0)

            var point = points.ElementAt(0);

            var coordinates = GetCalculatedPixels(point);

            var PointItem = new PointItem(coordinates, point, _calculatedPointSize);


            for (int i = 1; i < points.Count(); i++)
                point       = points.ElementAt(i);
                coordinates = GetCalculatedPixels(point);
                PointItem   = new PointItem(coordinates, point, _calculatedPointSize);

                ConnectPointWithLine(PointItems.ElementAt(i - 1), PointItem);
        public IActionResult AddPointItems(EditPointItemsModel model)
            PointItems pointItems = PointItems.New();

            pointItems.Description      = model.Description;
            pointItems.ExperiencePoints = model.ExperiencePoints;
            pointItems.DisplayOrder     = model.DisplayOrder;
            pointItems.Itemsname        = model.Itemsname;
            pointItems.Itemstyle        = model.Itemstyle;
            pointItems.SexyPoints       = model.SexyPoints;
            pointItems.Applicationid    = model.Applicationid;
            bool result = pointItemsService.AddPointItems(pointItems);

            if (result)
                return(Json(new StatusMessageData(StatusMessageType.Success, "添加成功!")));
            return(Json(new StatusMessageData(StatusMessageType.Error, "添加失败!")));
Example #6
        public async void Create(double imageSize, double range, int step, double CentrumX = 0, double CentrumY = 0)
            _eventAggregator.GetEvent <CreateCounterLineInfoEvent>().Publish(true); // Counterine is Creatng
            BitmapSize = imageSize;
            var pixelsCaclulator = new PixelsCaclulator(imageSize, imageSize, range, step, CentrumX, CentrumY);


            var centralCoordinate = pixelsCaclulator.CalculatePixel(CentrumX, CentrumY);

            CentralPoint = new PointItem(centralCoordinate, new Point(CentrumX, CentrumY), _calculatedPointSize);
            var pixels = await GetPixelsTask(pixelsCaclulator);

            Bitmap = BitmapCreator.CreateBitmap(pixels);

            _eventAggregator.GetEvent <CreateCounterLineInfoEvent>().Publish(false); // Counterine is not Creatng
            CalculatePointItemBasemOnCalculatedPoints(CalculatedPoints, pixelsCaclulator);
        public IActionResult EditPointItems(EditPointItemsModel model)
            if (model.Itemskey <= 0)
                return(Json(new StatusMessageData(StatusMessageType.Error, "找不到该积分项目!")));
            PointItems pointItems = pointItemsService.GetFullPointItems(model.Itemskey);

            pointItems.Itemsname        = model.Itemsname;
            pointItems.Applicationid    = model.Applicationid;
            pointItems.Description      = model.Description;
            pointItems.DisplayOrder     = model.DisplayOrder;
            pointItems.ExperiencePoints = model.ExperiencePoints;
            pointItems.Itemstyle        = model.Itemstyle;
            pointItems.SexyPoints       = model.SexyPoints;

            bool result = pointItemsService.EditPointItems(pointItems);

            if (result)
                return(Json(new StatusMessageData(StatusMessageType.Success, "编辑成功!")));
            return(Json(new StatusMessageData(StatusMessageType.Error, "编辑失败!")));
 private PointPresenter[] CalculateMinimalConvex()
     return(PointItems?.OfType <PointPresenter>().ToArray());
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the corner points of a rectangle that surrounds the polygon with a given gradient.
        /// The lines that are used to calculate distance are tangents of an ellipse that surrounds
        /// the world map coordinate system with equation of x^2/255^2 + y^2/130^2 = 1. Therefore
        /// every location on the map can use this function.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gradient"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private List <PointItem> IntersectingPoints(double gradient)
            double distance;
            double perpdistance;
            int    indexmax              = 0;
            int    indexmin              = 0;
            int    indexmaxperp          = 0;
            int    indexminperp          = 0;
            double min                   = 0;
            double max                   = 0;
            double minp                  = 0;
            double maxp                  = 0;
            double perpendiculargradient = 1 / -gradient;

            foreach (PointItem i in PointItems)
                int j = PointItems.IndexOf(i);
                distance     = i.DistanceToEllipseTangent(false, gradient);
                perpdistance = i.DistanceToEllipseTangent(true, perpendiculargradient);

                // Saves index of closest point to tangent
                if (min == 0 || distance < min)
                    min      = distance;
                    indexmin = j;

                // Saves index of furthest point from tangent
                if (max == 0 || distance > max)
                    max      = distance;
                    indexmax = j;

                // Saves index of closest point to perpendicular tangent
                if (minp == 0 || perpdistance < minp)
                    minp         = perpdistance;
                    indexminperp = j;

                // Saves index of furthest point from perpendicular tangent
                if (maxp == 0 || perpdistance > maxp)
                    maxp         = perpdistance;
                    indexmaxperp = j;

            // Add indexes to array to allow iteration
            int[] indexes = new int[] { indexmin, indexmax, indexminperp, indexmaxperp };

            double           x;
            double           y;
            List <PointItem> list = new List <PointItem>();

            // Creates points at the intersection of lines through closest and furthest points to tangents
            // i / 2 = 0,0,1,1 for values of i = 0,1,2,3
            // i % 2 + 2 = 2,3,2,3 for values of i = 0,1,2,3
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                if (gradient == 0)
                    x = PointItems[indexes[i % 2 + 2]].Longitude;
                    y = PointItems[indexes[i / 2]].Latitude;
                else if (perpendiculargradient == 0)
                    x = PointItems[indexes[(i / 2)]].Longitude;
                    y = PointItems[indexes[i % 2 + 2]].Latitude;
                    x = ((gradient * PointItems[indexes[i / 2]].Longitude) - (perpendiculargradient * PointItems[indexes[i % 2 + 2]].Longitude) + PointItems[indexes[i % 2 + 2]].Latitude - PointItems[indexes[i / 2]].Latitude) / (gradient - perpendiculargradient);
                    y = gradient * (x - PointItems[indexes[i / 2]].Longitude) + PointItems[indexes[i / 2]].Latitude;

                list.Add(new PointItem(y, x, i));

            // Rearranges list for use in CreateFlightLines()
            list.Reverse(2, 2);