Example #1
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            string        title   = "";
            List <double> xValues = new List <double>();
            List <double> yValues = new List <double>();
            string        xName   = "";
            string        yName   = "";
            Color         color   = new Color();

            DA.GetData(0, ref title);
            DA.GetDataList(1, xValues);
            DA.GetDataList(2, yValues);
            DA.GetData(3, ref xName);
            DA.GetData(4, ref yName);
            DA.GetData(5, ref color);

            PointGraph graphObject = new PointGraph();

            dialogImage = graphObject;
            PterodactylGrasshopperBitmapGoo GH_bmp = new PterodactylGrasshopperBitmapGoo();

            graphObject.PointGraphData(true, title, xValues, yValues, xName, yName, color, GH_bmp.ReferenceTag);
            using (Bitmap b = graphObject.ExportBitmap())
                GH_bmp.Value      = b.Clone(new Rectangle(0, 0, b.Width, b.Height), b.PixelFormat);
                GH_bmp.ReportPart = graphObject.Create();
                DA.SetData(0, GH_bmp);
        public PointGraph CalculateShortestPathFromSource(PointGraph graph, PointNode source)
            source.Distance = 0;
            var settledNodes   = new HashSet <PointNode>();
            var unsettledNodes = new HashSet <PointNode>

            while (unsettledNodes.Count != 0)
                var currentNode = GetLowestDistanceNode(unsettledNodes);

                foreach ((var adjacentNode, var edgeWeight) in currentNode.AdjacentNodes)
                    if (!settledNodes.Contains(adjacentNode))
                        CalculateMinimumDistance(adjacentNode, edgeWeight, currentNode);

Example #3
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            bool          showGraph = false;
            string        title     = "";
            List <double> xValues   = new List <double>();
            List <double> yValues   = new List <double>();
            string        xName     = "";
            string        yName     = "";
            Color         color     = new Color();
            string        path      = "";

            DA.GetData(0, ref showGraph);
            DA.GetData(1, ref title);
            DA.GetDataList(2, xValues);
            DA.GetDataList(3, yValues);
            DA.GetData(4, ref xName);
            DA.GetData(5, ref yName);
            DA.GetData(6, ref color);
            DA.GetData(7, ref path);

            PointGraph graphObject = new PointGraph();

            graphObject.PointGraphData(showGraph, title, xValues, yValues, xName, yName, color, path);
            if (showGraph)

            string reportPart = graphObject.Create();

            DA.SetData(0, reportPart);
    void CreateGraph(AstarPath astar)
        if (!points)
            Debug.LogWarning("missing points root for autopointgraph " + name);

        var graphs = new List<NavGraph>(astar.graphs);
        if (graphs.Contains(graph))

        graph = new PointGraph();
        graph.active = astar;
        graph.name = "AutoPointGraph (" + name + ")";
        graph.root = points;
        graph.raycast = true;
        graph.maxDistance = 0;
        graph.recursive = true;
        graph.mask = -1;
        astar.graphs = graphs.ToArray();
    public override void OnDrawGizmos()
        PointGraph graph = target as PointGraph;

        //Debug.Log ("Gizmos "+(graph == null)+" "+target);
        if (graph == null)

        //Handles.color = new Color (0.161F,0.341F,1F,0.5F);
        Gizmos.color = new Color(0.161F, 0.341F, 1F, 0.5F);
        //for (int i=0;i<graph.nodes.Length;i++) {

        if (graph.root != null)
            DrawChildren(graph, graph.root);
            GameObject[] gos = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag(graph.searchTag);
            for (int i = 0; i < gos.Length; i++)
                Gizmos.DrawCube(gos[i].transform.position, Vector3.one * HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(gos[i].transform.position) * 0.1F);
    public override void OnInspectorGUI(NavGraph target)
        PointGraph graph = target as PointGraph;

 #if UNITY_3_3
 *              graph.root = (Transform)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField (new GUIContent ("Root","All childs of this object will be used as nodes, if it is not set, a tag search will be used instead (see below)"),graph.root,typeof(Transform));
 *              graph.root = (Transform)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField (new GUIContent ("Root","All childs of this object will be used as nodes, if it is not set, a tag search will be used instead (see below)"),graph.root,typeof(Transform),true);
        //Debug.Log (EditorGUI.indentLevel);

        graph.root = ObjectField(new GUIContent("Root", "All childs of this object will be used as nodes, if it is not set, a tag search will be used instead (see below)"), graph.root, typeof(Transform), true) as Transform;

        graph.recursive = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(new GUIContent("Recursive", "Should childs of the childs in the root GameObject be searched"), graph.recursive);
        graph.searchTag = EditorGUILayout.TagField(new GUIContent("Tag", "If root is not set, all objects with this tag will be used as nodes"), graph.searchTag);

        if (graph.root != null)
            GUILayout.Label("All childs " + (graph.recursive ? "and sub-childs ":"") + "of 'root' will be used as nodes\nSet root to null to use a tag search instead", AstarPathEditor.helpBox);
            GUILayout.Label("All object with the tag '" + graph.searchTag + "' will be used as nodes" + (graph.searchTag == "Untagged" ? "\nNote: the tag 'Untagged' cannot be used" : ""), AstarPathEditor.helpBox);

        graph.maxDistance = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(new GUIContent("Max Distance", "The max distance in world space for a connection to be valid. A zero counts as infinity"), graph.maxDistance);

#if UNITY_4
        graph.limits = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field("Max Distance (axis aligned)", graph.limits);
        graph.limits = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field("Max Distance (axis aligned)", graph.limits);

        graph.raycast = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(new GUIContent("Raycast", "Use raycasting to check if connections are valid between each pair of nodes"), graph.raycast);

        editor.GUILayoutx.BeginFadeArea(graph.raycast, "raycast");


        graph.thickRaycast = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(new GUIContent("Thick Raycast", "A thick raycast checks along a thick line with radius instead of just along a line"), graph.thickRaycast);

        editor.GUILayoutx.BeginFadeArea(graph.thickRaycast, "thickRaycast");

        graph.thickRaycastRadius = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(new GUIContent("Raycast Radius", "The radius in world units for the thick raycast"), graph.thickRaycastRadius);


        //graph.mask = 1 << EditorGUILayout.LayerField ("Mask",(int)Mathf.Log (graph.mask,2));
        graph.mask = EditorGUILayoutx.LayerMaskField(/*new GUIContent (*/ "Mask" /*,"Used to mask which layers should be checked")*/, graph.mask);

Example #7
 public void DrawChildren(PointGraph graph, Transform tr)
     foreach (Transform child in tr) {
         Gizmos.DrawCube (child.position,Vector3.one*HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(child.position)*0.1F);
         //Handles.CubeCap (-1,graph.nodes[i].position,Quaternion.identity,HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(graph.nodes[i].position)*0.1F);
         //Gizmos.DrawCube (nodes[i].position,Vector3.one);
         if (graph.recursive) DrawChildren (graph, child);
Example #8
    static void AddScenePointNode()
        AstarPath aStarPath = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <AstarPath>();

        if (aStarPath != null)
            Selection.activeGameObject = aStarPath.gameObject;
            EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("注意", "当前场景已经有路点节点", "关闭");
            GameObject go        = new GameObject("AStarPath");
            GameObject pointRoot = new GameObject("NodeRoot");
            pointRoot.transform.parent = go.transform;

            GameObject node0 = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);
            node0.name             = "pathNode";
            node0.layer            = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Scenes_mesh");
            node0.transform.parent = pointRoot.transform;
            Collider coll = node0.GetComponent <Collider>();
            if (coll)
            MeshFilter filter = node0.GetComponent <MeshFilter>();
            if (filter)
            Renderer ren = node0.GetComponent <Renderer>();
            if (ren)

            go.AddComponent <AstarPathGo>();
            aStarPath = go.AddComponent <AstarPath>();
            aStarPath.colorSettings = aStarPath.colorSettings ?? new AstarColor();

            aStarPath.data = new AstarData();

            PointGraph graph = System.Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(PointGraph)) as PointGraph;
            graph.root                   = pointRoot.transform;
            graph.maxDistance            = 1;
            graph.raycast                = true;
            graph.optimizeForSparseGraph = true;
            graph.mask                   = 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Scenes_mesh");

            graph.active             = aStarPath;
            aStarPath.data.graphs    = new NavGraph[1];
            aStarPath.data.graphs[0] = graph;

 public void DrawChildren(PointGraph graph, Transform tr)
     foreach (Transform child in tr)
         Gizmos.DrawCube(child.position, Vector3.one * HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(child.position) * 0.1F);
         //Handles.CubeCap (-1,graph.nodes[i].position,Quaternion.identity,HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(graph.nodes[i].position)*0.1F);
         //Gizmos.DrawCube (nodes[i].position,Vector3.one);
         if (graph.recursive)
             DrawChildren(graph, child);
Example #10
     * creates the navmesh for our grid
    private void CreateGraph()
        AstarData data   = AstarPath.active.data;
        var       graphs = data.graphs.ToList();

        graphs.ForEach(x => data.RemoveGraph(x));
        PointGraph graph = data.AddGraph(typeof(PointGraph)) as PointGraph;

        // Make sure we only modify the graph when all pathfinding threads are paused
        AstarPath.active.AddWorkItem(new AstarWorkItem(ctx => {
            //create the graph
            //first make node array
            PointNode[,] nodeArray = new PointNode[map.GetUpperBound(0) + 1, map.GetUpperBound(1) + 1];

            for (int y = 0; y <= map.GetUpperBound(0); y++)
                for (int x = 0; x <= map.GetUpperBound(1); x++)
                    nodeArray[x, y] = graph.AddNode((Int3) new Vector3(x, y, 0));
            int connections = 0;
            //now connect nodes
            for (int y = 0; y <= map.GetUpperBound(0); y++)
                for (int x = 0; x <= map.GetUpperBound(1); x++)
                    for (int i = x - 1; i <= x + 1; i++)
                        for (int j = y - 1; j <= y + 1; j++)
                            if (InBounds(nodeArray, i, j))
                                nodeArray[x, y].AddConnection(nodeArray[i, j], (uint)map[x, y].MoveCost);

        // Run the above work item immediately
        // Use this for initialization
        public override void OnEnter()
            FsmNavGraph go = graph.Value as FsmNavGraph;

            if (go.Value as PointGraph == null)
                Finish(); return;
            g = go.Value as PointGraph;


            if (!everyFrame.Value)
Example #12
        public override void OnEnter()
            mo = graph.Value as FsmNavGraph;
            if ((mo == null) || (mo.Value == null) || alwaysNew.Value)
                g = FsmConverter.GetNavGraph(graph) as PointGraph;
                Debug.Log("Creating New Point Graph");

                graph.Value = FsmConverter.SetNavGraph(g as NavGraph);
                g = FsmConverter.GetNavGraph(graph) as PointGraph;

        public override void OnEnter()
            mo = graph.Value as FsmPointGraph;
            if ((mo == null) || (mo.Value == null) || alwaysNew.Value)
                g = FsmConverter.GetPointGraph(graph) as PointGraph;
                Debug.Log("Creating New Point Graph");

                graph.Value = FsmConverter.SetPointGraph(g);
            }             // create a PointGraph if the variable does not contain a valid one already.
                g = FsmConverter.GetPointGraph(graph) as PointGraph;

Example #14
    public override void OnInspectorGUI(NavGraph target)
        PointGraph graph = target as PointGraph;

        graph.root = ObjectField(new GUIContent("Root", "All children of this object will be used as nodes, if it is not set, a tag search will be used instead (see below)"), graph.root, typeof(Transform), true) as Transform;

        graph.recursive = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(new GUIContent("Recursive", "Should children of the children in the root GameObject be searched"), graph.recursive);
        graph.searchTag = EditorGUILayout.TagField(new GUIContent("Tag", "If root is not set, all objects with this tag will be used as nodes"), graph.searchTag);

        if (graph.root != null)
            EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("All children " + (graph.recursive ? "and sub-children " : "") + "of 'root' will be used as nodes\nSet root to null to use a tag search instead", MessageType.None);
            EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("All object with the tag '" + graph.searchTag + "' will be used as nodes" + (graph.searchTag == "Untagged" ? "\nNote: the tag 'Untagged' cannot be used" : ""), MessageType.None);

        graph.maxDistance = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(new GUIContent("Max Distance", "The max distance in world space for a connection to be valid. A zero counts as infinity"), graph.maxDistance);

        graph.limits  = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field("Max Distance (axis aligned)", graph.limits);
        graph.raycast = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(new GUIContent("Raycast", "Use raycasting to check if connections are valid between each pair of nodes"), graph.raycast);

        if (graph.raycast)

            graph.thickRaycast = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(new GUIContent("Thick Raycast", "A thick raycast checks along a thick line with radius instead of just along a line"), graph.thickRaycast);

            if (graph.thickRaycast)
                graph.thickRaycastRadius = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(new GUIContent("Raycast Radius", "The radius in world units for the thick raycast"), graph.thickRaycastRadius);

            graph.mask = EditorGUILayoutx.LayerMaskField(/*new GUIContent (*/ "Mask" /*,"Used to mask which layers should be checked")*/, graph.mask);
Example #15
    void scanSelf()
        if (this.Visible)
            PointGraph navg = (PointGraph)AstarPath.active.graphs[0];
            AstarPath.active.AddWorkItem(new AstarPath.AstarWorkItem(delegate() {
                //float f = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
                PointNode p = navg.AddNode((Int3)pathLocation);

                if (p != null)
                    Dictionary <GraphNode, float> cons = new Dictionary <GraphNode, float>();
                    navg.GetNodes((delegate(GraphNode node) {
                        float distance;
                        if (navg.IsValidConnection(p, node, out distance))
                            cons[node] = distance;

                    foreach (GraphNode g in cons.Keys)
                        p.Area = 0;
                        g.Area = 0;
                        p.AddConnection(g, (uint)cons[g]);
                        g.AddConnection(p, (uint)cons[g]);

                    //Debug.Log("Found " + cons.Count + " valid connections");
                    //Debug.Log("Scan time: " + (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - f));
            }, null));
        public static List <PointGraph> BuildPointGraph(Vector3[] vertices, int[] indices)
            List <PointGraph> list = new List <PointGraph>();

            // Pour chaque vertex, on cherche ses voisins
            for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++)
                PointGraph p = new PointGraph();
                p.neighbours = new List <int>();
                p.index      = i;

                // Pour chaque triangles
                for (int j = 0; j < indices.Length / 3; j++)
                    // si un des indices correspond à self
                    //if (vertices[indices[(j * 3)+0]] == vertices[i] || vertices[indices[(j * 3)+1]] == vertices[i] || vertices[indices[(j * 3)+2]] == vertices[i])
                    if (indices[(j * 3) + 0] == i || indices[(j * 3) + 1] == i || indices[(j * 3) + 2] == i)
                        // Pour les 3 points du triangle
                        for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
                            // Si c'est ni self ni déjà présent dans la liste on l'ajoute
                            //if (vertices[indices[(j * 3) + k]] != vertices[i] && !p.neighbours.Contains(indices[(j * 3) + k]))
                            if (indices[(j * 3) + k] != i && !p.neighbours.Contains(indices[(j * 3) + k]))
                                p.neighbours.Add(indices[(j * 3) + k]);

		public void DrawChildren (PointGraph graph, Transform tr) {
			foreach (Transform child in tr) {
				Gizmos.DrawCube (child.position,Vector3.one*HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(child.position)*0.1F);
				if (graph.recursive) DrawChildren (graph, child);
Example #18
 public void Setup()
     _underlyingDirectedGraph = A.Fake <IDirectedGraph <IPoint, PointEquation> >();
     _pointUpdateSubscriber   = A.Fake <IPointUpdateSubscriber>();
     _pointGraph = new PointGraph(_underlyingDirectedGraph, _pointUpdateSubscriber);
    void Start()
        int startTime = Environment.TickCount;

        var objects     = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Obstacle");
        var objectCount = objects.Length;

        foreach (var obj in objects)
            Vector3 center      = obj.GetComponent <Collider>().bounds.center;
            Vector3 size        = obj.GetComponent <Collider>().bounds.size;
            Vector3 boundPoint1 = obj.GetComponent <Collider>().bounds.min;
            Vector3 boundPoint2 = obj.GetComponent <Collider>().bounds.max;

            Vector3[] boundPoints = new Vector3[] {
                new Vector3(boundPoint1.x - offset, boundPoint1.y - offset, boundPoint1.z - offset),
                new Vector3(boundPoint2.x + offset, boundPoint2.y + offset, boundPoint2.z + offset),
                new Vector3(boundPoint1.x - offset, boundPoint1.y - offset, boundPoint2.z + offset),
                new Vector3(boundPoint1.x - offset, boundPoint2.y + offset, boundPoint1.z - offset),
                new Vector3(boundPoint2.x + offset, boundPoint1.y - offset, boundPoint1.z - offset),
                new Vector3(boundPoint1.x - offset, boundPoint2.y + offset, boundPoint2.z + offset),
                new Vector3(boundPoint2.x + offset, boundPoint1.y - offset, boundPoint2.z + offset),
                new Vector3(boundPoint2.x + offset, boundPoint2.y + offset, boundPoint1.z - offset)

            foreach (Vector3 point in boundPoints)

                GameObject cube = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);
                cube.transform.localScale = new Vector3(.1f, .1f, .1f);
                cube.transform.position   = point;
                cube.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = Color.red;

        // Iterate through each point and try to connect to each other point

        bool[,] connectedGrid = new bool[points.Count, points.Count];

        int numedges = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
            Vector3 point = points[i];
            for (int j = 0; j < points.Count; j++)
                if (i == j)
                RaycastHit hit;
                if (Physics.Raycast(points[i], points[j] - points[i], out hit, Vector3.Distance(points[i], points[j])))
                    // Debug.DrawRay(points[i], points[j] - points[i] * hit.distance, Color.yellow, 100, false);
                    // Debug.Log("Did Hit");
                    connectedGrid[i, j] = false;
                    // Debug.DrawRay(points[i], points[j] - points[i], Color.cyan, 100, false);
                    connectedGrid[i, j] = true;
                    // Debug.Log("Did not Hit");
        int endTime = Environment.TickCount;

        Debug.Log(string.Format("Time to load: {0}", endTime - startTime));
        Debug.Log(String.Format("Num edges: {0}", numedges));

        PointGraph graph = new PointGraph();

        graph.initialize(points, connectedGrid);


        Astar astar = new Astar(graph);

        float[] floatorigin = new float[] { 0, 0, 0 };
        float[] floattarget = new float[] { 1, 1, 1 };

        startTime = Environment.TickCount;
        var answer = astar.search(floatorigin, floattarget);

        endTime = Environment.TickCount;
        Debug.Log(string.Format("Time to search: {0}", endTime - startTime));

        List <Vector3> vectorPath;

        if (answer == null)
            Debug.Log("ASTAR: No valid path");
            vectorPath = null;
            startTime  = Environment.TickCount;
            vectorPath = astar.PathToVectors();
            endTime    = Environment.TickCount;
            Debug.Log(string.Format("Time to convert to vector: {0}", endTime - startTime));

        foreach (Vector3 vec in vectorPath)
            // Debug.Log(vec.ToString());
            GameObject cube = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere);
            cube.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f);
            cube.transform.position   = vec;
            cube.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = Color.green;

        for (int i = 1; i < vectorPath.Count; i++)
            Debug.DrawRay(vectorPath[i], vectorPath[i - 1] - vectorPath[i], Color.green, 1000, false);
            //Vector3.Distance(vectorPath[i], vectorPath[i-1])

        Debug.Log(string.Format("StraightLineRatio: {0}", astar.StraightLineRatio()));
    void Start()
        int startTime = Environment.TickCount;

        var objects     = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Obstacle");
        var objectCount = objects.Length;

        foreach (var obj in objects)
            // Create bounding points for each obstacle

            Vector3 center = obj.GetComponent <Collider>().bounds.center;
            Vector3 size   = obj.GetComponent <Collider>().bounds.size;

            Vector3 boundPoint1 = obj.GetComponent <Collider>().bounds.min;
            Vector3 boundPoint2 = obj.GetComponent <Collider>().bounds.max;

            Vector3[] boundPoints = new Vector3[] {
                new Vector3(boundPoint1.x - offset, boundPoint1.y - offset, boundPoint1.z - offset),
                new Vector3(boundPoint2.x + offset, boundPoint2.y + offset, boundPoint2.z + offset),
                new Vector3(boundPoint1.x - offset, boundPoint1.y - offset, boundPoint2.z + offset),
                new Vector3(boundPoint1.x - offset, boundPoint2.y + offset, boundPoint1.z - offset),
                new Vector3(boundPoint2.x + offset, boundPoint1.y - offset, boundPoint1.z - offset),
                new Vector3(boundPoint1.x - offset, boundPoint2.y + offset, boundPoint2.z + offset),
                new Vector3(boundPoint2.x + offset, boundPoint1.y - offset, boundPoint2.z + offset),
                new Vector3(boundPoint2.x + offset, boundPoint2.y + offset, boundPoint1.z - offset)

            foreach (Vector3 point in boundPoints)

                // Show point with a red box
                GameObject cube = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);
                cube.transform.localScale = new Vector3(.1f, .1f, .1f);
                cube.transform.position   = point;
                cube.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = Color.red;

        /* Delauny triangulation
         * Defined as a set of tetrahedra with vertices in S such that the sphere defined by the set of
         * vertices of each tetrahedron does not contain any nodes in S
         * Steps:
         * 1. Create enclosing tetrahedron
         * 2. Add point from S
         * 3. Iterate through all spheres to check if the sphere contains the point
         *  3.1 If the sphere does not, keep the tetrahedron
         *  3.2 If it does, delete the tetrahedron and connect all points in the
         *      tetrahedron to the current point to create smaller terrahedra.
         * 4. Do this for all points in s.
         * Runtime:
         * Should run in O(n^5/3) for 3d but not sure how they check if points are in stuff etc.

        // Bounding tetrahedron points
        Vector3 point5 = new Vector3(11, 620, 15);
        Vector3 point6 = new Vector3(-512, -115, 340);
        Vector3 point7 = new Vector3(4, -115, -495);
        Vector3 point8 = new Vector3(544, -115, 340);

        List <Vector3> tetbounding = new List <Vector3>();


        // Create initial tetrahedron
        var initialtet = new Tetrahedron(point5, point6, point7, point8);

        // initialtet.display();

        List <Tetrahedron> tetrahedra = new List <Tetrahedron>();

        List <Tetrahedron> badTetrahedra = new List <Tetrahedron>();


        int c = 0;

        // Sorting points dramatically reduces runtime
        points.Sort((a, b) => a[0].CompareTo(b[0]));

        foreach (Vector3 p in points)
            // Iterate through points adding one at a time


            Debug.Log("Starting first tetrahedron");

            foreach (Tetrahedron tet in tetrahedra)
                if (tet.contains(p))
                    // Debug.Log("Found bad tetrahedron");

            Debug.Log(String.Format("Number of bad tetrahedra: {0}", badTetrahedra.Count));

            List <Face> faces = new List <Face>();

            foreach (Tetrahedron tet in badTetrahedra)
                // Need to add triangle face which is not shared by any other tetrahedron
                var tetfaces = tet.faces();

                // Add all faces
                foreach (Face face in tetfaces)

            // Check how many instances of a face there are and remove all if there is more than 1
            List <Face> newfaces = new List <Face>();
            foreach (Face face in faces)
                int num = 0;
                foreach (Face newface in faces)
                    if (newface.equals(face))
                if (num == 1)

            Debug.Log(String.Format("Number of faces: {0}", newfaces.Count));

            foreach (Face face in newfaces)
                // Create a new tetrahedron using this face and the test point
                var newtet = new Tetrahedron(p, face.vertices[0], face.vertices[1], face.vertices[2]);
                // Debug.Log("Created new tetrahedron");

            foreach (Tetrahedron tet in badTetrahedra)
                // Want to remove that tetrahedron and create new ones to fill space

            Debug.Log("Ending first tetrahedron");


        // Delete tetrahedra which have one of the bounding vertices

        List <Tetrahedron> filteredTetrahedra = new List <Tetrahedron>();

        foreach (Tetrahedron tet in tetrahedra)
            if (!(tet.hasPoint(point5) || tet.hasPoint(point6) || tet.hasPoint(point7) || tet.hasPoint(point8)))

        int endTime = Environment.TickCount;

        Debug.Log(string.Format("Time to load: {0}", endTime - startTime));

        // foreach(Tetrahedron tet in filteredTetrahedra){
        //     tet.display();
        // }

        Debug.Log(String.Format("Number of tetrahedra: {0}", filteredTetrahedra.Count));

        foreach (Vector3 a in points)
            GameObject cube = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);
            cube.transform.localScale = new Vector3(.1f, .1f, .1f);
            cube.transform.position   = a;
            cube.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = Color.red;

        foreach (Vector3 a in tetbounding)
            GameObject cube = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);
            cube.transform.localScale = new Vector3(.1f, .1f, .1f);
            cube.transform.position   = a;
            cube.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = Color.green;

        // Create a point graph that describes whether each point is connected to another point

        bool[,] connectedGrid = new bool[points.Count, points.Count];

        // Create a dictionary which maps a vector3 to an integer representing its place in points
        Dictionary <Vector3, int> positionmap = new Dictionary <Vector3, int>();

        for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
            positionmap.Add(points[i], i);

        int numedges = 0;
        int attempts = 0;

        foreach (Tetrahedron tet in filteredTetrahedra)
            List <Vector3> vertices = tet.vertices;

            // For each pair of points see if the line hits an obstacle
            for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Count; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < vertices.Count; j++)
                    if (i == j)

                    RaycastHit hit;
                    if (Physics.Raycast(vertices[i], vertices[j] - vertices[i], out hit, Vector3.Distance(vertices[i], vertices[j])))
                        // Debug.DrawLine(vertices[i], vertices[j], Color.red, 100000, false);
                        // Debug.Log("Did Hit");
                        connectedGrid[positionmap[vertices[i]], positionmap[vertices[j]]] = false;
                        // Debug.DrawRay(vertices[i], vertices[j] - vertices[i], Color.white, 100000, false);
                        // connectedGrid[i, j] = true;
                        connectedGrid[positionmap[vertices[i]], positionmap[vertices[j]]] = true;
                        // Debug.Log("Did not Hit");

        for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < points.Count; j++)
                if (connectedGrid[i, j])

        Debug.Log(String.Format("Number of edges: {0}", numedges / 2));
        Debug.Log(String.Format("Attempts: {0}", attempts));

        PointGraph graph = new PointGraph();

        graph.initialize(points, connectedGrid);


        Astar astar = new Astar(graph);

        float[] floatorigin = new float[] { 0, 0, 0 };
        float[] floattarget = new float[] { 1, 1, 1 };

        startTime = Environment.TickCount;
        var answer = astar.search(floatorigin, floattarget);

        endTime = Environment.TickCount;
        Debug.Log(string.Format("Time to search: {0}", endTime - startTime));

        List <Vector3> vectorPath;

        if (answer == null)
            Debug.Log("ASTAR: No valid path");
            vectorPath = null;
            startTime  = Environment.TickCount;
            vectorPath = astar.PathToVectors();
            endTime    = Environment.TickCount;
            Debug.Log(string.Format("Time to convert to vector: {0}", endTime - startTime));

        foreach (Vector3 vec in vectorPath)
            // Debug.Log(vec.ToString());
            GameObject cube = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere);
            cube.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f);
            cube.transform.position   = vec;
            cube.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = Color.green;

        for (int i = 1; i < vectorPath.Count; i++)
            Debug.DrawRay(vectorPath[i], vectorPath[i - 1] - vectorPath[i], Color.green, 1000, false);
            //Vector3.Distance(vectorPath[i], vectorPath[i-1])

        Debug.Log(string.Format("StraightLineRatio: {0}", astar.StraightLineRatio()));