Example #1
        public void Test_RayRectangleIntersect_FromTop_Hit()
            Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, 21, 21);

            Point2Df rayPos;
            Point2Df rayStep;

            Geometry.RayIntersection res;

            // Vertical cases
            rayStep = new Point2Df(0, 1);

            rayPos = new Point2Df(0, -10);

            // Horizontal step, intersect along top edge
            res = Geometry.RayRectangleIntersect(rayPos, rayStep, rect);

            Assert.IsNotNull(res, "Ray should have intersected rectangle");
            Assert.AreEqual(10, res.StepsToEntry, "Incorrect steps to entry");
            Assert.AreEqual(30, res.StepsToExit, "Incorrect steps to exit");

            rayPos = new Point2Df(20, -10);

            // Horizontal step, intersect along bottom edge
            res = Geometry.RayRectangleIntersect(rayPos, rayStep, rect);

            Assert.IsNotNull(res, "Ray should have intersected rectangle");
            Assert.AreEqual(10, res.StepsToEntry, "Incorrect steps to entry");
            Assert.AreEqual(30, res.StepsToExit, "Incorrect steps to exit");

            rayPos = new Point2Df(10, -10);

            // Horizontal step, intersect through middle
            res = Geometry.RayRectangleIntersect(rayPos, rayStep, rect);

            Assert.IsNotNull(res, "Ray should have intersected rectangle");
            Assert.AreEqual(10, res.StepsToEntry, "Incorrect steps to entry");
            Assert.AreEqual(30, res.StepsToExit, "Incorrect steps to exit");

            // Q1: In left, out top
            rayStep = new Point2Df(0.5, 1);
            res     = Geometry.RayRectangleIntersect(rayPos, rayStep, rect);

            Assert.IsNotNull(res, "Ray should have intersected rectangle");
            Assert.AreEqual(10, res.StepsToEntry, "Incorrect steps to entry");
            Assert.AreEqual(20, res.StepsToExit, "Incorrect steps to exit");

            // Q1: In left, out right
            rayStep = new Point2Df(0.25, 1);
            res     = Geometry.RayRectangleIntersect(rayPos, rayStep, rect);

            Assert.IsNotNull(res, "Ray should have intersected rectangle");
            Assert.AreEqual(10, res.StepsToEntry, "Incorrect steps to entry");
            Assert.AreEqual(30, res.StepsToExit, "Incorrect steps to exit");

            // Q4: In left, out right
            rayStep = new Point2Df(-0.25, 1);
            res     = Geometry.RayRectangleIntersect(rayPos, rayStep, rect);

            Assert.IsNotNull(res, "Ray should have intersected rectangle");
            Assert.AreEqual(10, res.StepsToEntry, "Incorrect steps to entry");
            Assert.AreEqual(30, res.StepsToExit, "Incorrect steps to exit");

            // Q4: in left, out bottom
            rayStep = new Point2Df(-0.5, 1);
            res     = Geometry.RayRectangleIntersect(rayPos, rayStep, rect);

            Assert.IsNotNull(res, "Ray should have intersected rectangle");
            Assert.AreEqual(10, res.StepsToEntry, "Incorrect steps to entry");
            Assert.AreEqual(20, res.StepsToExit, "Incorrect steps to exit");

            // Q1: Hit top left corner
            rayStep = new Point2Df(1, 1);
            res     = Geometry.RayRectangleIntersect(rayPos, rayStep, rect);

            Assert.IsNotNull(res, "Ray should have intersected rectangle");
            Assert.AreEqual(10, res.StepsToEntry, "Incorrect steps to entry");
            Assert.AreEqual(10, res.StepsToExit, "Incorrect steps to exit");

            // Q4: Hit bottom left corner
            rayStep = new Point2Df(-1, 1);
            res     = Geometry.RayRectangleIntersect(rayPos, rayStep, rect);

            Assert.IsNotNull(res, "Ray should have intersected rectangle");
            Assert.AreEqual(10, res.StepsToEntry, "Incorrect steps to entry");
            Assert.AreEqual(10, res.StepsToExit, "Incorrect steps to exit");

            rayPos = new Point2Df(10, -5);

            // Q1: In left, out top right
            rayStep = new Point2Df(1, 2.5);
            res     = Geometry.RayRectangleIntersect(rayPos, rayStep, rect);

            Assert.IsNotNull(res, "Ray should have intersected rectangle");
            Assert.AreEqual(2, res.StepsToEntry, "Incorrect steps to entry");
            Assert.AreEqual(10, res.StepsToExit, "Incorrect steps to exit");

            // Q4: In left, out bottom right
            rayStep = new Point2Df(-1, 2.5);
            res     = Geometry.RayRectangleIntersect(rayPos, rayStep, rect);

            Assert.IsNotNull(res, "Ray should have intersected rectangle");
            Assert.AreEqual(2, res.StepsToEntry, "Incorrect steps to entry");
            Assert.AreEqual(10, res.StepsToExit, "Incorrect steps to exit");
Example #2
        public void Test_RayRectangleIntersect_FromTopRight_Miss()
            Rectangle rect   = new Rectangle(0, 0, 21, 21);
            Point2Df  rayPos = new Point2Df(30, -10);

            Point2Df rayStep;

            Geometry.RayIntersection res;

            // Q2: Up, left
            rayStep = new Point2Df(-1, -1);
            res     = Geometry.RayRectangleIntersect(rayPos, rayStep, rect);

            Assert.IsNull(res, "Ray should not have intersected the rectangle");

            // Up
            rayStep = new Point2Df(0, -1);
            res     = Geometry.RayRectangleIntersect(rayPos, rayStep, rect);

            Assert.IsNull(res, "Ray should not have intersected the rectangle");

            // Q1: Up, Right
            rayStep = new Point2Df(1, -1);
            res     = Geometry.RayRectangleIntersect(rayPos, rayStep, rect);

            Assert.IsNull(res, "Ray should not have intersected the rectangle");

            // Right
            rayStep = new Point2Df(1, 0);
            res     = Geometry.RayRectangleIntersect(rayPos, rayStep, rect);

            Assert.IsNull(res, "Ray should not have intersected the rectangle");

            // Q1: Down, Right
            rayStep = new Point2Df(1, 1);
            res     = Geometry.RayRectangleIntersect(rayPos, rayStep, rect);

            Assert.IsNull(res, "Ray should not have intersected the rectangle");

            // Down
            rayStep = new Point2Df(0, 1);
            res     = Geometry.RayRectangleIntersect(rayPos, rayStep, rect);

            Assert.IsNull(res, "Ray should not have intersected the rectangle");

            // Q3: Miss below
            rayStep = new Point2Df(-1, 4);
            res     = Geometry.RayRectangleIntersect(rayPos, rayStep, rect);

            Assert.IsNull(res, "Ray should not have intersected the rectangle");

            // Q3: Miss above
            rayStep = new Point2Df(-4, 1);
            res     = Geometry.RayRectangleIntersect(rayPos, rayStep, rect);

            Assert.IsNull(res, "Ray should not have intersected the rectangle");

            // Left
            rayStep = new Point2Df(-1, 0);
            res     = Geometry.RayRectangleIntersect(rayPos, rayStep, rect);

            Assert.IsNull(res, "Ray should not have intersected the rectangle");
Example #3
        public void Test_RayRectangleIntersect_FromTopRight_Hit()
            Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, 21, 21);

            Point2Df rayPos;
            Point2Df rayStep;

            Geometry.RayIntersection res;

            rayPos = new Point2Df(25, -10);

            // Q4: In top, out left
            rayStep = new Point2Df(-1, 1);
            res     = Geometry.RayRectangleIntersect(rayPos, rayStep, rect);

            Assert.IsNotNull(res, "Ray should have intersected rectangle");
            Assert.AreEqual(10, res.StepsToEntry, "Incorrect steps to entry");
            Assert.AreEqual(25, res.StepsToExit, "Incorrect steps to exit");

            // Q4: In top, out bottom
            rayStep = new Point2Df(-0.75, 1);
            res     = Geometry.RayRectangleIntersect(rayPos, rayStep, rect);

            Assert.IsNotNull(res, "Ray should have intersected rectangle");
            Assert.AreEqual(10, res.StepsToEntry, "Incorrect steps to entry");
            Assert.AreEqual(30, res.StepsToExit, "Incorrect steps to exit");

            // Q4: In top, out bottom left
            rayStep = new Point2Df(-2.5 / 3, 1);
            res     = Geometry.RayRectangleIntersect(rayPos, rayStep, rect);

            Assert.IsNotNull(res, "Ray should have intersected rectangle");
            Assert.AreEqual(10, res.StepsToEntry, "Incorrect steps to entry");
            Assert.AreEqual(30, res.StepsToExit, "Incorrect steps to exit");

            // Q4: In top right, out bottom
            rayStep = new Point2Df(-0.5, 1);
            res     = Geometry.RayRectangleIntersect(rayPos, rayStep, rect);

            Assert.IsNotNull(res, "Ray should have intersected rectangle");
            Assert.AreEqual(10, res.StepsToEntry, "Incorrect steps to entry");
            Assert.AreEqual(30, res.StepsToExit, "Incorrect steps to exit");

            rayPos = new Point2Df(30, -5);

            // Q4: In right, out bottom
            rayStep = new Point2Df(-1, 1);
            res     = Geometry.RayRectangleIntersect(rayPos, rayStep, rect);

            Assert.IsNotNull(res, "Ray should have intersected rectangle");
            Assert.AreEqual(10, res.StepsToEntry, "Incorrect steps to entry");
            Assert.AreEqual(25, res.StepsToExit, "Incorrect steps to exit");

            // Q4: In right, out left
            rayStep = new Point2Df(-1, 0.75);
            res     = Geometry.RayRectangleIntersect(rayPos, rayStep, rect);

            Assert.IsNotNull(res, "Ray should have intersected rectangle");
            Assert.AreEqual(10, res.StepsToEntry, "Incorrect steps to entry");
            Assert.AreEqual(30, res.StepsToExit, "Incorrect steps to exit");

            // Q4: In right, out bottom left
            rayStep = new Point2Df(-1, 2.5 / 3);
            res     = Geometry.RayRectangleIntersect(rayPos, rayStep, rect);

            Assert.IsNotNull(res, "Ray should have intersected rectangle");
            Assert.AreEqual(10, res.StepsToEntry, "Incorrect steps to entry");
            Assert.AreEqual(30, res.StepsToExit, "Incorrect steps to exit");

            // Q4: In top right, out left
            rayStep = new Point2Df(-1, 0.5);
            res     = Geometry.RayRectangleIntersect(rayPos, rayStep, rect);

            Assert.IsNotNull(res, "Ray should have intersected rectangle");
            Assert.AreEqual(10, res.StepsToEntry, "Incorrect steps to entry");
            Assert.AreEqual(30, res.StepsToExit, "Incorrect steps to exit");

            rayPos = new Point2Df(30, -10);

            // Q4: In top right, out bottom left
            rayStep = new Point2Df(-1, 1);
            res     = Geometry.RayRectangleIntersect(rayPos, rayStep, rect);

            Assert.IsNotNull(res, "Ray should have intersected rectangle");
            Assert.AreEqual(10, res.StepsToEntry, "Incorrect steps to entry");
            Assert.AreEqual(30, res.StepsToExit, "Incorrect steps to exit");

            // Q4: Hit top left corner
            rayStep = new Point2Df(-3, 1);
            res     = Geometry.RayRectangleIntersect(rayPos, rayStep, rect);

            Assert.IsNotNull(res, "Ray should have intersected rectangle");
            Assert.AreEqual(10, res.StepsToEntry, "Incorrect steps to entry");
            Assert.AreEqual(10, res.StepsToExit, "Incorrect steps to exit");

            // Q4: Hit bottom right corner
            rayStep = new Point2Df(-1, 3);
            res     = Geometry.RayRectangleIntersect(rayPos, rayStep, rect);

            Assert.IsNotNull(res, "Ray should have intersected rectangle");
            Assert.AreEqual(10, res.StepsToEntry, "Incorrect steps to entry");
            Assert.AreEqual(10, res.StepsToExit, "Incorrect steps to exit");
Example #4
        public NaturalPipeline(IComponentManager xpcfComponentManager) : base(xpcfComponentManager)
            imageViewerKeypoints = Create <IImageViewer>("SolARImageViewerOpencv", "keypoints");
            imageViewerResult    = Create <IImageViewer>("SolARImageViewerOpencv");
            marker               = Create <IMarker2DNaturalImage>("SolARMarker2DNaturalImageOpencv");
            kpDetector           = Create <IKeypointDetector>("SolARKeypointDetectorOpencv");
            kpDetectorRegion     = Create <IKeypointDetectorRegion>("SolARKeypointDetectorRegionOpencv");
            descriptorExtractor  = Create <IDescriptorsExtractor>("SolARDescriptorsExtractorAKAZE2Opencv");
            matcher              = Create <IDescriptorMatcher>("SolARDescriptorMatcherKNNOpencv");
            geomMatchesFilter    = Create <IMatchesFilter>("SolARGeometricMatchesFilterOpencv");
            poseEstimationPlanar = Create <I3DTransformSACFinderFrom2D3D>("SolARPoseEstimationPlanarPointsOpencv");
            opticalFlow          = Create <IOpticalFlowEstimator>("SolAROpticalFlowPyrLKOpencv");
            projection           = Create <IProject>("SolARProjectOpencv");
            unprojection         = Create <IUnproject>("SolARUnprojectPlanarPointsOpencv");
            img_mapper           = Create <IImage2WorldMapper>("SolARImage2WorldMapper4Marker2D");
            basicMatchesFilter   = Create <IMatchesFilter>("SolARBasicMatchesFilter");
            keypointsReindexer   = Create <IKeypointsReIndexer>("SolARKeypointsReIndexer");
            overlay3DComponent   = Create <I3DOverlay>("SolAR3DOverlayOpencv");
            /* in dynamic mode, we need to check that components are well created*/
            /* this is needed in dynamic mode */
            if (new object[] { imageViewerKeypoints, imageViewerResult, marker, kpDetector, kpDetectorRegion, descriptorExtractor, matcher,
                               geomMatchesFilter, poseEstimationPlanar, opticalFlow, projection, unprojection, img_mapper,
                               basicMatchesFilter, keypointsReindexer, overlay3DComponent }.Contains(null))
                LOG_ERROR("One or more component creations have failed");
            LOG_INFO("All components have been created");

            // Declare data structures used to exchange information between components
            refImage         = SharedPtr.Alloc <Image>().AddTo(subscriptions);
            previousCamImage = SharedPtr.Alloc <Image>().AddTo(subscriptions);

            //kpImageCam = SharedPtr.Alloc<Image>().AddTo(subscriptions);
            refDescriptors = SharedPtr.Alloc <DescriptorBuffer>().AddTo(subscriptions);
            camDescriptors = SharedPtr.Alloc <DescriptorBuffer>().AddTo(subscriptions);
            matches        = new DescriptorMatchVector().AddTo(subscriptions);

            // where to store detected keypoints in ref image and camera image
            refKeypoints = new KeypointArray().AddTo(subscriptions);
            camKeypoints = new KeypointArray().AddTo(subscriptions);

            markerWorldCorners = new Point3DfArray().AddTo(subscriptions);

            // load marker

            // detect keypoints in reference image
            kpDetector.detect(refImage, refKeypoints);

            // extract descriptors in reference image
            descriptorExtractor.extract(refImage, refKeypoints, refDescriptors);

            // initialize image mapper with the reference image size and marker size
            var img_mapper_config = img_mapper.BindTo <IConfigurable>().AddTo(subscriptions);
            var refSize           = refImage.getSize();
            var mkSize            = marker.getSize();


            // vector of 4 corners in the marker
            refImgCorners = new Point2DfArray();
            float    w = refImage.getWidth(), h = refImage.getHeight();
            Point2Df corner0 = new Point2Df(0, 0);
            Point2Df corner1 = new Point2Df(w, 0);
            Point2Df corner2 = new Point2Df(w, h);
            Point2Df corner3 = new Point2Df(0, h);
