Example #1
        public void GetSiteTagsWithPages()
            // 1. Create random page
            // 2. Generate a random tag and attach it to page
            // (3) Assert tag exists with correct tag and page IDs
            // 4. Delete the page

            Plug         p         = Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin();
            string       page_id   = null;
            string       page_path = null;
            DreamMessage msg       = PageUtils.CreateRandomPage(p, out page_id, out page_path);

            Guid guid = Guid.NewGuid();

            XDoc tagsDoc = new XDoc("tags")
                           .Start("tag").Attr("value", guid.ToString()).End();

            msg = p.At("pages", page_id, "tags").Put(tagsDoc);
            Assert.IsTrue(msg.Status == DreamStatus.Ok, "PUT request failed");

            uint tag_id = msg.ToDocument()["tag/@id"].AsUInt ?? 0;

            msg = p.At("site", "tags").With("pages", true).Get();

            Assert.IsTrue(msg.Status == DreamStatus.Ok, "GET request failed");
            Assert.IsFalse(msg.ToDocument()[string.Format("tag[@id=\"{0}\"]/pages/page[@id=\"{1}\"]", tag_id, page_id)].IsEmpty, "Tag with specified tag/page ID does not exist!");

            PageUtils.DeletePageByID(p, page_id, true);
Example #2
        public void CheckDescription()
            // GET:pages/{pageid}/files/{filename}/description
            // http://developer.mindtouch.com/Deki/API_Reference/GET%3apages%2f%2f%7bpageid%7d%2f%2ffiles%2f%2f%7bfilename%7d%2f%2fdescription

            Plug p = Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin();

            string       id  = null;
            DreamMessage msg = PageUtils.CreateRandomPage(p, out id);

            string description = "File description text";
            string fileid      = null;
            string filename    = null;

            FileUtils.UploadRandomFile(p, id, null, description, out fileid, out filename);

            msg = p.At("pages", id, "files", "=" + filename, "description").Get();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status);
            Assert.IsTrue(msg.AsText() == description);

            // GET:files/{fileid}/description
            // http://developer.mindtouch.com/Deki/API_Reference/GET%3afiles%2f%2f%7bfileid%7d%2f%2fdescription

            msg = p.At("files", fileid, "description").Get();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status);
            Assert.IsTrue(msg.AsText() == description);

            PageUtils.DeletePageByID(p, id, true);
Example #3
        public void RatePageInvalidScore()
            // Build ADMIN plug
            Plug p = Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin();

            // Create a random page
            string       id   = null;
            string       path = null;
            DreamMessage msg  = PageUtils.CreateRandomPage(p, out id, out path);

            // Attempt to rate a page without the query parameter 'score'
            msg = p.At("pages", id, "ratings").PostAsync().Wait();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.BadRequest, msg.Status, "Page rating did not return 400: " + msg.ToString());

            // Attempt to rate page a '2' and assert a 'Bad Request' HTTP response is returned
            msg = p.At("pages", id, "ratings").With("score", 2).PostAsync().Wait();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.BadRequest, msg.Status, "Page rating did not return 400: " + msg.ToString());

            // Attempt to rate page a '0.5' and assert a 'Bad Request' HTTP response is returned
            msg = p.At("pages", id, "ratings").With("score", 0.5).PostAsync().Wait();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.BadRequest, msg.Status, "Page rating did not return 400: " + msg.ToString());

            // Delete the page
            PageUtils.DeletePageByID(p, id, true);
Example #4
        public void ContentNewUser_PointsToInvalidPage_DefaultUserPageContents()
            // Log in as ADMIN
            Plug p = Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin();

            // Add content/new-user key to point to some bogus page
            SiteUtils.AddConfigKey(p, "content/new-user", Utils.GenerateUniqueName());

            // Create a user
            string userid;
            string username;

            UserUtils.CreateRandomContributor(p, out userid, out username);

            // Retrieve user page contents
            DreamMessage msg = p.At("pages", "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode("User:"******"contents").Get(new Result <DreamMessage>()).Wait();

            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status, "Failed to retrieve user page contents");
            string content = msg.ToDocument()["body"].AsText ?? String.Empty;

            // Retrieve default new user page content from resources
            string resource = "MindTouch.Templates.userwelcome.visitor";

            msg = p.At("site", "localization").With("resource", resource).Get(new Result <DreamMessage>()).Wait();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status, "Unable to retrieve resource for string: " + resource);
            string expectedContent = "<p>" + msg.AsText() + "</p>" ?? String.Empty;

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedContent, content, "Unexpected contents");
Example #5
        public void UploadFileWithConfigExtension()
            // Acquire ADMIN permissions
            Plug p = Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin();

            // Create a random page
            string       id   = null;
            string       path = null;
            DreamMessage msg  = PageUtils.CreateRandomPage(p, out id, out path);

            // Create a file with random content and a .config extension
            byte[] content  = FileUtils.GenerateRandomContent();
            string fileid   = null;
            string filename = System.IO.Path.GetTempPath() + "/=file" + Utils.GenerateUniqueName() + ".config";

            FileUtils.CreateFile(content, filename);

            // Upload the file and assert it uploaded successfully
            msg = FileUtils.UploadFile(p, id, string.Empty, out fileid, filename);
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status, "File upload failed!");

            // Assert uploaded file has only 1 revision
            msg = p.At("pages", id, "files").Get();
            Assert.AreEqual(1, msg.ToDocument()["file/revisions/@count"].AsInt, "File revision count does not equal 1!");

            // Retrieve file, assert retrieval is successful, and assert retrieved content matches generated content
            msg = p.At("files", fileid).Get();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status, "File retrieval failed!");
            Assert.IsTrue(Utils.ByteArraysAreEqual(content, msg.AsBytes()), "Retrieved content does not match generated content!");

            // Delete the page
            PageUtils.DeletePageByID(p, id, true);
Example #6
        public void Multiple_tags_on_single_page_point_to_their_respective_define_tags()
            // Arrange
            Plug         p           = Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin();
            string       defineA     = null;
            string       defineAPath = null;
            DreamMessage msg         = PageUtils.CreateRandomPage(p, out defineA, out defineAPath);
            var          tagA        = "tagA-" + StringUtil.CreateAlphaNumericKey(8);

            msg = p.At("pages", defineA, "tags").Put(new XDoc("tags").Start("tag").Attr("value", "define:" + tagA).End());
            string defineB     = null;
            string defineBPath = null;

            msg = PageUtils.CreateRandomPage(p, out defineB, out defineBPath);
            var tagB = "tabB-" + StringUtil.CreateAlphaNumericKey(8);

            msg = p.At("pages", defineB, "tags").Put(new XDoc("tags").Start("tag").Attr("value", "define:" + tagB).End());
            string links = null;

            msg = PageUtils.CreateRandomPage(p, out links);
            msg = p.At("pages", links, "tags").Put(
                new XDoc("tags")
                .Start("tag").Attr("value", tagA).End()
                .Start("tag").Attr("value", tagB).End()

            // Act
            msg = p.At("pages", links, "tags").Get();
            var tags = msg.ToDocument();

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual("/" + defineAPath, tags[string.Format("tag[@value='{0}']/uri", tagA)].AsUri.Path, "first define tab is pointing at wrong page");
            Assert.AreEqual("/" + defineBPath, tags[string.Format("tag[@value='{0}']/uri", tagB)].AsUri.Path, "second define tab is pointing at wrong page");
Example #7
        public void GetComment()
            // GET:pages/{pageid}/comments/{commentnumber}/content
            // http://developer.mindtouch.com/Deki/API_Reference/GET%3apages%2f%2f%7bpageid%7d%2f%2fcomments%2f%2f%7bcommentnumber%7d%2f%2fcontent

            Plug p = Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin();

            string       id  = null;
            DreamMessage msg = PageUtils.CreateRandomPage(p, out id);

            string       content = Utils.GetSmallRandomText();
            DreamMessage postMsg = DreamMessage.Ok(MimeType.TEXT_UTF8, content);

            msg = p.At("pages", id, "comments").Post(postMsg);
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status);
            string commentId = msg.ToDocument()["@id"].AsText;

            Assert.IsTrue(msg.ToDocument()["content"].AsText == content);

            msg = p.At("pages", id, "comments", "1", "content").Get();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status);
            Assert.IsTrue(msg.AsText() == content);

            // GET:pages/{pageid}/comments/{commentnumber}
            // http://developer.mindtouch.com/Deki/API_Reference/GET%3apages%2f%2f%7bpageid%7d%2f%2fcomments%2f%2f%7bcommentnumber%7d

            msg = p.At("pages", id, "comments", "1").Get();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status);
            Assert.IsTrue(msg.ToDocument()["@id"].AsText == commentId);
            Assert.IsTrue(msg.ToDocument()["content"].AsText == content);

            PageUtils.DeletePageByID(p, id, true);
Example #8
        public void TestRestoreTwoTimes()
            // create new page
            // delete page
            // restore page
            // restore page second time
            //Expected result:
            // not found

            Plug p = Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin();

            string       id  = null;
            DreamMessage msg = PageUtils.CreateRandomPage(p, out id);

            PageUtils.DeletePageByID(p, id, false);

                msg = p.At("archive", "pages", id, "restore").Post();
                Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status);

                msg = p.At("archive", "pages", id, "restore").Post();
            catch (DreamResponseException ex)
                Assert.IsTrue(ex.Response.Status == DreamStatus.NotFound);
Example #9
        public void PageCreate_NameDoesNotEqualTitle_Unlinked()
            // Log in as ADMIN
            Plug p = Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin();

            // Create a page where name != title
            string       path = PageUtils.GenerateUniquePageName();
            DreamMessage msg  = p.At("pages", "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode(path), "contents")
                                .With("title", "unique title")
                                .PostAsync(DreamMessage.Ok(MimeType.TEXT_UTF8, "Linked test")).Wait();

            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status, "Page creation failed!");

            // Retrieve the page
            msg = p.At("pages", "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode(path)).GetAsync().Wait();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status, "Page retrieval failed!");

            // Check that the page is unlinked (i.e. path/@type attribute == custom)
            string type = msg.ToDocument()["path/@type"].AsText;

            Assert.AreEqual("custom", type, "Page is unlinked!");

            // Delete the page
            PageUtils.DeletePageByName(p, path, true);
Example #10
        public void PutFileProperties()
            Plug p = Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin();

            string       id   = null;
            string       path = null;
            DreamMessage msg  = PageUtils.CreateRandomPage(p, out id, out path);

            string propertyContent = Utils.GetSmallRandomText();
            string propertyName    = Utils.GenerateUniqueName();

            string fileid = null;

            msg = FileUtils.UploadRandomFile(p, id, out fileid);

            msg = p.At("files", fileid, "properties").WithHeader("Slug", XUri.Encode(propertyName)).PostAsync(DreamMessage.Ok(MimeType.TEXT_UTF8, propertyContent)).Wait();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status);
            Assert.AreEqual(msg.ToDocument()["/property/contents"].AsText, propertyContent, "Contents don't match!");

            msg = p.At("files", fileid, "properties", propertyName).GetAsync().Wait();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status, "Non 200 status on get:property content: " + msg.ToString());
            Assert.AreEqual(propertyContent, msg.AsText(), "Contents don't match!");

            PageUtils.DeletePageByID(p, id, true);
Example #11
        public void TestRestoreWithFile()
            // create new page
            // upload random file to the page
            // delete page
            // restore page
            //Expected result:
            // page has file

            Plug p = Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin();

            string       id  = null;
            DreamMessage msg = PageUtils.CreateRandomPage(p, out id);

            string fileid = null;

            msg = FileUtils.UploadRandomFile(p, id, out fileid);

            PageUtils.DeletePageByID(p, id, false);

            msg = p.At("archive", "pages", id, "restore").Post();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status);

            msg = p.At("pages", id).Get();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status);
            Assert.IsTrue(msg.ToDocument()["files/file/@id"].AsText == fileid);
Example #12
        public void PutPagePropertiesXml()
            Plug p = Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin();

            string       id   = null;
            string       path = null;
            DreamMessage msg  = PageUtils.CreateRandomPage(p, out id, out path);

            var propertyContent = new XDoc("foo").Start("someelement").Attr("justanattribute", true).End();
            var propXml         = new XDoc("properties")
                                  .Start("property").Attr("name", "foo")
                                  .Start("contents").Attr("type", MimeType.XML.ToString())
                                  .Value(propertyContent) // the xml content is not escaped!
                                  .Elem("description", "whattup")

            msg = p.At("pages", id, "properties").PutAsync(DreamMessage.Ok(propXml)).Wait();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status);
            msg = p.At("pages", id, "properties", "foo").GetAsync().Wait();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status);
            Assert.AreEqual(propertyContent.ToPrettyString(), msg.ToDocument().ToPrettyString(), "Contents don't match!");

            PageUtils.DeletePageByID(p, id, true);
Example #13
        public void PropGetContentPreviewsPositive()
            Plug         p            = Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin();
            string       id           = null;
            string       path         = null;
            DreamMessage msg          = PageUtils.CreateRandomPage(p, out id, out path);
            int          NUMPROPS     = 5;
            XDoc         doc          = new XDoc("properties");
            string       contentLong  = Utils.GetRandomTextByAlphabet(5000);
            string       contentShort = "Some content";
            string       descTemplate = "Soem description {0}";

            //Short content
            doc.Start("property").Attr("name", "prop_short")
            .Start("contents").Attr("type", MimeType.TEXT.ToString())

            //Long content
            doc.Start("property").Attr("name", "prop_long")
            .Start("contents").Attr("type", MimeType.TEXT.ToString())

            msg = p.At("pages", id, "properties").PutAsync(DreamMessage.Ok(doc)).Wait();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status, "put batch property returned non 200 status: " + msg.ToString());

            msg = p.At("pages", id, "properties").GetAsync(DreamMessage.Ok()).Wait();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status, "get properties returned non 200 status: " + msg.ToString());
Example #14
        public void SaveGetPageProperty()
            Plug p = Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin();

            string       id   = null;
            string       path = null;
            DreamMessage msg  = PageUtils.CreateRandomPage(p, out id, out path);

            string content = Utils.GetSmallRandomText();

            //NOTE: PUT: resource/{properties}/{key} is allowing property creation. Creating properties this way is undocumented and not recommended but was added for import/export
            //Test property creation via PUT
            //msg = p.At("pages", id, "properties", "foo").PutAsync(DreamMessage.Ok(MimeType.TEXT, content)).Wait();
            //Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Conflict, msg.Status);

            msg = p.At("pages", id, "properties").WithHeader("Slug", XUri.Encode("foo")).PostAsync(DreamMessage.Ok(MimeType.TEXT_UTF8, content)).Wait();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status, "post properties returned non 200 status: " + msg.ToString());

            //TODO: validate response XML for 200's
            msg = p.At("pages", id, "properties", "foo", "info").GetAsync().Wait();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status, "get property returned non 200 status: " + msg.ToString());
            Assert.AreEqual(content, msg.ToDocument()["/property[@name= 'foo']/contents"].AsText, "Contents don't match!");

            XUri contentsUri = msg.ToDocument()["/property[@name = 'foo']/contents/@href"].AsUri;

            Assert.IsTrue(contentsUri != null, "Couldn't find content href");
            Plug p2 = Plug.New(contentsUri).WithTimeout(p.Timeout).WithHeaders(p.Headers).WithCredentials(p.Credentials);

            msg = p2.GetAsync().Wait();
            Assert.IsTrue(msg.Status == DreamStatus.Ok, "get property contents by uri didnt return status 200: " + msg.ToString());
            Assert.IsTrue(msg.ContentType.Match(MimeType.TEXT), "get property content type didnt match: " + msg.ToString());
            Assert.IsTrue(msg.AsText() == content, "get property content didnt match: " + msg.ToString());
Example #15
        public void GetSubpages()
            // GET:pages/{pageid}/subpages
            // http://developer.mindtouch.com/Deki/API_Reference/GET%3apages%2f%2f%7bpageid%7d%2f%2fsubpages

            Plug p = Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin();

            string       id   = null;
            string       path = null;
            DreamMessage msg  = PageUtils.CreateRandomPage(p, out id, out path);

            msg = p.At("pages", id, "subpages").Get();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status);

            msg = PageUtils.CreateRandomPage(p, path + "/" + Utils.GenerateUniqueName());
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status);
            string subid = msg.ToDocument()["page/@id"].AsText;


            msg = p.At("pages", "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode(path), "subpages").Get();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status);
            Assert.IsFalse(msg.ToDocument()[string.Format("page.subpage[@id=\"{0}\"]", subid)].IsEmpty);

            PageUtils.DeletePageByID(p, id, true);
        public Yield SubscribeToChange(DreamContext context, DreamMessage request, Result <DreamMessage> response)
            var wikiId = GetWikiIdFromRequest(request);
            var pageId = context.GetParam <uint>("pageid");
            var depth  = context.GetParam("depth", "0") == "0" ? false : true;
            Result <PageSubscriptionUser> userResult;

            yield return(userResult = Coroutine.Invoke(GetRequestUser, request, new Result <PageSubscriptionUser>()).Catch());

            if (userResult.HasException)
                ReturnUserError(userResult.Exception, response);
                yield break;
            var          userInfo = userResult.Value;
            DreamMessage pageAuth = null;

            yield return(_deki
                         .At("pages", pageId.ToString(), "allowed")
                         .With("permissions", "read,subscribe")
                         .Post(new XDoc("users").Start("user").Attr("id", userInfo.Id).End(), new Result <DreamMessage>())
                         .Set(x => pageAuth = x));

            if (!pageAuth.IsSuccessful || pageAuth.ToDocument()["user/@id"].AsText != userInfo.Id.ToString())
                throw new DreamForbiddenException("User not permitted to subscribe to page");
            var dataSession = GetDataSession(wikiId);

            dataSession.Subscribe(userInfo.Id, pageId, depth);
            yield break;
Example #17
        public void RenameExistingTagDueToAccentCapitalization()
            Plug         p       = Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin();
            string       page_id = null;
            string       path    = null;
            DreamMessage msg     = PageUtils.CreateRandomPage(p, out page_id, out path);

            // set lowercase tag
            string t       = StringUtil.CreateAlphaNumericKey(10).ToLower();
            XDoc   tagsDoc = new XDoc("tags")
                             .Start("tag").Attr("value", t).End();

            msg = p.At("pages", page_id, "tags").Put(tagsDoc);
            Assert.IsTrue(msg.Status == DreamStatus.Ok, "PUT request failed");
            uint tag_id = msg.ToDocument()["tag/@id"].AsUInt ?? 0;

            // set uppercase tag on new page
            msg     = PageUtils.CreateRandomPage(p, out page_id, out path);
            t       = t.ToUpper();
            tagsDoc = new XDoc("tags")
                      .Start("tag").Attr("value", t).End();
            msg = p.At("pages", page_id, "tags").Put(tagsDoc);
            Assert.IsTrue(msg.Status == DreamStatus.Ok, "PUT request failed");
            tag_id = msg.ToDocument()["tag/@id"].AsUInt ?? 0;
            string returnedTag = msg.ToDocument()["tag/@value"].AsText;

            Assert.AreEqual(t, returnedTag, "Tag not renamed!");
Example #18
        public void PostBanByIP()
            // POST:site/bans
            // ...

            Plug p = Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin();

            XDoc ban = new XDoc("bans")
                       .Elem("description", Utils.GetSmallRandomText())
                       .Elem("date.expires", DateTime.Now.AddDays(10))
                       .Elem("operations", banRevokemask)
                       .Elem("address", "")

            DreamMessage msg = p.At("site", "bans").Post(ban);

            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status);

            string banid = msg.ToDocument()["@id"].AsText;


            msg = p.At("site", "bans").Get();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status);
            Assert.IsFalse(msg.ToDocument()[string.Format("ban[@id=\"{0}\"]", banid)].IsEmpty);

            msg = p.At("site", "bans", banid).Get();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status);
            Assert.AreEqual(banid, msg.ToDocument()["@id"].AsText);
Example #19
        public void RestoreFileByID()
            // POST:archive/files/restore/{fileid}
            // http://developer.mindtouch.com/Deki/API_Reference/POST%3aarchive%2f%2ffiles%2f%2frestore%2f%2f%7bfileid%7d

            Plug p = Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin();

            string       id  = null;
            DreamMessage msg = PageUtils.CreateRandomPage(p, out id);

            string fileid = null;

            msg = FileUtils.UploadRandomFile(p, id, out fileid);

            msg = FileUtils.DeleteFile(p, fileid);

            msg = p.At("archive", "files").Get();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status);
            Assert.IsFalse(msg.ToDocument()[string.Format("file.archive[@id=\"{0}\"]", fileid)].IsEmpty);

            msg = p.At("archive", "files", "restore", fileid).Post();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status);

            msg = p.At("archive", "files").Get();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status);
            Assert.IsTrue(msg.ToDocument()[string.Format("file.archive[@id=\"{0}\"]", fileid)].IsEmpty);

            msg = p.At("pages", id, "files").Get();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status);
            Assert.IsFalse(msg.ToDocument()[string.Format("file[@id=\"{0}\"]", fileid)].IsEmpty);
Example #20
        public void DeleteFileThroughPage()
            // DELETE:pages/{pageid}/files/{filename}
            // http://developer.mindtouch.com/Deki/API_Reference/DELETE%3apages%2f%2f%7bpageid%7d%2f%2ffiles%2f%2f%7bfilename%7d

            Plug p = Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin();

            string       id  = null;
            DreamMessage msg = PageUtils.CreateRandomPage(p, out id);

            string fileid   = null;
            string filename = null;

            FileUtils.UploadRandomFile(p, id, out fileid, out filename);

            msg = p.At("pages", id, "files", "=" + filename).Delete();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status);

            msg = p.At("pages", id, "files").Get();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status);
            Assert.IsTrue(msg.ToDocument()["@count"].AsInt == 0);

            msg = p.At("archive", "files").Get();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status);
            Assert.IsFalse(msg.ToDocument()[string.Format("file.archive[@id=\"{0}\"]", fileid)].IsEmpty);

            PageUtils.DeletePageByID(p, id, true);
Example #21
        public void GetRevisionSort()
            Plug         p     = Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin();
            int          count = 5;
            string       id    = null;
            DreamMessage msg   = PageUtils.CreateRandomPage(p, out id);

            string fileid   = null;
            string filename = "aa.txt";
            string filepath = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), filename);

            try {
                FileUtils.CreateFile(null, filepath);
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    msg = FileUtils.UploadFile(p, id, "", out fileid, filepath);
                    msg = p.At("pages", id, "files", "=" + filename).Invoke("HEAD", DreamMessage.Ok());
                    Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status);
                msg = p.At("files", fileid, "revisions").Get();
                List <XDoc> files = msg.ToDocument()["file"].ToList();
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    Assert.AreEqual(i + 1, files[i]["@revision"].AsInt);

                PageUtils.DeletePageByID(p, id, true);
            } finally {
Example #22
        public void ConnectToDeki(string dreamAPI, string dekiUserName, string dekiUserPassword)
            this._dreamAPI = dreamAPI;
            this._dekiPlug = Plug.New(_dreamAPI).WithCredentials(dekiUserName, dekiUserPassword);

            DreamMessage authResponse = _dekiPlug.At("users", "authenticate").GetAsync().Wait();

            if (!authResponse.IsSuccessful)
                Log.FatalFormat("Could not connect to MT API '{0}' username: '******' password: '******' Error:", _dekiPlug.ToString(), dekiUserName, dekiUserPassword, authResponse.ToString());
                throw new DreamAbortException(authResponse);

            //Check that user have admin rights
            DreamMessage userResponse = _dekiPlug.At("users", "=" + Utils.DoubleUrlEncode(dekiUserName)).Get();
            XDoc         resDoc       = userResponse.AsDocument();
            string       roleName     = resDoc["permissions.user/role"].AsText;

            if ((roleName == null) || (roleName.ToLower() != "admin"))
                WriteLineToConsole("User " + dekiUserName + " should have Admin role in Deki.");

            _connectedToDeki = true;
        private XDoc FetchSchema(Plug adoNetPlug)
            XDoc   ret = null;
            string key = adoNetPlug.At(METADATA_PATH).ToString();

            lock (_cache) {
                _cache.TryGetValue(key, out ret);

            if (ret == null)
                string temp = adoNetPlug.At(METADATA_PATH).Get().AsTextReader().ReadToEnd();

                //HACKHACKHACK to workaround ns issue
                temp = temp.Replace("xmlns=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2006/04/edm\"", "");
                ret  = XDocFactory.From(temp, MimeType.XML);

                // add result to cache and start a clean-up timer
                lock (_cache) {
                    _cache[key] = ret;

                TaskTimer.New(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(CACHE_TTL), RemoveCachedEntry, key, TaskEnv.None);

            //TODO: throw exception if schema is invalid somehow (or if the schema changed)
Example #24
        public void GetTagsByPartialName()
            // 1. Create random page
            // 2. Generate a random text tag and attach it to page
            // (3) Assert the tag is returned when searching for the first 3 characters of the value
            // 4. Delete the page

            Plug         p       = Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin();
            string       page_id = null;
            string       path    = null;
            DreamMessage msg     = PageUtils.CreateRandomPage(p, out page_id, out path);

            string guid    = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            XDoc   tagsDoc = new XDoc("tags")
                             .Start("tag").Attr("value", guid).End();

            msg = p.At("pages", page_id, "tags").Put(tagsDoc);
            Assert.IsTrue(msg.Status == DreamStatus.Ok, "PUT request failed");
            uint tag_id = msg.ToDocument()["tag/@id"].AsUInt ?? 0;

            // GET:site/tags?q=partialName
            msg = p.At("site", "tags").With("pages", true).With("type", "text").With("q", guid.Substring(0, 3)).Get();
            Assert.IsTrue(msg.Status == DreamStatus.Ok, "GET request failed");
            Assert.IsFalse(msg.ToDocument()[string.Format("tag[@id=\"{0}\"]/pages/page[@id=\"{1}\"]", tag_id, page_id)].IsEmpty, "Tag was not returned!");

            PageUtils.DeletePageByID(p, page_id, true);
Example #25
        public void GetFileContent()
            // GET:files/{fileid}
            // http://developer.mindtouch.com/Deki/API_Reference/GET%3afiles%2f%2f%7bfileid%7d

            Plug p = Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin();

            string       id   = null;
            string       path = null;
            DreamMessage msg  = PageUtils.CreateRandomPage(p, out id, out path);

            byte[] content  = FileUtils.GenerateRandomContent();
            string fileid   = null;
            string filename = null;

            msg = FileUtils.UploadRandomFile(p, id, content, string.Empty, out fileid, out filename);

            msg = p.At("files", fileid).Get();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status);
            Assert.IsTrue(Utils.ByteArraysAreEqual(content, msg.AsBytes()));

            // GET:files/{fileid}/{filename}
            // http://developer.mindtouch.com/Deki/API_Reference/GET%3afiles%2f%2f%7bfileid%7d%2f%2f%7bfilename%7d

            msg = p.At("files", fileid, "=" + filename).Get();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status);
            Assert.IsTrue(Utils.ByteArraysAreEqual(content, msg.AsBytes()));

            PageUtils.DeletePageByID(p, id, true);
Example #26
        public void PageRevert()
            // POST:pages/{pageid}/revert
            // http://developer.mindtouch.com/Deki/API_Reference/POST%3apages%2f%2f%7bpageid%7d%2f%2frevert

            Plug p = Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin();

            string       id   = null;
            string       path = null;
            DreamMessage msg  = PageUtils.CreateRandomPage(p, out id, out path);

            msg = p.At("pages", "=" + XUri.DoubleEncode(path), "revisions").Get();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status);

            string oldContent = "This is an old content";

            PageUtils.SavePage(p, path, oldContent);

            msg = p.At("pages", id, "revisions").Get();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status);

            PageUtils.SavePage(p, path, "New content 2");

            p.At("pages", id, "revert").With("fromrevision", -1).Post();

            msg = p.At("pages", id, "contents").Get();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status);
            Assert.IsTrue(msg.ToDocument()["body"].AsText == oldContent);

            PageUtils.DeletePageByID(p, id, true);
Example #27
        public void AdminExcludeInboundLinksTest()
            // Log in as ADMIN
            Plug p = Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin();

            // Create page1
            string       page1id;
            string       page1path;
            DreamMessage msg = PageUtils.CreateRandomPage(p, out page1id, out page1path);

            // Create page2 with contents containing a link to page1
            string page2id;
            string page2path;
            string content = string.Format("<a href=\"mks://localhost/{0}\" class=\"internal\" title=\"{0}\">a link to page1</a>", page1path);

            msg = PageUtils.SavePage(p, string.Empty, PageUtils.GenerateUniquePageName(), content, out page2id, out page2path);

            // Retrieve outbound links of page2. Verify link points to page1.
            msg = p.At("pages", page2id, "links").With("dir", "from").Get();
            Assert.IsTrue(msg.ToDocument()["page/@id"].AsText == page1id, "Outbound link of page with link does not exist!");

            // Retrieve inbound links to page1. Verify link originates from page2.
            msg = p.At("pages", page1id, "links").With("dir", "to").Get();
            Assert.IsTrue(msg.ToDocument()["page/@id"].AsText == page2id, "Inbound link of page linked to is not present!");

            // Do not exclude anything
            msg = PageUtils.GetPage(p, page1path, new PageContentFilterSettings());
            var doc = msg.ToDocument();

            Assert.IsTrue(!doc["inbound"].IsEmpty, "[1] Inbound links information was excluded even though it should not have been excluded");
            Assert.IsTrue(!doc["outbound"].IsEmpty, "[2] Outbound links information was excluded even though it should not have been excluded");

            // Exclude both inbound and outbound
            msg = PageUtils.GetPage(p, page1path, new PageContentFilterSettings {
                ExcludeInboundLinks = true, ExcludeOutboundLinks = true
            doc = msg.ToDocument();
            Assert.IsTrue(doc["inbound"].IsEmpty, "[3] Inbound links information wasn't excluded");
            Assert.IsTrue(doc["outbound"].IsEmpty, "[4] Outbound links information wasn't excluded");

            // exclude outbound only
            msg = PageUtils.GetPage(p, page1path, new PageContentFilterSettings {
                ExcludeInboundLinks = false, ExcludeOutboundLinks = true
            doc = msg.ToDocument();
            Assert.IsTrue(!doc["inbound"].IsEmpty, "[5] Inbound links information was excluded even though it should not be excluded");
            Assert.IsTrue(doc["outbound"].IsEmpty, "[6] Outbound links information wasn't excluded");

            // Only exclude inbound
            msg = PageUtils.GetPage(p, page1path, new PageContentFilterSettings {
                ExcludeInboundLinks = true, ExcludeOutboundLinks = false
            doc = msg.ToDocument();
            Assert.IsTrue(doc["inbound"].IsEmpty, "[7] Inbound links information wasn't excluded");
            Assert.IsTrue(!doc["outbound"].IsEmpty, "[8] Outbound links information was exclude even though it should not be excluded");

            // Delete the pages
            PageUtils.DeletePageByID(p, page1id, true);
            PageUtils.DeletePageByID(p, page2id, true);
Example #28
        public void GetFileInfo()
            // GET:pages/{pageid}/files/{filename}/info
            // http://developer.mindtouch.com/Deki/API_Reference/GET%3apages%2f%2f%7bpageid%7d%2f%2ffiles%2f%2f%7bfilename%7d%2f%2finfo

            Plug p = Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin();

            string       id  = null;
            DreamMessage msg = PageUtils.CreateRandomPage(p, out id);

            string fileid   = null;
            string filename = null;

            msg = FileUtils.UploadRandomFile(p, id, out fileid, out filename);

            msg = p.At("pages", id, "files", "=" + filename, "info").Get();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status);
            Assert.IsTrue(msg.ToDocument()["@id"].AsText == fileid);
            Assert.IsTrue(msg.ToDocument()["page.parent/@id"].AsText == id);

            // GET:files/{fileid}/info
            // http://developer.mindtouch.com/Deki/API_Reference/GET%3afiles%2f%2f%7bfileid%7d%2f%2finfo

            msg = p.At("files", fileid, "info").Get();
            Assert.AreEqual(DreamStatus.Ok, msg.Status);
            Assert.IsTrue(msg.ToDocument()["@id"].AsText == fileid);
            Assert.IsTrue(msg.ToDocument()["page.parent/@id"].AsText == id);

            PageUtils.DeletePageByID(p, id, true);
Example #29
        public void Bug0004185_InboundOutboundLinksAreReversed()
            // Log in as ADMIN
            Plug p = Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin();

            // Create page1
            string       id   = null;
            string       path = null;
            DreamMessage msg  = PageUtils.CreateRandomPage(p, out id, out path);

            // Create page2 with contents containg a link to page1
            string linkid   = null;
            string linkpath = null;
            string content  = string.Format(
                "<a href=\"mks://localhost/{0}\" class=\"internal\" title=\"{0}\">asdasdasdasda</a>", path);

            msg = PageUtils.SavePage(p, string.Empty, PageUtils.GenerateUniquePageName(), content, out linkid, out linkpath);

            // Retrieve outbound links of page2. Verify link points to page1.
            msg = p.At("pages", linkid, "links").With("dir", "from").Get();
            Assert.IsTrue(msg.ToDocument()["page/@id"].AsText == id, "Outbound link of page with link does not exist!");

            // Retrieve inbound links to page1. Verify link originates from page2.
            msg = p.At("pages", id, "links").With("dir", "to").Get();
            Assert.IsTrue(msg.ToDocument()["page/@id"].AsText == linkid, "Inbound link of page linked to is not present!");

            // Delete the pages
            PageUtils.DeletePageByID(p, id, true);
            PageUtils.DeletePageByID(p, linkid, true);
Example #30
        public void ImportTime_query_arg_forces_import_property_creation()
            // Log in as ADMIN
            Plug p = Utils.BuildPlugForAdmin();

            // Create a page
            string id   = null;
            string path = null;

            PageUtils.CreateRandomPage(p, out id, out path);

            // Set importTime property to page
            var importTime = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");

            p.At("pages", id, "contents")
            .With("edittime", DateTime.MaxValue.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"))
            .With("redirects", "0")
            .With("importtime", importTime)
            .Post(DreamMessage.Ok(MimeType.TEXT_UTF8, "foo"), new Result <DreamMessage>()).Wait();

            // Retrieve property and assert the dates match
            var msg = p.At("pages", id, "properties", XUri.EncodeSegment("mindtouch.import#info")).Get(new Result <DreamMessage>()).Wait();

            Assert.AreEqual(importTime, (msg.ToDocument()["date.modified"].AsDate ?? DateTime.MinValue).ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"), "Unexpected date");
Example #31
 //--- Constructors ---
 /// <summary>
 /// Create new client instance 
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="config">Client configuration.</param>
 /// <param name="timerFactory">Timer factory.</param>
 public AmazonS3Client(AmazonS3ClientConfig config, TaskTimerFactory timerFactory)
     _config = config;
     _bucketPlug = Plug.New(_config.S3BaseUri)
         .WithS3Authentication(_config.PrivateKey, _config.PublicKey)
     _rootPlug = _bucketPlug;
     if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_config.RootPath)) {
         _keyRootParts = _config.RootPath.Split(new[] { "/" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
         if(_keyRootParts != null && _keyRootParts.Any()) {
             _rootPlug = _rootPlug.At(_keyRootParts);
     _expirationEntries = new ExpiringHashSet<string>(timerFactory);
     _expirationEntries.EntryExpired += OnDelete;
Example #32
 public void Init()
     _hostInfo = DreamTestHelper.CreateRandomPortHost();
     _hostInfo.Host.Self.At("load").With("name", "test.mindtouch.dream").Post(DreamMessage.Ok());
     var config = new XDoc("config")
        .Elem("path", "test")
        .Elem("sid", "http://services.mindtouch.com/dream/test/2010/07/featuretestserver");
     DreamMessage result = _hostInfo.LocalHost.At("host", "services").With("apikey", _hostInfo.ApiKey).PostAsync(config).Wait();
     Assert.IsTrue(result.IsSuccessful, result.ToText());
     _plug = Plug.New(_hostInfo.LocalHost.Uri.WithoutQuery()).At("test");
     _blueprint = _plug.At("@blueprint").Get().ToDocument();
Example #33
 public void Init()
     var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
     _hostInfo = DreamTestHelper.CreateRandomPortHost(new XDoc("config"), builder.Build(ContainerBuildOptions.None));
     _hostInfo.Host.Self.At("load").With("name", "test.mindtouch.dream").Post(DreamMessage.Ok());
     var config = new XDoc("config")
        .Elem("path", "test")
        .Elem("sid", "http://services.mindtouch.com/dream/test/2010/07/featuretestserver");
     DreamMessage result = _hostInfo.LocalHost.At("host", "services").With("apikey", _hostInfo.ApiKey).Post(config, new Result<DreamMessage>()).Wait();
     Assert.IsTrue(result.IsSuccessful, result.ToText());
     _plug = Plug.New(_hostInfo.LocalHost.Uri.WithoutQuery()).At("test");
     _blueprint = _plug.At("@blueprint").Get().ToDocument();