public void Check(TrackInfo track)
            if (OrderAndLimit == null)
                // If this SmartPlaylist doesn't have an OrderAndLimit clause, then it's quite simple
                // to check this track - if it matches the Condition we make sure it's in, and vice-versa
                //Console.WriteLine ("Limitless condition");

                object id = Globals.Library.Db.QuerySingle(String.Format(
                                                               "SELECT TrackId FROM Tracks WHERE TrackId = {0} {1}",
                                                               track.TrackId, PrependCondition("AND")

                if (id == null || (int)id != track.TrackId)
                    if (Source.ContainsTrack(track))
                        // If it didn't match and is in the playlist, remove it
                else if (!Source.ContainsTrack(track))
                    // If it matched and isn't already in the playlist
                // If this SmartPlaylist has an OrderAndLimit clause things are more complicated as there are a limited
                // number of tracks -- so if we remove a track, we probably need to add a different one and vice-versa.
                //Console.WriteLine ("Checking track {0} ({1}) against condition & order/limit {2} {3}", track.Uri.LocalPath, track.TrackId, Condition, OrderAndLimit);

                // See if there is a track that was in the SmartPlaylist that now shouldn't be because
                // this track we are checking displaced it.
                IDataReader reader = Globals.Library.Db.Query(String.Format(
                                                                  "SELECT TrackId FROM PlaylistEntries WHERE PlaylistID = {0} " +
                                                                  "AND TrackId NOT IN (SELECT TrackID FROM Tracks {1} {2})",
                                                                  Source.Id, PrependCondition("WHERE"), OrderAndLimit

                while (reader.Read())
                    Source.RemoveTrack(Globals.Library.Tracks[Convert.ToInt32(reader[0])] as TrackInfo);


                // Remove those tracks from the database
                                               "DELETE FROM PlaylistEntries WHERE PlaylistID = {0} " +
                                               "AND TrackId NOT IN (SELECT TrackID FROM Tracks {1} {2})",
                                               Source.Id, PrependCondition("WHERE"), OrderAndLimit

                // If we are already a member of this smart playlist
                if (Source.ContainsTrack(track))

                // We have removed tracks no longer in this smart playlist, now need to add
                // tracks that replace those that were removed (if any)
                IDataReader new_tracks = Globals.Library.Db.Query(String.Format(
                                                                      @"SELECT TrackId FROM Tracks 
                        WHERE TrackID NOT IN (SELECT TrackID FROM PlaylistEntries WHERE PlaylistID = {0})
                        AND TrackID IN (SELECT TrackID FROM Tracks {1} {2})",
                                                                      Source.Id, PrependCondition("WHERE"), OrderAndLimit

                bool have_new_tracks = false;
                while (new_tracks.Read())
                    Source.AddTrack(Globals.Library.Tracks[Convert.ToInt32(new_tracks[0])] as TrackInfo);
                    have_new_tracks = true;


                if (have_new_tracks)
                                                   @"INSERT INTO PlaylistEntries 
                            SELECT NULL as EntryId, {0} as PlaylistId, TrackId FROM Tracks 
                            WHERE TrackID NOT IN (SELECT TrackID FROM PlaylistEntries WHERE PlaylistID = {0})
                            AND TrackID IN (SELECT TrackID FROM Tracks {1} {2})",
                                                   Source.Id, PrependCondition("WHERE"), OrderAndLimit