void Start() { if (resourceManager == null) { resourceManager = GetComponent <Player_ResourceManager>(); } GetResourcesText(); foodCostText.color = Color.red; }
void Start() { resourceManager = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Capital").GetComponent <Player_ResourceManager> (); farming = true; // MAKE SURE THE PLAYER HAS ENOUGH WATER BEFORE ADDING THIS FARM'S PRODUCTION TO THE STATS if (resourceManager.water >= waterConsumed) { // Tell the Resource Manager how much I produce per cycle resourceManager.CalculateFoodProduction(foodProduced, productionRate, waterConsumed, false); foodStatsInitialized = true; } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { waterCapacityLeft = waterCapacity; oreCapacityLeft = oreCapacity; if (playerResources == null) { playerResources = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Capital").GetComponent <Player_ResourceManager>(); } if (playerResources != null) { Debug.Log("STORAGE: Added to list of storage!"); playerResources.storageBuildings.Add(this); } if (playerUI == null) { playerUI = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Capital").GetComponent <Player_UIHandler>(); } }
void Start() { if (resourceGrid == null) { resourceGrid = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Map").GetComponent <ResourceGrid>(); } if (buildingUI == null) { buildingUI = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("UI").GetComponent <Building_UIHandler> (); } if (playerResources == null) { playerResources = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Capital").GetComponent <Player_ResourceManager>(); } sr = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer> (); lineR.sortingLayerName = sr.sortingLayerName; lineR.sortingOrder = sr.sortingOrder - 1; lineR.SetPosition(0, transform.position); selecting = true; }
void Start() { if (resourceManager == null) { resourceManager = GetComponent<Player_ResourceManager>(); } GetResourcesText (); foodCostText.color = Color.red; // Get the player hero component if (!playerhero) { playerhero = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent<Player_HeroAttackHandler>(); } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { waterCapacityLeft = waterCapacity; oreCapacityLeft = oreCapacity; if (playerResources == null) { playerResources = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Capital").GetComponent<Player_ResourceManager>(); } if (playerResources != null) { Debug.Log ("STORAGE: Added to list of storage!"); playerResources.storageBuildings.Add(this); } if (playerUI == null) { playerUI = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Capital").GetComponent<Player_UIHandler>(); } }
void Start() { // Get Resource managaer from Capital gameObject resourceManager = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Capital").GetComponent<Player_ResourceManager> (); // MAKE SURE THE PLAYER HAS ENOUGH WATER BEFORE ADDING THIS FARM'S PRODUCTION TO THE STATS if (resourceManager.water >= waterConsumed) { // Tell the Resource Manager how much I produce per cycle resourceManager.CalculateFoodProduction (foodProduced, productionRate, waterConsumed, false); foodStatsInitialized = true; } // Set harvest countdown to the starting production rate harvestCountDown = productionRate; }
void Start() { // In case Player Resource Manager is null if (playerResources == null) playerResources = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Capital").GetComponent<Player_ResourceManager> (); // InitCapitalAndMinerals (); // Initialize Tile Data array with this map size // tiles = new TileData[mapSizeX, mapSizeY]; // Initialize spawned Tiles array, all values will be set to null until tiles are spawned // spawnedTiles = new GameObject[mapSizeX, mapSizeY]; // Initialize the Grid, filling tiles positions with Capital, Rocks, and Water // InitGrid (); // This creates the Initial Pathfinding graph taking into account unwakable tiles already spawned (ex. Rock, Water, Capital) InitPathFindingGraph (); }
void Start() { // In case Grid is Null if (resourceGrid == null) { resourceGrid = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Map").GetComponent<ResourceGrid>(); } // In case Building UI is null if (buildingUI == null) { buildingUI = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("UI").GetComponent<Building_UIHandler> (); } // In case Player Resources is null if (playerResources == null) { playerResources = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Capital").GetComponent<Player_ResourceManager>(); } // Store the Sprite Renderer for layer management sr = GetComponent<SpriteRenderer> (); // Line Renderer's layer is set to be UNDER my sprite lineR.sortingLayerName = sr.sortingLayerName; lineR.sortingOrder = sr.sortingOrder - 1; lineR.SetPosition (0, transform.position); // selecting = true; // set Pump Countdown to pump rate pumpCountdown = pumpRate; }
void Start() { // In case Player Resource Manager is null if (playerResources == null) playerResources = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Capital").GetComponent<Player_ResourceManager> (); // tiles and spawnedTiles are initialized by MapGenerator InitPathFindingGrid(); worldGridInitialized = true; StartCoroutine("WaitForLandingSiteSelection"); // Give the waterTilePositions to Enemy_Spawner //Enemy_Spawner.instance.InitSpawnPositions(waterTilesArray); InitializeRockandMinerals(); }
void Start() { if (buildingStatusIndicator == null) buildingStatusIndicator = GetComponent<Building_Handler> ().buildingStatusIndicator; // In case Building UI is null if (buildingUI == null) { buildingUI = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("UI").GetComponent<Building_UIHandler> (); } // In case Player Resources is null if (playerResources == null) { playerResources = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Capital").GetComponent<Player_ResourceManager>(); } // Store the Sprite Renderer for layer management sr = GetComponent<SpriteRenderer> (); }
void Start() { playerResources = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Capital").GetComponent<Player_ResourceManager> (); }
void Start() { // Ask Ship Inventory to init ui Ship_Inventory.Instance.InitUI(); if (resourceManager == null) { resourceManager = GetComponent<Player_ResourceManager>(); } // NOTE: Turning off the Panels for now // GetResourcesText (); //foodCostText.color = Color.red; // Get the player hero component /*if (!playerhero) { playerhero = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent<Player_HeroAttackHandler>(); } */ }