private void sendPlayerText(string text) { PlayerTextPacket playerTextPacket = (PlayerTextPacket)Packet.Create(PacketType.PLAYERTEXT); playerTextPacket.Text = text.Trim(); _client.SendToServer(playerTextPacket); }
public static void SendChatMessage(this Client client, string message) { PlayerTextPacket tpacket = Packet.Create <PlayerTextPacket>(PacketType.PLAYERTEXT); tpacket.Text = message; client.SendToServer(tpacket); }
// Token: 0x06000480 RID: 1152 RVA: 0x000181A0 File Offset: 0x000163A0 public void PlayerText(PlayerTextPacket playerText) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(playerText.Text)) { return; } if (playerText.Text.StartsWith("/lock ") || playerText.Text.StartsWith("/unlock ")) { string[] array = playerText.Text.Split(new string[] { "/lock ", "/unlock " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (array.Length < 2) { return; } string b = array[1].ToLower(); foreach (GameObject gameObject in this.client.Players.Values) { if (gameObject.Name.ToLower() == b) { bool add = playerText.Text.StartsWith("/lock "); this.ChangeLog(gameObject.ObjectId, add); break; } } } }
private void OnCommand(Client client, string command, string[] args) { PlayerTextPacket ptp = (PlayerTextPacket)Packet.Create(PacketType.PLAYERTEXT); ptp.Text = "/tell mreyeball " + (command == "hide" ? "hide me" : command); client.SendToServer(ptp); }
public void ClientPacketSent(Client client, Packet packet) { if (packet.Type == PacketType.PLAYERTEXT) { PlayerTextPacket playerText = (PlayerTextPacket)packet; string text = playerText.Text.Replace("/", "").ToLower(); string command = text.Contains(' ') ? text.Split(' ')[0].ToLower() : text; string[] args = text.Contains(' ') ? text.Split(' ').Skip(1).ToArray() : new string[0]; foreach (var pair in _commandHooks) { if (pair.Value.Contains(command)) { packet.Send = false; pair.Key(client, command, args); } } } foreach (var pair in _genericPacketHooks.Where(pair => pair.Value == packet.GetType())) { (pair.Key as Delegate)?.Method.Invoke((pair.Key as Delegate)?.Target, new object[2] { client, Convert.ChangeType(packet, pair.Value) }); } }
public void PlayerText(RealmTime time, PlayerTextPacket pkt) { if (pkt.Text[0] == '/') { var x = pkt.Text.Trim().Split(' '); ProcessCmd(x[0].Trim('/'), x.Skip(1).ToArray()); //CommandManager.Execute(this, time, pkt.Text); // Beta Processor } else { /*string txt = Encoding.ASCII.GetString( * Encoding.Convert( * Encoding.UTF8, * Encoding.GetEncoding( * Encoding.ASCII.EncodingName, * new EncoderReplacementFallback(string.Empty), * new DecoderExceptionFallback() * ), * Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(pkt.Text) * ) * );*/ var txt = pkt.Text.ToSafeText(); if (txt != "") { //Removing unwanted crashing characters from strings var chatColor = ""; if (Client.Account.Rank > 3) { chatColor = "@"; } else if (Client.Account.Rank == 3) { chatColor = "#"; } Owner.BroadcastPacket(new TextPacket { Name = chatColor + Name, ObjectId = Id, Stars = Stars, BubbleTime = 5, Recipient = "", Text = txt, CleanText = txt }, null); foreach (var e in Owner.Enemies) { foreach (var b in e.Value.CondBehaviors) { if (b.Condition == BehaviorCondition.OnChat) { b.Behave(BehaviorCondition.OnChat, e.Value, time, null, pkt.Text); b.Behave(BehaviorCondition.OnChat, e.Value, time, null, pkt.Text, this); } } } } } }
private void OnResendCommand(Client client, string command, string[] args) { if (lastMessage != "") { PlayerTextPacket playerTextPacket = (PlayerTextPacket)Packet.Create(PacketType.PLAYERTEXT); playerTextPacket.Text = lastMessage; client.SendToServer(playerTextPacket); } }
public void PlayerText(RealmTime time, PlayerTextPacket pkt) { if (pkt.Text[0] == '/') { string[] x = pkt.Text.Trim().Split(' '); ProcessCmd(x[0].Trim('/'), x.Skip(1).ToArray()); //CommandManager.Execute(this, time, pkt.Text); // Beta Processor } else { string txt = Encoding.ASCII.GetString( Encoding.Convert( Encoding.UTF8, Encoding.GetEncoding( Encoding.ASCII.EncodingName, new EncoderReplacementFallback(string.Empty), new DecoderExceptionFallback() ), Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(pkt.Text) ) ); if (txt != "") { //Removing unwanted crashing characters from strings string chatColor = ""; if (Client.Account.Rank > 1) { chatColor = ""; //was @; turns all of your text yellow including your name; looks fugly } else if (Client.Account.Rank == 1) { chatColor = ""; //was #; turns your name a dark orange but your text stays white; looks like you're a npc } Owner.BroadcastPacket(new TextPacket() { Name = chatColor + Name, ObjectId = Id, Stars = Stars, BubbleTime = 5, Recipient = "", Text = txt, CleanText = txt }, null); foreach (var e in Owner.Enemies) { foreach (var b in e.Value.CondBehaviors) { if (b.Condition == BehaviorCondition.OnChat) { b.Behave(BehaviorCondition.OnChat, e.Value, time, null, pkt.Text); b.Behave(BehaviorCondition.OnChat, e.Value, time, null, pkt.Text, this); } } } } } }
public static void SendChatMessage(this Client client, string text) { // Create the packet PlayerTextPacket ptp = Packet.Create <PlayerTextPacket>(PacketType.PLAYERTEXT); // Set the text of the message ptp.Text = text; // Send the packet to the server client.SendToServer(ptp); }
// Token: 0x060004E3 RID: 1251 RVA: 0x0001C5E0 File Offset: 0x0001A7E0 public void text(PlayerTextPacket playerText) { if (!Settings.Default.EnableFameTools) { return; } if ((Settings.Default.FameBlockTeleports && playerText.Text.StartsWith("/tp ")) || playerText.Text.StartsWith("/teleport ")) { playerText.Send = false; } }
/// <summary> /// Fires any registered callbacks for the specified packet type. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">Client that recieved the packet</param> /// <param name="packet">Packet that was recieved</param> public void FireClientPacket(Client client, Packet packet) { PluginUtils.ProtectedInvoke(() => { // Fire command callbacks if (packet.Type == PacketType.PLAYERTEXT) { PlayerTextPacket playerText = (PlayerTextPacket)packet; string text = playerText.Text.Replace("/", "").ToLower(); string command = text.Contains(' ') ? text.Split(' ')[0].ToLower() : text; string[] args = text.Contains(' ') ? text.Split(' ').Skip(1).ToArray() : new string[0]; foreach (var pair in _commandHooks) { if (pair.Value.Contains(command)) { packet.Send = false; pair.Key(client, command, args); } } } // Fire general client packet callbacks if (ClientPacketRecieved != null) { ClientPacketRecieved(client, packet); } // Fire specific hook callbacks if applicable foreach (var pair in _packetHooks) { if (pair.Value.Contains(packet.Type)) { pair.Key(client, packet); } } try { foreach (var pair in _genericPacketHooks) { if (pair.Value == packet.GetType()) { (pair.Key as Delegate).Method.Invoke((pair.Key as Delegate).Target, new object[2] { client, Convert.ChangeType(packet, pair.Value) }); } } } catch { } }, "ClientPacket"); }
public void PlayerText(RealmTime time, PlayerTextPacket pkt) { if (pkt.Text[0] == '/') { string[] x = pkt.Text.Trim().Split(' '); try { AnnounceText = pkt.Text.Substring(10); NewsText = pkt.Text.Substring(6).Split(';'); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Error at line 24 of Player.Chat.cs"); } ChatMessage = pkt.Text; string[] z = pkt.Text.Trim().Split('|'); y = z.Skip(1).ToArray(); ProcessCmd(x[0].Trim('/'), x.Skip(1).ToArray()); } else { if (psr.Account.Admin == true) { foreach (var i in RealmManager.Clients.Values) { i.SendPacket(new TextPacket() { Name = psr.Account.Name, Stars = psr.Player.Stars, BubbleTime = 5, Text = pkt.Text, Recipient = i.Account.Name }); } } else { Owner.BroadcastPacket(new TextPacket() { Name = Name, ObjectId = Id, Stars = Stars, BubbleTime = 5, Recipient = "", Text = pkt.Text, CleanText = pkt.Text }, null); } } }
// Token: 0x060004F6 RID: 1270 RVA: 0x0001D2CC File Offset: 0x0001B4CC public void text(PlayerTextPacket playerText) { if (Settings.Default.EnableMapHack && playerText.Text == "/world" && this.client.MapName == "Realm of the Mad God") { playerText.Send = false; this.client._RUDdpffUqrc18m4ldj2l3yrb1t9(MapHack._fpMap.ContainsKey(this._fp) ? ("World: " + MapHack._fpMap[this._fp].ToString()) : "Unknown world"); return; } if (playerText.Text == "/savemap") { playerText.Send = false; using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { BinaryWriter binaryWriter = new BinaryWriter(memoryStream); Dictionary <ushort, List <byte[]> > dictionary = new Dictionary <ushort, List <byte[]> >(); foreach (Square tiles in this.client.Tiles) { if (tiles != null) { if (!dictionary.ContainsKey(tiles.Type)) { dictionary.Add(tiles.Type, new List <byte[]>()); } dictionary[tiles.Type].Add(MapHack.ShortPos.Compress(tiles.X, tiles.Y)); } } foreach (KeyValuePair <ushort, List <byte[]> > keyValuePair in dictionary) { binaryWriter.Write(keyValuePair.Key); binaryWriter.Write(keyValuePair.Value.Count); foreach (byte[] buffer in keyValuePair.Value) { binaryWriter.Write(buffer); } } byte[] bytes = MapHack.Zip(memoryStream.ToArray()); File.WriteAllBytes(string.Concat(new string[] { "map_", this.client.MapName, " ", Environment.TickCount.ToString(), ".gz" }), bytes); } } }
private void OnPlayerText(Client client, Packet packet) { PlayerTextPacket playerTextPacket = (PlayerTextPacket)packet; if (!playerTextPacket.Text.StartsWith("/") || playerTextPacket.Text.StartsWith("/t ") || playerTextPacket.Text.StartsWith("/tell ") || playerTextPacket.Text.StartsWith("/w ") || playerTextPacket.Text.StartsWith("/whisper ") || playerTextPacket.Text.StartsWith("/yell ")) { lastMessage = playerTextPacket.Text; } if (ChatAssistConfig.Default.LogChat) { using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter("ChatAssist.log", true)) { file.WriteLine("<" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + ">: You: '" + playerTextPacket.Text + "'"); } } }
public void Msg() { if (enabled && spamenabled) { if (msgindex % 3 == 0) { PlayerTextPacket pt = (PlayerTextPacket)Packet.Create(PacketType.PLAYERTEXT); pt.Text = this.curTrade.GetMessage(); if (msgindex % 6 == 0) { pt.Text += " "; } client.SendToServer(pt); } } msgindex++; }
// Token: 0x060004EC RID: 1260 RVA: 0x0001C82C File Offset: 0x0001AA2C public void text(PlayerTextPacket text) { if (!Settings.Default.EnableGotoCommand) { return; } if (!text.Text.StartsWith("/")) { return; } string[] array = text.Text.Split(new char[] { ' ' }); string a = array[0].ToLower(); if (a == "/ip") { text.Send = false; this.SendTextToClient("Server IP: " + this._ip); return; } if (a == "/iunderstandthiswarning") { text.Send = false; this.SendTextToClient("Warning acknowledged and disabled, you are free to use /goto now."); Settings.Default.EnableGotoCommandWarningAcknowledged = true; Settings.Default.Save(); return; } if (!(a == "/goto")) { return; } text.Send = false; if (!Settings.Default.EnableGotoCommandWarningAcknowledged) { this.SendTextToClient("WARNING! People can effectively steal your login credentials with /goto and gain access to your account. If someone told you to paste this in, you probably don't want to do it. They can host a malicious server that saves your encrypted email and password when you connect, which lets them login to your account in game. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! Type /iUnderstandThisWarning to disable this warning."); return; } if (array.Length >= 2 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(array[1])) { this.SendClientToIp(array[1]); } }
private void OnText(Client client, Packet packet) { if (!ChatAssistConfig.Default.Enabled) { return; } //TextPacket text = (TextPacket)packet; TextPacket text = packet.To <TextPacket>(); if (ChatAssistConfig.Default.DisableMessages && text.Recipient == "") { text.Send = false; return; } foreach (string filter in ChatAssistConfig.Default.Blacklist) { if (text.Text.ToLower().Contains(filter.ToLower())) { // Is spam if (ChatAssistConfig.Default.CensorSpamMessages) { text.Text = "..."; text.CleanText = "..."; return; } text.Send = false; if (ChatAssistConfig.Default.AutoIgnoreSpamMessage || (ChatAssistConfig.Default.AutoIgnoreSpamPM && text.Recipient != "")) { // Ignore PlayerTextPacket playerText = new PlayerTextPacket(); playerText.Text = "/ignore " + text.Name; client.SendToServer(playerText); return; } } } }
//public void OnGotoAck(Client client, Packet packet) //{ // GotoAckPacket gap = (GotoAckPacket)packet; // if (blockGotoAck[client]) // { // gap.Send = false; // blockGotoAck[client] = false; // return; // } //} public void SendMessage(Client client) { // Check if we have all the items we are selling List <ItemStruct> tmpMList = Selling[client].Select(itemb => new ItemStruct(itemb.Name, itemb.Qty)).ToList(); for (int j = 4; j < 12; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < tmpMList.Count; i++) { if (client.PlayerData.Slot[j] > 0) { if (tmpMList[i].Name == GameData.Items.ByID((ushort)client.PlayerData.Slot[j]).Name) { if (tmpMList[i].Qty > 0) { tmpMList[i].Qty--; } break; } } } } bool send = true; for (int i = 0; i < tmpMList.Count; i++) { if (tmpMList[i].Qty > 0) { send = false; } } if (send) { if (SpamMsg[client] != "") { PlayerTextPacket ptp = (PlayerTextPacket)Packet.Create(PacketType.PLAYERTEXT); ptp.Text = SpamMsg[client].Replace(":name:", "@" + client.PlayerData.Name); client.SendToServer(ptp); } } }
public void TC(Client client, Packet packet) { TradeChangedPacket p = (TradeChangedPacket)packet; PZClient cl = clientlist[IndexOfClient(client)]; cl.customer.UpdateItems(p.Offers); if (cl.enabled) { Console.WriteLine("--------------------------"); int totlefts = 0; string msg = ""; foreach (var item in cl.CheckCustomer(true)) { Console.WriteLine(item.ToString() + " - " + item.amount); totlefts += item.amount; if (item.amount > 0) { msg += item.amount + " " + item.ToString() + ";"; } } Console.WriteLine("Verdict: " + (totlefts <= 0)); if (totlefts <= 0) { cl.SelectSelling(); AcceptTradePacket ac = (AcceptTradePacket)Packet.Create(PacketType.ACCEPTTRADE); ac.YourOffers = p.Offers; ac.MyOffers = cl.GetToSel(); cl.client.SendToServer(ac); } else { PlayerTextPacket ptpkt = (PlayerTextPacket)Packet.Create(PacketType.PLAYERTEXT); ptpkt.Text = "/t " + + " An extra: " + msg + " plz!"; cl.client.SendToServer(ptpkt); } } }
public void TS(Client client, Packet packet) { TradeStartPacket ts = (TradeStartPacket)packet; PZClient cl = clientlist[IndexOfClient(client)]; cl.InTrade = true; if (cl.enabled) { cl.customer = new PZCustomer(ts); cl.last = client.PlayerData.Slot; cl.CancelTimerStart(); if (!cl.curTrade.CheckBuying(cl, ts.YourItems)) { PlayerTextPacket pt = (PlayerTextPacket)Packet.Create(PacketType.PLAYERTEXT); try { pt.Text = @"/tell " + ts.YourName + " You don't have " + cl.curTrade.BuyingToString(); client.SendToServer(pt); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Please define trades for \"" + client.PlayerData.Name + "\" to do"); } CancelTradePacket ct = (CancelTradePacket)Packet.Create(PacketType.CANCELTRADE); client.SendToServer(ct); cl.InTrade = false; } else { Console.WriteLine("Found correct stuff!"); cl.InTrade = true; cl.SelectSelling(); } } }
// Token: 0x060004CE RID: 1230 RVA: 0x0001BCA4 File Offset: 0x00019EA4 public void _QrK9KtR4xguWgEYrBE9xnEwwcqd(PlayerTextPacket playerText) { if (this._W6Ov6AArxzTTDnCyBtZPqkqNaKf._50Ms1zsqax9Ua48PaWMPQfIENYb != null && playerText.Text == "/reset") { this._wIV6RuTHp6K14hjsabfqulJm6RB = this._W6Ov6AArxzTTDnCyBtZPqkqNaKf._50Ms1zsqax9Ua48PaWMPQfIENYb._sNZat68b2TvW6o582Hg9CFuEJCV; return; } if (playerText.Text.StartsWith("/an ")) { string text = playerText.Text.Substring(4); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { return; } int num; if (!int.TryParse(text, out num)) { return; } Settings.Default.AutoNexusPercentageThreshold = num; this._L9Sq7ilWPAc2XkNbriRGfXQBoeh(); this._W6Ov6AArxzTTDnCyBtZPqkqNaKf._RUDdpffUqrc18m4ldj2l3yrb1t9(string.Format("Set autonexus health threshold to {0}% (at {1} health)", num, this._jWMYX8VJLB8QB7nBQBQJn0c1btJ)); } }
private void OnText(Client client, Packet packet) { if (!ChatAssistConfig.Default.Enabled) { return; } TextPacket text = packet.To <TextPacket>(); if (ChatAssistConfig.Default.EnableNPCFilter && text.NumStars == -1) // Not a message from a user { foreach (string name in NPCIgnoreList) { if (text.Name.Contains(name)) { text.Send = false; return; } } //if (text.Name != "" && text.Name != "#Oryx the Mad God") //{ // PluginUtils.Log("ChatAssist", "Server Message '" + text.Text + "' from: " + text.Name); //} } if ((ChatAssistConfig.Default.DisableMessages && text.Recipient == "") || (text.Recipient == "" && text.NumStars < ChatAssistConfig.Default.StarFilter && text.NumStars != -1) || (text.Recipient != "" && text.NumStars < ChatAssistConfig.Default.StarFilterPM) && text.NumStars != -1) { text.Send = false; return; } // SpamFilter if (ChatAssistConfig.Default.EnableSpamFilter) { foreach (string filter in ChatAssistConfig.Default.Blacklist) { if (text.Text.ToLower().Contains(filter.ToLower())) { // Is spam if (ChatAssistConfig.Default.CensorSpamMessages) { text.Text = "..."; text.CleanText = "..."; } else { text.Send = false; } if (ChatAssistConfig.Default.AutoIgnoreSpamMessage || (ChatAssistConfig.Default.AutoIgnoreSpamPM && text.Recipient != "")) { // Ignore PlayerTextPacket playerText = (PlayerTextPacket)Packet.Create(PacketType.PLAYERTEXT); playerText.Text = "/ignore " + text.Name; client.SendToServer(playerText); } return; } } } // ChatLog if (ChatAssistConfig.Default.LogChat && text.NumStars != -1) { using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter("ChatAssist.log", true)) { file.WriteLine("<" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + ">: " + text.Name + "[" + text.NumStars + "]: '" + text.Text + "'"); } } }
public void Initialize(Proxy proxy) { // Initialize lists so they are empty instead of null. targets = new List <Target>(); playerPositions = new Dictionary <int, Target>(); portals = new List <Portal>(); enemies = new List <Enemy>(); obstacles = new List <Obstacle>(); // get obstacles obstacleIds = new List <ushort>(); GameData.Objects.Map.ForEach((kvp) => { if (kvp.Value.FullOccupy || kvp.Value.OccupySquare) { obstacleIds.Add(kvp.Key); } }); PluginUtils.Log("FameBot", "Found {0} obstacles.", obstacleIds.Count); // Initialize and display gui. gui = new FameBotGUI(); PluginUtils.ShowGUI(gui); // Initialize and display gui if K-Relay is not in stealth mode. if (!StealthConfig.Default.StealthEnabled) { ShowGUI(); } // Hide / show gui based on the stealth mode status. proxy.StealthStateChanged += enabled => { if (enabled) { HideGUI(); } else { ShowGUI(); } }; // Get the config. config = ConfigManager.GetConfiguration(); // Look for all processes with the configured flash player name. Process[] processes = Process.GetProcessesByName(config.FlashPlayerName); if (processes.Length == 1) { // If there is one client open, bind to it. Log("Automatically bound to client."); flashPtr = processes[0].MainWindowHandle; gui?.SetHandle(flashPtr); if (config.AutoConnect) { Start(); } } // If there are multiple or no clients running, log a message. else if (processes.Length > 1) { Log("Multiple flash players running. Use the /bind command on the client you want to use."); } else { Log("Couldn't find flash player. Use the /bind command in game, then start the bot."); } #region Proxy Hooks proxy.HookCommand("bind", ReceiveCommand); proxy.HookCommand("start", ReceiveCommand); proxy.HookCommand("gui", ReceiveCommand); proxy.HookCommand("famebot", ReceiveCommand); proxy.HookPacket(PacketType.UPDATE, OnUpdate); proxy.HookPacket(PacketType.NEWTICK, OnNewTick); proxy.HookPacket(PacketType.PLAYERHIT, OnHit); proxy.HookPacket(PacketType.MAPINFO, OnMapInfo); proxy.HookPacket(PacketType.TEXT, OnText); proxy.HookPacket(PacketType.GOTOACK, (client, packet) => { if (blockNextAck) { packet.Send = false; blockNextAck = false; } }); #endregion // Runs every time a client connects. proxy.ClientConnected += (client) => { // Clear all lists and reset keys. connectedClient = client; targets.Clear(); playerPositions.Clear(); enemies.Clear(); obstacles.Clear(); followTarget = false; isInNexus = false; ResetAllKeys(); }; // Runs every time a client disconnects. proxy.ClientDisconnected += (client) => { Log("Client disconnected. Waiting a few seconds before trying to press play..."); PressPlay(); }; guiEvent += (evt) => { switch (evt) { case GuiEvent.StartBot: Start(); break; case GuiEvent.StopBot: Stop(); break; case GuiEvent.SettingsChanged: Log("Updated config"); config = ConfigManager.GetConfiguration(); break; } }; // Send an in game message when the gui fires the event. sendMessage += (message) => { if (!(connectedClient?.Connected ?? false)) { return; } PlayerTextPacket packet = (PlayerTextPacket)Packet.Create(PacketType.PLAYERTEXT); packet.Text = message; connectedClient.SendToServer(packet); }; }
public void HandlePlayerCommand(PlayerTextPacket playerText) { if (!Settings.Default.EnableGotoCommand) { goto IL_000f; } goto IL_01d2; IL_01d2: int num; int num2; if (playerText._Message.StartsWith("/")) { num = -184337631; num2 = num; } else { num = -1517235003; num2 = num; } goto IL_0014; IL_0014: string[] array = default(string[]); while (true) { uint num3; switch ((num3 = (uint)num ^ 0xE1B2BB24u) % 15u) { case 13u: break; default: return; case 10u: { int num6; int num7; if (array[0] == "/ip") { num6 = 1792502034; num7 = num6; } else { num6 = 698822585; num7 = num6; } num = num6 ^ ((int)num3 * -985111412); continue; } case 4u: goto IL_008d; case 3u: return; case 6u: return; case 2u: { _50w8wVuv8bL5nhKaR2EHxjrTamB.SendInfoMessage("Server IP: " + _ServerHostname); Thread thread = new Thread((ThreadStart) delegate { Clipboard.SetText(_ServerHostname); }); thread.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); thread.Start(); num = (int)(num3 * 1103150964) ^ -1716114833; continue; } case 8u: playerText._Send = false; num = ((int)num3 * -685168380) ^ -671761443; continue; case 0u: array = playerText._Message.Split(' '); num = -500983293; continue; case 7u: return; case 12u: { int num8; int num9; if (array.Length >= 2) { num8 = -1632455468; num9 = num8; } else { num8 = -2097540126; num9 = num8; } num = num8 ^ ((int)num3 * -265559845); continue; } case 5u: { string ip = new string(array[1].Where(delegate(char c) { if (!char.IsLetterOrDigit(c)) { while (true) { int num11 = 212579801; while (true) { uint num12; switch ((num12 = (uint)num11 ^ 0xDE26FE2u) % 4u) { case 2u: break; case 3u: { int num13; int num14; if (c == '.') { num13 = -158807755; num14 = num13; } else { num13 = -694170600; num14 = num13; } num11 = num13 ^ (int)(num12 * 1129387666); continue; } case 0u: return(c == '-'); default: goto IL_0061; } break; } } } goto IL_0061; IL_0061: return(true); }).ToArray()); ConnectToHostname(ip); num = -828669762; continue; } case 14u: goto IL_01d2; case 9u: playerText._Send = false; num = (int)(num3 * 4425787) ^ -440414735; continue; case 11u: { int num4; int num5; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(array[1])) { num4 = 2079224214; num5 = num4; } else { num4 = 1662400866; num5 = num4; } num = num4 ^ ((int)num3 * -1900441634); continue; } case 1u: return; } break; IL_008d: int num10; if (!(array[0] == "/goto")) { num = -828669762; num10 = num; } else { num = -181681680; num10 = num; } } goto IL_000f; IL_000f: num = -513758749; goto IL_0014; }
public void _CgwO1K8tgdyKPdKvCtJupNhapLD(PlayerTextPacket playerText) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(playerText._Message)) { return; } string[] array = default(string[]); PlayerData jI4Bueou7dItYp5S7QML5vyC6Rc = default(PlayerData); IEnumerable <PlayerData> source = default(IEnumerable <PlayerData>); PlayerData jI4Bueou7dItYp5S7QML5vyC6Rc2 = default(PlayerData); double num14 = default(double); PlayerData current2 = default(PlayerData); TeleportPacket gXkgDctfNPN0Xyz8qvjQDIS73of2 = default(TeleportPacket); ReconnectPacket reconnectPacket = default(ReconnectPacket); string value = default(string); string text = default(string); PlayerData current = default(PlayerData); while (true) { int num = -1750270187; while (true) { uint num2; switch ((num2 = (uint)num ^ 0xA67D4B79u) % 17u) { case 7u: break; case 2u: { int num9; int num10; if (playerText._Message[0] != '/') { num9 = 806781121; num10 = num9; } else { num9 = 532765268; num10 = num9; } num = num9 ^ (int)(num2 * 1164389951); continue; } case 15u: { int num41; int num42; if (Settings.Default.EnableTeleportToSelf) { num41 = -264259780; num42 = num41; } else { num41 = -2010866462; num42 = num41; } num = num41 ^ (int)(num2 * 1334473406); continue; } case 14u: return; case 1u: if (array[0] == "/tp") { num = ((int)num2 * -919367479) ^ -648364078; continue; } while (true) { if (array[0] == "/tpq") { int num11 = -788484004; while (true) { switch ((num2 = (uint)num11 ^ 0xA67D4B79u) % 11u) { case 10u: num11 = -1591089261; continue; case 1u: break; case 8u: jI4Bueou7dItYp5S7QML5vyC6Rc = source.First(); num11 = ((int)num2 * -185312111) ^ 0x5721D1B0; continue; case 3u: return; case 6u: playerText._Send = false; num11 = -773015358; continue; case 4u: { int num15; int num16; if (!source.Any()) { num15 = 1964101611; num16 = num15; } else { num15 = 351924091; num16 = num15; } num11 = num15 ^ ((int)num2 * -907251790); continue; } case 5u: jI4Bueou7dItYp5S7QML5vyC6Rc2 = null; num14 = 0.0; num11 = -896664423; continue; case 2u: { int num12; int num13; if (Settings.Default.EnableTeleportToPlayerClosestToQuestCommand) { num12 = -1733244460; num13 = num12; } else { num12 = -1906903748; num13 = num12; } num11 = num12 ^ (int)(num2 * 1657868672); continue; } case 9u: _50w8wVuv8bL5nhKaR2EHxjrTamB.SendInfoMessage("Quest not found!"); return; case 0u: source = _50w8wVuv8bL5nhKaR2EHxjrTamB._Aq9hW2NyDqEkITmxzYm6OCQLaDB.Values.Where((PlayerData enemy) => enemy._fn2CRnBpjyTWHR9K8SU4iOwhDtK == _EeeRzHBDOL9AqYJ8CIuFvkR3Qlz); num11 = (int)(num2 * 23163576) ^ -1930811091; continue; default: goto IL_052b; } break; } continue; } goto IL_0a15; IL_0a6b: _50w8wVuv8bL5nhKaR2EHxjrTamB.SendInfoMessage("Teleporting to " + jI4Bueou7dItYp5S7QML5vyC6Rc2._WL2DOBxBuX9DARzf2KPoaJbgZiCb + "!"); int num17 = -770781531; goto IL_0695; IL_0690: num17 = -1589234120; goto IL_0695; IL_052b: using (Dictionary <int, PlayerData> .ValueCollection.Enumerator enumerator = _50w8wVuv8bL5nhKaR2EHxjrTamB._naDcMlPfaanTh6qrJ3cOuO4HNwz.Values.GetEnumerator()) { while (true) { int num18; int num19; if (!enumerator.MoveNext()) { num18 = -193042290; num19 = num18; } else { num18 = -1985374203; num19 = num18; } while (true) { switch ((num2 = (uint)num18 ^ 0xA67D4B79u) % 9u) { case 3u: num18 = -1985374203; continue; default: goto end_IL_0541; case 6u: current2 = enumerator.Current; num18 = -125787301; continue; case 5u: jI4Bueou7dItYp5S7QML5vyC6Rc2 = current2; num14 = current2._Position.GetDistance(jI4Bueou7dItYp5S7QML5vyC6Rc._Position); num18 = -2029029138; continue; case 8u: { int num26; int num27; if (!current2._NNgacHsIcOUlk6tnbwwxK7FDsff()) { num26 = 1621638204; num27 = num26; } else { num26 = 1013029468; num27 = num26; } num18 = num26 ^ ((int)num2 * -99043881); continue; } case 2u: { int num22; int num23; if (current2._Position.GetDistance(jI4Bueou7dItYp5S7QML5vyC6Rc._Position) >= num14) { num22 = -2076566562; num23 = num22; } else { num22 = -799362313; num23 = num22; } num18 = num22 ^ ((int)num2 * -1129373452); continue; } case 7u: break; case 0u: { int num24; int num25; if (jI4Bueou7dItYp5S7QML5vyC6Rc2 != null) { num24 = -1864538543; num25 = num24; } else { num24 = -1042825133; num25 = num24; } num18 = num24 ^ ((int)num2 * -342833652); continue; } case 1u: { int num20; int num21; if (current2 == _50w8wVuv8bL5nhKaR2EHxjrTamB._PlayerData) { num20 = -1385695744; num21 = num20; } else { num20 = -457941751; num21 = num20; } num18 = num20 ^ ((int)num2 * -1011815673); continue; } case 4u: goto end_IL_0541; } break; } } end_IL_0541 :; } if (jI4Bueou7dItYp5S7QML5vyC6Rc2 == null) { goto IL_0690; } goto IL_0a6b; IL_0695: while (true) { switch ((num2 = (uint)num17 ^ 0xA67D4B79u) % 34u) { case 21u: break; default: return; case 28u: goto IL_0733; case 26u: goto IL_0753; case 10u: _50w8wVuv8bL5nhKaR2EHxjrTamB.SendToServer(gXkgDctfNPN0Xyz8qvjQDIS73of2); num17 = (int)(num2 * 1686821117) ^ -2054065793; continue; case 32u: reconnectPacket = (ReconnectPacket)Packet.CreatePacketFromType(PacketType.RECONNECT); num17 = ((int)num2 * -1436860093) ^ -1342146281; continue; case 22u: playerText._Send = false; num17 = -13505546; continue; case 8u: return; case 7u: Settings.Default.CurrentServer = value; num17 = (int)((num2 * 1561157505) ^ 0x25CB793E); continue; case 2u: return; case 1u: _50w8wVuv8bL5nhKaR2EHxjrTamB.SendInfoMessage("No players found to teleport to!"); num17 = (int)(num2 * 2096922046) ^ -125483602; continue; case 30u: { int num32; int num33; if (array[0] == "/loc") { num32 = -712487546; num33 = num32; } else { num32 = -1310431336; num33 = num32; } num17 = num32 ^ ((int)num2 * -292526049); continue; } case 24u: _50w8wVuv8bL5nhKaR2EHxjrTamB.SendInfoMessage("Usage: /connect [server name]"); num17 = -2142874341; continue; case 6u: gXkgDctfNPN0Xyz8qvjQDIS73of2 = (TeleportPacket)Packet.CreatePacketFromType(PacketType.TELEPORT); gXkgDctfNPN0Xyz8qvjQDIS73of2._ObjectId = jI4Bueou7dItYp5S7QML5vyC6Rc2._fn2CRnBpjyTWHR9K8SU4iOwhDtK; num17 = (int)(num2 * 931766000) ^ -1673800875; continue; case 27u: reconnectPacket._IsFromArena = false; reconnectPacket._Key = new byte[0]; num17 = ((int)num2 * -96955804) ^ -1988870985; continue; case 31u: { int num34; int num35; if (!(array[0] == "/connect")) { num34 = 684173617; num35 = num34; } else { num34 = 719580645; num35 = num34; } num17 = num34 ^ (int)(num2 * 696526382); continue; } case 12u: reconnectPacket._KeyTime = -1; num17 = (int)((num2 * 62081320) ^ 0x76031676); continue; case 4u: return; case 33u: reconnectPacket._MapName = value + " Nexus"; num17 = (int)((num2 * 2115272512) ^ 0x344C60BE); continue; case 16u: reconnectPacket._GameId = -2; num17 = (int)(num2 * 948123561) ^ -2127748574; continue; case 9u: { int num30; int num31; if (array.Length != 2) { num30 = 534559486; num31 = num30; } else { num30 = 516844265; num31 = num30; } num17 = num30 ^ ((int)num2 * -157206137); continue; } case 19u: goto IL_098f; case 5u: playerText._Send = false; _50w8wVuv8bL5nhKaR2EHxjrTamB.SendInfoMessage($"Current location: {Math.Round(_50w8wVuv8bL5nhKaR2EHxjrTamB._PlayerData._Position._PositionX, 1)}, {Math.Round(_50w8wVuv8bL5nhKaR2EHxjrTamB._PlayerData._Position._PositionY, 1)}"); num17 = -1483513078; continue; case 23u: goto IL_0a15; case 15u: { int num28; int num29; if (ServerList._aCrqUtEobC4JELAJ9SKdNpyMHvF.TryGetValue(array[1].ToLower(), out value)) { num28 = -229036871; num29 = num28; } else { num28 = -182536418; num29 = num28; } num17 = num28 ^ (int)(num2 * 1156014646); continue; } case 25u: goto IL_0a6b; case 20u: Settings.Default.Change(); num17 = ((int)num2 * -1527675920) ^ 0x3050A16A; continue; case 14u: _50w8wVuv8bL5nhKaR2EHxjrTamB.SendToClient(reconnectPacket); return; case 0u: reconnectPacket._Port = 2050; num17 = (int)(num2 * 916855739) ^ -357830690; continue; case 13u: reconnectPacket._Hostname = ""; num17 = (int)(num2 * 611952939) ^ -184346516; continue; case 17u: _50w8wVuv8bL5nhKaR2EHxjrTamB.SendInfoMessage("Unknown server!"); return; case 29u: return; case 18u: return; case 11u: _50w8wVuv8bL5nhKaR2EHxjrTamB.SendInfoMessage("Connecting to: " + value); num17 = (int)(num2 * 1732984103) ^ -347248346; continue; case 3u: return; } break; IL_098f: int num36; if (Settings.Default.EnableLocCommand) { num17 = -1503005708; num36 = num17; } else { num17 = -154957677; num36 = num17; } continue; IL_0753: int num37; if (!(array[0] == "/l")) { num17 = -564094377; num37 = num17; } else { num17 = -1006679788; num37 = num17; } continue; IL_0733: int num38; if (!Settings.Default.EnableConnectCommand) { num17 = -1712388317; num38 = num17; } else { num17 = -351010149; num38 = num17; } } goto IL_0690; IL_0a15: int num39; if (!(array[0] == "/con")) { num17 = -1361958442; num39 = num17; } else { num17 = -1417258857; num39 = num17; } goto IL_0695; } case 0u: return; case 5u: { int num43; int num44; if (array.Length == 1) { num43 = -636101856; num44 = num43; } else { num43 = -1018051115; num44 = num43; } num = num43 ^ (int)(num2 * 1919184901); continue; } case 9u: return; case 4u: { int num45; int num46; if (Settings.Default.EnableTeleportToPlayerCommand) { num45 = 808092347; num46 = num45; } else { num45 = 767592542; num46 = num45; } num = num45 ^ (int)(num2 * 998309261); continue; } case 12u: { int num40; if (array.Length != 2) { num = -1265570669; num40 = num; } else { num = -672276365; num40 = num; } continue; } case 11u: return; case 13u: text = array[1].ToLower(); num = -1164419516; continue; case 8u: { _50w8wVuv8bL5nhKaR2EHxjrTamB.SendInfoMessage("Teleporting to self!"); TeleportPacket gXkgDctfNPN0Xyz8qvjQDIS73of3 = (TeleportPacket)Packet.CreatePacketFromType(PacketType.TELEPORT); gXkgDctfNPN0Xyz8qvjQDIS73of3._ObjectId = _50w8wVuv8bL5nhKaR2EHxjrTamB._PlayerData._fn2CRnBpjyTWHR9K8SU4iOwhDtK; _50w8wVuv8bL5nhKaR2EHxjrTamB.SendToServer(gXkgDctfNPN0Xyz8qvjQDIS73of3); num = ((int)num2 * -247600723) ^ -171822290; continue; } case 3u: playerText._Send = false; num = -852138602; continue; case 6u: array = playerText._Message.Split(' '); if (array.Length != 0) { num = -225100984; continue; } return; case 10u: _50w8wVuv8bL5nhKaR2EHxjrTamB.SendInfoMessage("Usage: /tp [partial or full player name]"); num = (int)(num2 * 215014787) ^ -718363310; continue; default: { using (Dictionary <int, PlayerData> .ValueCollection.Enumerator enumerator = _50w8wVuv8bL5nhKaR2EHxjrTamB._naDcMlPfaanTh6qrJ3cOuO4HNwz.Values.GetEnumerator()) { while (true) { int num3; int num4; if (enumerator.MoveNext()) { num3 = -383970670; num4 = num3; } else { num3 = -74179290; num4 = num3; } while (true) { switch ((num2 = (uint)num3 ^ 0xA67D4B79u) % 8u) { case 6u: num3 = -383970670; continue; default: goto end_IL_026e; case 3u: current = enumerator.Current; num3 = -222315011; continue; case 0u: break; case 5u: { int num7; int num8; if (!current._WL2DOBxBuX9DARzf2KPoaJbgZiCb.ToLower().Contains(text)) { num7 = -1300799904; num8 = num7; } else { num7 = -1187543807; num8 = num7; } num3 = num7 ^ ((int)num2 * -127224387); continue; } case 4u: { int num5; int num6; if (current._NNgacHsIcOUlk6tnbwwxK7FDsff()) { num5 = -2025665199; num6 = num5; } else { num5 = -1298686500; num6 = num5; } num3 = num5 ^ (int)(num2 * 1212507724); continue; } case 1u: { _50w8wVuv8bL5nhKaR2EHxjrTamB.SendInfoMessage("Teleporting to " + current._WL2DOBxBuX9DARzf2KPoaJbgZiCb + "!"); TeleportPacket teleportPacket = (TeleportPacket)Packet.CreatePacketFromType(PacketType.TELEPORT); teleportPacket._ObjectId = current._fn2CRnBpjyTWHR9K8SU4iOwhDtK; _50w8wVuv8bL5nhKaR2EHxjrTamB.SendToServer(teleportPacket); num3 = (int)((num2 * 2016917650) ^ 0x3A7C32A1); continue; } case 2u: return; case 7u: goto end_IL_026e; } break; } } end_IL_026e :; } _50w8wVuv8bL5nhKaR2EHxjrTamB.SendInfoMessage("Player with the name similar to " + text + " not found!"); return; } } break; } } }
public void Initialize(Proxy proxy) { targets = new List <Target> (); playerPositions = new Dictionary <int, Target> (); portals = new List <Portal> (); enemies = new List <Enemy> (); obstacles = new List <Obstacle> (); obstacleIds = new List <ushort> (); GameData.Objects.Map.ForEach((kvp) => { if (kvp.Value.FullOccupy || kvp.Value.OccupySquare) { obstacleIds.Add(kvp.Key); } }); PluginUtils.Log("FameBot", "Found {0} obstacles.", obstacleIds.Count); gui = new FameBotGUI(); PluginUtils.ShowGUI(gui); config = ConfigManager.GetConfiguration(); Process[] processes = Process.GetProcessesByName(config.FlashPlayerName); if (processes.Length == 1) { Log("Automatically bound to client."); flashPtr = processes[0].MainWindowHandle; gui?.SetHandle(flashPtr); if (config.AutoConnect) { Start(); } } else if (processes.Length > 1) { Log("Multiple flash players running. Use the /bind command on the client you want to use."); } else { Log("Couldn't find flash player. Use the /bind command in game, then start the bot."); } #region Proxy Hooks proxy.HookCommand("bind", ReceiveCommand); proxy.HookCommand("start", ReceiveCommand); proxy.HookCommand("gui", ReceiveCommand); proxy.HookCommand("famebot", ReceiveCommand); proxy.HookCommand("stop1", ReceiveCommand); proxy.HookCommand("options", ReceiveCommand); proxy.HookPacket(PacketType.RECONNECT, OnReconnect); proxy.HookPacket(PacketType.UPDATE, OnUpdate); proxy.HookPacket(PacketType.NEWTICK, OnNewTick); proxy.HookPacket(PacketType.PLAYERHIT, OnHit); proxy.HookPacket(PacketType.MAPINFO, OnMapInfo); proxy.HookPacket(PacketType.TEXT, OnText); proxy.HookPacket(PacketType.GOTOACK, (client, packet) => { if (blockNextAck) { packet.Send = false; blockNextAck = false; } }); #endregion proxy.ClientConnected += (client) => { connectedClient = client; targets.Clear(); playerPositions.Clear(); enemies.Clear(); obstacles.Clear(); followTarget = false; isInNexus = false; ResetAllKeys(); }; proxy.ClientDisconnected += (client) => { Log("Client disconnected. Waiting a few seconds before trying to press play..."); PressPlay(); }; guiEvent += (evt) => { switch (evt) { case GuiEvent.StartBot: Start(); break; case GuiEvent.StopBot: Stop(); break; case GuiEvent.SettingsChanged: Log("Updated config"); config = ConfigManager.GetConfiguration(); break; } }; sendMessage += (message) => { if (!(connectedClient?.Connected ?? false)) { return; } PlayerTextPacket packet = (PlayerTextPacket)Packet.Create(PacketType.PLAYERTEXT); packet.Text = message; connectedClient.SendToServer(packet); }; proxy.HookPacket(PacketType.FAILURE, (client, packet) => { FailurePacket p = packet as FailurePacket; if (p.ErrorId != 9) { Console.WriteLine("<FAILURE> ID: " + p.ErrorId + " Message: " + p.ErrorMessage); } if (p.ErrorMessage == "{\"key\":\"server.realm_full\"}") { Attempts++; if (Attempts >= 2 && bestName != "") { _bestName = bestName; ReconnectPacket reconnect = (ReconnectPacket)Packet.Create(PacketType.RECONNECT); reconnect.Name = "{\"text\":\"server.realm_of_the_mad_god\"}"; reconnect.Host = ""; reconnect.Stats = ""; reconnect.Port = -1; reconnect.GameId = -3; reconnect.KeyTime = -1; reconnect.IsFromArena = false; reconnect.Key = new byte[0]; connectedClient.SendToClient(reconnect); Attempts = 0; loopingforrealm = true; } } }); proxy.HookPacket(PacketType.CREATESUCCESS, (client, packet) => { target_ = null; if (enabled) { PluginUtils.Delay(200, () => Stop()); PluginUtils.Delay(500, () => Stop()); PluginUtils.Delay(1300, () => Stop()); PluginUtils.Delay(2200, () => Start()); } }); }
// Token: 0x06000232 RID: 562 RVA: 0x0000FDC0 File Offset: 0x0000DFC0 private void HandlePacket(Packet packet) { UpdatePacket updatePacket = packet as UpdatePacket; if (updatePacket != null) { this._objectTracker.Update(updatePacket); this.SafeWalk.Update(updatePacket); this._autoNexus.Update(updatePacket); this._fameHelper.Update(updatePacket); this._accuracyFarm.Update(updatePacket); this._antiLag.Update(updatePacket); this._autoLoot.Update(updatePacket); this._mapHack.Update(updatePacket); this._o3Helper.Update(updatePacket); this._showLHPot.Update(updatePacket); return; } NewTickPacket newTickPacket = packet as NewTickPacket; if (newTickPacket != null) { this._objectTracker.NewTick(newTickPacket); this._antiDebuffs.NewTick(newTickPacket); this._autoNexus.NewTick(newTickPacket); this._antiDdos.NewTick(); this._fameHelper.NewTick(newTickPacket); this._accuracyFarm.NewTick(newTickPacket); this._antiLag.NewTick(newTickPacket); this._o3Helper.NewTick(newTickPacket); this._autoNexus2.NewTick(newTickPacket); return; } MovePacket movePacket = packet as MovePacket; if (movePacket != null) { this.PreviousTime = movePacket._Nx46RcGIU0H1BCGWaJXjN1ieopt; this._objectTracker.move(movePacket); this._antiDebuffs.Move(movePacket); this._autoLoot.Move(movePacket); this.AntiAfk.move(movePacket); this._autoNexus.move(movePacket); this._autoNexus2.move(movePacket); return; } MapInfoPacket mapInfoPacket = packet as MapInfoPacket; if (mapInfoPacket != null) { Console.WriteLine("Client: Map is " + mapInfoPacket.Name); this._objectTracker.MapInfo(mapInfoPacket); this._autoNexus2.MapInfo(mapInfoPacket); this.SafeWalk.MapInfo(mapInfoPacket); this._autoNexus.MapInfo(mapInfoPacket); this._autoLoot.MapInfo(mapInfoPacket); this._fameHelper.MapInfo(); _accuracyFarm.MapInfo(); this._antiLag.MapInfo(mapInfoPacket); this._mapHack.MapInfo(mapInfoPacket); this._o3Helper.MapInfo(mapInfoPacket); this._showLHPot.MapInfo(mapInfoPacket); return; } PlayerTextPacket playerTextPacket = packet as PlayerTextPacket; if (playerTextPacket != null) { this._teleportTools.text(playerTextPacket); this._ipJoin.text(playerTextPacket); this._fameHelper._QrK9KtR4xguWgEYrBE9xnEwwcqd(playerTextPacket); this._antiLag.PlayerText(playerTextPacket); this._mapHack.text(playerTextPacket); this._autoNexus._QrK9KtR4xguWgEYrBE9xnEwwcqd(playerTextPacket); return; } _5Qyhf9ImNgkDzh4BmaDRKP646iH createSuccessPacket = packet as _5Qyhf9ImNgkDzh4BmaDRKP646iH; if (createSuccessPacket != null) { this.PlayerId = createSuccessPacket.ObjectId; this._objectTracker._1lYB9SyYVs1zUAIHgLGbUs7pmeb(); this._bazaarTimer.CreateSuccess(); this._autoNexus2._1lYB9SyYVs1zUAIHgLGbUs7pmeb(); return; } FailurePacket failurePacket = packet as FailurePacket; if (failurePacket != null) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Client: Got failure {0}, {1} ({2})", failurePacket.ErrorId, failurePacket.ErrorMessage, failurePacket.ErrorPlace)); return; } ReconnectPacket reconnectPacket = packet as ReconnectPacket; if (reconnectPacket != null) { this.Reconnect(reconnectPacket); return; } HelloPacket helloPacket = packet as HelloPacket; if (helloPacket != null) { this.Hello(helloPacket); return; } PlayerHitPacket playerHitPacket = packet as PlayerHitPacket; if (playerHitPacket != null) { this._autoNexus.PlayerHit(playerHitPacket); this._antiDebuffs.PlayerHit(playerHitPacket); return; } AoEPacket pqhqze9k9pObME2LmlIcbfEeSYS = packet as AoEPacket; if (pqhqze9k9pObME2LmlIcbfEeSYS != null) { this._autoNexus._M1PxW31jx87SGG4gvOYAwe86vjg(pqhqze9k9pObME2LmlIcbfEeSYS); this._antiDebuffs.AoE(pqhqze9k9pObME2LmlIcbfEeSYS); return; } AoEAckPacket x7UwVkbcYG7VnZWu4HCA8hCeQtS = packet as AoEAckPacket; if (x7UwVkbcYG7VnZWu4HCA8hCeQtS != null) { this._autoNexus._iKqf12lpU2ifSlxUxUegqEC5CVe(x7UwVkbcYG7VnZWu4HCA8hCeQtS); return; } GroundDamagePacket hllcDvAIxPBOvJZP4BFTFQUoryN = packet as GroundDamagePacket; if (hllcDvAIxPBOvJZP4BFTFQUoryN != null) { this._autoNexus._524YRDmz9HCOj575eu5oeD5ruJb(hllcDvAIxPBOvJZP4BFTFQUoryN); return; } _6lHFncsY9352Wg3pNnnFZ49g5xA 6lHFncsY9352Wg3pNnnFZ49g5xA = packet as QuestObjIdPacket; if (6lHFncsY9352Wg3pNnnFZ49g5xA != null) { this._teleportTools._FMTVFcTfzNRteqoB3XiUkaNps7l(6lHFncsY9352Wg3pNnnFZ49g5xA); return; } ShowEffectPacket showEffectPacket = packet as ShowEffectPacket; if (showEffectPacket != null) { this._antiLag.ShowEffect(showEffectPacket); this._autoNexus._1nwhQXngJ6rNjd7Ufx1bWeF0vhM(showEffectPacket); this._o3Helper._1nwhQXngJ6rNjd7Ufx1bWeF0vhM(showEffectPacket); return; } _4wU9AwmH67XtmNygsXuDz9DUXYm 4wU9AwmH67XtmNygsXuDz9DUXYm = packet as _4wU9AwmH67XtmNygsXuDz9DUXYm; if (4wU9AwmH67XtmNygsXuDz9DUXYm != null) { this._antiLag._Q1PiJQ99KBCJeLcZ0HOk3AUAjIP(4wU9AwmH67XtmNygsXuDz9DUXYm); return; } PlayerShootPacket fbqBESNaaIBpK5dNK9X5lWOOll = packet as PlayerShootPacket; if (fbqBESNaaIBpK5dNK9X5lWOOll != null) { this._autoNexus2.PlayerShoot(fbqBESNaaIBpK5dNK9X5lWOOll); return; } TextPacket cbwOjnzusZzuPkHfx7wuwePHqrf = packet as TextPacket; if (cbwOjnzusZzuPkHfx7wuwePHqrf != null) { this._antiSpam._IDtpCgDjmC1AQOcZCJSFNAYjlbH(cbwOjnzusZzuPkHfx7wuwePHqrf); this._antiLag.Text(cbwOjnzusZzuPkHfx7wuwePHqrf); this._o3Helper._IDtpCgDjmC1AQOcZCJSFNAYjlbH(cbwOjnzusZzuPkHfx7wuwePHqrf); return; } UseItemPacket lylWoxWrca2h31SiYiDb8gyQP0o = packet as UseItemPacket; if (lylWoxWrca2h31SiYiDb8gyQP0o != null) { this._autoNexus2.UseItem(lylWoxWrca2h31SiYiDb8gyQP0o); this._fameHelper.UseItem(lylWoxWrca2h31SiYiDb8gyQP0o); return; } EnemyShootPacket cbwrHXLbrCktla3qkqXNmNymbvH = packet as EnemyShootPacket; if (cbwrHXLbrCktla3qkqXNmNymbvH != null) { this._objectTracker._Qz49aY7UXgmnBNNMA6Q6IEQtadk(cbwrHXLbrCktla3qkqXNmNymbvH); return; } InvSwapPacket maJp2qic3r54gk5Eg1eeMowxvXh = packet as InvSwapPacket; if (maJp2qic3r54gk5Eg1eeMowxvXh != null) { this._autoLoot.InvSwap(maJp2qic3r54gk5Eg1eeMowxvXh); this._autoNexus._ZHfjECn2B9JJHnVF67eBaO57JUp(maJp2qic3r54gk5Eg1eeMowxvXh); return; } EscapePacket m74ADSrj0VfuNwRBO916gAw0Nu = packet as EscapePacket; if (m74ADSrj0VfuNwRBO916gAw0Nu != null) { this.Escape(m74ADSrj0VfuNwRBO916gAw0Nu); return; } InvitedToGuildPacket tJHGMoVf7DhHyQm8a6SCuL1cSWl = packet as InvitedToGuildPacket; if (tJHGMoVf7DhHyQm8a6SCuL1cSWl != null) { this._antiDdos.Invite(tJHGMoVf7DhHyQm8a6SCuL1cSWl); return; } TeleportPacket rvckmor8bw91EVaRfdwc25aHYbc = packet as TeleportPacket; if (rvckmor8bw91EVaRfdwc25aHYbc != null) { this._fameHelper.Teleport(rvckmor8bw91EVaRfdwc25aHYbc); this._accuracyFarm.Teleport(rvckmor8bw91EVaRfdwc25aHYbc); return; } _6UIiGxMChbVinHsvx5uqg8WrMRc 6UIiGxMChbVinHsvx5uqg8WrMRc = packet as InvResultPacket; if (6UIiGxMChbVinHsvx5uqg8WrMRc != null) { this._autoLoot._yOjSn1WKSXsXVziJpL1eH5gSoWg(6UIiGxMChbVinHsvx5uqg8WrMRc); return; } NotificationPacket zIBPB6zZVww7yGWtjJqRMmACh1q = packet as NotificationPacket; if (zIBPB6zZVww7yGWtjJqRMmACh1q != null) { this._autoNexus._4GSfC8bADOwIwOXLYze8EOUBQxJ(zIBPB6zZVww7yGWtjJqRMmACh1q); return; } AccountListPacket k4pBHmoGRyaE6dWf1FIvL0dcuzKA = packet as AccountListPacket; if (k4pBHmoGRyaE6dWf1FIvL0dcuzKA != null) { this._antiLag.AccountList(k4pBHmoGRyaE6dWf1FIvL0dcuzKA); return; } EditAccountListPacket co7ACSeK1WWaCGAPAqLaov37Wqdb = packet as EditAccountListPacket; if (co7ACSeK1WWaCGAPAqLaov37Wqdb != null) { this._antiLag.EditAccountList(co7ACSeK1WWaCGAPAqLaov37Wqdb); return; } _7k8aOfI7MhNrVnHioUXbsPAxkbm 7k8aOfI7MhNrVnHioUXbsPAxkbm = packet as EnemyHitPacket; if (7k8aOfI7MhNrVnHioUXbsPAxkbm != null) { this._o3Helper._9BgsXisaUbFFlj5HLRd76sERUUX(7k8aOfI7MhNrVnHioUXbsPAxkbm); return; } DeathPacket wOmvsGmaE1PheZ2fPjD9V16UEseb = packet as DeathPacket; if (wOmvsGmaE1PheZ2fPjD9V16UEseb != null) { this._autoNexus._qQsqaOxgCR9yg9ky7erATaKrgCC(wOmvsGmaE1PheZ2fPjD9V16UEseb); return; } }
// Token: 0x06000520 RID: 1312 RVA: 0x0001E84C File Offset: 0x0001CA4C public void text(PlayerTextPacket playerText) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(playerText.Text)) { if (playerText.Text[0] == '/') { string[] array = playerText.Text.Split(new char[] { ' ' }); if (array.Length != 0) { if (array[0] == "/tp") { if (!Settings.Default.EnableTeleportToPlayerCommand || Settings.Default.FameBlockTeleports) { return; } playerText.Send = false; if (array.Length == 1) { if (Settings.Default.EnableTeleportToSelf) { this.client.SendToClient("Teleporting to self!"); TeleportPacket teleportPacket = (TeleportPacket)Packet.Create(PacketType.TELEPORT); teleportPacket.ObjectId = this.client.Player.ObjectId; this.client.SendToServer(teleportPacket); return; } } if (array.Length == 2) { string text = array[1].ToLower(); foreach (GameObject gameObject in this.client.Players.Values) { if (!gameObject.isInvisible() && gameObject.Name.ToLower().Contains(text)) { this.client.SendToClient("Teleporting to " + gameObject.Name + "!"); TeleportPacket teleportPacket = (TeleportPacket)Packet.Create(PacketType.TELEPORT); teleportPacket.ObjectId = gameObject.ObjectId; this.client.SendToServer(teleportPacket); return; } } this.client.SendToClient("Player with the name similar to " + text + " not found!"); return; } this.client.SendToClient("Usage: /tp [partial or full player name]"); return; } else if (array[0] == "/tpq") { if (!Settings.Default.EnableTeleportToPlayerClosestToQuestCommand || Settings.Default.FameBlockTeleports) { return; } playerText.Send = false; IEnumerable <GameObject> source = from enemy in this.client.Enemies.Values where enemy.ObjectId == this._lastQuest select enemy; if (!source.Any <GameObject>()) { this.client.SendToClient("Quest not found!"); return; } GameObject gameObject2 = null; double num = 0.0; GameObject gameObject3 = source.First <GameObject>(); foreach (GameObject gameObject4 in this.client.Players.Values) { if (gameObject4 != this.client.Player && !gameObject4.isInvisible() && (gameObject2 == null || gameObject4.ClientPosition.DistanceSquaredTo(gameObject3.ClientPosition) < num)) { gameObject2 = gameObject4; num = gameObject4.ClientPosition.DistanceSquaredTo(gameObject3.ClientPosition); } } if (gameObject2 == null) { this.client.SendToClient("No players found to teleport to!"); return; } this.client.SendToClient("Teleporting to " + gameObject2.Name + "!"); TeleportPacket teleportPacket2 = (TeleportPacket)Packet.Create(PacketType.TELEPORT); teleportPacket2.ObjectId = gameObject2.ObjectId; this.client.SendToServer(teleportPacket2); return; } else if (array[0] == "/c" || array[0] == "/con" || array[0] == "/connect") { if (!Settings.Default.EnableConnectCommand) { return; } playerText.Send = false; if (array.Length != 2) { this.client.SendToClient("Usage: /connect [server name]"); } else { string text2; if (!ServerParser.ServerAbbreviations.TryGetValue(array[1].ToLower(), out text2)) { this.client.SendToClient("Unknown server!"); return; } ReconnectPacket reconnectPacket = (ReconnectPacket)Packet.Create(PacketType.RECONNECT); reconnectPacket.GameId = -2; reconnectPacket.Host = ""; reconnectPacket.Port = 2050; reconnectPacket.isFromArena = false; reconnectPacket.Key = new byte[0]; reconnectPacket.KeyTime = -1; reconnectPacket.Name = text2 + " Nexus"; reconnectPacket.State = string.Empty; Settings.Default.CurrentServer = text2; this.client.SendToClient("Connecting to: " + text2); this.client.SendToClient(reconnectPacket); return; } } } return; } } }
public void Initialize(Proxy proxy) { // Initialize lists so they are empty instead of null. targets = new List <Target>(); playerPositions = new Dictionary <int, Target>(); portals = new List <Portal>(); enemies = new List <Enemy>(); rocks = new List <Rock>(); // Initialize and display gui. gui = new FameBotGUI(); PluginUtils.ShowGUI(gui); // Get the config. config = ConfigManager.GetConfiguration(); // Look for all processes with the name "flash.exe". Process[] processes = Process.GetProcessesByName("flash"); if (processes.Length == 1) { // If there is one client open, bind to it. Log("Automatically bound to client."); flashPtr = processes[0].MainWindowHandle; gui?.SetHandle(flashPtr); if (config.AutoConnect) { Start(); } } // If there are multiple or no clients running, log a message. else if (processes.Length > 1) { Log("Multiple flash players running. Use the /bind command on the client you want to use."); } else { Log("Couldn't find flash player. Use the /bind command in game, then start the bot."); } #region Proxy Hooks proxy.HookCommand("bind", ReceiveCommand); proxy.HookCommand("start", ReceiveCommand); proxy.HookCommand("gui", ReceiveCommand); proxy.HookPacket(PacketType.UPDATE, OnUpdate); proxy.HookPacket(PacketType.NEWTICK, OnNewTick); proxy.HookPacket(PacketType.PLAYERHIT, OnHit); proxy.HookPacket(PacketType.MAPINFO, OnMapInfo); proxy.HookPacket(PacketType.TEXT, OnText); #endregion // Runs every time a client connects. proxy.ClientConnected += (client) => { // Clear all lists and reset keys. connectedClient = client; targets.Clear(); playerPositions.Clear(); enemies.Clear(); rocks.Clear(); followTarget = false; isInNexus = false; A_PRESSED = false; D_PRESSED = false; W_PRESSED = false; S_PRESSED = false; }; // Runs every time a client disconnects. proxy.ClientDisconnected += (client) => { Log("Client disconnected. Waiting a few seconds before trying to press play..."); PressPlay(); }; guiEvent += (evt) => { switch (evt) { case GuiEvent.StartBot: Start(); break; case GuiEvent.StopBot: Stop(); break; case GuiEvent.SettingsChanged: config = ConfigManager.GetConfiguration(); break; } }; // Send an in game message when the gui fires the event. sendMessage += (message) => { if (!(connectedClient?.Connected ?? false)) { return; } PlayerTextPacket packet = (PlayerTextPacket)Packet.Create(PacketType.PLAYERTEXT); packet.Text = message; connectedClient.SendToServer(packet); }; }
public void PlayerText(RealmTime time, PlayerTextPacket pkt) { if (pkt.Text[0] == '/') { string[] x = pkt.Text.Trim().Split(' '); try { AnnounceText = pkt.Text.Substring(10); NewsText = pkt.Text.Substring(6).Split(';'); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Error at line 24 of Player.Chat.cs"); } ChatMessage = pkt.Text; string[] z = pkt.Text.Trim().Split('|'); y = z.Skip(1).ToArray(); ProcessCmd(x[0].Trim('/'), x.Skip(1).ToArray()); } else { if (psr.Account.Admin == true) { Owner.BroadcastPacket(new TextPacket() { Name = "@" + psr.Account.Name, Stars = psr.Player.Stars, BubbleTime = 5, Text = pkt.Text }, null); } else { int role; using (Database db1 = new Database()) { role = db1.getRole(psr.Account); } if (role >= (int)Database.Roles.Donator) { Owner.BroadcastPacket(new TextPacket() { Name = "#" + psr.Account.Name, Stars = psr.Player.Stars, BubbleTime = 5, Text = pkt.Text }, null); } else { Owner.BroadcastPacket(new TextPacket() { Name = Name, ObjectId = Id, Stars = Stars, BubbleTime = 5, Recipient = "", Text = pkt.Text, CleanText = pkt.Text }, null); } } } }