Example #1
     * take in spray paint from the player with a distribution around the centermost
     * hitpoint (the first hitpoint). hitpoints should be a normalized vector where
     * (0,0,z) represents the bottom left and (1,1,z) is the top right. z is not used.
    public void Spray(PlayerSprayData playerSprayData)
        Vector2Int[] binsHit = new Vector2Int[playerSprayData.sprayPoints.Length];
        /* any ray which did not intersect the surface will have their bin set to (-1,-1) */
        for (int i = 0; i < playerSprayData.sprayPoints.Length; ++i)
            if (playerSprayData.castSuccess[i])
                binsHit[i] = new Vector2Int(Mathf.RoundToInt(playerSprayData.sprayPoints[i].x * sprayGridX),
                                            Mathf.RoundToInt(playerSprayData.sprayPoints[i].y * sprayGridY));
                binsHit[i] = new Vector2Int(-1, -1);

        for (int i = 0; i < binsHit.Length; ++i)
            if (binsHit[i].x >= 0 && binsHit[i].x <= sprayGridX &&
                binsHit[i].y >= 0 && binsHit[i].y <= sprayGridY)
                // do stuff
Example #2
     * If near a taggable surface and we have enough spray cans, spray graffiti
     * onto the taggable surface. If we were unable to spray the surface for any reason
     * we do not deduct any spray cans.
    void SprayTag()
        if (nearestTagSurface != null && sprayCansCurrent > 0 && Input.GetButton("Fire3"))
             * bool sprayed;
             * TaggableSurfaceController tagScript = nearestTagSurface.GetComponent<TaggableSurfaceController>();
             * if (!tagScript.InGroup)
             * {
             *      sprayed = tagScript.SprayTag(smallTag);
             * }
             * else
             * {
             *      sprayed = tagScript.SprayTag(mediumTagPieces[tagScript.SurfaceIndex]);
             * }
             * if (sprayed)
             * {
             *      --sprayCansCurrent;
             * }*/
            RayTagSurfaceController tagScript = nearestTagSurface.GetComponent <RayTagSurfaceController>();
            GameObject surface = tagScript.getParent();

            RaycastHit hitInfo        = new RaycastHit();
            Vector3[]  castDirections = new Vector3[numRayCast];

            /* get the direction of spraying, tending towards the centre of the surface
             * but constrained with a max angle that the player can spray at
            Vector3 toSurfaceCenter = surface.transform.position - transform.position;
            Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, toSurfaceCenter, Color.red);
            Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, surface.transform.forward, Color.blue);
            float angleDifference = Vector3.Angle(toSurfaceCenter, surface.transform.forward);
            if (angleDifference > sprayDirectionMaxAngle)
                toSurfaceCenter = Vector3.RotateTowards(toSurfaceCenter, surface.transform.forward, Mathf.Deg2Rad * (angleDifference - sprayDirectionMaxAngle), 0.0f);

            castDirections[0] = toSurfaceCenter;
            castDirections[1] = Quaternion.Euler(sprayConeAngle, 0, 0) * toSurfaceCenter;
            castDirections[2] = Quaternion.Euler(-sprayConeAngle, 0, 0) * toSurfaceCenter;
            castDirections[3] = Quaternion.Euler(0, sprayConeAngle, 0) * toSurfaceCenter;
            castDirections[4] = Quaternion.Euler(0, -sprayConeAngle, 0) * toSurfaceCenter;

            /* TODO: remove debug ray drawing when no longer necessary */
            bool      anyRayHit     = false;
            Vector3[] castHitPoints = new Vector3[numRayCast];
            BitArray  castSuccess   = new BitArray(numRayCast);
            for (int i = 0; i < numRayCast; ++i)
                Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, castDirections[i], Color.green);
                if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, castDirections[i], out hitInfo, 10f, Physics.DefaultRaycastLayers, QueryTriggerInteraction.Collide))
                    anyRayHit        = true;
                    castHitPoints[i] = ((hitInfo.point - surface.transform.position).normalized + new Vector3(1, 1, 1)).normalized;

                    castSuccess[i] = true;
                    castSuccess[i] = false;

            if (anyRayHit)
                PlayerSprayData playerSprayData = new PlayerSprayData(castHitPoints, castSuccess, transform.position, this.mediumTag);