public void SelectTower() { if (PlayerObjectRegistry.GetPlayer().state.Gold >= Data.cost) { InteractionManager.Instance.SetInteraction(new GridInteraction(Data)); } }
/* * // Callback triggered when this instance receives an incoming client connection * public override void ConnectRequest(UdpKit.UdpEndPoint endpoint, Bolt.IProtocolToken token) * { * //*Example:* Accepting an incoming connection with user credentials in the data token. * // UserCredentials creds = (UserCredentials)token); * /// if(Authenticate(creds.username, creds.password)) { * /// BoltNetwork.Accept(connection.remoteEndPoint); * /// } * * * print("S ConnectRequest 2"); * BoltNetwork.Accept(endpoint); * } */ /* * public override void ConnectRequest(UdpKit.UdpEndPoint endpoint) * { * print("Connection request of type 1"); * BoltNetwork.Accept(endpoint); * } */ /*public override void ConnectRequest(UdpKit.UdpEndPoint endpoint, Bolt.IProtocolToken token) * { * print("ACcept incoming connection"); * BoltNetwork.Accept(endpoint); * }*/ /*public override void ConnectRequest(UdpKit.UdpEndPoint endpoint, Bolt.IProtocolToken token) * { * print("Connection request "); * CameraSpawnPoint csp = new CameraSpawnPoint(new Vector3(20, 20, 20)); * print("Connect request, setting spawn point: "+ csp.position); * BoltNetwork.Accept(endpoint, csp, csp, csp); * }*/ // Callback triggered when a client has become connected to this instance /*public override void Connected(BoltConnection connection) * { * print("S Connected 1"); * * }*/ // Callback triggered when a client has become connected to this instance public override void Connected(BoltConnection c, Bolt.IProtocolToken acceptToken) { //*Example:* Using a protocol token with the Connected callback to pass a spawnpoint position to to new player entity. print("S Connected 2"); print("AcceptToken: " + acceptToken); //Store this location along with the user's connection PlayerObjectRegistry.CreateClientPlayer(c, (CameraSpawnPoint)acceptToken); }
public void Die(GameObject killer) { EntityManager.Instance.DestroyEnemy(entity.gameObject); var player = PlayerObjectRegistry.GetPlayer(killer.GetComponent <TowerBehaviour>().entity.controller); player.behavior.state.Score += _data.score; player.behavior.state.Gold +=; }
public override void Disconnected(BoltConnection connection) { PlayerObjectRegistry.DestroyClientPlayer(connection); GameManager.Instance.SetAllPlayerReadyState(false); var log = LogEvent.Create(); log.Message = string.Format("{0} disconnected", connection.RemoteEndPoint); log.Send(); }
// Callback triggered when this instance receives an incoming client connection public override void ConnectRequest(UdpKit.UdpEndPoint endpoint) { print("S ConnectRequest 1"); Vector3 connectedPlayerStarting = PlayerObjectRegistry.PlayerConnect(); print("Connected starting: " + connectedPlayerStarting); if (PlayerObjectRegistry.connectedPlayerCount > 4) { BoltNetwork.Refuse(endpoint, null); } else { CameraSpawnPoint csp = new CameraSpawnPoint(connectedPlayerStarting); //print("Connect request, setting spawn point: " + csp.position); BoltNetwork.Accept(endpoint, null, csp, null); } }
// Callback triggered before the new local scene has been completely loaded public override void SceneLoadLocalDone(string map) { /// if(BoltNetwork.isClient && map.Equals("GameScene") { /// SplashScreen.Hide(); /// } print("S SceneLoadLocalDone"); PlayerObject p = PlayerObjectRegistry.CreateServerPlayer(new CameraSpawnPoint(new Vector3(0f, 0f, -20f))); //server done loading //Find camera Camera myCamera = PlayerCamera.instance.GetComponentInChildren <Camera>(); //create potato potato = BoltNetwork.Instantiate(BoltPrefabs.Potato); //Map camera to potato script (potato.GetComponent <PotatoController>()).mainCamera = myCamera; //p.rightWall = }
public override void OnEvent(TeleportEvent evnt) { foreach (PlayerObject p in PlayerObjectRegistry.allPlayers) { if (p.connection == evnt.RaisedBy) { Vector3 newPosition; if (evnt.isRightWall) { newPosition = PlayerObjectRegistry.getRightWallTeleport(p); } else { newPosition = PlayerObjectRegistry.getLeftWallTeleport(p); } //TODO move potato potato.transform.position = newPosition; return; } } }
public override void OnEvent(IsReadyEvent evnt) { PlayerObjectRegistry.GetPlayer(evnt.RaisedBy).behavior.state.IsReady = !PlayerObjectRegistry.GetPlayer(evnt.RaisedBy).behavior.state.IsReady; }
void Awake() { PlayerObjectRegistry.CreateServerPlayer(); }
public override void OnEvent(SpawnEvent evnt) { var player = PlayerObjectRegistry.GetPlayer(evnt.RaisedBy); EntityManager.Instance.SpawnTower((TowerType)evnt.TowerType, player, evnt.Position); }
public override void OnEvent(SetNameEvent evnt) { PlayerObjectRegistry.GetPlayer(evnt.RaisedBy).behavior.state.Name = evnt.Name; }
public override void OnEvent(SetColorEvent evnt) { PlayerObjectRegistry.GetPlayer(evnt.RaisedBy).behavior.state.Color = evnt.Color; }
public override void SceneLoadRemoteDone(BoltConnection connection) { PlayerObjectRegistry.GetPlayer(connection).Spawn(); }
public override void Connected(BoltConnection connection) { PlayerObjectRegistry.CreateClientPlayer(connection); }
public override void OnEvent(SpawnPlayerEvent evnt) { // Spawn the player with this customisation token and assign control to the // connection /player who raised the event... PlayerObjectRegistry.GetPlayer(evnt.RaisedBy).Spawn((CustomisationToken)evnt.CustomisationToken); }
// Creates a client player when connecting to the server. public override void Connected(BoltConnection arg) { PlayerObjectRegistry.CreateClientPlayer(arg); Debug.Log(arg.ConnectionId + " Connected"); }