Example #1
    // upoffset     }

    public override void SetProperties(SimpleJSON.JSONClass N)

        if (cannon && N.GetKeys().Contains(ConveyerWhoosherSpeeder.speedKey))
            GetComponentInChildren <ConveyerWhoosherSpeeder>().speed = N[ConveyerWhoosherSpeeder.speedKey].AsInt;

         * Format of properties for the NumberModifiers may differ, look in NumberHoop for the actual implementation of this method.
         * */
        //		// commented Debug.Log("props:"+props);
        //		SimpleJSON.JSONNode n = SimpleJSON.JSON.Parse(props);
//		// commented Debug.Log("set prop received:"+N.ToString());

        if (textTrigger && N.GetKeys().Contains(PlayerNowMessageTrigger.textTriggerKey))
            PlayerNowMessageTrigger tt = GetComponentInChildren <PlayerNowMessageTrigger>();
            if (tt)
                tt.thingToSay = Utils.FakeToRealQuotes(N[PlayerNowMessageTrigger.textTriggerKey].Value);
                // commented Debug.LogError("Set prop fail, no speech, couldn't say '"+N[PlayerNowMessageTrigger.textTriggerKey].Value+"' on "+myName);
Example #2
    public string ueo_notes;     // strictly for my reference later in editor -- lets me know something unique about this prefab object
    #region UserEditable
    public override SimpleJSON.JSONClass GetProperties()
        SimpleJSON.JSONClass N = base.GetProperties();        // new SimpleJSON.JSONClass();
//		Debug.Log("gettin prop...:"+N.ToString());

        if (cannon)
            N[ConveyerWhoosherSpeeder.speedKey].AsInt = Mathf.RoundToInt(GetComponentInChildren <ConveyerWhoosherSpeeder>().speed);
        if (textTrigger)
            // Todo : factor this into all UserEditableObject so you can add text triggers to any UEO.
            PlayerNowMessageTrigger tt = GetComponentInChildren <PlayerNowMessageTrigger>();
            if (tt)
                N[PlayerNowMessageTrigger.textTriggerKey] = Utils.RealToFakeQuotes(tt.thingToSay);
                // commented Debug.LogError("Getprop UEO: No text script is a child of "+myName+", but it's labeled as text trigger.");