void HandleCharacterPreview(PlayerInterfaces pl)
        //если у нас есть отображаемый портрет бойца, который не совпадает с активным (выбираемым нами)
        //это значит мы изменили персонажей
        if (pl.previewPotrait != pl.activePotrait)
            if (pl.createdCharacter != null)//удаляем выбор персонажа, если игрок осуществил таковой

            //и мы создаем нового
            GameObject go = Instantiate(
                Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;

            pl.createdCharacter = go;

            pl.previewPotrait = pl.activePotrait;

            if (!string.Equals(pl.playerBase.playerId, charManager.players[0].playerId))
                pl.createdCharacter.GetComponent <StateManager>().lookRight = false;
    void HandleCharacterPreview(PlayerInterfaces pl)
        //if the previews potrait we had, is not the same as the active one we have
        //that means we changed characters
        if (pl.previewPotrait != pl.activePotrait)
            if (pl.createdCharacter != null)//delete the one we have now if we do have one

            //and create another one
            GameObject go = Instantiate(
                Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;

            pl.createdCharacter = go;

            pl.previewPotrait = pl.activePotrait;

            if (!string.Equals(pl.playerBase.playerId, charManager.players[0].playerId))
                pl.createdCharacter.GetComponent <StateManager>().lookRight = false;
Example #3
    void HandleCharacterPreview(PlayerInterfaces pl)
        //Se o previews potrait tivemos, nao eh o mesmo que esta ativa uma que temos
        //Entao significa que precisa trocar de personagem

        if (pl.previewPotrait != pl.activePotrait)
            if (pl.createdCharacter != null)// Deleta o anterior

            //E cria outro
            GameObject go = Instantiate(
                Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;

            pl.createdCharacter = go;

            pl.previewPotrait = pl.activePotrait;

            if (!string.Equals(pl.playerBase.playerId, charManager.players[0].playerId))
                pl.createdCharacter.GetComponent <StateManager>().lookRight = false;
Example #4
    void HandleSelectScreenInput(PlayerInterfaces pl, string playerId)
        float vertical = Input.GetAxis("Vertical" + playerId);

        if (vertical != 0)
            if (!pl.hitInputOnce)
                if (vertical > 0)
                    pl.activeY = (pl.activeY > 0) ? pl.activeY - 1 : maxY - 1;
                    pl.activeY = (pl.activeY < maxY - 1) ? pl.activeY + 1 : 0;

                pl.hitInputOnce = true;

        float horizontal = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal" + playerId);

        if (horizontal != 0)
            if (!pl.hitInputOnce)
                if (horizontal > 0)
                    pl.activeX = (pl.activeX > 0) ? pl.activeX - 1 : maxX - 1;
                    pl.activeX = (pl.activeX < maxX - 1) ? pl.activeX + 1 : 0;

                pl.hitInputOnce = true;

        if (vertical == 0 && horizontal == 0)
            pl.hitInputOnce = false;

        // Actual Character Selection

        if (Input.GetButtonDown("Submit" + playerId))
            Debug.Log("player" + playerId + " has selected a character");
            //Passes to Character Manager
            pl.playerBase.playerprefab = charManager.returnCharacterWithID(pl.activePortrait.CharacterId).prefab;

            pl.playerBase.hasCharacter = true;
Example #5
    void HandleSelectorPosition(PlayerInterfaces p1)
        //find the active portrait
        p1.activePortrait = charGrid[p1.activeX, p1.activeY];
        //place the selector over the position
        Vector2 selectorPosition = p1.activePortrait.transform.localPosition;

        selectorPosition = selectorPosition + new Vector2(portraitCanvas.transform.localPosition.x, portraitCanvas.transform.localPosition.y);

        p1.selector.transform.localPosition = selectorPosition;
Example #6
    void HandleSelectorPosition(PlayerInterfaces pl)
        // activate character selector
        //find active portrait
        pl.activePotrait = charGrid[pl.activeX, pl.activeY];
        // place selector over position
        Vector2 selectorPosition = pl.activePotrait.transform.localPosition;

        selectorPosition = selectorPosition + new Vector2(potraitCanvas.transform.transform.localPosition.x, potraitCanvas.transform.localPosition.y);
        pl.selector.transform.localPosition = selectorPosition;
Example #7
    void HandleSelectorPosition(PlayerInterfaces pl)

        pl.activePortrait = charGrid[pl.activeX, pl.activeY];

        Vector2 selectorPosition = pl.activePortrait.transform.localPosition;

        selectorPosition = selectorPosition + new Vector2(portraitCanvas.transform.localPosition.x
                                                          , portraitCanvas.transform.localPosition.y);

        pl.selector.transform.localPosition = selectorPosition;
Example #8
    void HandleSelectorPosition(PlayerInterfaces pl)
        pl.selector.SetActive(true);                         //Habilitado o selector

        pl.activePotrait = charGrid[pl.activeX, pl.activeY]; //Encontra o potrait ativado

        //E coloca o seletor em cima de uma posicao
        Vector2 selectorPosition = pl.activePotrait.transform.localPosition;

        selectorPosition = selectorPosition + new Vector2(potraitCanvas.transform.localPosition.x
                                                          , potraitCanvas.transform.localPosition.y);

        pl.selector.transform.localPosition = selectorPosition;
    //mouse over character stuff - find out how to get smooth animations instead of character prefab so that menus can move better
    void HandleCharacterPreview(PlayerInterfaces pl)
        if (pl.previewPortrait != pl.activePortrait)
            if (pl.createdCharacter != null)

            GameObject go = Instantiate(CharacterManager.GetInstance().returnCharacterWithID(pl.activePortrait.characterId).prefab, pl.charVisPos.position, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
            pl.createdCharacter = go;
            pl.previewPortrait  = pl.activePortrait;

            if (string.Equals(pl.playerBase.playerId, charManager.players[0].playerId))
                pl.createdCharacter.GetComponent <StateManager>().lookRight = false;
Example #10
    void HandleSelectorPosition(PlayerInterfaces pl) //обновляет положение рамки выбора бойца
        pl.selector.SetActive(true);                 //включить рамку выбора бойца

        PotraitInfo pi = ReturnPotrait(pl.activeX, pl.activeY);

        if (pi != null)
            pl.activePotrait = pi;//находим активный портрет бойца

            //помещаем рамку на выбранную позицию
            Vector2 selectorPosition = pl.activePotrait.transform.localPosition;

            selectorPosition = selectorPosition + new Vector2(potraitCanvas.transform.localPosition.x
                                                              , potraitCanvas.transform.localPosition.y);

            pl.selector.transform.localPosition = selectorPosition;
    void HandleSelectorPosition(PlayerInterfaces pl)
        pl.selector.SetActive(true);                            //enable the selector

        PotraitInfo pi = ReturnPotrait(pl.activeX, pl.activeY); //

        if (pi != null)
            pl.activePotrait = pi; //find the active potrait

            //and place the selector over it's position
            Vector2 selectorPosition = pl.activePotrait.transform.localPosition;

            selectorPosition = selectorPosition + new Vector2(potraitCanvas.transform.localPosition.x
                                                              , potraitCanvas.transform.localPosition.y);

            pl.selector.transform.localPosition = selectorPosition;
Example #12
    void HandleCharacterPreview(PlayerInterfaces pl)
        if (pl.previewPortrait != pl.activePortrait)
            //shes broken here shes not accessing this if statement ^

            if (pl.createdCharacter != null)

            GameObject go = Instantiate(
                Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;

            pl.createdCharacter = go;

            pl.previewPortrait = pl.activePortrait;
Example #13
    void HandleCharacterPreview(PlayerInterfaces pl)
        if (pl.previewPortrait != pl.activePortrait)                    // if previous port isnt the same of active = we changed chars, so
            if (pl.createdCharacter != null)                            // if we have one char
                Destroy(pl.createdCharacter);                           //destroy it

            //and create another one
            GameObject go = Instantiate(
                Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;

            pl.createdCharacter = go;
            pl.previewPortrait  = pl.activePortrait;

            if (!string.Equals(pl.playerBase.playerId, charManager.players[0].playerId))
//				pl.createdCharacter.GetComponent<StateManager> ().lookRight = false;
Example #14
    void HandleCharacterPreview(PlayerInterfaces p1)
        //if the preview portrait and the active portrait is not the same we need to change the portrait
        if (p1.previewPortrait != p1.activePortrait)
            if (p1.createdCharacter != null)
            //create another portrait
            GameObject go = Instantiate
                                (CharacterManager.GetInstance().ReturnCharacterWithID(p1.activePortrait.characterID).prefab, p1.charVisPos.position, Quaternion.identity)
                            as GameObject;

            p1.createdCharacter = go;

            p1.previewPortrait = p1.activePortrait;

            if (!string.Equals(p1.playerBase.playerID, charManager.players[0].playerID))
                //p1.createdCharacter.GetComponent<StateManager>().lookRight = false;
Example #15
    void HandleSelectScreenInput(PlayerInterfaces pl, string playerId)
        #region Grid Navigation

        /*To navigate in the grid
         * we simply change the active x and y to select what entry is active
         * we also smooth out the input so if the user keeps pressing the button
         * it won't switch more than once over half a second

        float vertical = Input.GetAxis("Vertical" + playerId);

        if (vertical != 0)
            if (!pl.hitInputOnce)
                if (vertical > 0)
                    pl.activeY = (pl.activeY > 0) ? pl.activeY - 1 : maxCollumn;
                    pl.activeY = (pl.activeY < maxCollumn) ? pl.activeY + 1 : 0;

                pl.hitInputOnce = true;

        float horizontal = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal" + playerId);

        if (horizontal != 0)
            if (!pl.hitInputOnce)
                if (horizontal > 0)
                    pl.activeX = (pl.activeX > 0) ? pl.activeX - 1 : maxRow - 1;
                    pl.activeX = (pl.activeX < maxRow - 1) ? pl.activeX + 1 : 0;

                pl.timerToReset = 0;
                pl.hitInputOnce = true;

        if (vertical == 0 && horizontal == 0)
            pl.hitInputOnce = false;

        if (pl.hitInputOnce)
            pl.timerToReset += Time.deltaTime;

            if (pl.timerToReset > 0.8f)
                pl.hitInputOnce = false;
                pl.timerToReset = 0;


        //если игрок нажал "пробел", то он определился в выборе бойца
        if (Input.GetButtonUp("Fire1" + playerId))
            //проиграем анимацию удара (можно любую другую),
            //чтобы показать реакцию персонажа, потому что почему бы и нет
            pl.createdCharacter.GetComponentInChildren <Animator>().Play("Kick");

            //пропустить персонажа в контроллер персонажей, чтобы он понял, какой префаб выбран игроком
            pl.playerBase.playerPrefab =

            pl.playerBase.hasCharacter = true;
Example #16
    void HandleSelectScreenInput(PlayerInterfaces pl, string playerId)
        #region Grid Navigation

        /* To navigate grid, change active X and Y to select which entry is active
         * smooth input to reduce speed of selection if button held down

        float verticle = Input.GetAxis("Vertical" + playerId);
        if (verticle != 0)
            if (!pl.hasInputOnce)
                if (verticle > 0)
                    pl.activeY = (pl.activeY > 0) ? pl.activeY - 1 : maxY - 1;
                    pl.activeY = (pl.activeY < maxY - 1) ? pl.activeY + 1 : 0;
                pl.hasInputOnce = true;

        float horizontal = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal" + playerId);
        if (horizontal != 0)
            if (!pl.hasInputOnce)
                if (horizontal > 0)
                    pl.activeX = (pl.activeX > 0) ? pl.activeX - 1 : maxX - 1;
                    pl.activeX = (pl.activeX < maxX - 1) ? pl.activeX + 1 : 0;
                pl.timerToReset = 0;
                pl.hasInputOnce = true;

        if (verticle == 0 && horizontal == 0)
            pl.hasInputOnce = false;

        if (pl.hasInputOnce)
            pl.timerToReset += Time.deltaTime;
            if (pl.timerToReset > 0.8f)
                pl.hasInputOnce = false;
                pl.timerToReset = 0;
        // space bar to select character
        if (Input.GetButtonUp("Fire1" + playerId))
            // characterReact
            pl.createdCharacter.GetComponentInChildren <Animator>().Play("Kick");
            // pass character to character manager
            pl.playerBase.playerPrefab = charManager.returnCharacterWithId(pl.activePotrait.characterId).prefab;
            pl.playerBase.hasCharacter = true;
Example #17
    void HandleSelectScreenInput(PlayerInterfaces pl, string playerId)
        #region Grid Navigation

        /*Para navegar no grid
         * Simplesmente mudamos o active x e y para selectionar o que ativar
         * E tambem suaviza o input se voce continuar pressionando o botao
         * Nao vai mudar mais que um por meio segundo

        float vertical = Input.GetAxis("Vertical" + playerId);

        if (vertical != 0)
            if (!pl.hitInputOnce)
                if (vertical > 0)
                    pl.activeY = (pl.activeY > 0) ? pl.activeY - 1 : maxY - 1;
                    pl.activeY = (pl.activeY < maxY - 1) ? pl.activeY + 1 : 0;

                pl.hitInputOnce = true;
        float horizontal = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal" + playerId);

        if (horizontal != 0)
            if (!pl.hitInputOnce)
                if (horizontal > 0)
                    pl.activeX = (pl.activeX > 0) ? pl.activeX - 1 : maxX - 1;
                    pl.activeX = (pl.activeX < maxX - 1) ? pl.activeX + 1 : 0;
                pl.timerToReset = 0;
                pl.hitInputOnce = true;

        if (vertical == 0 && horizontal == 0)
            pl.hitInputOnce = false;
        if (pl.hitInputOnce)
            pl.timerToReset += Time.deltaTime;

            if (pl.timerToReset > 0.8f)
                pl.hitInputOnce = false;
                pl.timerToReset = 0;
        if (Input.GetButtonUp("Fire1" + playerId))
            pl.createdCharacter.GetComponentInChildren <Animator>().Play("Kick");

            pl.playerBase.playerPrefab = charManager.returnCharacterWithID(pl.activePotrait.characterId).prefab;

            pl.playerBase.hasCharacter = true;
        //Se meu jogador 1 selecionar o seu personagem, entao o segundo jogador ira ser selecionado
        if (charManager.players[0].hasCharacter == true)
            if (charManager.players[1].hasCharacter == false)
                pl.playerBase.playerPrefab = charManager.returnCharacterWithID(pl.activePotrait.characterId).prefab;
                pl.playerBase.hasCharacter = true;
                pl.createdCharacter.GetComponentInChildren <Animator>().Play("Kick");
Example #18
    void HandleSelectScreenInput(PlayerInterfaces p1, string playerID)

        /*To navigate the grid
         * the active x and y need to change to whichever character is selected
         * */

        float vertical = Input.GetAxis("Vertical" + playerID);

        if (vertical != 0)
            if (!p1.hitInputOnce)
                if (vertical > 0)
                    p1.activeY = (p1.activeY > 0) ? p1.activeY - 1 : maxY - 1;
                    p1.activeY = (p1.activeY - 1 < maxY - 1) ?  p1.activeY : 0;
                p1.hitInputOnce = true;
        float horizontal = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal" + playerID);

        if (horizontal != 0)
            if (!p1.hitInputOnce)
                if (horizontal > 0)
                    p1.activeX = (p1.activeX > 0) ? p1.activeX - 1 : maxX - 1;
                    p1.activeX = (p1.activeX - 1 < maxX - 1) ? p1.activeX : 0;
                p1.timerToReset = 0;
                p1.hitInputOnce = true;

        if (vertical == 0 && horizontal == 0)
            p1.hitInputOnce = false;

        if (p1.hitInputOnce)
            p1.timerToReset += Time.deltaTime;

            if (p1.timerToReset > 0.8f)
                p1.hitInputOnce = false;
                p1.timerToReset = 0;
        //if the player presses A or X a character has been selected
        if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.JoystickButton1 + playerID))
            //play an animation when a character is selected

            p1.playerBase.playerPrefab = charManager.ReturnCharacterWithID(p1.activePortrait.characterID).prefab;

            p1.playerBase.hasCharacter = true;
    void HandleSelectScreenInput(PlayerInterfaces pl, string playerId)
        #region Grid Navigation

        /*To navigate in the grid
         * we simply change the active x and y to select what entry is active
         * we also smooth out the input so if the user keeps pressing the button
         * it won't switch more than once over half a second

        float vertical = Input.GetAxis("Vertical" + playerId);

        if (vertical != 0)
            if (!pl.hitInputOnce)
                if (vertical > 0)
                    pl.activeY = (pl.activeY > 0) ? pl.activeY - 1 : maxCollumn;
                    pl.activeY = (pl.activeY < maxCollumn) ? pl.activeY + 1 : 0;

                pl.hitInputOnce = true;

        float horizontal = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal" + playerId);

        if (horizontal != 0)
            if (!pl.hitInputOnce)
                if (horizontal > 0)
                    pl.activeX = (pl.activeX > 0) ? pl.activeX - 1 : maxRow - 1;
                    pl.activeX = (pl.activeX < maxRow - 1) ? pl.activeX + 1 : 0;

                pl.timerToReset = 0;
                pl.hitInputOnce = true;

        if (vertical == 0 && horizontal == 0)
            pl.hitInputOnce = false;

        if (pl.hitInputOnce)
            pl.timerToReset += Time.deltaTime;

            if (pl.timerToReset > 0.8f)
                pl.hitInputOnce = false;
                pl.timerToReset = 0;


        //if the user presses space, he has selected a character
        if (Input.GetButtonUp("Fire1" + playerId))
            //make a reaction on the character, because why not
            pl.createdCharacter.GetComponentInChildren <Animator>().Play("Kick");

            //pass the character to the character manager so that we know what prefab to create in the level
            pl.playerBase.playerPrefab =

            pl.playerBase.hasCharacter = true;
Example #20
    void HandleSelectScreenInput(PlayerInterfaces pl, string playerId)
        #region Grid Navigation
        float vertical = Input.GetAxis("Vertical" + playerId);
        if (vertical != 0)
            if (!pl.hitInputOnce)
                if (vertical > 0)
                    pl.activeY = (pl.activeY > 0) ? pl.activeY - 1 : maxY - 1;
                    pl.activeY = (pl.activeY < maxY - 1) ? pl.activeY + 1 : 0;
                pl.hitInputOnce = true;

        float horizontal = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal" + playerId);
        if (horizontal != 0)
            if (!pl.hitInputOnce)
                if (horizontal > 0)
                    pl.activeX = (pl.activeX > 0) ? pl.activeX - 1 : maxX - 1;
                    pl.activeX = (pl.activeX < maxX - 1) ? pl.activeX + 1 : 0;
                pl.timerToReset = 0;
                pl.hitInputOnce = true;

        if (vertical == 0 && horizontal == 0)
            pl.hitInputOnce = false;

        if (pl.hitInputOnce)
            pl.timerToReset += Time.deltaTime;
            if (pl.timerToReset > 0.8f)
                pl.hitInputOnce = false;
                pl.timerToReset = 0;
        // if user has pressed space, he has selected a char
        if (Input.GetButtonUp("Fire1" + playerId))
            // make a reaction on char
            //	pl.createdCharacter.GetComponentInChildren<Animator> ().Play ("Kick");
            // pass character to character manager
            pl.playerBase.playerPrefab = charManager.GetCharByID(pl.activePortrait.characterId).prefab;
            pl.playerBase.hasCharacter = true;
    void HandleScreenInput(PlayerInterfaces pl, string playerId)
        #region Grid Navigation
        #region vertical
        float vertical = Input.GetAxis("Vertical" + playerId);

        if (vertical != 0)
            if (!pl.hitInputOnce)
                if (vertical > 0)
                    pl.ActiveY = (pl.ActiveY > 0) ? pl.ActiveY - 1 : maxY - 1;
                    pl.ActiveY = (pl.ActiveY < maxY - 1) ? pl.ActiveY + 1 : 0;
                pl.hitInputOnce = true;
        #region Horizontal
        float horizontal = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal" + playerId);
        if (horizontal != 0)
            if (!pl.hitInputOnce)
                if (horizontal > 0)
                    pl.ActiveX = (pl.ActiveX > 0) ? pl.ActiveX - 1 : MaxX - 1;
                    pl.ActiveX = (pl.ActiveX < MaxX - 1) ? pl.ActiveX + 1 : 0;
                pl.timerToReset = 0;
                pl.hitInputOnce = true;

        if (vertical == 0 && horizontal == 0)
            pl.hitInputOnce = false;

        if (pl.hitInputOnce)
            pl.timerToReset += Time.deltaTime;

            if (pl.timerToReset > SelectMoveDelay)
                pl.hitInputOnce = false;
                pl.timerToReset = 0;

        //character has been selected
        if (Input.GetButtonUp("Block" + playerId))
            //reaction goes here

            //tell the character manager what preafb to instantiate
            pl.playerBase.playerPrefab = charManager.returnCharacterWithID(pl.activePortrait.characterId).prefab;

            confirmClip = charManager.returnCharacterWithID(pl.activePortrait.characterId).selectionClip;

            confirmSource.clip = confirmClip;


            pl.playerBase.hasCharacter = true;