Example #1
    bool IsSpaceInParts(int id, PlayerData.SPData playerData)
        // Get a copy of the item info
        ItemInfo itemInfo = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <PartDatabase>().ItemInfoList[id];

        bool isSpace = false;

        if (itemInfo.IsEnchantment)
            for (int i = 0; i < Basher.MaxEnchantments; i++)
                if (playerData.Enchantments[i] == -1)
                    isSpace = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < Basher.MaxParts; i++)
                if (playerData.Parts[i] == -1)
                    isSpace = true;

Example #2
    void UnequipItem(int id, PlayerData.SPData playerData)
        // Get a copy of the item info
        ItemInfo itemInfo = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <PartDatabase>().ItemInfoList[id];

        if (itemInfo.IsEnchantment)
            // Loop through and find its position, then uneqip and break from the loop
            for (int i = 0; i < Basher.MaxEnchantments; i++)
                if (playerData.Enchantments[i] == id)
                    // Unequip item - setting to -1 does this
                    GameObject.FindObjectOfType <PlayerData>().playerData.Enchantments[i] = -1;
            // Loop through and find its position, then uneqip and break from the loop
            for (int i = 0; i < Basher.MaxParts; i++)
                if (playerData.Parts[i] == id)
                    // Unequip item - setting to -1 does this
                    GameObject.FindObjectOfType <PlayerData>().playerData.Parts[i] = -1;

        // Remember to save progress after each equip/unequip/purchase
        GameObject.FindObjectOfType <PlayerData>().SaveProgress();
Example #3
    void EquipItem(int id, PlayerData.SPData playerData)
        // Get a copy of the item info
        ItemInfo itemInfo = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <PartDatabase>().ItemInfoList[id];

        int equipPos = -1;

        if (itemInfo.IsEnchantment)
            // Loop through and find the position to equip it
            // Obviously only 1 enchantment now, but this is designed
            // to work if I expand that one day
            for (int i = 0; i < Basher.MaxEnchantments; i++)
                if (playerData.Enchantments[i] == -1)
                    equipPos = i;

            // In theory we'll already have a slot to equip it,
            // but let's just do another check and then equip it
            if (equipPos != -1)
                GameObject.FindObjectOfType <PlayerData>().playerData.Enchantments[equipPos] = id;
            // Loop through and find the position to equip it
            for (int i = 0; i < Basher.MaxParts; i++)
                if (playerData.Parts[i] == -1)
                    equipPos = i;

            // In theory we'll already have a slot to equip it,
            // but let's just do another check and then equip it
            if (equipPos != -1)
                GameObject.FindObjectOfType <PlayerData>().playerData.Parts[equipPos] = id;

        // Remember to save progress after each equip/unequip/purchase
        GameObject.FindObjectOfType <PlayerData>().SaveProgress();
Example #4
    bool IsPartEquipped(int id, PlayerData.SPData playerData)
        bool found = false;

        // Check the parts list
        for (int i = 0; i < playerData.Parts.Length; i++)
            if (playerData.Parts[i] == id)
                found = true;

        // Check the enchantment list
        for (int i = 0; i < playerData.Enchantments.Length; i++)
            if (playerData.Enchantments[i] == id)
                found = true;

Example #5
    // GUI Code (Yes the legacy GUI system is slower and can be CPU intense,
    // but I've never taken the time to learn the 'new' one...)
    void OnGUI()
        // Scale for the buttons
        float ButtonScale = (Screen.width * 0.276f) / ButtonImg.width;

        ButtonStyle.fontSize = (int)(Screen.height * 0.04f);

        // Just in case...
        TextStyle.wordWrap = false;

        // If we haven't yet seen the tutorial for the shop, let's show it
        DialogueManager dialogueManager = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <DialogueManager>();

        if (MenuID != 2)

        // Draw menu elements
        switch (MenuID)
        case 0:     // Main Menu
            ShowGold = false;

            // Same code as the shop item panel pretty much
            float ItemDisplayScale = Screen.width / ItemInfoImg.width;

            // Draw the dialogue panel
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(0, 0, Screen.width, ItemInfoImg.height * ItemDisplayScale), ItemInfoImg);

            // Display dialogue
            float DescriptionYP = 8 * ItemDisplayScale + Screen.height * 0.04f;
            TitleStyle.fontSize = (int)(Screen.height * 0.08f);     // correct the font size

            TitleStyle.wordWrap = true;
            GUI.Label(new Rect(19 * ItemDisplayScale, DescriptionYP, ItemInfoImg.width * ItemDisplayScale - 19 * ItemDisplayScale, Screen.height * 0.04f), "Basher Builder", TitleStyle);

            // Fixed positions
            float leftX   = 41 * ButtonScale;
            float rightX  = 101 * ButtonScale;
            float topY    = 43 * ButtonScale;
            float bottomY = 70 * ButtonScale;

            // Play button
            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(leftX, topY, ButtonImg.width * ButtonScale, ButtonImg.height * ButtonScale), "Play", ButtonStyle))
                MenuID = 1;

            // Parts button
            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(rightX, topY, ButtonImg.width * ButtonScale, ButtonImg.height * ButtonScale), "Parts", ButtonStyle))
                // If we haven't yet seen the tutorial for the shop, let's show it
                if (!GameObject.FindObjectOfType <PlayerData>().playerData.TutorialsViewed[0])
                MenuID = 2;

            // Options button
            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(leftX, bottomY, ButtonImg.width * ButtonScale, ButtonImg.height * ButtonScale), "Settings", ButtonStyle))
                MenuID = 3;

            // Quit button
            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(rightX, bottomY, ButtonImg.width * ButtonScale, ButtonImg.height * ButtonScale), "Quit", ButtonStyle))
                GameObject.FindObjectOfType <PlayerData>().SaveProgress();


        case 1:     // Level Select
            ShowGold = true;

            // 6 levels per screen? Obviously only 3 levels atm but...
            // 3x2 level display.
            float X1 = 11 * ButtonScale;
            float X2 = 71 * ButtonScale;
            float X3 = 131 * ButtonScale;
            topY    = 43 * ButtonScale;
            bottomY = 70 * ButtonScale;

            // Fetch the level completion list from the player data
            bool[] LevelsComplete = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <PlayerData>().playerData.LevelsWon;

            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                if (i < LevelsComplete.Length)
                    // The index of the X position to use; 1, 2 or 3
                    int   xi    = (i > 2) ? i - 3 : i;
                    float ThisX = (xi == 0) ? X1 : ((xi == 1) ? X2 : X3);     // if xi is 0, ThisX = X1, otherwise if xi = 1, ThisX = X2, otherwise ThisX = X3

                    // Draw the button
                    if (GUI.Button(new Rect(ThisX, i > 2 ? bottomY : topY, ButtonImg.width * ButtonScale, ButtonImg.height * ButtonScale), "Level " + i + " (" + (LevelsComplete[i] ? "Done" : "Not done") + ")", ButtonStyle))
                        // You can only start the level if you have completed the previous one
                        if (i == 0)
                            SceneManager.LoadScene("Level " + (i + 1).ToString());
                        if (i > 0)
                            if (LevelsComplete[i - 1])
                                SceneManager.LoadScene("Level " + (i + 1).ToString());


        case 2:              // Parts
            ShowGold = true; // for sure

            // Same style as the level selection
            // 3x2 display of parts. Will also need a forward/backward button...
            X1      = 11 * ButtonScale;
            X2      = 71 * ButtonScale;
            X3      = 131 * ButtonScale;
            topY    = 43 * ButtonScale;
            bottomY = 70 * ButtonScale;

            PartDatabase partDB   = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <PartDatabase>();
            ItemInfo[]   partList = partDB.ItemInfoList;

            // Get a local copy of player data
            PlayerData.SPData playerData = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <PlayerData>().playerData;
            EquipButtonStyle.fontSize = (int)(Screen.height * 0.04f);
            bool[] partsOwned = playerData.PartsOwned;

            // Draw the 3x2 layout
            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                if (i + (PartPage * 6) < partList.Length)
                    // The index of the X position to use; 1, 2 or 3
                    int   xi    = (i > 2) ? i - 3 : i;
                    float ThisX = (xi == 0) ? X1 : ((xi == 1) ? X2 : X3);     // if xi is 0, ThisX = X1, otherwise if xi = 1, ThisX = X2, otherwise ThisX = X3

                    // Draw the button
                    if (GUI.Button(new Rect(ThisX, i > 2 ? bottomY : topY, ButtonImg.width * ButtonScale, ButtonImg.height * ButtonScale), partList[i + (PartPage * 6)].ItemName + " " + (IsPartEquipped(i, playerData) ? "(*)" : ""), ButtonStyle))
                        SelectedPart = i + (PartPage * 6);

            // Only show the item panel once the shop tutorial has been shown
            // Draw the item info
            ItemDisplayScale = Screen.width / ItemInfoImg.width;

            if (GameObject.FindObjectOfType <PlayerData>().playerData.TutorialsViewed[0])
                // Draw the item info panel
                GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(0, 0, Screen.width, ItemInfoImg.height * ItemDisplayScale), ItemInfoImg);

                // Display the item info
                string typeString = partList[SelectedPart].IsEnchantment ? " (Enchantment)" : " (Normal Part)";

                GUI.Label(new Rect(19 * ItemDisplayScale, 8 * ItemDisplayScale, ItemInfoImg.width * ItemDisplayScale - 19 * ItemDisplayScale, Screen.height * 0.04f), partList[SelectedPart].ItemName + typeString, TextStyle);

                // Display item description
                DescriptionYP = 8 * ItemDisplayScale + Screen.height * 0.04f;

                TextStyle.wordWrap = true;
                GUI.Label(new Rect(19 * ItemDisplayScale, DescriptionYP, ItemInfoImg.width * ItemDisplayScale - 19 * ItemDisplayScale, Screen.height * 0.04f), partList[SelectedPart].ItemDescription, TextStyle);

            // Equip/buy buttons
            if (partsOwned[SelectedPart])
                // Check if the part is equipped yet
                if (IsPartEquipped(SelectedPart, playerData))
                    if (GUI.Button(new Rect(138 * ItemDisplayScale, 27 * ItemDisplayScale, 18 * ItemDisplayScale, 8 * ItemDisplayScale), "Unequip", EquipButtonStyle))
                        // Unequip it
                        UnequipItem(SelectedPart, playerData);
                    if (GUI.Button(new Rect(138 * ItemDisplayScale, 27 * ItemDisplayScale, 18 * ItemDisplayScale, 8 * ItemDisplayScale), "Equip", EquipButtonStyle))
                        // Check if there's space, and equip it if so
                        if (IsSpaceInParts(SelectedPart, playerData))
                            EquipItem(SelectedPart, playerData);
            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(138 * ItemDisplayScale, 27 * ItemDisplayScale, 18 * ItemDisplayScale, 8 * ItemDisplayScale), "Buy (" + partList[SelectedPart].GoldCost + "g)", EquipButtonStyle))
                // Check if the player can afford it
                if (playerData.Gold >= partList[SelectedPart].GoldCost)
                    // Subtract the cost
                    playerData.Gold -= partList[SelectedPart].GoldCost;

                    // Set the parts owned status to true
                    partsOwned[SelectedPart] = true;
                    GameObject.FindObjectOfType <PlayerData>().playerData.PartsOwned[SelectedPart] = true;

                    // Remember to save progress after each equip/unequip/purchase
                    GameObject.FindObjectOfType <PlayerData>().SaveProgress();

            // Backward button for page
            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(81 * ButtonScale, 100 * ButtonScale, 13 * ButtonScale, 7 * ButtonScale), "", BackButtonStyle))
                if (PartPage > 0)

            // Forward button for page
            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(95 * ButtonScale, 100 * ButtonScale, 13 * ButtonScale, 7 * ButtonScale), "", ForwardButtonStyle))


        case 3:     // Settings
            // The usual 3x2 display position stuff
            X1      = 11 * ButtonScale;
            X2      = 71 * ButtonScale;
            X3      = 131 * ButtonScale;
            topY    = 43 * ButtonScale;
            bottomY = 70 * ButtonScale;

            // Another 3x2 display. Quite liking how it looks

            /*for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
             * {
             *  // The index of the X position to use; 1, 2 or 3
             *  int xi = (i > 2) ? i - 3 : i;
             *  float ThisX = (xi == 0) ? X1 : ((xi == 1) ? X2 : X3); // if xi is 0, ThisX = X1, otherwise if xi = 1, ThisX = X2, otherwise ThisX = X3
             *  // Draw the button
             *  GUI.Button(new Rect(ThisX, i > 2 ? bottomY : topY, ButtonImg.width * ButtonScale, ButtonImg.height * ButtonScale), "A Setting!", ButtonStyle);
             * }*/

            // Draw the button
            GUI.Box(new Rect(X1, topY, ButtonImg.width * ButtonScale, ButtonImg.height * ButtonScale), "Music Volume", SettingBoxStyle);
            SettingBoxStyle.fontSize = ButtonStyle.fontSize;

            float PlusButtonX  = Screen.width * 0.078f;
            float MinusButtonX = Screen.width * 0.276f;
            float PlusButtonY  = Screen.height * 0.448f;

            // Minus button
            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(MinusButtonX, PlusButtonY, 5 * ButtonScale, 5 * ButtonScale), "", PlusButtonStyle))
                // Modify volume value in the player data
                GameObject.FindObjectOfType <PlayerData>().playerData.MusicVolume += 0.05f;
                GameObject.FindObjectOfType <PlayerData>().SaveProgress();

                // Then assign the volume
                Camera.main.GetComponent <AudioSource>().volume = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <PlayerData>().playerData.MusicVolume;

            // Plus button
            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(PlusButtonX, PlusButtonY, 5 * ButtonScale, 5 * ButtonScale), "", MinusButtonStyle))
                // Modify volume value in the player data
                GameObject.FindObjectOfType <PlayerData>().playerData.MusicVolume -= 0.05f;
                GameObject.FindObjectOfType <PlayerData>().SaveProgress();

                // Then assign the volume
                Camera.main.GetComponent <AudioSource>().volume = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <PlayerData>().playerData.MusicVolume;


        // Draw a back button if we're not on the main (main) menu
        if (MenuID != 0)
            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(ButtonScale, Screen.height - BackButtonImg.height * ButtonScale - ButtonScale, BackButtonImg.width * ButtonScale, BackButtonImg.height * ButtonScale), "", BackButtonStyle))
                MenuID = 0;

        // Draw the amount of gold the player has if ShowGold == true
        if (ShowGold)
            float goldScale = (Screen.width * 0.04f) / GoldIcon.width;
            TextStyle.fontSize         = (int)(Screen.height * 0.04f);
            TextStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white;
            int goldAmount = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <PlayerData>().GetGoldAmount();

            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(0, 0, GoldIcon.width * goldScale, GoldIcon.height * goldScale), GoldIcon);
            GUI.Label(new Rect(10 + 16 * goldScale, 4 * goldScale, 150, 50), goldAmount.ToString(), TextStyle);
Example #6
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        Application.targetFrameRate = 0;

        _this = this.gameObject.GetComponent <Basher>();

        this.GetComponent <Damagable>().IsEnemy = false;

        if (parts == null)
            parts = new BasherPart[MaxParts];
        if (enchantments == null)
            enchantments = new BasherPart[MaxEnchantments];
        ResistMults = new float[MaxParts + MaxEnchantments];

        // Set default Damagable values for the basher
        Damagable dmgb = this.GetComponent <Damagable>();

        dmgb.Health     = 100;
        dmgb.Resistance = 1;
        SpeedMultiplier = 1;

        // Fetch a copy of the player data to shorten the code a bit
        // and reduce CPU strain (slightly)
        PlayerData.SPData playerData = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <PlayerData>().playerData;

        // Add each part to the parts list with the help of the part database
        PartDatabase partDB = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <PartDatabase>();

        // Create the parts
        for (int i = 0; i < MaxParts; i++)
            parts[i] = CreatePart(playerData.Parts[i]);

        // Create the enchantments
        for (int i = 0; i < MaxEnchantments; i++)
            enchantments[i] = CreatePart(playerData.Enchantments[i]);

        // Go through parts and call the Init function
        for (int i = 0; i < parts.Length; i++)
            if (parts[i] != null)
                parts[i].Initialise(ref _this);

            // Just set to 1 so we don't automatically become invincible
            ResistMults[i] = 1;

        // Go through enchantments and call the Init function
        for (int i = 0; i < enchantments.Length; i++)
            if (enchantments[i] != null)
                enchantments[i].Initialise(ref _this);

            // Just set to 1 so we don't automatically become invincible
            ResistMults[MaxParts + i] = 1;