protected override void SetPlayerData(Player p, string target, string colName) { string col = ""; Player who = PlayerInfo.FindExact(target); if (colName.Length == 0) { col = Group.GroupIn(target).Color; MessageFrom(target, who, "had their color removed"); } else { col = Matcher.FindColor(p, colName); if (col == null) { return; } MessageFrom(target, who, "had their color changed to " + col + Colors.Name(col)); } if (who != null) { who.UpdateColor(col); } PlayerDB.Update(target, PlayerData.ColumnColor, col); }
protected override void SetPlayerData(Player p, string target, string title) { if (title.Length >= 20) { p.Message("Title must be under 20 letters."); return; } Player who = PlayerInfo.FindExact(target); if (title.Length == 0) { MessageFrom(target, who, "had their title removed"); } else { MessageFrom(target, who, "had their title changed to &b[" + title + "&b]"); } if (who != null) { who.title = title; } if (who != null) { who.SetPrefix(); } PlayerDB.Update(target, PlayerData.ColumnTitle, title.UnicodeToCp437()); }
static void SetTimespan(Player p, string[] args, string column, Player who, Action <TimeSpan> setter) { if (args.Length < 3) { p.Message("Timespan must be in the format: <number><quantifier>.."); p.Message(CommandParser.TimespanHelp, "set time spent to"); return; } TimeSpan span = TimeSpan.Zero; if (!CommandParser.GetTimespan(p, args[2], ref span, "set time spent to", "m")) { return; } if (who != null) { setter(span); } else { long secs = (long)span.TotalSeconds; PlayerDB.Update(args[0], column, secs.ToString()); } MessageDataChanged(p, args[0], args[1], span.Shorten(true)); }
protected override void SetPlayerData(Player p, Player who, string colName) { string color = ""; if (colName.Length == 0) { Chat.MessageFrom(who, "λNICK %Shad their title color removed"); } else { color = Matcher.FindColor(p, colName); if (color == null) { return; } if (color == who.titlecolor) { p.Message(who.ColoredName + " %Salready has that title color."); return; } Chat.MessageFrom(who, "λNICK %Shad their title color changed to " + color + Colors.Name(color)); } who.titlecolor = color; who.SetPrefix(); PlayerDB.Update(, PlayerData.ColumnTColor, color); }
protected override void SetPlayerData(Player p, Player who, string colName) { string color = ""; if (colName.Length == 0) { Chat.MessageFrom(who, "λNICK %Shad their color removed"); who.color =; } else { color = Matcher.FindColor(p, colName); if (color == null) { return; } if (color == who.color) { p.Message("λNICK %Salready has that color."); return; } Chat.MessageFrom(who, "λNICK %Shad their color changed to " + color + Colors.Name(color)); who.color = color; } Entities.GlobalRespawn(who); who.SetPrefix(); PlayerDB.Update(, PlayerData.ColumnColor, color); }
protected override void SetPlayerData(Player p, Player who, string title) { if (title.Length >= 20) { p.Message("Title must be under 20 letters."); return; } if (title.Length == 0) { Chat.MessageFrom(who, "λNICK %Shad their title removed"); } else { Chat.MessageFrom(who, "λNICK %Shad their title changed to &b[" + title + "&b]"); } who.title = title; who.SetPrefix(); PlayerDB.Update(, PlayerData.ColumnTitle, title.UnicodeToCp437()); }
protected override void SetPlayerData(Player p, string target, string title) { if (title.Length >= 20) { p.Message("Title must be under 20 letters."); return; } Player who; string editee; bool globalMessage; GetPlayerDataMessageInfo(p, target, out who, out editee, out globalMessage); string message; if (title.Length == 0) { message = p.ColoredName + " &Sremoved " + editee + " title"; } else { message = p.ColoredName + " &Schanged " + editee + " title to &b[" + title + "&b]"; } if (globalMessage) { Chat.MessageAll(message); } else { Chat.MessageFrom(p, message); } if (who != null) { who.title = title; } if (who != null) { who.SetPrefix(); } PlayerDB.Update(target, PlayerData.ColumnTitle, title.UnicodeToCp437()); }
static void SetInteger(Player p, string[] args, string column, int max, Player who, Action <int> setter, int type) { if (args.Length < 3) { p.Message("You must specify a positive integer, which can be {0} at most.", max); return; } int value = 0; if (!CommandParser.GetInt(p, args[2], "Amount", ref value, 0, max)) { return; } if (who != null) { setter(value); } else { string dbValue = args[2]; // special case handling for packed forms of totalBlocks and totalCuboided if (type == 1) { long packed = GetLong(args[0], column) & ~PlayerData.LoBitsMask; // hi value only packed |= (uint)value; dbValue = packed.ToString(); } else if (type == 2) { long packed = GetLong(args[0], column) & PlayerData.LoBitsMask; // lo value only packed |= ((long)value) << PlayerData.HiBitsShift; dbValue = packed.ToString(); } PlayerDB.Update(args[0], column, dbValue); } MessageDataChanged(p, args[0], args[1], args[2]); }
protected override void SetPlayerData(Player p, string target, string colName) { string col = ""; Player who; string editee; bool globalMessage; GetPlayerDataMessageInfo(p, target, out who, out editee, out globalMessage); string message; if (colName.Length == 0) { col = Group.GroupIn(target).Color; message = p.ColoredName + " &Sremoved " + editee + " color"; PlayerDB.Update(target, PlayerData.ColumnColor, ""); } else { col = Matcher.FindColor(p, colName); if (col == null) { return; } message = p.ColoredName + " &Schanged " + editee + " color to " + col + Colors.Name(col); PlayerDB.Update(target, PlayerData.ColumnColor, col); } if (globalMessage) { Chat.MessageAll(message); } else { Chat.MessageFrom(p, message); } if (who != null) { who.UpdateColor(col); } }
static void SetDate(Player p, string[] args, string column, Player who, Action <DateTime> setter) { if (args.Length < 3) { p.Message("Dates must be in the format: " + Database.DateFormat); return; } DateTime date; if (!DateTime.TryParseExact(args[2], Database.DateFormat, null, 0, out date)) { p.Message("Invalid date. It must be in format: " + Database.DateFormat); return; } if (who != null) { setter(date); } PlayerDB.Update(args[0], column, args[2]); MessageDataChanged(p, args[0], args[1], args[2]); }
static void SetColor(Player p, string[] args, string column, Player who, Action <string> setter) { if (args.Length < 3) { p.Message("Color format: color name, or \"null\" to reset to default color."); return; } string col = args[2] == "null" ? "" : Matcher.FindColor(p, args[2]); if (col == null) { return; } if (who != null) { setter(col); who.SetPrefix(); args[0] =; } PlayerDB.Update(args[0], column, col); MessageDataChanged(p, args[0], args[1], args[2]); }
public static void UpdateMoney(string name, int money) { PlayerDB.Update(name, PlayerData.ColumnMoney, money.ToString()); }
public override void Use(Player p, string message, CommandData data) { if (message.Length == 0) { Help(p); return; } string[] args = message.SplitSpaces(3); args[0] = PlayerInfo.FindMatchesPreferOnline(p, args[0]); if (args[0] == null) { return; } Player who = PlayerInfo.FindExact(args[0]); if (args.Length == 1) { p.Message("&WYou must specify a type to modify."); MessageValidTypes(p); return; } string opt = args[1].ToLower(); if (opt == "firstlogin") { SetDate(p, args, PlayerData.ColumnFirstLogin, who, v => who.FirstLogin = v); } else if (opt == "lastlogin") { SetDate(p, args, PlayerData.ColumnLastLogin, who, v => who.LastLogin = v); } else if (opt == "logins") { SetInteger(p, args, PlayerData.ColumnLogins, 1000000000, who, v => who.TimesVisited = v, type_norm); } else if (opt == "deaths") { SetInteger(p, args, PlayerData.ColumnDeaths, short.MaxValue, who, v => who.TimesDied = v, type_norm); } else if (opt == "money") { SetInteger(p, args, PlayerData.ColumnMoney, 100000000, who, v => = v, type_norm); } else if (opt == "title") { if (args.Length < 3) { p.Message("Title can be up to 20 characters. Use \"null\" to remove the title"); return; } if (args[2].Length >= 20) { p.Message("Title must be under 20 characters"); return; } if (args[2] == "null") { args[2] = ""; } if (who != null) { who.title = args[2]; who.SetPrefix(); } PlayerDB.Update(args[0], PlayerData.ColumnTitle, args[2].UnicodeToCp437()); MessageDataChanged(p, args[0], args[1], args[2]); } else if (opt == "ip") { if (args.Length < 3) { p.Message("A new IP address must be provided."); return; } IPAddress ip; if (!IPAddress.TryParse(args[2], out ip)) { p.Message("&W\"{0}\" is not a valid IP address.", args[2]); return; } if (who != null) { who.SetIP(ip); } PlayerDB.Update(args[0], PlayerData.ColumnIP, args[2]); MessageDataChanged(p, args[0], args[1], args[2]); } else if (opt == "modified") { SetInteger(p, args, PlayerData.ColumnBlocks, int.MaxValue, who, v => who.TotalModified = v, type_lo); } else if (opt == "drawn") { SetInteger(p, args, PlayerData.ColumnDrawn, int.MaxValue, who, v => who.TotalDrawn = v, type_lo); } else if (opt == "placed") { SetInteger(p, args, PlayerData.ColumnBlocks, int.MaxValue, who, v => who.TotalPlaced = v, type_hi); } else if (opt == "deleted") { SetInteger(p, args, PlayerData.ColumnDrawn, int.MaxValue, who, v => who.TotalDeleted = v, type_hi); } else if (opt == "totalkicked") { SetInteger(p, args, PlayerData.ColumnKicked, 16777215, who, v => who.TimesBeenKicked = v, type_norm); } else if (opt == "messages") { SetInteger(p, args, PlayerData.ColumnMessages, 16777215, who, v => who.TotalMessagesSent = v, type_norm); } else if (opt == "timespent") { SetTimespan(p, args, PlayerData.ColumnTimeSpent, who, v => who.TotalTime = v); } else if (opt == "color") { SetColor(p, args, PlayerData.ColumnColor, who, v => who.UpdateColor(v.Length == 0 ? : v)); } else if (opt == "titlecolor") { SetColor(p, args, PlayerData.ColumnTColor, who, v => who.titlecolor = v); } else { p.Message("&WInvalid type"); MessageValidTypes(p); } }