//Method of getting general information for a player via DAL access call
        public ActionResult Index()
            //declaring list using model GamePO
            List <PlayerPO> mappedPlayers = new List <PlayerPO>();

            //Beginning of processes
                //declaring list using Model PlayerDO in order to retrieve database information
                List <PlayerDO> allPlayers = _dataAccess.PlayerReadAll();
                //loop to get all objects assigned appropriately
                foreach (PlayerDO dataObject in allPlayers)
                    //assign our PO list all of the values that were in the DO list via mapper
            //catch to record any exceptions that crop up
            catch (Exception ex)
                //call to method to record necessary information
            //finally to tie up any loose ends
            { }
            //Sends the data in the list to the view to be seen by the user.
Example #2
        //Method for taking in the necessary data to add a new game to the database
        public ActionResult AddGame()
            //declaring object using model GamePO
            GamePO game = new GamePO();

            //Beginning of processes
                //declare List using Model PlayerDO, and use it to store all information on all players recovered by using a DAL access call
                List <PlayerDO> players = _playerAccess.PlayerReadAll();
                //Declare list to hold player names
                List <SelectListItem> options = new List <SelectListItem>();
                //loop to get all objects assigned appropriately
                foreach (PlayerDO dataObject in players)
                    //Declare new object to temporarily hold data
                    SelectListItem option = new SelectListItem();
                    //make list aspect equal dataObject variable
                    option.Text = dataObject.Name;
                    //make list aspect equal dataObject variable
                    option.Value = dataObject.PlayerId.ToString();
                    //take object "option", and add it to list "options"
                //set object value of PlayersDropDown equal to values of "options"
                game.PlayersDropDown = options;
            //catch to record any exceptions that crop up
            catch (Exception ex)
                //call to method to record necessary information
            //finally to tie up any loose ends
            { }
            //Sends the data in the list to the view to be seen by the user.