// Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        //wait ten seconds before starting the heart rate measurement
        waitTime = waitTime + Time.deltaTime;
        if (waitTime >= 10f && waitFinished == false)
            Debug.Log("Ten seconds have passed. Starting the HR Measurement System");
            waitFinished = true;

        calibrationTime = calibrationTime + Time.deltaTime;
        if (waitFinished == true && calibrationTime >= 1f && calculated == false)
            //Debug.Log ("Ten seconds have passed. Number of Readings: " + numOfReadings + " test Reading: " + testNumber + " Checking array content: " + testNumberCheck + " Average of Readings: " + averageRates());
            prevAverage = currAverage;
            currAverage = averageRates();

            Debug.Log("One second has passed. Previous Average of Readings: " + prevAverage + " Current Average of Readings: " + currAverage);

            //If no recorded averages yet, do not start the checking
            if (prevAverage > 0f && currAverage > 0f)
                playerChanges.setAverages(prevAverage, currAverage);

                envChanges.setAveragesEnv(prevAverage, currAverage);

            calibrationTime = 0f;               //Start another average measurement in the next 10 seconds

        /**for (int i = 0; i < stackOfRates.Length; i++) {
         *              if (stackOfRates[i] > 0f) {
         *                      testNumberCheck++;
         *              }
         *      }**/
        // If effect is still going on, do not compare new measurement to new measurement
        // If changing effect is done, start comparing measurements again
        // Call on methods from the various Environment Changing Scripts, pass them the previous and new values, and let them do the increments or not.
        // Have the changes be little increments until they reach their maximum threshold
        // Environment changes will be permanent. With fog possibly weakening if we want to have it.
        // Enemy and player (torch light, walk speed(?), camera effects (?) ) changes will vary via the measurement