public PlayersController()
     _entities = new KSULaxEntities();
     _playerBL = new PlayerBL(_entities);
     _gameBL   = new GameBL(_entities);
     _awardBL  = new AwardBL(_entities);
Example #2
        public void SortOpponents()
            int myIndex = 0;

            //Finding my Index:
            for (int i = 0; i < Players.Count; i++)
                if (Players[i].PlayerId == myId)
                    myIndex = i;
            //Organizing Opponents:
            for (int i = 0; i < myIndex; i++)
                PlayerControls.Add(Players[i].PlayerId, Opponents[i]);
            for (int i = myIndex + 1; i < Players.Count; i++)
                PlayerControls.Add(Players[i].PlayerId, Opponents[i - 1]);
            myPlayer = Players[myIndex];
        public ActionResult Create(PlayerProfileCreateModel model)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                var userId = User.Identity.GetUserId();
                if (!_playerService.QueryAll().Any(p => p.AccountId == userId))
                    var key    = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                    var player = new PlayerBL
                        Name      = model.Nickname,
                        AccountId = userId,
                        GuidKey   = key,

                        Stats = new PlayerStatsBL
                            RatingClass         = "B",
                            RatingPointsCurrent = 1200,
                            RatingPointsMax     = 1200


Example #4
        public List <SidePot> CalculateMainAndSidePots()
            List <SidePot> finalPots = new List <SidePot>();

            int sidePotCounter = 0;

            while (GetZeroPotsAmount() < 4)
                int             smallestDeck = GetMinPotAmountGreaterThanZero();
                List <PlayerBL> contestedBy  = new List <PlayerBL>();
                SidePot         sidePot      = new SidePot();

                // In that case, 5 is the max players occupied.
                for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                    if (GetPotByIndex(i) >= smallestDeck)
                        // Saves the original pot of the user
                        if (sidePot.OriginalPotAmount == 0)
                            sidePot.OriginalPotAmount = GetPotByIndex(i);

                        SetPotByIndex(i, GetPotByIndex(i) - smallestDeck);

                string potName = sidePotCounter == 0 ? "Main Pot" : "Side Pot " + sidePotCounter;
                sidePot.Name        = potName;
                sidePot.PotAmount   = smallestDeck * contestedBy.Count();
                sidePot.ContestedBy = contestedBy;



            // Edge case where there's still money in the table's sum pot, in that case we need to return the money to the user owned it.
            if (GetZeroPotsAmount() == 4)
                for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                    if (GetPotByIndex(i) > 0)
                        PlayerBL user = GetUserByIndex(i);
                        user.CurrWallet += GetPotByIndex(i);
                        SetPotByIndex(i, 0);


Example #5
        public HandRank GetPlayerHandRank(PlayerBL user)
            // SevenCards = UserPlayerCards Union CardsOnTable
            List <string[]> SevenCards = new List <string[]>(Deck.ToStrArrList(user.PersonalCards));


            // We must have 7 cards, otherwise we can't determine his rank
            if (SevenCards.Count != 7)

            // We'll sort the cards according to their value ( Card[0] - Value, Card[1] - Suit )
            // So we could go in one walk and check for many hand cases.
            // Values are between: 2 to 14 ( 11 - J, 12 - Q, 13 - K, 14 - A )

            SevenCards.Sort((x, y) =>
                return(int.Parse(x[0]) - int.Parse(y[0]));

            //var test = SevenCards.Where(x => x[1] == "Spade").OrderBy(x => Int32.Parse(x[0]));

             * NOTE:
             * An ace can be the lowest card of a straight (ace, 2, 3, 4, 5)
             * or the highest card of a straight (ten, jack, queen, king, ace),
             * but a straight can't "wrap around"; a hand with queen, king, ace, 2, 3 would be worthless
             * (unless it's a flush).

            int dupCount = 1, seqCount = 1, seqCountMax = 1;
            int maxCardValue = -1, dupValue = -1, seqMaxValue = -1;

            int    currCardValue = -1, nextCardValue = -1;
            string currCardSuit = null, nextCardSuit = null;

            // In this section, we'll check for:
            // Highest Card, Pair, 2 Pairs, Three of a kind, Four of a kind.

            // Since the cards are sorted, we can find in O(1) the max value.
            maxCardValue = Int32.Parse(SevenCards[6][0]);

             * There's no more than 3 series of dpulicates possible in 7 cards.
             * Struct: [Value: Count], for example:
             * [4, 3] : There are 3 cards of the value 4.

            List <double[]> duplicates = new List <double[]>();

            // We'll skip the last card and check it seperatly after the loop for.
            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                currCardValue = Int32.Parse(SevenCards[i][0]);
                currCardSuit  = SevenCards[i][1];

                nextCardValue = Int32.Parse(SevenCards[i + 1][0]);
                nextCardSuit  = SevenCards[i + 1][1];

                // Check for duplicates.
                if (currCardValue == nextCardValue)
                    dupValue = currCardValue;
                // && currCardValue != nextCardValue since we didn't enter the if condition.
                else if (dupCount > 1)
                    duplicates.Add(new double[] { dupCount, currCardValue });
                    dupCount = 1;

                // Checks for a sequences
                if (currCardValue + 1 == nextCardValue)

                 * Another edge case:
                 * The reason why we are checking if currCardValue != nextCardValue, is to ensure that
                 * cases like these: 7,8,8,8,9,10,11 will also consider as a straight of seqCount = 5,
                 * therefore we'll reset the seqCount if and only if currValue != nextValue completly, but if it
                 * has the same number, we'll just simply won't seqCount++, but won't reset the counter.

                // && currCardValue + 1 != nextCardValue , because we didn't enter the if condition.
                else if (currCardValue != nextCardValue)
                    if (seqCount > seqCountMax)
                        seqCountMax = seqCount;
                        seqMaxValue = currCardValue;

                    seqCount = 1;

            // The 7th card should be checked here

            if (seqCount > seqCountMax)
                seqCountMax = seqCount;
                seqMaxValue = nextCardValue;

            if (dupCount > 1)
                duplicates.Add(new double[] { dupCount, nextCardValue });

             * if we got this far it means we finished to calculate everything needed and we
             * are ready to start checks for the player's hand rank.

            List <string[]> rankCards = new List <string[]>(); // The cards of the player
            string          rankName  = null;
            double          rank      = 0;

            // Checks for Royal King: rank: 900
            if (SevenCards[6][0] == "14" && SevenCards[5][0] == "13" && SevenCards[4][0] == "12" && SevenCards[3][0] == "11" && SevenCards[2][0] == "10" &&
                SevenCards[6][1] == SevenCards[5][1] && SevenCards[6][1] == SevenCards[4][1] && SevenCards[6][1] == SevenCards[3][1] && SevenCards[6][1] == SevenCards[2][1])
                rankName = "Royal King";
                rank     = 900;

                // Checks for Straight Flush, rank: [800, 900)
                foreach (string suit in suits)
                    var suitCards = SevenCards.Where(x => x[1].Equals(suit)).ToList();
                    if (suitCards.Count() >= 5)
                        // There's no way for duplicates, since every card in the same suit is unique.
                        int counter = 1, lastValue = -1;
                        for (int i = 0; i < suitCards.Count() - 1; i++)
                            if (Int32.Parse(suitCards[i][0]) + 1 == Int32.Parse(suitCards[i + 1][0]))
                                lastValue = Int32.Parse(suitCards[i + 1][0]);
                                counter = 1;

                        if (counter >= 5)
                            rankName = "Straight Flush";
                            rank     = 800 + (double)lastValue / 14 * 99;

                        // Will cover situations like this: 2,3,4,5,A,A,A
                        // In that case we should check the 3 last cards if they are Ace and have the same suit has the 4th card.

                        // Edge case where we have: 2,3,4,5 and then somewhere 14 ( must be last card )
                        // In that case we'll declare as Straight Flush as well with highest card 5.
                        else if (counter == 4 && lastValue == 5 && suitCards[suitCards.Count() - 1][0] == "14")
                            rankName = "Straight Flush";
                            rank     = 835.3571; // The result of: 800 + 5 / 14 * 99

                if (rankName == null)
                    // For the other cases we'll sort descend the duplicates cards according by the amount.
                    duplicates.Sort((x, y) => (int)y[0] - (int)x[0]);

                    // Checks for Four of a kind, rank: [700, 800)
                    if (duplicates.Count > 0 && duplicates[0][0] == 4)
                        rankName = "Four of a kind";
                        rank     = 700 + duplicates[0][1] / 14 * 50 + EvaluateRankByHighestCards(SevenCards, (int)duplicates[0][1], -1, 1);

                        foreach (string suit in suits)
                            rankCards.Add(new string[] { duplicates[0][1].ToString(), suit });

                    // Checks for a Full House, rank: [600, 700)
                    // Edge case: there are 2 pairs of 2 and one Pair of 3, for example: 33322AA
                    else if (duplicates.Count > 2 && duplicates[0][0] == 3 && duplicates[1][0] == 2 && duplicates[2][0] == 2)
                        // In that edge case, we'll check from the two pairs what is greater.
                        rankName = "Full House";
                        double maxTmpValue = Math.Max(duplicates[1][1], duplicates[2][1]);

                        rank = 600 + (duplicates[0][1]) + maxTmpValue / 14;

                        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                            rankCards.Add(new string[] { duplicates[0][1].ToString(), null });

                        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                            rankCards.Add(new string[] { maxTmpValue.ToString(), null });
                    else if (duplicates.Count > 1 && duplicates[0][0] == 3 && duplicates[1][0] == 2)
                        rankName = "Full House";
                        // double[] threePairsValues = new double[] { duplicates[0][1], duplicates[1][1], duplicates[2][1] };
                        rank = 600 + (duplicates[0][1]) + duplicates[1][1] / 14;

                        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                            rankCards.Add(new string[] { duplicates[0][1].ToString(), null });

                        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                            rankCards.Add(new string[] { duplicates[1][1].ToString(), null });

                    // Edge case where there are 2 pairs of Three of a kind
                    // For example if the cae is 333 222 then we'll check what is better: 333 22 or 222 33.
                    else if (duplicates.Count > 1 && duplicates[0][0] == 3 && duplicates[1][0] == 3)
                        rankName = "Full House";

                        double rank1, rank2;
                        rank1 = 600 + (duplicates[0][1]) + duplicates[1][1] / 14;
                        rank2 = 600 + (duplicates[1][1]) + duplicates[0][1] / 14;

                        if (rank1 > rank2)
                            rank = rank1;
                            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                                rankCards.Add(new string[] { duplicates[0][1].ToString(), null });

                            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                                rankCards.Add(new string[] { duplicates[1][1].ToString(), null });
                            rank = rank2;
                            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                                rankCards.Add(new string[] { duplicates[1][1].ToString(), null });

                            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                                rankCards.Add(new string[] { duplicates[0][1].ToString(), null });

                        // Checks for Flush, rank: [500, 600)

                        foreach (string suit in suits)
                            var suitCards    = SevenCards.Where(x => x[1].Equals(suit));
                            int suitCardsLen = suitCards.Count();
                            if (suitCardsLen >= 5)
                                // We only want the five last card
                                var suitCardsResult = suitCards.Skip(suitCardsLen - 5).ToList();
                                rankName = "Flush";
                                rank     = 500 + EvaluateRankByHighestCards(suitCardsResult);


                        if (rankName == null)
                            // Checks for Straight, rank: [400, 500)
                            if (seqCountMax >= 5)
                                rankName = "Straight";
                                rank     = 400 + (double)seqMaxValue / 14 * 99;

                                for (int i = seqMaxValue; i > seqCountMax; i--)
                                    rankCards.Add(new string[] { i.ToString(), null });

                            // Edge case: there's seqCountMax of 4, and the highest card is 5,
                            // Which means the sequence looks like this: 2, 3, 4, 5
                            // In that case, we'll check if the last card is Ace to complete a sequence of 5 cards.
                            else if (seqCountMax == 4 && seqMaxValue == 5 && maxCardValue == 14)
                                rankName = "Straight";

                                // In that case the highest card of the straight will be 5, and not Ace.
                                rank = 435.3571; // The result of 400 + 5/14 * 99

                                rankCards.Add(new string[] { "14", null });
                                for (int i = 2; i < 5; i++)
                                    rankCards.Add(new string[] { i.ToString(), null });

                            // Checks for Three of a kind, rank: [300, 400)
                            else if (duplicates.Count > 0 && duplicates[0][0] == 3)
                                rankName = "Three of a kind";

                                rank = 300 + duplicates[0][1] / 14 * 50 + EvaluateRankByHighestCards(SevenCards, (int)duplicates[0][1]);

                                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                                    rankCards.Add(new string[] { duplicates[0][1].ToString(), null });

                                // Edge case: there are 2 pairs of Three of a kind, in that case we'll choose the higher one.
                                // PROBABLY WRONG ^ because it's a full house case.

                                /*if (duplicates.Count > 1 && duplicates[1][0] == 3)
                                 * {
                                 *  double tmpSaveMax = Math.Max(duplicates[0][1], duplicates[1][1]);
                                 *  rank = 300 + tmpSaveMax / 14 * 50 + EvaluateRankByHighestCards(SevenCards, (int)tmpSaveMax);
                                 *  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                                 *      rankCards.Add(new string[] { tmpSaveMax.ToString(), null });
                                 * }
                                 * else
                                 * {
                                 *  rank = 300 + duplicates[0][1] / 14 * 50 + EvaluateRankByHighestCards(SevenCards, (int)duplicates[0][1]);
                                 *  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                                 *      rankCards.Add(new string[] { duplicates[0][1].ToString(), null });
                                 * }*/

                            // Checks for Two Pairs, rank: [200, 300)
                            else if (duplicates.Count > 1 && duplicates[0][0] == 2 && duplicates[1][0] == 2)
                                rankName = "Two Pairs";

                                // Edge case: there are 3 pairs of Two Pairs, in that case we'll choose the higher one.
                                if (duplicates.Count > 2 && duplicates[2][0] == 2)
                                    //rank = 200 + Math.Max(duplicates[0][1], Math.Max(duplicates[1][1], duplicates[2][1])) / 14 * 99 + (double)maxCardValue / 14;

                                    double[] threePairsValues = new double[] { duplicates[0][1], duplicates[1][1], duplicates[2][1] };
                                    Array.Sort(threePairsValues, (x, y) => (int)(y - x));

                                    // The reason for 50 is because maxCardValue/14 can be 1, and we don't want to get the score 300.
                                    // and its also the reason for /392 instead of /14 is.
                                    rank = 200 + (Math.Pow(threePairsValues[0], 2) / 392 + Math.Pow(threePairsValues[1], 2) / 392) * 50 + EvaluateRankByHighestCards(SevenCards, (int)threePairsValues[0], (int)threePairsValues[1]);

                                    // We need only the 2 highest pairs from the 3 pairs.
                                    rankCards.Add(new string[] { threePairsValues[0].ToString(), null });
                                    rankCards.Add(new string[] { threePairsValues[1].ToString(), null });
                                    //rank = 200 + Math.Max(duplicates[0][1], duplicates[1][1]) / 14 * 99 + EvaluateRankByHighestCards(SevenCards, (int)duplicates[0][1], (int)duplicates[1][1]);
                                    rank = 200 + (Math.Pow(duplicates[0][1], 2) / 392 + Math.Pow(duplicates[1][1], 2) / 392) * 50 + EvaluateRankByHighestCards(SevenCards, (int)duplicates[0][1], (int)duplicates[1][1]);

                                    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                                        rankCards.Add(new string[] { duplicates[0][1].ToString(), null });

                                    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                                        rankCards.Add(new string[] { duplicates[1][1].ToString(), null });

                            // Check for One Pair, rank: [100, 200)
                            else if (duplicates.Count > 0 && duplicates[0][0] == 2)
                                rankName = "Pair";
                                rank     = 100 + duplicates[0][1] / 14 * 50 + EvaluateRankByHighestCards(SevenCards, (int)duplicates[0][1], -1, 3);

                                for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                                    rankCards.Add(new string[] { duplicates[0][1].ToString(), null });

                            // Otherwise, it's High Card, rank: [0, 100)
                                rankName = "High Card";
                                rank     = EvaluateRankByHighestCards(SevenCards, -1, -1, 5);

                                rankCards.Add(new string[] { maxCardValue.ToString(), null });

            return(new HandRank
                RankName = rankName,
                Rank = rank,
                Cards = rankCards,
                User = user
Example #6
        public Tuple <List <SidePot>, List <List <HandRank> > > SpreadMoneyToWinners()
            List <HandRank> handList    = new List <HandRank>();
            List <SidePot>  sidePotList = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                PlayerBL user = GetUserByIndex(i);
                if (user != null && user.IsPlayingThisGame && GetPotByIndex(i) > 0)
                    var playerRank = GetPlayerHandRank(user);
                    if (playerRank != null)

            // Sort Descending by rank the handlist
            //handList.Sort((x, y) => (int)(y.Rank - x.Rank));
            handList = handList.OrderByDescending(x => x.Rank).ToList();

            //handList = handList.GroupBy(x => x.Rank).Select(grp => grp.ToList()).ToList();
            //List<List<HandRank>> totalWinners = new List<List<HandRank>>();
            List <List <HandRank> > totalWinners = handList.GroupBy(x => x.Rank).Select(grp => grp.ToList()).ToList();

            //var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(totalWinners);

            sidePotList = this.CalculateMainAndSidePots();

             * For each winner group, for example 1st winners, we'll go through every main/side pot
             * and we'll check if the intersection between the winner group and the contested by's pot has a match,
             * if it does, we'll split the money equally between the winners, otherwise, we'll go to the next winner group,
             * ( for example the 2nd winner groups ), it all depends on how much money every player placed in the first place.

            foreach (List <HandRank> winnerGroup in totalWinners)
                List <PlayerBL> winnerUsers = new List <PlayerBL>();
                foreach (HandRank hand in winnerGroup)

                foreach (SidePot item in sidePotList)
                    List <PlayerBL> winnersMatch = winnerUsers.Intersect(item.ContestedBy).ToList();

                    // if it doesn't have any match, it doesn't matter and we can go to the next side pot to check for a match.
                    // NOTE: we must check if item.Winners == null which means if this Side pot already taken, if it does we don't need to cehck it again.
                    if (winnersMatch.Count() > 0 && item.Winners == null)
                        int amountOfEachPlayer = item.PotAmount / winnersMatch.Count();

                        item.OriginalPotAmount = item.PotAmount;

                        // Spread the money between the winners
                        foreach (var player in winnersMatch)
                            player.CurrWallet += amountOfEachPlayer;
                            item.PotAmount    -= amountOfEachPlayer;

                        item.Winners      = winnersMatch;
                        item.RankName     = winnerGroup[0].RankName;
                        item.WinningCards = winnerGroup[0].Cards;

            return(new Tuple <List <SidePot>, List <List <HandRank> > >(sidePotList, totalWinners));