public void endMovement() { var unit = UnitPlacement [selectUnitX, selectUnitY]; if (unit != null) { GameUnit unitStat = (GameUnit)unit.GetComponent("GameUnit"); if (targetTileX != selectUnitX || targetTileY != selectUnitY) { TileSelect tileOld = PlayMap.Grid.getTileSpec(selectUnitX, selectUnitY); tileOld.resetCapture(); UnitPlacement [targetTileX, targetTileY] = UnitPlacement [selectUnitX, selectUnitY]; UnitPlacement [selectUnitX, selectUnitY] = null; unitStat.x = targetTileX; unitStat.y = targetTileY; } unitStat.ConfirmMovement(); } //Resets selection targetTileX = selectUnitX = selectTileX = -1; targetTileY = selectUnitY = selectTileY = -1; UnitMovementController.fullclear(); PlayMap.LockMovement = false; PlayMap.UnitMenu.SetActive(false); PlayMap.HideAttackInfo(); }
public virtual void Move(Direction direction) { int x = 0; int y = 0; PlayMap playMap = new PlayMap(); switch (direction) { case Direction.Up: x = Coordinates.X; y = Coordinates.Y - 1; Coordinates = new Coordinates(x, y); break; case Direction.Down: x = Coordinates.X; y = Coordinates.Y + 1; Coordinates = new Coordinates(x, y); break; case Direction.Left: x = Coordinates.X - 1; y = Coordinates.Y; Coordinates = new Coordinates(x, y); break; case Direction.Right: x = Coordinates.X + 1; y = Coordinates.Y; Coordinates = new Coordinates(x, y); break; } }
void UpdateNPCPosition_Handler(Task t) { NPC npc = (NPC)t.Args; PlayMap map = _server.GetPlayMap(npc.MapID); map.UpdateNPCPosition(npc); }
void UnEquipItem_Handler(Task t) { byte equipSlot = 0xFF; EquipItemRequest eir = (EquipItemRequest)t.Args; Item equipped = t.Client.Character.EquippedItem(eir.ItemID); if (equipped != null) { equipSlot = equipped.Slot; t.Client.Character.UnEquipItem(equipped.Slot, eir.Slot); AddDBQuery(equipped.UpdateDBString(), null, false); } // Send response to the client t.Client.SendPacket(new UnEquipItemResponse(t.Client.Character, eir.ItemID, eir.Slot, equipSlot != 0xFF)); if (equipSlot != 0xFF) { // Tell other players about it SeeUnequipPacket pkt = new SeeUnequipPacket(t.Client.Character.ID, equipSlot); PlayMap map = _server.GetPlayMap(t.Client.Character.MapID); Connection[] players = map.Players; foreach (Connection c in players) { if (c != t.Client) { c.SendPacket(pkt); } } } }
void DoAttack_Handler(Task t) { AttackTargetRequest atr = (AttackTargetRequest)t.Args; PlayMap map = _server.GetPlayMap(t.Client.Character.MapID); if (atr.TargetT == AttackTargetRequest.TargetType.Monster) { map.PlayerAttackMonster(t.Client, atr); } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { PlayMap playMap = Object.FindObjectOfType <PlayMap>(); Transform grid = transform.GetChild(0); foreach (Monster monsterPrefab in MonsterR.getAllMonsters()) { GameObject monsterbtn = Instantiate(MonsterButton); = + " button"; monsterbtn.transform.SetParent(grid, false); monsterbtn.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1); monsterbtn.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = monsterPrefab.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite; monsterbtn.GetComponent <Image>().color = monsterPrefab.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color; monsterbtn.GetComponent <Button>().onClick.AddListener(delegate { playMap.onMonsterBtnClick(monsterPrefab); }); monsterbtn.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Text>().text = "$" + monsterPrefab.price; } }
void EquipItem_Handler(Task t) { EquipItemRequest eir = (EquipItemRequest)t.Args; Item item = t.Client.Character.FindItem(eir.ItemID); Item equipped = t.Client.Character.EquippedItem(eir.Slot); bool visible = false; if (equipped != null) { t.Client.Character.UnEquipItem(eir.Slot); AddDBQuery(equipped.UpdateDBString(), null, false); visible = true; } if (item != null) { t.Client.Character.EquipItem(item, eir.Slot); AddDBQuery(item.UpdateDBString(), null, false); visible = true; t.Client.NotifyEquipItem(); } t.Client.SendPacket(new EquipItemResponse(t.Client.Character, item, equipped, visible)); if (visible) { // Show all nearby clients the change SeeEquipmentChangePacket pkt = new SeeEquipmentChangePacket(t.Client.Character.ID, item); PlayMap map = _server.GetPlayMap(t.Client.Character.MapID); Connection[] players = map.Players; foreach (Connection c in players) { if (c != t.Client) { c.SendPacket(pkt); } } } }
public static void nextPlayer() { PlayerFaction faction = PlayMap.getFaction(player); if (faction != null) { faction.SleepAllUnits(); } player++; faction = PlayMap.getFaction(player); if (faction == null) { player = 0; nextTurn(); faction = PlayMap.getFaction(player); } if (faction != null) { faction.WakeAllUnits(); PlayMap.Menu.Paint(faction.FactionColor); } }
public void cancelMovement() { if (selectUnitX >= 0 && selectUnitY >= 0) { var unit = UnitPlacement [selectUnitX, selectUnitY]; GameUnit unitStat = (GameUnit)unit.GetComponent("GameUnit"); if (hasCancelTransform) { unit.transform.position = unitCancelTransform; hasCancelTransform = false; } unitStat.CancelMovement(); //Resets selection targetTileX = selectUnitX = selectTileX = -1; targetTileY = selectUnitY = selectTileY = -1; UnitMovementController.fullclear(); PlayMap.LockMovement = false; PlayMap.UnitMenu.SetActive(false); PlayMap.HideAttackInfo(); } }
public void RunLoop() { while (true) { try { if (!ProcessMemory.getInstance().IsHooked || ProcessMemory.getInstance().process is null || ProcessMemory.getInstance().process.HasExited) { if (!ProcessMemory.getInstance().HookProcess("Among Us")) { Thread.Sleep(1000); continue; } Settings.conInterface.WriteModuleTextColored("GameMemReader", Color.Lime, $"Connected to Among Us process ({Color.Red.ToTextColor()}{ProcessMemory.getInstance().process.Id}{Settings.conInterface.getNormalColor().ToTextColor()})"); var foundModule = false; while (true) { foreach (var module in ProcessMemory.getInstance().modules) { if (module.Name.Equals("GameAssembly.dll", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { GameAssemblyPtr = module.BaseAddress; if (!GameVerifier.VerifySteamHash(module.FileName)) { cracked = true; Settings.conInterface.WriteModuleTextColored("GameVerifier", Color.Red, $"Client verification: {Color.Red.ToTextColor()}FAIL{Settings.conInterface.getNormalColor().ToTextColor()}."); } else { cracked = false; Settings.conInterface.WriteModuleTextColored("GameVerifier", Color.Red, $"Client verification: {Color.Lime.ToTextColor()}PASS{Settings.conInterface.getNormalColor().ToTextColor()}."); } using (SHA256Managed sha256 = new SHA256Managed()) { using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(module.FileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { using (var bs = new BufferedStream(fs)) { var hash = sha256.ComputeHash(bs); StringBuilder GameAssemblyhashSb = new StringBuilder(2 * hash.Length); foreach (byte byt in hash) { GameAssemblyhashSb.AppendFormat("{0:X2}", byt); } Console.WriteLine( $"GameAssembly Hash: {GameAssemblyhashSb.ToString()}"); GameHash = GameAssemblyhashSb.ToString(); CurrentOffsets = offMan.FetchForHash(GameAssemblyhashSb.ToString()); if (CurrentOffsets is not null) { Settings.conInterface.WriteModuleTextColored("GameMemReader", Color.Lime, $"Loaded offsets: {CurrentOffsets.Description}"); } else { Settings.conInterface.WriteModuleTextColored("GameMemReader", Color.Lime, $"No offsets found for: {Color.Aqua.ToTextColor()}{GameAssemblyhashSb.ToString()}{Settings.conInterface.getNormalColor().ToTextColor()}."); } } } } foundModule = true; break; } } if (!foundModule) { Settings.conInterface.WriteModuleTextColored("GameMemReader", Color.Lime, "Still looking for modules..."); //Program.conInterface.WriteModuleTextColored("GameMemReader", Color.Green, "Still looking for modules..."); // TODO: This still isn't functional, we need to re-hook to reload module addresses Thread.Sleep(500); // delay and try again ProcessMemory.getInstance().LoadModules(); } else { break; // we have found all modules } } try { if (CurrentOffsets is not null) { prevChatBubsVersion = ProcessMemory.getInstance().Read <int>(GameAssemblyPtr, CurrentOffsets.HudManagerOffset, 0x5C, 0, 0x28, 0xC, 0x14, 0x10); } // prevGameOverReason = ProcessMemory.getInstance().Read<GameOverReason>(GameAssemblyPtr, _gameOffsets.TempDataOffset, 0x5c, 4); } catch { Settings.conInterface.WriteModuleTextColored("ERROR", Color.Red, "Outdated version of the game."); } } if (cracked && ProcessMemory.getInstance().IsHooked) { var result = Settings.conInterface.CrackDetected(); if (!result) { Environment.Exit(0); } else { cracked = false; } continue; } if (CurrentOffsets is null) { continue; } GameState state; //int meetingHudState = /*meetingHud_cachePtr == 0 ? 4 : */ProcessMemory.ReadWithDefault<int>(GameAssemblyPtr, 4, 0xDA58D0, 0x5C, 0, 0x84); // 0 = Discussion, 1 = NotVoted, 2 = Voted, 3 = Results, 4 = Proceeding var meetingHud = ProcessMemory.getInstance() .Read <IntPtr>(GameAssemblyPtr, CurrentOffsets.MeetingHudOffset, 0x5C, 0); var meetingHud_cachePtr = meetingHud == IntPtr.Zero ? 0 : ProcessMemory.getInstance().Read <uint>(meetingHud, 0x8); var meetingHudState = meetingHud_cachePtr == 0 ? 4 : ProcessMemory.getInstance().ReadWithDefault(meetingHud, 4, 0x84); // 0 = Discussion, 1 = NotVoted, 2 = Voted, 3 = Results, 4 = Proceeding var gameState = ProcessMemory.getInstance().Read <int>(GameAssemblyPtr, CurrentOffsets.AmongUsClientOffset, 0x5C, 0, 0x64); // 0 = NotJoined, 1 = Joined, 2 = Started, 3 = Ended (during "defeat" or "victory" screen only) switch (gameState) { case 0: state = GameState.MENU; exileCausesEnd = false; break; case 1: case 3: state = GameState.LOBBY; exileCausesEnd = false; break; default: { if (exileCausesEnd) { state = GameState.LOBBY; } else if (meetingHudState < 4) { state = GameState.DISCUSSION; } else { state = GameState.TASKS; } break; } } //Console.WriteLine($"Got state: {state}"); var allPlayersPtr = ProcessMemory.getInstance() .Read <IntPtr>(GameAssemblyPtr, CurrentOffsets.GameDataOffset, 0x5C, 0, 0x24); var allPlayers = ProcessMemory.getInstance().Read <IntPtr>(allPlayersPtr, 0x08); var playerCount = ProcessMemory.getInstance().Read <int>(allPlayersPtr, 0x0C); var playerAddrPtr = allPlayers + 0x10; // check if exile causes end if (oldState == GameState.DISCUSSION && state == GameState.TASKS) { var exiledPlayerId = ProcessMemory.getInstance().ReadWithDefault <byte>(GameAssemblyPtr, 255, CurrentOffsets.MeetingHudOffset, 0x5C, 0, 0x94, 0x08); int impostorCount = 0, innocentCount = 0; for (var i = 0; i < playerCount; i++) { var pi = ProcessMemory.getInstance().Read <PlayerInfo>(playerAddrPtr, 0, 0); playerAddrPtr += 4; if (pi.PlayerId == exiledPlayerId) { PlayerChanged?.Invoke(this, new PlayerChangedEventArgs { Action = PlayerAction.Exiled, Name = pi.GetPlayerName(), IsDead = pi.GetIsDead(), Disconnected = pi.GetIsDisconnected(), Color = pi.GetPlayerColor() }); } // skip invalid, dead and exiled players if (pi.PlayerName == 0 || pi.PlayerId == exiledPlayerId || pi.IsDead == 1 || pi.Disconnected == 1) { continue; } if (pi.IsImpostor == 1) { impostorCount++; } else { innocentCount++; } } if (impostorCount == 0 || impostorCount >= innocentCount) { exileCausesEnd = true; state = GameState.LOBBY; } } if (state != oldState || shouldForceTransmitState) { GameStateChanged?.Invoke(this, new GameStateChangedEventArgs { NewState = state }); shouldForceTransmitState = false; } if (state != oldState && state == GameState.LOBBY) { shouldReadLobby = true; // will eventually transmit } if ((oldState == GameState.DISCUSSION || oldState == GameState.TASKS) && (state == GameState.LOBBY || state == GameState.MENU)) // game ended { int rawGameOverReason = ProcessMemory.getInstance() .Read <int>(GameAssemblyPtr, CurrentOffsets.TempDataOffset, 0x5c, 0x4); GameOverReason gameOverReason = (GameOverReason)rawGameOverReason; bool humansWon = rawGameOverReason <= 1 || rawGameOverReason == 5; if (humansWon) // we will be reading humans data, so set all to simps { foreach (string playerName in CachedPlayerInfos.Keys) { try { CachedPlayerInfos[playerName].IsImpostor = true; } catch (KeyNotFoundException e) { Console.WriteLine($"Could not find User: \"{playerName}\" in CachedPlayerinfos"); } } } var winningPlayersPtr = ProcessMemory.getInstance() .Read <IntPtr>(GameAssemblyPtr, CurrentOffsets.TempDataOffset, 0x5C, 0xC); var winningPlayers = ProcessMemory.getInstance().Read <IntPtr>(winningPlayersPtr, 0x08); var winningPlayerCount = ProcessMemory.getInstance().Read <int>(winningPlayersPtr, 0x0C); var winnerAddrPtr = winningPlayers + 0x10; for (var i = 0; i < winningPlayerCount; i++) { WinningPlayerData wpi = ProcessMemory.getInstance() .Read <WinningPlayerData>(winnerAddrPtr, 0, 0); winnerAddrPtr += 4; try { CachedPlayerInfos[wpi.GetPlayerName()].IsImpostor = wpi.IsImpostor; } catch (KeyNotFoundException e) { Console.WriteLine($"Could not find player with name \"{wpi.GetPlayerName()}\" in CachedPlayerInfos. JSON: {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(CachedPlayerInfos, Formatting.Indented)}"); } } ImmutablePlayer[] endingPlayerInfos = new ImmutablePlayer[CachedPlayerInfos.Count]; CachedPlayerInfos.Values.CopyTo(endingPlayerInfos, 0); GameOver?.Invoke(this, new GameOverEventArgs { GameOverReason = gameOverReason, PlayerInfos = endingPlayerInfos }); } GameState cachedOldState = oldState; oldState = state; newPlayerInfos.Clear(); playerAddrPtr = allPlayers + 0x10; for (var i = 0; i < playerCount; i++) { var pi = ProcessMemory.getInstance().Read <PlayerInfo>(playerAddrPtr, 0, 0); playerAddrPtr += 4; if (pi.PlayerName == 0) { continue; } var playerName = pi.GetPlayerName(); if (playerName.Length == 0) { continue; } newPlayerInfos[playerName] = pi; // add to new playerinfos for comparison later if (!oldPlayerInfos.ContainsKey(playerName)) // player wasn't here before, they just joined { PlayerChanged?.Invoke(this, new PlayerChangedEventArgs { Action = PlayerAction.Joined, Name = playerName, IsDead = pi.GetIsDead(), Disconnected = pi.GetIsDisconnected(), Color = pi.GetPlayerColor() }); } else { // player was here before, we have an old playerInfo to compare against var oldPlayerInfo = oldPlayerInfos[playerName]; if (!oldPlayerInfo.GetIsDead() && pi.GetIsDead()) // player just died { PlayerChanged?.Invoke(this, new PlayerChangedEventArgs { Action = PlayerAction.Died, Name = playerName, IsDead = pi.GetIsDead(), Disconnected = pi.GetIsDisconnected(), Color = pi.GetPlayerColor() }); } if (oldPlayerInfo.ColorId != pi.ColorId) { PlayerChanged?.Invoke(this, new PlayerChangedEventArgs { Action = PlayerAction.ChangedColor, Name = playerName, IsDead = pi.GetIsDead(), Disconnected = pi.GetIsDisconnected(), Color = pi.GetPlayerColor() }); } if (!oldPlayerInfo.GetIsDisconnected() && pi.GetIsDisconnected()) { PlayerChanged?.Invoke(this, new PlayerChangedEventArgs { Action = PlayerAction.Disconnected, Name = playerName, IsDead = pi.GetIsDead(), Disconnected = pi.GetIsDisconnected(), Color = pi.GetPlayerColor() }); } } } foreach (var kvp in oldPlayerInfos) { var pi = kvp.Value; var playerName = kvp.Key; if (!newPlayerInfos.ContainsKey(playerName)) // player was here before, isn't now, so they left { PlayerChanged?.Invoke(this, new PlayerChangedEventArgs { Action = PlayerAction.Left, Name = playerName, IsDead = pi.GetIsDead(), Disconnected = pi.GetIsDisconnected(), Color = pi.GetPlayerColor() }); } } oldPlayerInfos.Clear(); var emitAll = false; if (shouldForceUpdatePlayers) { shouldForceUpdatePlayers = false; emitAll = true; } if (state != cachedOldState && (state == GameState.DISCUSSION || state == GameState.TASKS) ) // game started, or at least we're still in game { CachedPlayerInfos.Clear(); foreach (var kvp in newPlayerInfos ) // do this instead of assignment so they don't point to the same object { var pi = kvp.Value; string playerName = pi.GetPlayerName(); CachedPlayerInfos[playerName] = new ImmutablePlayer() { Name = playerName, IsImpostor = false }; } } foreach (var kvp in newPlayerInfos ) // do this instead of assignment so they don't point to the same object { var pi = kvp.Value; oldPlayerInfos[kvp.Key] = pi; if (emitAll) { PlayerChanged?.Invoke(this, new PlayerChangedEventArgs { Action = PlayerAction.ForceUpdated, Name = kvp.Key, IsDead = pi.GetIsDead(), Disconnected = pi.GetIsDisconnected(), Color = pi.GetPlayerColor() }); } } var chatBubblesPtr = ProcessMemory.getInstance().Read <IntPtr>(GameAssemblyPtr, CurrentOffsets.HudManagerOffset, 0x5C, 0, 0x28, 0xC, 0x14); var poolSize = 20; // = ProcessMemory.Read<int>(GameAssemblyPtr, 0xD0B25C, 0x5C, 0, 0x28, 0xC, 0xC) var numChatBubbles = ProcessMemory.getInstance().Read <int>(chatBubblesPtr, 0xC); var chatBubsVersion = ProcessMemory.getInstance().Read <int>(chatBubblesPtr, 0x10); var chatBubblesAddr = ProcessMemory.getInstance().Read <IntPtr>(chatBubblesPtr, 0x8) + 0x10; var chatBubblePtrs = ProcessMemory.getInstance().ReadArray(chatBubblesAddr, numChatBubbles); var newMsgs = 0; if (chatBubsVersion > prevChatBubsVersion) // new message has been sent { if (chatBubsVersion > poolSize) // increments are twofold (push to and pop from pool) { if (prevChatBubsVersion > poolSize) { newMsgs = (chatBubsVersion - prevChatBubsVersion) >> 1; } else { newMsgs = poolSize - prevChatBubsVersion + ((chatBubsVersion - poolSize) >> 1); } } else // single increments { newMsgs = chatBubsVersion - prevChatBubsVersion; } } else if (chatBubsVersion < prevChatBubsVersion) // reset { if (chatBubsVersion > poolSize) // increments are twofold (push to and pop from pool) { newMsgs = poolSize + ((chatBubsVersion - poolSize) >> 1); } else // single increments { newMsgs = chatBubsVersion; } } prevChatBubsVersion = chatBubsVersion; for (var i = numChatBubbles - newMsgs; i < numChatBubbles; i++) { var msgText = ProcessMemory.getInstance() .ReadString(ProcessMemory.getInstance().Read <IntPtr>(chatBubblePtrs[i], 0x20, 0x28)); if (msgText.Length == 0) { continue; } var msgSender = ProcessMemory.getInstance() .ReadString(ProcessMemory.getInstance().Read <IntPtr>(chatBubblePtrs[i], 0x1C, 0x28)); var oldPlayerInfo = oldPlayerInfos[msgSender]; ChatMessageAdded?.Invoke(this, new ChatMessageEventArgs { Sender = msgSender, Message = msgText, Color = oldPlayerInfo.GetPlayerColor() }); } if (shouldReadLobby) { var gameCode = ProcessMemory.getInstance().ReadString(ProcessMemory.getInstance().Read <IntPtr>( GameAssemblyPtr, CurrentOffsets.GameStartManagerOffset, 0x5c, 0, 0x20, 0x28)); string[] split; if (gameCode != null && gameCode.Length > 0 && (split = gameCode.Split('\n')).Length == 2) { PlayRegion region = (PlayRegion)((4 - (ProcessMemory.getInstance() .Read <int>(GameAssemblyPtr, CurrentOffsets.ServerManagerOffset, 0x5c, 0, 0x10, 0x8, 0x8) & 0b11)) % 3); // do NOT ask //Recheck for GameOptionsOffset PlayMap map = (PlayMap)ProcessMemory.getInstance().Read <int>(GameAssemblyPtr, CurrentOffsets.GameOptionsOffset, 0x5c, 0x4, 0x10); this.latestLobbyEventArgs = new LobbyEventArgs() { LobbyCode = split[1], Region = region, Map = map, }; shouldReadLobby = false; shouldTransmitLobby = true; // since this is probably new info } } if (shouldTransmitLobby) { if (this.latestLobbyEventArgs != null) { JoinedLobby?.Invoke(this, this.latestLobbyEventArgs); } shouldTransmitLobby = false; } Thread.Sleep(250); } catch (Exception e) { Settings.conInterface.WriteModuleTextColored("ERROR", Color.Red, $"Message: {e.Message} stack: {e.StackTrace}"); Console.WriteLine(e); } } }
public void OnPointerEnter(PointerEventData eventData) { PlayMap.MoveTargetCamera((int)coordinate.x, (int)coordinate.y); CursorHighlight.SetActive(true); }
public override void clickCoordinate(int x, int y) { bool pathconfirming = false; if (PlayMap.LockMovement) { TileSelect tile = PlayMap.Grid.getTileSpec(x, y); if (tile.HighLightColorType == TileSelect.HighlightType.EnemyTargetable || tile.HighLightColorType == TileSelect.HighlightType.EnemyRTargetable) { if (selectTileX == x && selectTileY == y) { confirmAttack(); } else { var unit = UnitPlacement [selectUnitX, selectUnitY]; GameUnit unitStat = (GameUnit)unit.GetComponent("GameUnit"); UnitBattleController = UnitControlBattle.CalculateBattle(unitStat, targetTileX, targetTileY, x, y); PlayMap.ShowAttackInfo(x, y); } } else { PlayMap.HideAttackInfo(); } selectTileX = x; selectTileY = y; } else if (UnitPlacement [x, y] != null) { //Set tile selection TileSelect tile = PlayMap.Grid.getTileSpec(x, y); if (selectUnitX >= 0 && // there is a unit already selected tile.HighLightColorType == TileSelect.HighlightType.EnemyTargetable) // selecting enemy target for direct combat // Debug.Log("ENGAGE!"); //Second choosing of the same tile { if (selectTileX == x && selectTileY == y && confirmPath && UnitMovementController.getRouteSize() > 0) { confirmMovement(); } else { GameUnit unit = (GameUnit)UnitPlacement[selectUnitX, selectUnitY].GetComponent("GameUnit"); if (!unit.HasMoved) { pathconfirming = UnitMovementController.attackSelect(x, y, unit); } } selectTileX = x; selectTileY = y; } else if (tile.HighLightColorType == TileSelect.HighlightType.EnemyRTargetable) // selecting indirect combat // Debug.Log("BOMBARD!"); { selectTileX = x; selectTileY = y; } else { selectTileX = x; selectTileY = y; if (selectUnitX == x && selectUnitY == y) //Same unit { confirmMovement(); } else { // a unit was selected // Debug.Log("ATTENTION!"); UnitMovementController.fullclear(); GameUnit unit = (GameUnit)UnitPlacement[selectTileX, selectTileY].GetComponent("GameUnit"); if (!unit.HasMoved) { selectUnitX = x; selectUnitY = y; UnitMovementController.mapMovement(x, y, unit); } } } } else { if (selectUnitX >= 0) { //Second choosing of the same tile if (selectTileX == x && selectTileY == y && confirmPath && UnitMovementController.getRouteSize() > 0) { confirmMovement(); } else { //Set tile selection selectTileX = x; selectTileY = y; GameUnit unit = (GameUnit)UnitPlacement[selectUnitX, selectUnitY].GetComponent("GameUnit"); if (!unit.HasMoved) { pathconfirming = UnitMovementController.selectPath(x, y, unit); } if (!pathconfirming) // no valid selection { selectUnitX = selectTileX = -1; selectUnitY = selectTileY = -1; UnitMovementController.fullclear(); } } } else { //Set tile selection selectTileX = x; selectTileY = y; } } confirmPath = pathconfirming; if (selectTileX >= 0) { placeSelectHighlight(x, y); } else { removeSelectHighlight(); } }
public void AddPlayMap(ushort mapID) { _maps[mapID] = new PlayMap(mapID); }