Example #1
             * \brief   Constructor to load external csv-File as plant database.
             * \param   plantDbFileStream   A file stream to read csv data from.
             * \code{.unparsed}
             * 'create filestream for csv data file
             * Dim fs As System.IO.FileStream = New IO.FileStream("C:\DHI\MIKE-Basin_PlantData.csv", IO.FileMode.Open)
             * 'create new plantDb
             * Dim plantDb As atbApi.data.PlantDb = New atbApi.data.PlantDb(fs)
             * 'important: close fileStream after PlantDb is created
             * fs.Close()
             * 'create new plant and provide your own plantDb to constructor
             * Dim myPlant As atbApi.data.Plant = New atbApi.data.Plant("CROPWAT_80_Crop_data_CITRUS_70p_ca_bare", plantDb)
             * \endcode

            public PlantDb(Stream plantDbFileStream, CultureInfo cultureInfo = null)
                this.plantDbFileStream = plantDbFileStream;
                CsvReader csvReader = new CsvReader(plantDbFileStream);

                while (!csvReader.EndOfStream())
                    IDictionary <String, String> fields;
                    fields = csvReader.readLine();
                    //Debug.WriteLine(fields["dataObjName"] + " day: " + fields["_iterator.day"]);

                    if (fields == null || !fields.ContainsKey("dataObjName") || String.IsNullOrEmpty(fields["dataObjName"]))
                    String name = fields["dataObjName"];

                    if (!plantData.ContainsKey(name))
                        plantData.Add(name, new Dictionary <int, PlantValues>());
                        plantStagesLength.Add(name, 0);
                        initialEnd.Add(name, 0);
                    IDictionary <int, PlantValues> plantValues = plantData[name];
                    PlantValues values = new PlantValues();
                    values.parseData(fields, cultureInfo != null ? cultureInfo : CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    int _iterator = Int32.Parse(fields["_iterator.day"], cultureInfo != null ? cultureInfo : CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    plantValues.Add(_iterator, values);
                    plantStagesLength[name] = Math.Max(plantStagesLength[name], _iterator);
                    if (values.stage.Equals(PlantStage.initial))
                        if (!initialEnd.ContainsKey(name))
                            initialEnd[name] = 0;
                        initialEnd[name] = Math.Max(initialEnd[name], _iterator);
                    if (values.stage.Equals(PlantStage.development))
                        if (!developmentEnd.ContainsKey(name))
                            developmentEnd[name] = 0;
                        developmentEnd[name] = Math.Max(developmentEnd[name], _iterator);
Example #2
         * \brief   calculate evaporation.
         * \param [in,out]  lastConditions  The last soil conditions.
         * \param   plantSet                Set the plant values.
         * \param   climateSet              Set the climate values.
         * \param   irrigationType          Type of the irrigation.
         * \param   et0                     The reference evapotranspiration.
         * \param   eFactor                 The factor e is reduced by. May be used to consider mulching etc.
         * \param   tew                     The totally evaporable water.
         * \param   irrigationFw            The fraction of wetted surface depending on irrigation type.
         * \param   autoIrrigationFw        The fraction of wetted surface depending on automatic irrigation type.
         * \param   netIrrigation           The netto irrigation.
         * \param   autoNetIrrigation       The automatic netto irrigation.
         * \param   interception            The interception.
         * \param   interceptionIrr         The interception of the irrigated water.
         * \param   interceptionAutoIrr     The interception of the automatic irrigated water.
         * \param [in,out]  eResult         The result of the calculation.
         * \return  true if it succeeds, false if it fails.

        public static bool ECalculation(
            ref SoilConditions lastConditions,
            PlantValues plantSet,
            ClimateValues climateSet,
            String irrigationType,
            double et0,
            double eFactor,
            double tew,
            double irrigationFw,
            double autoIrrigationFw,
            double netIrrigation,
            double autoNetIrrigation,
            double interception,
            double interceptionIrr,
            double interceptionAutoIrr,
            ref EvaporationResult eResult
            if (eResult == null)
                eResult = new EvaporationResult();
            var rewFactor = 2.2926;
            var kcMax     = 1.2;
            var kcMin     = 0.0;
            var kcb       = 0.0;
            var fc        = 0.0;

            if (!(plantSet.isFallow == true))
                kcb   = (double)plantSet.Kcb;
                kcMax = 1.2 + (0.04 * ((double)climateSet.windspeed - 2) - 0.004 * ((double)climateSet.humidity - 45)) * Math.Pow(((double)plantSet.height / 3), 0.3);
                kcMax = Math.Max(kcMax, kcb + 0.05);
                kcMax = Math.Min(kcMax, 1.3);
                kcMax = Math.Max(kcMax, 1.05);
                kcMin = 0.175;
                fc    = Math.Pow(Math.Max((kcb - kcMin), 0.01) / (kcMax - kcMin), 1 + 0.5 * (double)plantSet.height);
                fc    = Math.Min(0.99, fc);
            eResult.kcMin = kcMin;
            eResult.kcMax = kcMax;
            eResult.kcb   = kcb;
            eResult.fc    = fc;

            var few = Math.Min(1 - fc, Math.Min(irrigationFw, autoIrrigationFw));

            if ((netIrrigation > 0 || autoNetIrrigation > 0) && (irrigationType == "drip"))
                few = Math.Min(1 - fc, (1 - (2 / 3) * fc) * Math.Min(irrigationFw, autoIrrigationFw));

            eResult.few = few;
            eResult.tew = tew;
            var rew = tew / rewFactor;

            eResult.rew = rew;
            var kr = 1.0;

            if (lastConditions.de > rew)
                kr = (tew - lastConditions.de) / (tew - rew);
                kr = Math.Max(0, kr);
            if (rew == 0)
                kr = 0;
            eResult.kr = kr;
            var ke = Math.Min(kr * (kcMax - kcb), few * kcMax);

            eResult.ke = ke;
            var e = ke * et0;

            e         = e * eFactor;
            eResult.e = e;
            var rpPrecipitation    = climateSet.rpPrecipitation != null ? (double)climateSet.rpPrecipitation : (double)climateSet.precipitation;
            var netPrecititationTc = rpPrecipitation - interception + netIrrigation - interceptionIrr + autoNetIrrigation - interceptionAutoIrr;
            var dpe = netPrecititationTc - lastConditions.de;

            dpe = Math.Max(0, dpe);
            var de = lastConditions.de - netPrecititationTc + e / few + dpe;

            de = Math.Max(0, de);
            de = Math.Min(tew, de);
            lastConditions.de  = de;
            lastConditions.dpe = dpe;
            eResult.de         = de;
            eResult.dpe        = dpe;