Example #1
    void UpdateState(ref ADAstarNode currentNode)
        PlanningDomainBase   domain = default(PlanningDomainBase);
        List <DefaultAction> possibleTransitions = new List <DefaultAction>();

        float score = 0;

        foreach (PlanningDomainBase d in _planningDomain)
            if (d.evaluateDomain(ref startNode.action.state) > score)
                score  = d.evaluateDomain(ref startNode.action.state);
                domain = d;

        if (!currentNode.alreadyExpanded)
            currentNode.g = Mathf.Infinity;
        if (!domain.isAGoalState(ref currentNode.action.state, ref goalNode.action.state))
            domain.generateTransitions(ref currentNode.action.state, ref currentNode.previousState, ref goalNode.action.state, ref possibleTransitions);

            // Determine min(c(s,s')+g(s')) for rhs for every successor
            float min_rhs = Mathf.Infinity;
            foreach (DefaultAction action in possibleTransitions)
                DefaultAction nextAction = action;
                float         newh       = domain.ComputeEstimate(ref startNode.action.state, ref nextAction.state, "h");
                float         newg       = domain.ComputeEstimate(ref nextAction.state, ref goalNode.action.state, "g");
                //g is calculated as the distance to the goal, just use a dummy value -1.0 and calculate the distance next
                ADAstarNode nextNode = new ADAstarNode(newg, newh, ref currentNode.action.state, ref nextAction);

                if ((nextAction.cost + nextNode.g) < min_rhs)
                    min_rhs = nextAction.cost + nextNode.g;
            currentNode.rhs = min_rhs;
            float[] keys = GetKey(currentNode);
            currentNode.key1 = keys[0]; currentNode.key2 = keys[1];
        //If open contains node, remove it.
        //foreach(KeyValuePair<DefaultState, ADAstarNode> keyval in Open)
        for (int i = 0; i < Open.Count; ++i)
            if (Open[i].Key != null)
                if (domain.equals(Open[i].Key, currentNode.action.state, false))
                    Open.RemoveAt(i); currentNode.alreadyExpanded = true;
        //Open = BackUp;
        //KeyValuePair<DefaultState, ADAstarNode> keyval = new KeyValuePair<DefaultState, ADAstarNode>(currentNode.action.state, currentNode);
        //if(Open.Contains(keyval)) {Open.Remove(keyval); currentNode.alreadyExpanded = true;}

        if (currentNode.g != currentNode.rhs)
            bool containsNode = false;
            //foreach(DefaultState key in Closed.Keys)
            //if(domain.equals(key, currentNode.action.state))
            //if(domain.equals(key, currentNode.action.state, false))
            //{ containsNode = true; break; }
            if (Closed.ContainsKey(currentNode.action.state))
                containsNode = true;
            if (!containsNode)
                //Generate all predecessors to keep expanding the open list
                generateNodePredecessors(ref domain, ref currentNode);

                Open.Add(new KeyValuePair <DefaultState, ADAstarNode>(currentNode.action.state, currentNode));
                //Sort by priority keys
                Incons.Add(currentNode.action.state, currentNode);
Example #2
    } //end _ComputePlan

    public bool _computeOneStep(ref DefaultState startState, ref DefaultState idealGoalState, Dictionary <DefaultState, BestFirstSearchNode> stateMap, ref DefaultState actualStateReached, float maxTime)
        //SortedList<BestFirstSearchNode<PlanningState, PlanningAction>> openSet = new SortedList<BestFirstSearchNode<PlanningState, PlanningAction>>(new CompareCosts<PlanningState, PlanningAction>());

        PlanningDomainBase domain = default(PlanningDomainBase);

//		int index = 0;
        float score = 0;

        foreach (PlanningDomainBase d in _planningDomain)
            if (d.evaluateDomain(ref startState) > score)
                score  = d.evaluateDomain(ref startState);
                domain = d;

        /***** TEST of MULTIPLE DOMAINS *****/
        //domain = _planningDomain.ElementAt(1);

        if (OneStepNeedsUpdate)
            Debug.Log("Plan finished, clearing Lists. Plan again");
            stateReached = startState;
            OneStepNeedsUpdate = false;
            initPlanner        = true;
        //Debug.Log("maxNumNodesToExpand = " + _maxNumNodesToExpand);

        if ((numNodesExpanded == _maxNumNodesToExpand) || (openSet.Count == 0))
            OneStepNeedsUpdate = true;


            // get a copy of the first element of the open set (i.e. about to pop it, but only if we get past the next if-statement).
            BestFirstSearchNode x = (openSet.ElementAt(0));

            score = 0;
            foreach (PlanningDomainBase d in _planningDomain)
                if (d.evaluateDomain(ref x.action.state) > score)
                    score  = d.evaluateDomain(ref x.action.state);
                    domain = d;

            /***** TEST of MULTIPLE DOMAINS *****/

             * //if (stateMap.Count > 100)
             * if (numNodesExpanded > 5)
             * {
             *      //Debug.Log("We change of domain at time " + Time.time);
             *      domain = _planningDomain.ElementAt(0);
             * }
             * /***********************************/

            // ask the user if this node is a goal state.  If so, then finish up.
            //if ((_planningDomain as PlanningDomainBase<PlanningState>).isAGoalState(ref x.action.state, ref idealGoalState))
            if (domain.isAGoalState(ref x.action.state, ref idealGoalState))
                actualStateReached = x.action.state;

                //Debug.Log("goal reached");
                OneStepNeedsUpdate = true;


            if (stateMap.ContainsKey(x.action.state))
                stateMap[x.action.state].alreadyExpanded = true;

            // ask the user to generate all the possible actions from this state.
            List <DefaultAction> possibleActions = new List <DefaultAction>();

            //Debug.Log("generating transitions");

            domain.generateTransitions(ref x.action.state, ref x.previousState, ref idealGoalState, ref possibleActions);

            // iterate over each potential action, and add it to the open list.
            // if the node was already seen before, then it is updated if the new cost is better than the old cost.
            foreach (DefaultAction action in possibleActions)
                float newg = x.g + action.cost;

                if (stateMap.ContainsKey(action.state))
                    BestFirstSearchNode existingNode = stateMap[action.state];
                    // then, that means this node was seen before.
                    if (newg < existingNode.g)
                        // then, this means we need to update the node.
                        if (existingNode.alreadyExpanded == false)
                        // otherwise, we don't bother adding this node... it already exists with a better cost.

                DefaultAction       nextAction = action;
                float               newf       = domain.estimateTotalCost(ref action.state, ref idealGoalState, newg);
                BestFirstSearchNode nextNode   = new BestFirstSearchNode(newg, newf, ref x.action.state, ref nextAction);

                stateMap[nextNode.action.state] = nextNode;

        if (openSet.Count == 0)
            // if we get here, there was no solution.
            actualStateReached = startState;
            // if we get here, then we did not find a complete path.
            // instead, just return whatever path we could construct.
            // The idea is that if the user gave a reasonable heuristic,
            // state space, and transitions, then the next node that
            // would be expanded will be the most promising path anyway.
            actualStateReached = (openSet.ElementAt(0)).action.state;

        return(false);     // returns false because plan is incomplete.
    } //end _ComputePlan
Example #3
    public bool _computePlan(ref DefaultState startState, ref DefaultState idealGoalState, Dictionary <DefaultState, FringeSearchNode> Cache, ref DefaultState actualStateReached, float maxTime)
        //Make sure Cache is empty when starting to compute plan

        PlanningDomainBase domain = default(PlanningDomainBase);

        float score = 0;

        foreach (PlanningDomainBase d in _planningDomain)
            if (d.evaluateDomain(ref startState) > score)
                score  = d.evaluateDomain(ref startState);
                domain = d;

        float            newf     = domain.estimateTotalCost(ref startState, ref idealGoalState, 0.0f);
        FringeSearchNode rootNode = new FringeSearchNode(0.0f, newf, ref startState, ref startState);

        rootNode.parent = null;

        LinkedList <FringeSearchNode> fringe = new LinkedList <FringeSearchNode>();


        foreach (KeyValuePair <DefaultState, FringeSearchNode> keyval in Cache)
            if ((keyval.Key as FringePlanningState).state.Equals((startState as FringePlanningState).state))
                Cache[keyval.Key] = rootNode;

        //flimit = h(start)
        float flimit = rootNode.f - rootNode.g;

        while (fringe.Count > 0)
            float fmin = Mathf.Infinity;

            LinkedListNode <FringeSearchNode> fringeNode = fringe.First;

            while (fringeNode != null)
                FringeSearchNode node = fringeNode.Value;

                FringeSearchNode tempNode = default(FringeSearchNode);
                foreach (DefaultState key in Cache.Keys)
                    if ((key as FringePlanningState).state.Equals((node.action.state as FringePlanningState).state))
                        tempNode = Cache[key]; break;
                //FringeSearchNode tempNode = Cache[node.action.state];

                if (tempNode.f > flimit)
                    fmin       = Mathf.Min(tempNode.f, fmin);
                    fringeNode = fringeNode.Next;

                if (domain.isAGoalState(ref tempNode.action.state, ref idealGoalState))
                    actualStateReached = tempNode.action.state;

                List <DefaultAction> possibleActions = new List <DefaultAction>();

                domain.generateTransitions(ref tempNode.action.state, ref tempNode.previousState, ref idealGoalState, ref possibleActions);

                foreach (DefaultAction action in possibleActions)
                    float newg = tempNode.g + action.cost;
                    newf = domain.estimateTotalCost(ref action.state, ref idealGoalState, newg);

                    DefaultAction    nextAction = action;
                    FringeSearchNode successor  = new FringeSearchNode(newg, newf, ref tempNode.action.state, ref nextAction);
                    successor.parent = tempNode;

                    FringeSearchNode fn     = default(FringeSearchNode);
                    bool             exists = false;
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <DefaultState, FringeSearchNode> sn in Cache)
                        if ((sn.Key as FringePlanningState).state.Equals((successor.action.state as FringePlanningState).state))
                            if (sn.Value != null)
                                { fn = sn.Value; exists = true; break; }

                    //if(Cache[successor.action.state] != null)
                    if (exists)
                        if (successor.g >= fn.g)

                    //If fringe contains successor
                    //	fringe.Remove(successor);
                    foreach (FringeSearchNode s in fringe)
                        if (s.action.state.Equals(successor.action.state))

                    fringe.AddAfter(fringe.Find(node), successor);
                    //C[s]<-(gs, n) already added when node created

                    foreach (KeyValuePair <DefaultState, FringeSearchNode> sn in Cache)
                        if ((sn.Key as FringePlanningState).state.Equals((successor.action.state as FringePlanningState).state))
                            Cache[sn.Key] = successor; break;
                    //Cache[successor.action.state].g = newg;
                    //Cache[successor.action.state].parent = node;

                fringeNode = fringeNode.Next;
            flimit = fmin;