public async Task AddTest()
            // ARRANGE
            PlannerService    service    = new PlannerService(ctxDb);
            PlannerController controller = SetupPlannerController(service).Result;

            Room room = new Room {
                Gebouw = "A", Verdiep = 1, Nummer = "01", Type = "Lokaal"


            Course course = new Course {
                Vakcode = "AAA01A", Titel = "testvak", Studiepunten = 4


            string dat      = DateTime.Today.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
            string uur      = "11:00";
            double duratie  = 2.0;
            int    lokaalId = ctxDb.Room.Where(r => r.Gebouw == "A" && r.Verdiep == 1 && r.Nummer == "01").FirstOrDefault().Id;
            int    vakId    = ctxDb.Course.Where(c => c.Vakcode == "AAA01A").FirstOrDefault().Id;

            // ACT
            var res = await controller.Add(dat, uur, lokaalId, duratie, vakId, null, null, 0);

            // ASSERT
            Assert.IsTrue(res is ActionResult);
            Assert.IsNotNull(ctxDb.CourseMoment.Where(cm => cm.CourseId == vakId && cm.RoomId == lokaalId).FirstOrDefault());
        ////public override void Cleanup()
        ////    // Clean own resources if needed

        ////    base.Cleanup();

        internal async Task InitializeAsync(Guid?id, int?index)
            IsInit        = true;
            InitNewSearch = true;

            SelectedSearch           = null;
            SelectedReisMogelijkheid = null;

            DataLoader.LoadingState = LoadingState.None;

            InitNewSearch = false;

            if (id.HasValue)
                var search = await PlannerService.GetSearchAsync(id.Value);

                if (search != null)
                    _tempIndex     = index;
                    SelectedSearch = search;

        private async Task <PlannerController> SetupPlannerController(PlannerService service)
            ctxDb.Roles.Add(new IdentityRole {
                Name = "Student", NormalizedName = "STUDENT"

            AccountService accService = new AccountService(userManager, signInManager);
            var            user       = await accService.RegisterUser(new RegisterViewModel { RNum = "r0000001", Email = "*****@*****.**", Name = "Thomas", SurName = "Claes", Password = "******", ConfirmPassword = "******", GeboorteDatum = new DateTime(1998, 9, 21) });

            IOptions <IdentityOptions> options = Options.Create <IdentityOptions>(new IdentityOptions {

            UserClaimsPrincipalFactory <ApplicationUser> userClaimFactory = new UserClaimsPrincipalFactory <ApplicationUser>(userManager, options);

            var claim = userClaimFactory.CreateAsync(user).Result;

            var httpContext = new Mock <HttpContext>();

            httpContext.Setup(x => x.User).Returns(claim);

            var context = new ControllerContext(new ActionContext(httpContext.Object, new RouteData(), new ControllerActionDescriptor()));

            return(new PlannerController(service, userManager, signInManager)
                ControllerContext = context, TempData = new TempDataDictionary(httpContext.Object, Mock.Of <ITempDataProvider>())
        private int AddTestPlanning(PlannerService service)
            ApplicationUser user = new ApplicationUser {
                UserName = "******", Email = "*****@*****.**", GeboorteDatum = new DateTime(1998, 09, 21), Naam = "Claes", VoorNaam = "Thomas", EmailConfirmed = true


            Room room = new Room {
                Gebouw = "A", Verdiep = 1, Nummer = "01", Type = "Lokaal", Capaciteit = 20


            Course course = new Course {
                Vakcode = "AAA01A", Titel = "testvak", Studiepunten = 4


            var userFull = ctxDb.Users.Where(u => u.UserName == "r0664186").FirstOrDefault();
            int roomId   = ctxDb.Room.Where(r => r.Type == "Lokaal").FirstOrDefault().Id;
            int courseId = ctxDb.Course.Where(c => c.Vakcode == "AAA01A").FirstOrDefault().Id;

            DateTime datum   = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, (DateTime.Now.Day + 1));
            DateTime start   = new DateTime(1800, 1, 1, 11, 0, 0);
            double   duratie = 2.0;

            service.AddPlanning(userFull, datum, start, duratie, roomId, courseId, null, null, 3);

            return(ctxDb.CourseMoment.Where(cm => cm.CourseId == courseId && cm.RoomId == roomId).FirstOrDefault().Id);
Example #5
        private async Task SaveIdea(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable <GraphServiceClient> result)
            var planService = new PlannerService(await result);
            var ideaService = new IdeaService(await result);

            var plan = await planService.GetTeamPlanAsync(Team);

            if (plan == null)
                throw new ApplicationException($"Could not found plan named '{Team.DisplayName}'");

            var plannerTask = await ideaService.CreateAsync(plan.Id, idea.Title, idea.StartDate, idea.Owners.Select(i => i.Id).FirstOrDefault(), idea.Description);

            var plannerTaskUrl = ideaService.GetIdeaUrl(Team.Id, plan.Id, plannerTask.Id);

                var clientContext = await AuthenticationHelper.GetAppOnlySharePointClientContextAsync();

                var metricsService = new MetricsService(clientContext);
                await metricsService.CreateMetricIdeaAsync(metric.Id, plannerTask, Constants.IdeasPlan.Buckets.NewIdea, plannerTaskUrl);
            catch (Exception ex)
                await context.SayAsync("Failed to add item to MetricIdea list: " + ex.Message);

            await context.SayAsync("Idea created.");

        public void GetPlanningLectAdminTest()
            // ARRANGE
            PlannerService service = new PlannerService(ctxDb);


            int    courseId   = ctxDb.Course.Where(c => c.Vakcode == "MGP01A").FirstOrDefault().Id;
            int    roomId     = ctxDb.Room.Where(r => r.Gebouw == "A" & r.Verdiep == 0 & r.Nummer == "01").FirstOrDefault().Id;
            var    room       = ctxDb.Room.Where(r => r.Gebouw == "A" & r.Verdiep == 0 & r.Nummer == "01").FirstOrDefault();
            int    scheduleId = ctxDb.Schedule.Where(s => s.Datum == new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, (DateTime.Now.Day + 1))).FirstOrDefault().Id;
            var    schedule   = ctxDb.Schedule.Where(s => s.Datum == new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, (DateTime.Now.Day + 1))).FirstOrDefault();
            string userId     = ctxDb.Users.Where(u => u.UserName == "r0664186").FirstOrDefault().Id;

            // ACT
            var plannerList = service.GetPlanningLectAdmin(GetIso8601WeekOfYear(DateTime.Now));

            // ASSERT
            Assert.IsTrue(plannerList.Count() > 0);
            Assert.AreEqual(courseId, plannerList[0].cId);
            Assert.AreEqual(room.Gebouw, plannerList[0].Gebouw);
            Assert.AreEqual(room.Verdiep, plannerList[0].Verdiep);
            Assert.AreEqual(room.Nummer, plannerList[0].Nummer);
            Assert.AreEqual(schedule.Datum, plannerList[0].Datum);
Example #7
 public Importacao()
     _groupsService  = new GroupsService();
     _plannetService = new PlannerService();
     _context        = new ImportacaoContext();
     _usersService   = new UsersService();
Example #8
        private async Task ListIdeasAsync(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable <GraphServiceClient> result)
            var plannerService = new PlannerService(await result);
            var ideaService    = new IdeaService(await result);

            var plan = await plannerService.GetTeamPlanAsync(Team);

            var ideas = await ideaService.GetAsync(Team, plan.Id, status, from);

            var summary = ideas.Length > 0
                ? $"Getting {ideas.Length} {(ideas.Length > 1 ? "ideas" : "idea")} from Microsoft Planner, Please wait..."
                : "No idea was found.";
            await context.SayAsync(summary);

            foreach (var bucket in Constants.IdeasPlan.Buckets.All)
                var bucketIdeas = ideas.Where(i => i.Bucket == bucket).ToArray();
                if (!bucketIdeas.Any())

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(status))
                    await context.SayAsync($"{bucket} ({bucketIdeas.Length + " " + (bucket.Length > 1 ? "ideas" : "idea")})");

                int pageSize  = 6;
                int pageCount = (bucketIdeas.Length + pageSize - 1) / pageSize;
                for (int page = 0; page < pageCount; page++)
                    var message = context.MakeMessage();
                    message.AttachmentLayout = AttachmentLayoutTypes.Carousel;

                    var pageIdeas = bucketIdeas.Skip(pageSize * page).Take(pageSize).ToArray();
                    foreach (var idea in pageIdeas)
                        await ideaService.GetDetailsAsync(idea);

                        var url    = ideaService.GetIdeaUrl(Team.Id, plan.Id, idea.Id);
                        var owners = $"Owners: {idea.Owners.Select(i => i.DisplayName).Join(", ")}";
                        var text   = $"Start Date<br/>{idea.StartDate?.DateTime.ToShortDateString()}";
                        if (idea.Description.IsNotNullAndEmpty())
                            text += $"<br/><br/>{idea.Description.Replace("\r\n", "<br/>").Replace("\n", "<br/>")}";
                        var viewAction = new CardAction(ActionTypes.OpenUrl, "View", value: url);
                        var heroCard   = new HeroCard(idea.Title, owners, text, buttons: new List <CardAction> {
                    await context.PostAsync(message);

        private void DeleteHistory()
            RaisePropertyChanged(() => SearchHistory);

            SelectedReisMogelijkheid = null;
            SelectedSearch           = null;
        public void GetStudsInCmTest()
            // ARRANGE
            PlannerService service = new PlannerService(ctxDb);

            int cmId = AddCm();

            int courseId = ctxDb.Course.Where(c => c.Vakcode == "MGP01A").FirstOrDefault().Id;

            ctxDb.Users.Add(new ApplicationUser {
                UserName = "******", Email = "*****@*****.**", GeboorteDatum = new DateTime(1998, 09, 21), Naam = "Claes", VoorNaam = "Thomas", EmailConfirmed = true
            ctxDb.Users.Add(new ApplicationUser {
                UserName = "******", Email = "*****@*****.**", GeboorteDatum = new DateTime(1998, 09, 21), Naam = "Claes", VoorNaam = "Thomas", EmailConfirmed = true
            ctxDb.Users.Add(new ApplicationUser {
                UserName = "******", Email = "*****@*****.**", GeboorteDatum = new DateTime(1998, 09, 21), Naam = "Claes", VoorNaam = "Thomas", EmailConfirmed = true

            string user1Id = ctxDb.Users.Where(u => u.UserName == "r0000001").FirstOrDefault().Id;
            string user2Id = ctxDb.Users.Where(u => u.UserName == "r0000002").FirstOrDefault().Id;
            string user3Id = ctxDb.Users.Where(u => u.UserName == "r0000003").FirstOrDefault().Id;

            ctxDb.CourseUser.Add(new CourseUser {
                CourseId = courseId, ApplicationUserId = user1Id, GoedGekeurd = true, AfwijzingBeschr = null
            ctxDb.CourseUser.Add(new CourseUser {
                CourseId = courseId, ApplicationUserId = user2Id, GoedGekeurd = true, AfwijzingBeschr = null
            ctxDb.CourseUser.Add(new CourseUser {
                CourseId = courseId, ApplicationUserId = user3Id, GoedGekeurd = true, AfwijzingBeschr = null

            ctxDb.CourseMomentUsers.Add(new CourseMomentUsers {
                ApplicationUserId = user1Id, CoursMomentId = cmId
            ctxDb.CourseMomentUsers.Add(new CourseMomentUsers {
                ApplicationUserId = user2Id, CoursMomentId = cmId

            // ACT
            var UList = service.GetStudsInCm(cmId);

            // ASSERT
            Assert.AreEqual(user1Id, UList[0].userId);

            Assert.AreEqual(user2Id, UList[1].userId);

            Assert.AreEqual(user3Id, UList[2].userId);
Example #11
        public static HomeIndexViewModel ForUserPage(string username, int Page_ID)
            IInfastructureService infastructure  = new InfastructureService();
            IPlannerService       plannerService = new PlannerService();

            return(new HomeIndexViewModel {
                navSection = infastructure.PageStructure_GetBySelected(Page_ID),
                events = plannerService.Event_GetByUser(username)
        public Result <IList <Planner> > GetByClientId(int id)
            var            result         = new Result <IList <Planner> >();
            PlannerService plannerService = new PlannerService();

            var lstPlanner = plannerService.GetByClientId(id);

            result.Value     = (IList <Planner>)lstPlanner;
            result.IsSuccess = true;
        private async Task DoSearch()
            if (Date == DateTime.MinValue)
                Date = DateTime.Now;
            if (Time == DateTime.MinValue)
                Time = DateTime.Now;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Type))
                Type = "vertrek";

            //Create planner object with GUID
            PlannerSearch search = new PlannerSearch()
                Id             = Guid.NewGuid(),
                SearchDateTime = DateTime.Now,
                VanStation     = VanStation,
                NaarStation    = NaarStation,
                ViaStation     = ViaStation,
                IsHogesnelheid = IsHogesnelheid,
                IsYearCard     = IsYearCard,
                Type           = Type,
                Date           = Date,
                Time           = Time

            if (search.VanStation != null &&
                search.NaarStation != null)
                    //Save settings
                    var settings = SettingService.GetSettings();
                    settings.HasYearCard = IsYearCard;
                    settings.UseHsl      = IsHogesnelheid;
                    //never allow it to crash, this is really important

                //Save planner object
                await PlannerService.AddSearchAsync(search);

                //Navigate to new page and pass GUID
                //string url = string.Format("/Views/Reisadvies.xaml?id={0}", search.Id);
        public Result <Planner> GetByPlannerId(int id)
            var            result         = new Result <Planner>();
            PlannerService plannerService = new PlannerService();

            var planner = plannerService.GetByPlannerId(id);

            result.Value     = planner;
            result.IsSuccess = true;
        public void GetTopicTest()
            // ARRANGE
            PlannerService service = new PlannerService(ctxDb);
            int            cmId    = AddCm();

            // ACT
            var planner = service.GetTopic(cmId, false, null);

            // ASSERT
            Assert.AreEqual(cmId, planner.cmId);
        public void EditStudsInCm_Set_Test()
            // ARRANGE
            PlannerService    service    = new PlannerService(ctxDb);
            PlannerController controller = SetupPlannerController(service).Result;

            int cmId = AddTestPlanning(service);

            ctxDb.Users.Add(new ApplicationUser {
                UserName = "******", Email = "*****@*****.**", GeboorteDatum = new DateTime(1998, 09, 21), Naam = "Claes", VoorNaam = "Thomas", EmailConfirmed = true
            ctxDb.Users.Add(new ApplicationUser {
                UserName = "******", Email = "*****@*****.**", GeboorteDatum = new DateTime(1998, 09, 21), Naam = "Claes", VoorNaam = "Thomas", EmailConfirmed = true
            ctxDb.Users.Add(new ApplicationUser {
                UserName = "******", Email = "*****@*****.**", GeboorteDatum = new DateTime(1998, 09, 21), Naam = "Claes", VoorNaam = "Thomas", EmailConfirmed = true

            string user1Id = ctxDb.Users.Where(u => u.UserName == "r0000001").FirstOrDefault().Id;
            string user2Id = ctxDb.Users.Where(u => u.UserName == "r0000002").FirstOrDefault().Id;
            string user3Id = ctxDb.Users.Where(u => u.UserName == "r0000003").FirstOrDefault().Id;

            int courseId = ctxDb.Course.Where(c => c.Vakcode == "AAA01A").FirstOrDefault().Id;

            ctxDb.CourseUser.Add(new CourseUser {
                ApplicationUserId = user1Id, CourseId = courseId, GoedGekeurd = true
            ctxDb.CourseUser.Add(new CourseUser {
                ApplicationUserId = user2Id, CourseId = courseId, GoedGekeurd = true
            ctxDb.CourseUser.Add(new CourseUser {
                ApplicationUserId = user3Id, CourseId = courseId, GoedGekeurd = true

            List <EditStudInCmViewModel> modelList = (List <EditStudInCmViewModel>)(((ViewResult)controller.EditStudsInCm(cmId)).Model);

            foreach (EditStudInCmViewModel stud in modelList)
                stud.IsSelected = true;

            // ACT
            var res = controller.EditStudsInCm(modelList, cmId);

            // ASSERT
            Assert.IsTrue(res is ActionResult);
            Assert.IsNotNull(ctxDb.CourseMomentUsers.Where(cmu => cmu.ApplicationUserId == user1Id).FirstOrDefault());
            Assert.IsNotNull(ctxDb.CourseMomentUsers.Where(cmu => cmu.ApplicationUserId == user2Id).FirstOrDefault());
            Assert.IsNotNull(ctxDb.CourseMomentUsers.Where(cmu => cmu.ApplicationUserId == user3Id).FirstOrDefault());
        private async Task DeleteSingleHistoryAsync(Guid id)
            var item = SearchHistory.Where(x => x.Id == id).FirstOrDefault();

            if (item != null)

            await PlannerService.DeleteSearchAsync(id);

            await RefreshSearchHistoryAsync();
        private async Task RefreshSearchHistoryAsync()
            var items = await PlannerService.GetListFromStoreAsync();


            foreach (var item in items)

            RaisePropertyChanged(() => SearchHistory);
            RaisePropertyChanged(() => SearchHistorySmall);
        public void GetCourseMomentsTest()
            // ARRANGE
            PlannerService service   = new PlannerService(ctxDb);
            int            cmId      = AddCm();
            int            vakcodeId = ctxDb.Course.Where(c => c.Vakcode == "MGP01A").FirstOrDefault().Id;
            string         vakcode   = ctxDb.Course.Find(vakcodeId).Vakcode;

            // ACT
            var plannerList = service.GetCourseMoments(vakcodeId);

            // ASSERT
            Assert.AreEqual(vakcode, plannerList.FirstOrDefault().Vakcode);
        public void DeleteTest()
            // ARRANGE
            PlannerService    service    = new PlannerService(ctxDb);
            PlannerController controller = SetupPlannerController(service).Result;

            var cmId = AddTestPlanning(service);

            // ACT
            var res = controller.Delete(cmId);

            // ASSERT
            Assert.IsTrue(res is ActionResult);
            Assert.IsNull(ctxDb.CourseMoment.Where(cm => cm.Id == cmId).FirstOrDefault());
        private async Task <DialogTurnResult> CreateIdeaPhase2Async(WaterfallStepContext stepContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var tokenResponse = (TokenResponse)stepContext.Result;

            if (tokenResponse?.Token == null)
                await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(MessageFactory.Text("Login was not successful please try again."), cancellationToken);

                return(await stepContext.EndDialogAsync(null, cancellationToken));

            var userProfile = await base.UserProfileAccessor.GetAsync(stepContext.Context);

            var team = userProfile.SelectedTeam;

            var createIdeaOptions = (CreateIdeaOptions)stepContext.Options;
            var planService       = new PlannerService(tokenResponse.Token);
            var plan = await planService.GetTeamPlanAsync(team.Id, team.DisplayName);

            if (plan == null)
                var message = $"Failed to create the idea: could not find plan named '{team.DisplayName}'";
                await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(message);
                var description = $"Next Steps\r\n{createIdeaOptions.NextSteps}" +
                                  $"\r\n\r\nAligned to Metric\r\n{createIdeaOptions.Metric}";
                var ideaService = new IdeaService(tokenResponse.Token);
                    await ideaService.CreateAsync(plan.Id,
                                                  new DateTimeOffset(createIdeaOptions.StartDate.Value, TimeSpan.Zero),

                    await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync("Idea created.");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    var message = $"Failed to create the idea: {ex.Message}";
                    await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(message);
            return(await stepContext.EndDialogAsync(null, cancellationToken));
        public void DeletePlanningTest()
            // ARRANGE
            PlannerService service = new PlannerService(ctxDb);
            int            cmId    = AddCm();

            int scheduleId = ctxDb.Schedule.Where(s => s.Datum == new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, (DateTime.Now.Day + 1))).FirstOrDefault().Id;
            int roomId     = ctxDb.Room.Where(r => r.Gebouw == "A" & r.Verdiep == 0 & r.Nummer == "01").FirstOrDefault().Id;

            // ACT

            // ASSERT
            Assert.IsNull(ctxDb.CourseMoment.Where(cm => cm.ScheduleId == scheduleId && cm.RoomId == roomId).FirstOrDefault());
        ////public override void Cleanup()
        ////    // Clean own resources if needed

        ////    base.Cleanup();

        internal async Task Initialize(Guid?id)
            PlannerSearch = null;
            ReisPrijs     = null;

            if (id.HasValue)
                var search = await PlannerService.GetSearchAsync(id.Value);

                if (search != null)
                    PlannerSearch = search;

                    ReisPrijs = await DataLoader.LoadAsync(() => NSApiService.GetPrijs(PlannerSearch));
        public Result Delete(Planner planner)
            var result = new Result();

                PlannerService plannerService = new PlannerService();
                result.IsSuccess = true;
            catch (Exception exception)
                result.IsSuccess     = false;
                result.ExceptionInfo = exception;
Example #25
        public Result Update(FinancialPlanner.Common.Model.Planner planner)
            var result = new Result();

                PlannerService plannerService = new PlannerService();
                result.IsSuccess = true;
            catch (Exception exception)
                result.IsSuccess     = false;
                result.ExceptionInfo = exception;
Example #26
        public async static Task RemoveObsoleteIdeas([TimerTrigger("0 0 * * * *")] TimerInfo timerInfo)
            var operation = "Remove obsolete ideas";

            using (var spClientContext = await AuthenticationHelper.GetSharePointClientAppOnlyContextAsync())
                var plannerService = new PlannerService(spClientContext);
                    await plannerService.ReoveObsoleteIdeas();
                catch (Exception ex)
        public void ViewTopicTest()
            // ARRANGE
            PlannerService    service    = new PlannerService(ctxDb);
            PlannerController controller = SetupPlannerController(service).Result;

            int cmId = AddTestPlanning(service);

            // ACT
            var res = controller.ViewTopic(cmId).Result;

            // ASSERT
            Assert.IsTrue(res is ActionResult);
            var vRes = (ViewResult)res;

            var model = (Planner)vRes.Model;

            Assert.AreEqual(cmId, model.cmId);
        public void EditPlanningTest()
            // ARRANGE
            PlannerService service = new PlannerService(ctxDb);
            Course         course1 = new Course {
                Vakcode = "BBB01B", Titel = "testvak", Studiepunten = 4


            Room room1 = new Room {
                Gebouw = "B", Verdiep = 0, Nummer = "01", Type = "Lokaal", Capaciteit = 10


            int cmId = AddCm();

            string userId = ctxDb.Users.Where(u => u.UserName == "r0664186").FirstOrDefault().Id;

            int      newCourseId    = ctxDb.Course.Where(c => c.Vakcode == "BBB01B").FirstOrDefault().Id;
            int      newRoomId      = ctxDb.Room.Where(r => r.Gebouw == "B" & r.Verdiep == 0 & r.Nummer == "01").FirstOrDefault().Id;
            var      newUser        = ctxDb.Users.Find(userId);
            DateTime newDatum       = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day);
            string   newDatumString = newDatum.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
            string   newStart       = "13:00";
            double   newDuratie     = 1.0;
            string   newLessenlijst = "Editplanning test lesmoment";

            // ACT
            service.EditPlanning(cmId, newCourseId, newDatumString, newStart, newDuratie, newRoomId, newLessenlijst, newUser);

            // ASSERT
            var newCm = ctxDb.CourseMoment.Find(cmId);

            Assert.AreEqual(newCourseId, newCm.CourseId);
            Assert.AreEqual(newRoomId, newCm.RoomId);
            Assert.AreEqual(newUser.Id, newCm.ApplicationUserId);
            Assert.AreEqual(ctxDb.Schedule.Where(s => s.Datum == newDatum).FirstOrDefault().Id, newCm.ScheduleId);
            Assert.AreEqual(newLessenlijst, newCm.LessenLijst);
Example #29
        private async Task SaveIdea(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable <GraphServiceClient> result)
            var planService = new PlannerService(await result);
            var ideaService = new IdeaService(await result);

            var plan = await planService.GetTeamPlanAsync(Team);

            if (plan == null)
                throw new ApplicationException($"Could not found plan named '{Team.DisplayName}'");

            var plannerTask = await ideaService.CreateAsync(plan.Id, idea.Title, idea.StartDate, idea.Owners.Select(i => i.Id).FirstOrDefault(), idea.Description);

            var plannerTaskUrl = ideaService.GetIdeaUrl(Team.Id, plan.Id, plannerTask.Id);

                var clientContext = await AuthenticationHelper.GetAppOnlySharePointClientContextAsync();

                var metricsService = new MetricsService(clientContext);
                await metricsService.CreateMetricIdeaAsync(metric.Id, plannerTask, Constants.IdeasPlan.Buckets.NewIdea, plannerTaskUrl);
            catch (Exception ex)
                await context.SayAsync("Failed to add item to MetricIdea list: " + ex.Message);

            await context.SayAsync("Idea created.");

            //var viewAction = new CardAction(ActionTypes.OpenUrl, "View", value: plannerTaskUrl);
            //var heroCard = new HeroCard(
            //    text: "Idea created.",
            //    buttons: new List<CardAction> { viewAction });

            //var message = context.MakeMessage();
            //await context.PostAsync(message);

        public void IndexTest()
            // ARRANGE
            PlannerService    service    = new PlannerService(ctxDb);
            PlannerController controller = SetupPlannerController(service).Result;


            // ACT
            var res = controller.Index(0).Result;

            // ASSERT
            Assert.IsTrue(res is ActionResult);
            var vRes = (ViewResult)res;

            var model = (List <Planner>)vRes.Model;

            Assert.IsNotNull(model.Where(p => p.Vakcode == "AAA01A" && p.Gebouw == "A" && p.Verdiep == 1 && p.Nummer == "01").FirstOrDefault());