Example #1
        public AsyncPlan(AsyncESAPI ACurrent, PlanSum psIn, Patient ptIn, AsyncCourse cIn)
            A      = ACurrent;
            pt     = ptIn;
            Course = cIn;
            ps     = psIn;
            Id     = ps.Id;
            var dates = ps.PlanSetups.Select(x => x.HistoryDateTime).OrderByDescending(x => x);

            HistoryDateTime = ps.PlanSetups.Select(x => x.HistoryDateTime).OrderByDescending(x => x).FirstOrDefault();
            PlanType        = ComponentTypes.Sum;
            NumFractions    = 0;
            Dose            = 0;
            if (ps.StructureSet == null)
                Valid = false;
                StructureSetId  = ps.StructureSet.Id;
                StructureSetUID = ps.StructureSet.UID;
                foreach (Structure s in ps.StructureSet.Structures)
                    _Structures.Add(s.Id, s);
                    Structures.Add(s.Id, new AsyncStructure(ACurrent, s, ps.StructureSet.Id, ps.StructureSet.UID));
            foreach (PlanSetup p in ps.PlanSetups)
                ConstituentPlans.Add(new AsyncPlan(A, p, ptIn, cIn));
            HashId = Convert.ToInt32(ps.Id.GetHashCode() + ps.Course.Id.GetHashCode() + string.Concat(ConstituentPlans.Select(x => x.UID)).GetHashCode());
            UID    = String.Join("+", ConstituentPlans.Select(x => x.UID));
Example #2
 public PlanningItemViewModel(PlanningItem planningItem)
     if (planningItem is PlanSetup)
         PlanSetup planSetup = (PlanSetup)planningItem;
         PlanningItemId                  = planSetup.Id;
         PlanningItemCourse              = planSetup.Course.Id;
         PlanningItemIdWithCourse        = PlanningItemCourse + "/" + PlanningItemId;
         PlanningItemType                = "Plan";
         PlanningItemIdWithCourseAndType = PlanningItemCourse + "/" + PlanningItemId + " (" + PlanningItemType + ")";
         PlanningItemObject              = planSetup;
         PlanningItemStructureSet        = planSetup.StructureSet;
         PlanningItemImage               = planSetup.StructureSet.Image;
         Creation = (DateTime)planSetup.CreationDateTime;
     if (planningItem is PlanSum)
         PlanSum planSum = (PlanSum)planningItem;
         PlanningItemId                  = planSum.Id;
         PlanningItemCourse              = planSum.Course.Id;
         PlanningItemIdWithCourse        = PlanningItemCourse + "/" + PlanningItemId;
         PlanningItemType                = "PlanSum";
         PlanningItemIdWithCourseAndType = PlanningItemCourse + "/" + PlanningItemId + " (" + PlanningItemType + ")";
         PlanningItemObject              = planSum;
         PlanningItemStructureSet        = planSum.StructureSet;
         PlanningItemImage               = planSum.StructureSet.Image;
         Creation = (DateTime)planSum.HistoryDateTime;
Example #3
        public void BuildList()

            if (!isPsum)
                PS = (PlanSetup)plan;
                SumPlan = (PlanSum)plan;

                foreach (var pss in SumPlan.PlanSetups)
                    PlanSumList.Add(new PlanSumClass
                        PlanName = pss.Id,
                        PlanDose = pss.TotalDose


                    Double.TryParse(pss.TotalDose.ToString().Split(' ').First(), out checkedDose);
                    sumDose = sumDose + checkedDose;
                tbRxdose.Text           = sumDose.ToString();
                listBoxZone.DataContext = PlanSumList;
Example #4
        public void Execute(ScriptContext context, Window window)
            PlanSetup plan = context.PlanSetup;
            PlanSum   psum = context.PlanSumsInScope.FirstOrDefault();

            if (plan == null && psum == null)

            window.Closing   += new System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler(OnWindowClosing);
            window.Background = System.Windows.Media.Brushes.Cornsilk;
            window.Height     = 120;
            window.Width      = 1024;

            SelectedPlanningItem = plan != null ? (PlanningItem)plan : (PlanningItem)psum;
            // Plans in plansum can have different structuresets but here we only use structureset to allow chosing one structure
            SelectedStructureSet = plan != null ? plan.StructureSet : psum.PlanSetups.First().StructureSet;

            window.Title = "DVH Lookups for " + SelectedPlanningItem.Id + " / " + SelectedStructureSet.Id;

            if (SelectedPlanningItem.Dose == null)

Example #5
        public List <ErrorViewModel> Calculate(PlanningItem planningItem)
            var errorGrid         = new List <ErrorViewModel>();
            var planErrors        = new List <ErrorViewModel>();
            var planSumErrors     = new List <ErrorViewModel>();
            var planSumDoseErrors = new List <ErrorViewModel>();

            if (planningItem is PlanSetup)
                PlanSetup planSetup = (PlanSetup)planningItem;
                planErrors = GetPlanSetupErrors(planSetup);
            if (planningItem is PlanSum)
                PlanSum planSum = (PlanSum)planningItem;
                foreach (PlanSetup planSetup in planSum.PlanSetups)
                    planErrors = GetPlanSetupErrors(planSetup);
                planSumDoseErrors = GetPlanSumRxErrors(planSum);
Example #6
        public ObservableCollection <PQMSummaryViewModel> AddPQMSummary(ObservableCollection <PQMSummaryViewModel> PqmSummaries, ConstraintViewModel constraintPath, PlanningItemViewModel planningItem, Patient patient)
            StructureSet structureSet = planningItem.PlanningItemStructureSet;
            Structure    evalStructure;
            var          calculator = new PQMSummaryCalculator();

            if (planningItem.PlanningItemObject is PlanSum)
                var     waitWindowPQM = new WaitWindowPQM();
                PlanSum plansum       = (PlanSum)planningItem.PlanningItemObject;
                if (plansum.IsDoseValid() == true)
                    foreach (PQMSummaryViewModel pqm in PqmSummaries)
                        evalStructure = calculator.FindStructureFromAlias(structureSet, pqm.TemplateId, pqm.TemplateAliases, pqm.TemplateCodes);
                        if (evalStructure != null)
                            var pqmSummary = calculator.GetObjectiveProperties(pqm, planningItem, structureSet, new StructureViewModel(evalStructure));
                            pqm.Achieved_Comparison                 = pqmSummary.Achieved;
                            pqm.AchievedColor_Comparison            = pqmSummary.AchievedColor;
                            pqm.AchievedPercentageOfGoal_Comparison = pqmSummary.AchievedPercentageOfGoal;
                            pqm.Met_Comparison = pqmSummary.Met;
            else //is plansetup
                var waitWindowPQM = new WaitWindowPQM();

                PlanSetup planSetup = (PlanSetup)planningItem.PlanningItemObject;
                if (planSetup.IsDoseValid() == true)
                    foreach (PQMSummaryViewModel pqm in PqmSummaries)
                        evalStructure = calculator.FindStructureFromAlias(structureSet, pqm.TemplateId, pqm.TemplateAliases, pqm.TemplateCodes);
                        if (evalStructure != null)
                            if (evalStructure.Id.Contains("PTV") == true)
                                foreach (Structure s in structureSet.Structures)
                                    if (s.Id == planSetup.TargetVolumeID)
                                        evalStructure = s;
                            var pqmSummary = calculator.GetObjectiveProperties(pqm, planningItem, structureSet, new StructureViewModel(evalStructure));
                            pqm.Achieved_Comparison = pqmSummary.Achieved;
Example #7
        public static Course Course(this PlanSum ps)
#if VMS110
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// This method creates a Plan Quality Metric report for the specified plansum.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="patient">loaded patient</param>
        /// <param name="ss">structure set to use while generating Plan Quality Metrics</param>
        /// <param name="psum">Plansum for which the report is going to be generated.</param>
        /// <param name="rootPath">root directory for the report.  This method creates a subdirectory
        ///  'patientid' under the root, then creates the xml and html reports in the subdirectory.</param>
        /// <param name="userId">User whose id will be stamped on the report.</param>
        override protected void dumpReportXML(Patient patient, StructureSet ss, PlanningItem plan_, string sXMLPath)
            if (!(plan_ is PlanSum))
                throw new ApplicationException("PlanSumReporter should be used only for PlanSum types!");

            PlanSum psum = (PlanSum)plan_;

            XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings();

            settings.Indent      = true;
            settings.IndentChars = ("\t");
            System.IO.MemoryStream mStream = new System.IO.MemoryStream();
            XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create(mStream, settings);

            writer.WriteAttributeString("created", DateTime.Now.ToString());
            writer.WriteAttributeString("userid", currentuser);
            writer.WriteAttributeString("eclipseVersion", eclipseVersion);
            writer.WriteAttributeString("scriptVersion", scriptVersion);
            WritePatientXML(patient, writer);
            foreach (PlanSetup plan in psum.PlanSetups)
                WritePlanXML(plan, writer, CtrlPtSelector.IncludeControlPoints);
            writer.WriteEndElement(); // </PlanSum>
            writer.WriteEndElement(); // </Patient>

            WriteDoseStatisticsXML_Target(patient, ss, psum, writer);
            WriteDoseStatisticsXML_Prostate2GyOrLess(patient, ss, psum, writer);
            WriteDoseStatisticsXML_HeadAndNeck2GyOrLess(patient, ss, psum, writer);
            writer.WriteEndElement(); // </DoseStatistics>

            writer.WriteEndElement(); // </PlanQualityReport>

            // write the XML file report.
            using (System.IO.FileStream file = new System.IO.FileStream(sXMLPath, System.IO.FileMode.Create, System.IO.FileAccess.Write))
                // Have to rewind the MemoryStream in order to read its contents.
                mStream.Position = 0;

Example #9
        public void Execute(ScriptContext context /*, System.Windows.Window window*/)
            string html = GrabDx(context);

            PlanSetup    ps   = context.PlanSetup;
            PlanSum      psum = context.PlanSumsInScope.FirstOrDefault();
            PlanningItem pi   = ps != null ? (PlanningItem)ps : (PlanningItem)psum;

            string temp = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TEMP");

            string htmlPath = string.Format("{0}\\{1}({2}){3}.html", temp,
                                            context.Patient.LastName, context.Patient.Id, pi.Id);

            using (System.IO.FileStream file = new System.IO.FileStream
                                                   (htmlPath, System.IO.FileMode.Create, System.IO.FileAccess.Write))
            { }
            //htmlPath = @"\\varnwcdcpap001.nyumc.org\va_data$\filedata\ProgramData\Vision\PublishedScripts\dx.html";
            //System.IO.File.WriteAllText(htmlPath, html);

            //XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings();
            //settings.Indent = true;
            //settings.IndentChars = ("\t");
            //System.IO.MemoryStream mStream = new System.IO.MemoryStream();
            //using (XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create(mStream, settings))
            //    // generate DVHs in an HTML report for selected structures
            //    ExportDVHs(context, writer);

            //    // done writing
            //    writer.Flush();
            //    mStream.Flush();

            //    // write the XML file.
            //    string temp = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TEMP");
            //    string htmlPath = string.Format("{0}\\{1}({2})-plan-{3}.html", temp,
            //      context.Patient.LastName, context.Patient.Id, context.PlanSetup.Id);
            //    using (System.IO.FileStream file = new System.IO.FileStream
            //      (htmlPath, System.IO.FileMode.Create, System.IO.FileAccess.Write))
            //    {
            //        // Have to rewind the MemoryStream in order to read its contents.
            //        mStream.Position = 0;
            //        mStream.CopyTo(file);
            //        file.Flush();
            //        file.Close();
            //    }


            // 'Start' generated HTML file to launch browser window
            // Sleep for a few seconds to let internet browser window to start
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        ///     This method exists to guess the prescription of a plan sum by summing all plan setup prescribed doses and
        ///     generating a
        ///     relative dvh curve. Can't technically do relative dose with plan sum...but let's try to do it anyway
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ps">the plan sum where relative dose dvh curve is desired</param>
        /// <param name="s">the structure to sample</param>
        /// <param name="vPres">the volume presentation to create the curve</param>
        /// <param name="binWidth">the bin width to create the curve</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static DVHPoint[] GetRelativeDVHCumulativeData(this PlanSum ps, Structure s, VolumePresentation vPres,
                                                              double binWidth)
            var guessedRxGy  = ps.TotalPrescribedDoseGy();
            var psDVH        = ps.GetDVHCumulativeData(s, DoseValuePresentation.Absolute, vPres, binWidth);
            var scalingPoint = new DoseValue(guessedRxGy, DoseValue.DoseUnit.Gy);
            var dvhCurve     = psDVH.CurveData.ConvertToRelativeDose(scalingPoint);

Example #11
        public void Execute(ScriptContext context, Window window)
            PlanSetup planSetup = context.PlanSetup;
            PlanSum   psum      = context.PlanSumsInScope.FirstOrDefault();
            bool      first     = true;

            SelectedPlanningItem = planSetup != null ? (PlanningItem)planSetup : (PlanningItem)psum;
            SelectedStructureSet = planSetup != null ? planSetup.StructureSet : psum.PlanSetups.First().StructureSet;

            //    MessageBox.Show(String.Format("3 Planning Iten Sum = {0}", SelectedPlanningItem.Id));

            if (SelectedStructureSet == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("The selected plan does not reference a StructureSet.");

            // For this example we will retrieve first available structure of PTV type

            // Add existing WPF control to the script window.
            var mainControl = new PlanMetrics.MainControl();

            window.Content = mainControl;
            window.Width   = 850;
            window.Height  = 750;

            window.Title = "Plan : " + SelectedPlanningItem.Id;// + ", Structure : " + target.Id;

            mainControl.tbPatName.Text = context.Patient.Name.Split('(').First();
            mainControl.tbPatID.Text   = context.Patient.Id;
            mainControl.tbPlanId.Text  = SelectedPlanningItem.Id;
            mainControl.tbDate.Text    = DateTime.Today.ToString("MMMM d, yyyy");

            mainControl.plan = SelectedPlanningItem; //pass planSetup from here to Maincontrol
            mainControl.set  = SelectedStructureSet;

            mainControl.isPsum = planSetup != null ? false : true;

            if (!mainControl.isPsum)
                mainControl.tbRxdose.Text = planSetup.TotalDose.ToString().Split(' ').First();
Example #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Starts execution of script. This method can be called directly from PluginTester or indirectly from Eclipse
        /// through the Execute method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="patient">Opened patient</param>
        /// <param name="PItemsInScope">Planning Items in scope</param>
        /// <param name="pItem">Opened Planning Item</param>
        /// <param name="currentUser">Current user</param>
        /// <param name="window">WPF window</param>
        public static void Start(Patient pat, List <PlanningItem> PItemsInScope, PlanningItem pItem, Course course, StructureSet ss, User currentUser, Window window)
            if (pat == null || pItem == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("Please open a plan or a plan sum before running the script");

            window.Title = "Radiobiological Effect Window";
            var uc = new RBEReport.UserControl1();

            window.Content = uc;

            uc.VM.PatientId   = pat.Id;
            uc.VM.PatientName = pat.FirstName + " " + pat.LastName;
            if (pat.DateOfBirth != null)
                uc.VM.DOB = pat.DateOfBirth.GetValueOrDefault().Date.ToShortDateString();
            if (course != null)
                uc.VM.CourseId = course.Id;
                uc.VM.CourseId = GetPlanSumCourse(pat, pItem as PlanSum);
            uc.VM.PlanId = pItem.Id;
            if (pItem is PlanSetup)
                uc.VM.Approval = (pItem as PlanSetup).ApprovalStatus.ToString();
                uc.VM.Approval = string.Empty; //if nothing is set (Approval == null), MigraDoc crashes.
            uc.VM.Modification = pItem.HistoryUserName;
            uc.VM.Date         = pItem.HistoryDateTime.ToString();

            if (pItem is PlanSetup)
                uc.VM.AddPlanningItem(pItem as PlanSetup);
                PlanSum sum = pItem as PlanSum;
                foreach (PlanSetup ps in sum.PlanSetups)
Example #13
        public string NTCPreturn(string strnum, string gradename, StructureSet list, PlanSum plan, double n, double m, double td50)
            Structure retstructure = null;
            int       bit          = 0;
            double    EUD          = 0;
            double    Ntcp         = 0;
            string    NTCPstring   = "";

            foreach (Structure scan in list.Structures)
                if (scan.Id == strnum)
                    retstructure = scan;
                    bit          = 1;
                    if (retstructure.IsEmpty == true)
                        bit = 2; break;
                    DVHData dvh     = plan.GetDVHCumulativeData(retstructure, DoseValuePresentation.Absolute, VolumePresentation.Relative, 1);
                    var     dvhdata = dvh.CurveData.ToList();
                    string  volume  = dvh.Volume.ToString();
                    string  dvhstr  = volume;
                    double  fEUD    = 0;
                    string  dvhnums = dvhdata.Count.ToString();
                    for (int i = 0; i < dvhdata.Count - 1; i++)
                        fEUD += (dvhdata[i].Volume - dvhdata[i + 1].Volume) / 100 * Math.Pow(dvhdata[i].DoseValue.Dose / 100, 1 / n);
                    EUD = Math.Pow(fEUD, n);
                    double t = treturn(EUD, m, td50);
                    Ntcp        = NTCP(t);
                    NTCPstring += string.Format("NTCP of {0}, {1} is {2}%\n", strnum, gradename, (Ntcp * 100).ToString("F2"));
            if (bit == 0)
                NTCPstring += "";
            else if (bit == 2)
                NTCPstring += ""; return(NTCPstring);
Example #14
        public static string comparaIsosPlanSuma(PlanSum planSuma)
            string texto = "";

            foreach (PlanSetup etapaA in planSuma.PlanSetups)
                foreach (PlanSetup etapaB in planSuma.PlanSetups)
                    if (isosDiferentes(etapaA, etapaB))
                        texto += "\nLos planes " + etapaA.Id + " y " + etapaB.Id + " tienen isos similares.\nEvaluar la utilización de un mismo iso";
Example #15
        static string GetPlanSumCourse(Patient pat, PlanningItem item)
            PlanSum sum = item as PlanSum;

            foreach (Course cour in pat.Courses)
                foreach (PlanSum ps in cour.PlanSums)
                    if (ps == sum)
 // Determines if dose is valid in a plan.
 public static bool IsDoseValid(this PlanningItem pitem)
     if (pitem is PlanSetup)
     else if (pitem is PlanSum)
         PlanSum psum  = (PlanSum)pitem;
         var     plans = (from p in psum.PlanSetups where p.IsDoseValid == false select p);
         return(plans.Count() <= 0);
         throw new ApplicationException("Unknown PlanningItem type " + pitem.ToString());
Example #17
 public static bool IsDoseValid(this PlanningItem pitem)
     if (pitem is PlanSetup)
     else if (pitem is PlanSum)
     {   // scan for plans with invalid dose, if there are none then we can assume plansum dose is valid.
         PlanSum psum  = (PlanSum)pitem;
         var     plans = (from p in psum.PlanSetups where p.IsDoseValid == false select p);
         return(plans.Count() <= 0);
         throw new ApplicationException("Unknown PlanningItem type " + pitem.ToString());
 public static string GetConformationNumber(StructureSet structureSet, PlanningItemViewModel planningItem, StructureViewModel evalStructure, MatchCollection testMatch, Group evalunit)
         var       structure = structureSet.Structures.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == evalStructure.StructureName);
         DVHData   dvh       = planningItem.PlanningItemObject.GetDVHCumulativeData(structure, DoseValuePresentation.Absolute, VolumePresentation.Relative, 0.1);
         DoseValue prescribedDose;
         double    planDoseDouble = 0;
         if ((dvh.SamplingCoverage < 0.9) || (dvh.Coverage < 0.9))
             return("Unable to calculate - insufficient dose or sampling coverage");
         if (planningItem.PlanningItemObject is PlanSum)
             PlanSum planSum = (PlanSum)planningItem.PlanningItemObject;
             foreach (PlanSetup planSetup in planSum.PlanSetups)
                 planDoseDouble += planSetup.TotalDose.Dose;
         if (planningItem.PlanningItemObject is PlanSetup)
             PlanSetup planSetup = (PlanSetup)planningItem.PlanningItemObject;
             planDoseDouble = planSetup.TotalDose.Dose;
         prescribedDose = new DoseValue(planDoseDouble, DoseValue.DoseUnit.cGy);
         Group eval            = testMatch[0].Groups["evalpt"];
         Group unit            = testMatch[0].Groups["unit"];
         DoseValue.DoseUnit du = (unit.Value.CompareTo("%") == 0) ? DoseValue.DoseUnit.Percent :
                                 (unit.Value.CompareTo("cGy") == 0) ? DoseValue.DoseUnit.cGy : DoseValue.DoseUnit.Unknown;
         var body = structureSet.Structures.Where(x => x.Id.Contains("BODY")).First();
         //VolumePresentation vpFinal = (evalunit.Value.CompareTo("%") == 0) ? VolumePresentation.Relative : VolumePresentation.AbsoluteCm3;
         VolumePresentation    vpFinal         = VolumePresentation.AbsoluteCm3;
         DoseValuePresentation dvpFinal        = (evalunit.Value.CompareTo("%") == 0) ? DoseValuePresentation.Relative : DoseValuePresentation.Absolute;
         DoseValue             dv              = new DoseValue(double.Parse(eval.Value) / 100 * prescribedDose.Dose, DoseValue.DoseUnit.cGy);
         double bodyWithPrescribedDoseVolume   = planningItem.PlanningItemObject.GetVolumeAtDose(body, prescribedDose, vpFinal);
         double targetWithPrescribedDoseVolume = planningItem.PlanningItemObject.GetVolumeAtDose(structure, dv, vpFinal);
         double targetVolume = Convert.ToDouble(evalStructure.VolumeValue);
         var    cn           = (targetWithPrescribedDoseVolume / targetVolume) * (targetWithPrescribedDoseVolume / bodyWithPrescribedDoseVolume);
         return(string.Format("{0:0.0}", cn));
     catch (NullReferenceException)
         return("Unable to calculate - DVH is not valid");
Example #19
        public static string planesEnDiferenteEquipo(PlanSum planSum)
            string texto    = "";
            string IdEquipo = planSum.PlanSetups.First().Beams.First().TreatmentUnit.Id;

            foreach (PlanSetup plan in planSum.PlanSetups)
                foreach (Beam campo in plan.Beams)
                    if (!campo.TreatmentUnit.Id.Equals(IdEquipo))
                        texto += "\nEl plan suma contiene campos en diferentes equipos de tratamiento";
Example #20
        public void Execute(ScriptContext context /*,System.Windows.Window window*/)
            PlanSum plan = context.PlanSumsInScope.First();
            //PlanSetup plan = sumplan.PlanSetups.ElementAt(0);
            //StructureSet ss = plan.StructureSet;
            StructureSet ss          = plan.StructureSet;
            string       plansummary = string.Format("Sum plan {0}\n", plan.Id.ToString());
            string       msgfmt      = plansummary;

            msgfmt += "Structure\t\tIntended Dose Index\tPlan\tJudge\n";
            msgfmt += Absmax("BRAIN_PRV", 7000, 1, ss, plan);
            msgfmt += Absmax("SPINAL_CORD_PRV", 5000, 1, ss, plan);
            msgfmt += Absmax("Spinal Canal", 5000, 1, ss, plan);
            msgfmt += Absmax("BRAIN_STEM_PRV", 5400, 1, ss, plan);
            msgfmt += Absmax("Brainstem", 5400, 1, ss, plan);
            msgfmt += Absmean("PAROTID_L", 2600, 1, ss, plan);
            msgfmt += Absmean("PAROTID_R", 2600, 1, ss, plan);
            msgfmt += "\n";
            msgfmt += Absmax("Chiasm", 5000, 1, ss, plan);
            msgfmt += Absmax("OPTIC_NRV_PRV", 5000, 1, ss, plan);
            msgfmt += Absmean("EAR_INN_L_PRV", 4500, 1, ss, plan);
            msgfmt += Absmean("EAR_INN_R_PRV", 4500, 1, ss, plan);
            msgfmt += Absmax("EYE", 4000, 1, ss, plan);
            msgfmt += Absmean("LENS_L", 600, 1, ss, plan);
            msgfmt += Absmean("LENS_R", 600, 1, ss, plan);
            msgfmt += Absmean("MUSCLE_CONST", 5400, 1, ss, plan);
            msgfmt += Absmean("LARYNX", 4500, 1, ss, plan);
            msgfmt += "\n";
            msgfmt += NTCPreturn("Brain", "Burman 1991, necrosis/infarct", ss, plan, 0.25, 0.15, 60);
            msgfmt += NTCPreturn("Brainstem", "Burman 1991, necrosis/infarct", ss, plan, 0.16, 0.14, 65);
            msgfmt += NTCPreturn("Spinal Canal", "Burman 1991, Myelitis/necrosis", ss, plan, 0.05, 0.175, 66.5);
            msgfmt += NTCPreturn("PAROTID_L", "Dijkema 2011, saliva flow < 25%", ss, plan, 1.13, 0.42, 39.4);
            msgfmt += NTCPreturn("PAROTID_R", "Dijkema 2011, saliva flow < 25%", ss, plan, 1.13, 0.42, 39.4);
            msgfmt += NTCPreturn("Chiasm", "Burman 1991, Blindness", ss, plan, 0.25, 0.14, 65);
            msgfmt += NTCPreturn("OPTIC_NRV_PRV", "Burman 1991, Blindness", ss, plan, 0.25, 0.14, 65);
            msgfmt += NTCPreturn("LENS_L", "Burman 1991, Cataract requiring intervention", ss, plan, 0.30, 0.27, 18);
            msgfmt += NTCPreturn("LENS_R", "Burman 1991, Cataract requiring intervention", ss, plan, 0.30, 0.27, 18);
            msgfmt += NTCPreturn("THYROID", "Bakhshandeh 2012, Hypothyroidism", ss, plan, 0.49, 0.24, 60);
            msgfmt += NTCPreturn("Tongue", "Musha, RTOG Grade over2", ss, plan, 0.03, 0.15, 72);
            msgfmt += NTCPreturn("Tongue", "Musha, RTOG Grade over1", ss, plan, 0.05, 0.23, 42.5);

            MessageBox.Show(msgfmt, "Head and Neck Dose Index");
Example #21
        public static string GetVolumeAtDose(StructureSet structureSet, PlanningItemViewModel planningItem, Structure evalStructure, MatchCollection testMatch, Group evalunit)
            //check for sufficient sampling and dose coverage
            DVHData dvh = planningItem.PlanningItemObject.GetDVHCumulativeData(evalStructure, DoseValuePresentation.Absolute, VolumePresentation.Relative, 0.1);

            //MessageBox.Show(evalStructure.Id + "- Eval unit: " + evalunit.Value.ToString() + "Achieved unit: " + dvAchieved.UnitAsString + " - Sampling coverage: " + dvh.SamplingCoverage.ToString() + " Coverage: " + dvh.Coverage.ToString());
            if ((dvh.SamplingCoverage < 0.9) || (dvh.Coverage < 0.9))
                return("Unable to calculate - insufficient dose or sampling coverage");
            Group eval = testMatch[0].Groups["evalpt"];
            Group unit = testMatch[0].Groups["unit"];

            DoseValue.DoseUnit du = (unit.Value.CompareTo("%") == 0) ? DoseValue.DoseUnit.Percent :
                                    (unit.Value.CompareTo("cGy") == 0) ? DoseValue.DoseUnit.cGy : DoseValue.DoseUnit.Unknown;
            VolumePresentation    vp       = (unit.Value.CompareTo("%") == 0) ? VolumePresentation.Relative : VolumePresentation.AbsoluteCm3;
            DoseValue             dv       = new DoseValue(double.Parse(eval.Value), du);
            double                volume   = double.Parse(eval.Value);
            VolumePresentation    vpFinal  = (evalunit.Value.CompareTo("%") == 0) ? VolumePresentation.Relative : VolumePresentation.AbsoluteCm3;
            DoseValuePresentation dvpFinal = (evalunit.Value.CompareTo("%") == 0) ? DoseValuePresentation.Relative : DoseValuePresentation.Absolute;

            if (planningItem.PlanningItemObject is PlanSum)
                double  planDoseDouble = 0;
                PlanSum planSum        = (PlanSum)planningItem.PlanningItemObject;
                foreach (PlanSetup planSetup in planSum.PlanSetups)
                    planDoseDouble += planSetup.TotalDose.Dose;
                dv = new DoseValue(planDoseDouble, DoseValue.DoseUnit.cGy);

            double volumeAchieved = planningItem.PlanningItemObject.GetVolumeAtDose(evalStructure, dv, vpFinal);

            return(string.Format("{0:0.00} {1}", volumeAchieved, evalunit.Value));   // todo: better formatting based on VolumePresentation
//#if false
//            string message = string.Format("{0} - Dose unit = {1}, Volume Presentation = {2}, vpFinal = {3}, dvpFinal ={4}",
//               objective.DVHObjective, du.ToString(), vp.ToString(), vpFinal.ToString(), dvpFinal.ToString());
//           MessageBox.Show(message);
Example #22
        public static string GetGradientIndex(StructureSet structureSet, PlanningItemViewModel planningItem, Structure evalStructure, MatchCollection testMatch, Group evalunit)
            // we have Gradient Index pattern
            DVHData dvh = planningItem.PlanningItemObject.GetDVHCumulativeData(evalStructure, DoseValuePresentation.Absolute, VolumePresentation.Relative, 0.1);

            if ((dvh.SamplingCoverage < 0.9) || (dvh.Coverage < 0.9))
                return("Unable to calculate - insufficient dose or sampling coverage");
            Group     eval = testMatch[0].Groups["evalpt"];
            Group     unit = testMatch[0].Groups["unit"];
            DoseValue prescribedDose;
            double    planDoseDouble = 0;

            DoseValue.DoseUnit du = (unit.Value.CompareTo("%") == 0) ? DoseValue.DoseUnit.Percent :
                                    (unit.Value.CompareTo("cGy") == 0) ? DoseValue.DoseUnit.cGy : DoseValue.DoseUnit.Unknown;
            if (planningItem.PlanningItemObject is PlanSum)
                PlanSum planSum = (PlanSum)planningItem.PlanningItemObject;
                foreach (PlanSetup planSetup in planSum.PlanSetups)
                    planDoseDouble += planSetup.TotalDose.Dose;
            if (planningItem.PlanningItemObject is PlanSetup)
                PlanSetup planSetup = (PlanSetup)planningItem.PlanningItemObject;
                planDoseDouble = planSetup.TotalDose.Dose;
            prescribedDose = new DoseValue(planDoseDouble, DoseValue.DoseUnit.cGy);
            //var body = structureSet.Structures.Where(x => x.Id.Contains("BODY")).First();
            VolumePresentation    vpFinal       = VolumePresentation.AbsoluteCm3;
            DoseValuePresentation dvpFinal      = (evalunit.Value.CompareTo("%") == 0) ? DoseValuePresentation.Relative : DoseValuePresentation.Absolute;
            DoseValue             dv            = new DoseValue(double.Parse(eval.Value) / 100 * prescribedDose.Dose, DoseValue.DoseUnit.cGy);
            double bodyWithPrescribedDoseVolume = planningItem.PlanningItemObject.GetVolumeAtDose(evalStructure, prescribedDose, vpFinal);
            double bodyWithEvalDoseVolume       = planningItem.PlanningItemObject.GetVolumeAtDose(evalStructure, dv, vpFinal);
            var    gi = bodyWithEvalDoseVolume / bodyWithPrescribedDoseVolume;

            return(string.Format("{0:0.0}", gi));
Example #23
        public ObservableCollection <PlanSelectDetailViewModel> Calculate(ObservableCollection <PlanningItemViewModel> planningItemList)
            var PlanningItemSummaries = new ObservableCollection <PlanSelectDetailViewModel>();
            var PlanSummary           = new ObservableCollection <PlanSelectDetailViewModel>();

            foreach (PlanningItemViewModel planningItem in planningItemList)
                if (planningItem.PlanningItemObject is PlanSum)
                    PlanSum planSum             = (PlanSum)planningItem.PlanningItemObject;
                    int     sumOfFractions      = 0;
                    double  sumOfPlanSetupDoses = 0;

                    foreach (PlanSetup planSetup in planSum.PlanSetups.OrderBy(x => x.CreationDateTime))
                        sumOfFractions      += planSetup.NumberOfFractions.Value;
                        sumOfPlanSetupDoses += planSetup.TotalDose.Dose;
                    var PlanningItemSummary = new PlanSelectDetailViewModel
                        ActivePlanningItem       = new PlanningItemViewModel(planSum),
                        PlanningItemIdWithCourse = planSum.Course + "/" + planSum.Id,
                        ApprovalStatus           = "PlanSum",
                        PlanName         = planSum.Course + "/" + planSum.Id,
                        PlanStructureSet = planSum.StructureSet.Id,
                        IsPlanSum        = true,
                        PlanCreated      = planSum.CreationDateTime.ToString(),
                        PlanFractions    = sumOfFractions.ToString(),
                        PlanTotalDose    = sumOfPlanSetupDoses.ToString(),

                        IsDoseValid = planSum.IsDoseValid()
                    PlanSetup planSetup = (PlanSetup)planningItem.PlanningItemObject;
                    string    planTarget;
                    if (planSetup.TargetVolumeID != null)
                        planTarget = planSetup.TargetVolumeID;
                        planTarget = "No target selected";
                    var PlanningItemSummary = new PlanSelectDetailViewModel
                        ActivePlanningItem       = new PlanningItemViewModel(planSetup),
                        PlanningItemIdWithCourse = planSetup.Course + "/" + planSetup.Id,
                        ApprovalStatus           = planSetup.ApprovalStatus.ToString(),
                        PlanName           = planSetup.Course + "/" + planSetup.Id,
                        IsPlanSum          = false,
                        PlanStructureSet   = planSetup.StructureSet.Id,
                        PlanNumFields      = planSetup.Beams.Count().ToString(),
                        PlanningItemObject = planningItem.PlanningItemObject,
                        PlanCreated        = planSetup.CreationDateTime.ToString(),
                        PlanFxDose         = planSetup.DosePerFraction.Dose.ToString(),
                        PlanFractions      = planSetup.NumberOfFractions.ToString(),
                        PlanTotalDose      = planSetup.TotalDose.Dose.ToString(),
                        PlanTarget         = planTarget,
                        IsDoseValid        = planSetup.IsDoseValid()
Example #24
 public static string GetMinMaxMean(StructureSet structureSet, PlanningItemViewModel planningItem, StructureViewModel evalStructure, MatchCollection testMatch, Group evalunit, Group type)
         var structure = structureSet.Structures.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == evalStructure.StructureName);
         if (type.Value.CompareTo("Volume") == 0)
             return(string.Format("{0:0.00} {1}", evalStructure.VolumeValue, evalunit.Value));
             double  planSumRxDose = 0;
             DVHData dvh;
             DoseValuePresentation dvp = (evalunit.Value.CompareTo("%") == 0) ? DoseValuePresentation.Relative : DoseValuePresentation.Absolute;
             if (dvp == DoseValuePresentation.Relative && planningItem.PlanningItemObject is PlanSum)
                 PlanSum planSum = (PlanSum)planningItem.PlanningItemObject;
                 foreach (PlanSetup planSetup in planSum.PlanSetups)
                     double planSetupRxDose = planSetup.TotalDose.Dose;
                     planSumRxDose += planSetupRxDose;
                 dvh = planningItem.PlanningItemObject.GetDVHCumulativeData(structure, DoseValuePresentation.Absolute, VolumePresentation.Relative, 0.1);
                 dvh = planningItem.PlanningItemObject.GetDVHCumulativeData(structure, dvp, VolumePresentation.Relative, 0.1);
             if (type.Value.CompareTo("Max") == 0)
                 //checking dose output unit and adapting to template
                 //Gy to cGy
                 if ((evalunit.Value.CompareTo("Gy") == 0) && (dvh.MaxDose.Unit.CompareTo(DoseValue.DoseUnit.cGy) == 0))
                     return(new DoseValue(dvh.MaxDose.Dose / 100, DoseValue.DoseUnit.Gy).ToString());
                 //Gy to Gy or % to %
                     if (dvp == DoseValuePresentation.Relative && planningItem.PlanningItemObject is PlanSum)
                         double maxDoseDouble = double.Parse(dvh.MaxDose.ValueAsString);
                         return((maxDoseDouble / planSumRxDose * 100).ToString("0.0") + " " + evalunit.Value);
             else if (type.Value.CompareTo("Min") == 0)
                 //checking dose output unit and adapting to template
                 //Gy to cGy
                 if ((evalunit.Value.CompareTo("Gy") == 0) && (dvh.MinDose.Unit.CompareTo(DoseValue.DoseUnit.cGy) == 0))
                     return(new DoseValue(dvh.MinDose.Dose / 100, DoseValue.DoseUnit.Gy).ToString());
                 //Gy to Gy or % to %
                 //checking dose output unit and adapting to template
                 //Gy to cGy
                 if ((evalunit.Value.CompareTo("Gy") == 0) && (dvh.MeanDose.Unit.CompareTo(DoseValue.DoseUnit.cGy) == 0))
                     return(new DoseValue(dvh.MeanDose.Dose / 100, DoseValue.DoseUnit.Gy).ToString());
                 //Gy to Gy or % to %
     catch (NullReferenceException)
         return("Unable to calculate - DVH is not valid");
Example #25
        public void GetPQMSummaries(ConstraintViewModel constraintPath, PlanningItemViewModel planningItem, Patient patient)
            PqmSummaries = new ObservableCollection <PQMSummaryViewModel>();
            StructureSet structureSet = planningItem.PlanningItemStructureSet;
            Structure    evalStructure;
            ObservableCollection <PQMSummaryViewModel> pqmSummaries       = new ObservableCollection <PQMSummaryViewModel>();
            ObservableCollection <StructureViewModel>  foundStructureList = new ObservableCollection <StructureViewModel>();
            var calculator = new PQMSummaryCalculator();

            Objectives = calculator.GetObjectives(constraintPath);
            if (planningItem.PlanningItemObject is PlanSum)
                var     waitWindowPQM = new WaitWindowPQM();
                PlanSum plansum       = (PlanSum)planningItem.PlanningItemObject;
                if (plansum.IsDoseValid() == true)
                    foreach (PQMSummaryViewModel objective in Objectives)
                        evalStructure = calculator.FindStructureFromAlias(structureSet, objective.TemplateId, objective.TemplateAliases, objective.TemplateCodes);
                        if (evalStructure != null)
                            var evalStructureVM = new StructureViewModel(evalStructure);
                            var obj             = calculator.GetObjectiveProperties(objective, planningItem, structureSet, evalStructureVM);
            if (planningItem.PlanningItemObject is PlanSetup) //is plansetup
                var waitWindowPQM = new WaitWindowPQM();

                PlanSetup planSetup = (PlanSetup)planningItem.PlanningItemObject;
                if (planSetup.IsDoseValid() == true)
                    foreach (PQMSummaryViewModel objective in Objectives)
                        evalStructure = calculator.FindStructureFromAlias(structureSet, objective.TemplateId, objective.TemplateAliases, objective.TemplateCodes);
                        if (evalStructure != null)
                            if (evalStructure.Id.Contains("PTV") == true)
                                foreach (Structure s in structureSet.Structures)
                                    if (s.Id == planSetup.TargetVolumeID)
                                        evalStructure = s;

                            var evalStructureVM = new StructureViewModel(evalStructure);
                            var obj             = calculator.GetObjectiveProperties(objective, planningItem, structureSet, evalStructureVM);
        public ObservableCollection <PlanningItemDetailsViewModel> Calculate(PlanningItemViewModel activePlanningItem, ObservableCollection <PlanningItemViewModel> planningItemComboBoxList, ObservableCollection <PQMViewModel> PqmSummaries, List <CollisionCheckViewModel> CollisionSummaries, List <ErrorViewModel> ErrorGrid)
            var  PlanningItemSummaries = new ObservableCollection <PlanningItemDetailsViewModel>();
            var  PlanSummary           = new ObservableCollection <PlanningItemDetailsViewModel>();
            bool planIsBold            = false;
            bool isCCEnabled           = false;

            foreach (PlanningItemViewModel planningItem in planningItemComboBoxList)
                string pqmResult = "";
                string ccResult  = "";
                string pcResult  = "";
                string rpiResult = "";
                if (planningItem.PlanningItemIdWithCourse == activePlanningItem.PlanningItemIdWithCourse)
                    int pqmsPassing = 0;
                    int pqmsTotal   = 0;
                    if (PqmSummaries != null)
                        pqmsTotal = PqmSummaries.Count;
                        foreach (var row in PqmSummaries)
                            if (row.Met == "Goal" || row.Met == "Variation")
                                pqmsPassing += 1;
                    pqmResult = pqmsPassing.ToString() + "/" + pqmsTotal.ToString();
                    int    beamCollisionChecksClearing = 0;
                    int    beamsTotal       = 0;
                    string beamsTotalString = " - ";
                    if (planningItem.PlanningItemObject is PlanSetup)
                        PlanSetup planSetup = (PlanSetup)planningItem.PlanningItemObject;

                        foreach (Beam b in planSetup.Beams)
                            if (b.IsSetupField != true)
                                beamsTotal += 1;
                        beamsTotalString = beamsTotal.ToString();
                    if (CollisionSummaries != null)
                        foreach (var row in CollisionSummaries)
                            if (row.Status == "Clear" || row.Status == " - ")
                                beamCollisionChecksClearing += 1;
                    ccResult = beamCollisionChecksClearing.ToString() + "/" + beamsTotal;
                    int errorChecksPassing = 0;
                    int errorChecksTotal   = ErrorGrid.Count();
                    foreach (var row in ErrorGrid)
                        if (row.Status == "3 - OK" || row.Status == "2 - Variation")
                            errorChecksPassing += 1;
                    pcResult = errorChecksPassing.ToString() + "/" + errorChecksTotal.ToString();

                if (planningItem.PlanningItemObject is PlanSum)
                    PlanSum planSum             = (PlanSum)planningItem.PlanningItemObject;
                    int     sumOfFractions      = 0;
                    double  sumOfPlanSetupDoses = 0;
                    isCCEnabled = false;
                    if (planSum == activePlanningItem.PlanningItemObject)
                        planIsBold = true;
                        planIsBold = false;

                    foreach (PlanSetup planSetup in planSum.PlanSetups.OrderBy(x => x.CreationDateTime))
                        string planTarget;
                        sumOfFractions      += planSetup.NumberOfFractions.Value;
                        sumOfPlanSetupDoses += planSetup.TotalDose.Dose;
                        if (planSetup.TargetVolumeID != null)
                            planTarget = planSetup.TargetVolumeID;
                            planTarget = "No target selected";
                    var PlanSumSummary = new PlanningItemDetailsViewModel
                        IsBold = planIsBold,
                        CC     = isCCEnabled,
                        PlanningItemIdWithCourse = planSum.Course + "/" + planSum.Id,
                        ApprovalStatus           = "PlanSum",
                        PlanningItemObject       = planningItem.PlanningItemObject,
                        PlanName      = planSum.Course + "/" + planSum.Id,
                        PlanCreated   = planSum.CreationDateTime.ToString(),
                        PlanFractions = sumOfFractions.ToString(),
                        PlanTotalDose = sumOfPlanSetupDoses.ToString(),
                        PQMResult     = pqmResult,
                        CCResult      = ccResult,
                        PCResult      = pcResult,
                        RPIResult     = rpiResult,
                else  //planningitem is plansetup
                    PlanSetup planSetup = (PlanSetup)planningItem.PlanningItemObject;
                    if (planSetup == activePlanningItem.PlanningItemObject)
                        planIsBold  = true;
                        isCCEnabled = true;
                        planIsBold  = false;
                        isCCEnabled = false;
                    var approvalStatus = "";
                    if (planSetup.PlanIntent == "VERIFICATION")
                        approvalStatus = "VerificationPlan";
                        approvalStatus = planSetup.ApprovalStatus.ToString();

                    string planTarget;
                    if (planSetup.TargetVolumeID != null)
                        planTarget = planSetup.TargetVolumeID;
                        planTarget = "No target selected";
                    var PlanningItemSummary = new PlanningItemDetailsViewModel
                        IsBold = planIsBold,
                        CC     = isCCEnabled,
                        PlanningItemIdWithCourse = planSetup.Course + "/" + planSetup.Id,
                        ApprovalStatus           = approvalStatus,
                        PlanName           = planSetup.Course + "/" + planSetup.Id,
                        PlanningItemObject = planningItem.PlanningItemObject,
                        PlanCreated        = planSetup.CreationDateTime.ToString(),
                        PlanFxDose         = planSetup.DosePerFraction.Dose.ToString(),
                        PlanFractions      = planSetup.NumberOfFractions.ToString(),
                        PlanTotalDose      = planSetup.TotalDose.Dose.ToString(),
                        PlanTarget         = planTarget,
                        PQMResult          = pqmResult,
                        CCResult           = ccResult,
                        PCResult           = pcResult,
                        RPIResult          = rpiResult,
Example #27
        public string Absmean(string strnum, double criteria, int updown, StructureSet list, PlanSum plan)//updown(1up,0down)
            Structure retstructure = null;
            int       bit          = 0;
            double    binwidth     = 0.1;
            string    doostr       = "";
            string    judge        = "";

            foreach (Structure scan in list.Structures)
                if (scan.Id == strnum)
                    retstructure = scan;
                    if (retstructure.IsEmpty)
                        bit = 2; break;
                    bit = 1;
                    DVHData   dvhData = plan.GetDVHCumulativeData(retstructure, DoseValuePresentation.Absolute, VolumePresentation.AbsoluteCm3, binwidth);
                    DoseValue bbb     = dvhData.MeanDose;
                    double    Doo     = bbb.Dose;
                    doostr = (Doo / 100).ToString("F2");
                    if (updown == 1)//upper dose
                        if (Doo <= criteria)
                            judge = "o";
                            judge = "x";
                        if (Doo > criteria)
                            judge = "o";
                            judge = "x";
            string doseindexreturn = "";
            string judgement       = "";
            string retstring       = "";

            if (bit == 1)
                retstring       = retstructure.Id;
                doseindexreturn = doostr;
                judgement       = judge;
                string ud = "0";
                if (updown == 1)
                    ud = "<";
                    ud = ">";
                retstring = string.Format("{0}\t\tDmean{4}{1}Gy\t{2}Gy\t{3}\n", retstructure.Id, (criteria / 100).ToString("F0"), doseindexreturn, judgement, ud);
            else if (bit == 2)
                retstring = strnum + "\tis Empty structure" + "\n";
                retstring = "No Structure named " + strnum + "\n";
        public void Execute(ScriptContext context /*, System.Windows.Window window*/)
            // Please check the parameters.
            String path_to_OutputFolder = @"C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop";
            double scaling_factor       = 1.0;

            Patient patient = context.Patient;

            if (patient == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("Please open a plan or a plan sum before running the script.");

            PlanSetup planSetup = context.PlanSetup;
            PlanSum   psum      = context.PlanSumsInScope.FirstOrDefault();

            if (planSetup == null && psum == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("Please open a plan or a plan sum before running the script.");
            SelectedPlanningItem = planSetup != null ? (PlanningItem)planSetup : (PlanningItem)psum;
            SelectedStructureSet = planSetup != null ? planSetup.StructureSet : psum.PlanSetups.First().StructureSet;

            // Retrieve StructureSet
            //StructureSet structureSet = planSetup.StructureSet;
            if (SelectedStructureSet == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("The selected plan does not reference a StructureSet.");
            // Retrieve image
            VMS.TPS.Common.Model.API.Image image = SelectedStructureSet.Image;

            // Plan

            var beams = planSetup.Beams;

            foreach (var beam in beams)
                if (!beam.IsSetupField)
                    String       fileName = path_to_OutputFolder + @"\" + patient.FirstName + patient.LastName + @"_" + patient.Id + @"_" + planSetup.Id + @".txt";
                    StreamWriter writer   = new StreamWriter(fileName, false);

                    String machine = beam.TreatmentUnit.Id;

                    //MLC Plan Type
                    int MLCPlanType = (int)beam.MLCPlanType;
                    // 1 MLC plan type: DoseDynamic( The gantry does not rotate. )
                    // 2 MLC plan type: ArcDynamic
                    // 3 MLC plan type: VMAT

                    int Count = beam.ControlPoints.Count;
                    // Exporting number of control points

                    var JawPositions = beam.ControlPoints.ElementAt(0).JawPositions;

                    if (MLCPlanType == 1 || MLCPlanType == 2 || MLCPlanType == 3)
                        double MUw                 = 0.0;
                        double gantryAngle         = 0.0;
                        double collimatorAngle     = 0.0;
                        double patientSupportAngle = 0.0;

                        foreach (var controlPoints in beam.ControlPoints)
                            // Exporting number of control points
                            MUw = controlPoints.MetersetWeight;

                            gantryAngle = controlPoints.GantryAngle;

                            collimatorAngle = controlPoints.CollimatorAngle;

                            patientSupportAngle = controlPoints.PatientSupportAngle;

                            //MLC -----
                            var LeafPositions = controlPoints.LeafPositions;
                            for (int i = 0; i < 60; i++)
                                double mlc_a = LeafPositions[0, i];
                                mlc_a = mlc_a * scaling_factor;
                                double mlc_b = LeafPositions[1, i];
                                mlc_b = mlc_b * scaling_factor;
                                String mlc_positions = mlc_a.ToString("0.00000") + @", " + mlc_b.ToString("0.00000") + @", 1";
                                // Exporting number of control points
                            //MLC ----- end
Example #29
 private PlanResult AddPlan(PlanSum planSum)
     return(AddPlan(planSum as PlanningItem));
Example #30
        public List <ErrorViewModel> GetPlanSumRxErrors(PlanSum planSum)
            var    errorGrid   = new List <ErrorViewModel>();
            double totalRxDose = 0;
            string error;
            string errorStatus;
            int    errorSeverity;
            var    doseValueList = new List <string>();
            var    doseNameList  = new List <string>();
            var    siteNameList  = new List <string>();

            foreach (PlanSetup planSetup in planSum.PlanSetups.OrderBy(x => x.CreationDateTime))
                totalRxDose += planSetup.TotalDose.Dose;

                if (planSetup.Id.Contains('_'))
                    var doseName = planSetup.Id.Split('_')[1];
                    doseName = Regex.Match(doseName, @"\d+").Value;
            int i = 0;

            foreach (string doseName in doseNameList)
                if (doseName == doseValueList[i])
                    error         = string.Format("Plan name {0} matches Rx dose of {1} cGy.", siteNameList[i] + "_" + doseName, doseValueList[i]);
                    errorStatus   = "3 - OK";
                    errorSeverity = 1;
                    AddNewRow(error, errorStatus, errorSeverity, errorGrid);
                    error         = string.Format("Plan name {0} does NOT match Rx dose of {1} cGy.", siteNameList[i] + "_" + doseName, doseValueList[i]);
                    errorStatus   = "1 - Error";
                    errorSeverity = 1;
                    AddNewRow(error, errorStatus, errorSeverity, errorGrid);

            var numbersInString = Regex.Match(planSum.Id, @"\d+").Value;

            if (numbersInString != "") //contains no numbers at all
                if (Int32.Parse(numbersInString).ToString() == totalRxDose.ToString())
                    error         = string.Format("PlanSum name {0} matches Rx dose of {1} cGy.", planSum.Id, totalRxDose);
                    errorStatus   = "3 - OK";
                    errorSeverity = 1;
                    AddNewRow(error, errorStatus, errorSeverity, errorGrid);
                    error         = string.Format("PlanSum name {0} does NOT match Rx dose of {1} cGy.", planSum.Id, totalRxDose);
                    errorStatus   = "1 - Error";
                    errorSeverity = 1;
                    AddNewRow(error, errorStatus, errorSeverity, errorGrid);