public void rotation_setAngle_180()
            PointF        point   = new PointF(200, 200);
            ProductModel  product = new ProductModel(10, 10, 50);
            PlacedProduct placedP = new PlacedProduct(product, point);

            PointF[] pointCorner = new PointF[4];
            pointCorner[0] = new PointF(point.X + product.Width / 2, point.Y + product.Length / 2); //now the lower right
            pointCorner[1] = new PointF(point.X - product.Width / 2, point.Y + product.Length / 2); //now the lower left
            pointCorner[2] = new PointF(point.X - product.Width / 2, point.Y - product.Length / 2); //now the top left
            pointCorner[3] = new PointF(point.X + product.Width / 2, point.Y - product.Length / 2); //now the top right


            Assert.AreEqual(point.X, placedP.Location.X, 0.1, "The horizontal location of the product has changed!");
            Assert.AreEqual(point.Y, placedP.Location.Y, 0.1, "The vertical location of the product has changed!");

            for (int index = 0; index < pointCorner.Length; index++)
                Assert.AreEqual(pointCorner[index].ToString(), placedP.CornerPoints[index].ToString(), true, "Corner #" + index + " is in the wrong spot!");
        public void event_PanelMouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            foreach (PlacedProduct PlacedP in PlacementController.placedProductList)
                //Get the mouse location
                var     MouseLocation = new Point(e.X, e.Y);
                Polygon P             = new Polygon();
                P.Points.Add(new Vector(MouseLocation.X, MouseLocation.Y));

                //And compare it to all possible polygons, so that when one collides, you know which one the user has clicked on.
                PolygonCollisionController.PolygonCollisionResult r = PolygonCollisionController.PolygonCollision(P, PlacedP.Poly, new Vector(0, 0));

                if (r.WillIntersect)
                    //Do DragDrop
                    clickLocation = MouseLocation;
                    productAdding.DoDragDrop(PlacedP, DragDropEffects.Copy);
                    //Set as current product
                    currentProduct = PlacedP;
        public Rectangle GetProductRectangle(PlacedProduct product, float width, float height, float size)
            Rectangle rectangle;

            if (product.Product.Size.IsEmpty)
                // this is a product that came from the algorithm
                rectangle = new Rectangle
                    Height = (int)(product.Product.Height / size * height),
                    Width  = (int)(product.Product.Width / size * width),
                    X      = (int)(product.Location.X / size * width),
                    Y      = (int)(product.Location.Y / size * height)
                rectangle = new Rectangle
                    Height = (int)(product.Product.Size.Height / size * height),
                    Width  = (int)(product.Product.Size.Width / size * width),
                    X      = (int)(product.Location.X / size * width),
                    Y      = (int)(product.Location.Y / size * height)
        public void rotation_addAngle_45()
            PointF        point   = new PointF(200, 200);
            ProductModel  product = new ProductModel(10, 10, 50);
            PlacedProduct placedP = new PlacedProduct(product, point);

            PointF[] pointCorner = new PointF[4];
            pointCorner[0] = new PointF(point.X, point.Y - (float)Math.Sqrt(50));    //{200 ; 200-√50}
            pointCorner[1] = new PointF(point.X + (float)Math.Sqrt(50), point.Y);    //{200+√50 ; 200}
            pointCorner[2] = new PointF(point.X, point.Y + (float)Math.Sqrt(50));    //{200 ; 200+√50}
            pointCorner[3] = new PointF(point.X - (float)Math.Sqrt(50), point.Y);    //{200-√50 ; 200}


            Assert.AreEqual(point.X, placedP.Location.X, 0.1, "The horizontal location of the product has changed!");
            Assert.AreEqual(point.Y, placedP.Location.Y, 0.1, "The vertical location of the product has changed!");

            for (int index = 0; index < pointCorner.Length; index++)
                Assert.AreEqual(pointCorner[index].ToString(), placedP.CornerPoints[index].ToString(), true, "Corner #" + index + " is in the wrong spot!");
 public void GetPlacements_FromDatabase()
     foreach (var placement in this.DataSet.placement)
         var p1 = new PlacedProduct(GetSpecificProduct_FromDatabase(placement.product_id), new System.Drawing.PointF(placement.x_position, placement.y_position), placement.angle);
        public void CountProductsAmountPlaced(PlacedProduct product)
            // get the current product
            ProductModel productMod = product.Product;

            // use method overload
 public void ChangeSelected(ProductInfo sender)
     productAdding.productInfo1.setProduct(sender.product); //Sets a new product
     if (currentProduct.Product.Name != sender.product.Name)
         currentProduct = null;
     //Seing as name is an identifier in the database, this can be used to compare the two: Look if the names are the same, if not, then a different product is the currentProduct. Therefore the currentProduct needs to be set to null.
        private void placement_MoveProduct(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
            PlacedProduct product = (PlacedProduct)e.Data.GetData(typeof(PlacedProduct));

            //Get the location of the mouse
            Point newLocation = new Point(e.X, e.Y);

            newLocation    = motherFrame.PointToClient(newLocation);
            newLocation.X -= productAdding.productPanel.Left;
            newLocation.Y -= productAdding.productPanel.Top;
            newLocation.Y -= motherFrame.menuStrip1.Height;

            //Failsafe if user clicks the item and doesn't want to move it.
            if (Math.Abs(clickLocation.X - newLocation.X) == 0 || Math.Abs(clickLocation.Y - newLocation.Y) == 0)

            int deltaX = newLocation.X - clickLocation.X;
            int deltaY = newLocation.Y - clickLocation.Y;

            //Round down to the closest spot on the grid (the movementspeed of an object)
            deltaX = ((deltaX / MovementSpeed) * MovementSpeed);
            deltaY = ((deltaY / MovementSpeed) * MovementSpeed);

            Point   delta        = new Point((int)(product.Location.X + deltaX), (int)(product.Location.Y + deltaY));
            Polygon movedProduct = product.GetVirtualPolygon(delta);

            foreach (Polygon placedP in product.PolyList)
                //Looks to see if the current loop has itself
                if (placedP == product.Poly)

                PolygonCollisionController.PolygonCollisionResult r = PolygonCollisionController.PolygonCollision(movedProduct, placedP, new Vector(0, 0));

                if (r.WillIntersect)
                    //At the collision, quit the method

            //The moving of the product
        public void DeleteProduct(PlacedProduct product)
            if (product == null)

        public void rotation_setAngle_45()
            PointF        point   = new PointF(200, 200);
            ProductModel  product = new ProductModel(10, 10, 50);
            PlacedProduct placedP = new PlacedProduct(product, point);

            PointF[] pointCorner = new PointF[4];
            pointCorner[0] = new PointF(point.X, point.Y - (float)Math.Sqrt(50));    //{200 ; 200-√50}
            pointCorner[1] = new PointF(point.X + (float)Math.Sqrt(50), point.Y);    //{200+√50 ; 200}
            pointCorner[2] = new PointF(point.X, point.Y + (float)Math.Sqrt(50));    //{200 ; 200+√50}
            pointCorner[3] = new PointF(point.X - (float)Math.Sqrt(50), point.Y);    //{200-√50 ; 200}

             *  Coordinate = {(centerlocation) (direction + or -) (size/2)}
             *  Point 0 = Top Left
             *  {200-(10/2) ; 200-(10/2)} = {195 ; 195}
             *  Point 1 = Top Right
             *  {200+(10/2) ; 200-(10/2)} = {205 ; 195}
             *  Point 2 = Lower Right
             *  {200+(10/2) ; 200+(10/2)} = {205 ; 205}
             *  Point 3 = Lower Left
             *  {200-(10/2) ; 200+(10/2)} = {195 ; 205}
             *  Do some math, and when the square turns 45 degrees, the points are the following:
             *  [0] = {200 ; 200-√50}
             *  [1] = {200+√50 ; 200}
             *  [2] = {200 ; 200+√50}
             *  [3] = {200-√50 ; 200}


            Assert.AreEqual(point.X, placedP.Location.X, 0.1, "The horizontal location of the product has changed!");
            Assert.AreEqual(point.Y, placedP.Location.Y, 0.1, "The vertical location of the product has changed!");

            for (int index = 0; index < pointCorner.Length; index++)
                Assert.AreEqual(pointCorner[index].ToString(), placedP.CornerPoints[index].ToString(), true, "Corner #" + index + " is in the wrong spot!");
        public void collision_MoveCollision()
            //Move -> Collision

            //Move X+50, Y+0
            //Move X+50, Y+0 - can't move all the way because collision, so only X+30

            PointF point     = new PointF(200, 200);                   //Right end = 350 (200+150)
            PointF pointWall = new PointF(440, 200);                   //Left end = 430 (440-10)

            ProductModel product     = new ProductModel(100, 300, 50); //Width = 300, so it's 150 + 150
            ProductModel productWall = new ProductModel(20, 20, 50);   //Width = 20, so it's 10 + 10

            PlacedProduct placedP    = new PlacedProduct(product, point);
            PlacedProduct placedWall = new PlacedProduct(productWall, pointWall);


            int move_x = 60;
            int move_y = 0;

            PointF[] pointCorner = new PointF[4];
            pointCorner[0] = new PointF(point.X - (product.Width / 2) + move_x, point.Y - (product.Length / 2) + move_y);   //{205 ; 195}
            pointCorner[1] = new PointF(point.X + (product.Width / 2) + move_x, point.Y - (product.Length / 2) + move_y);   //{215 ; 195}
            pointCorner[2] = new PointF(point.X + (product.Width / 2) + move_x, point.Y + (product.Length / 2) + move_y);   //{215 ; 205}
            pointCorner[3] = new PointF(point.X - (product.Width / 2) + move_x, point.Y + (product.Length / 2) + move_y);   //{205 ; 205}

            placedP.GridSpace = 50; //Set grid (movement speed) to 50.
            placedP.Move(true);     //{250;200}
            placedP.Move(true);     //{300;200}Cant perform this.
            placedP.GridSpace = 10;
            placedP.Move(true);     //{260;200} Now it can, because the grid was changed, and that allowed it to move 'slower'
            point.X += move_x;
            point.Y += move_y;

            Assert.AreEqual(point.X, placedP.Location.X, 0.1, "The horizontal location of the product is different!");
            Assert.AreEqual(point.Y, placedP.Location.Y, 0.1, "The vertical location of the product is different!");

            for (int index = 0; index < pointCorner.Length; index++)
                Assert.AreEqual(pointCorner[index].ToString(), placedP.CornerPoints[index].ToString(), true, "Corner #" + index + " is in the wrong spot!");
        public void DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
            ProductModel model;

            if ((model = (ProductModel)e.Data.GetData(typeof(ProductModel))) != null)   // if so, this is a new product
                AddNewProduct(model, e.X, e.Y, (float)model.Width / 100, (float)model.Height / 100, false, 0);
            else // selected item is a PlacedProduct, and so is already in the field
                PlacedProduct temp = (PlacedProduct)e.Data.GetData(typeof(PlacedProduct));
Example #13
        public void move_MultipleMixedMove1()
            //Move X+10, Y+0
            //Move X+0, Y+10
            //Move X-20, Y+0
            //Move X-20, Y+0
            //Move X+0, Y-15

            PointF        point   = new PointF(200, 200);
            ProductModel  product = new ProductModel(10, 10, 50);
            PlacedProduct placedP = new PlacedProduct(product, point);

            int move_x = -30;    //The total movement
            int move_y = -5;

            PointF[] pointCorner = new PointF[4];
            pointCorner[0] = new PointF(point.X - (product.Width / 2) + move_x, point.Y - (product.Length / 2) + move_y);   //{195 ; 205}
            pointCorner[1] = new PointF(point.X + (product.Width / 2) + move_x, point.Y - (product.Length / 2) + move_y);   //{205 ; 205}
            pointCorner[2] = new PointF(point.X + (product.Width / 2) + move_x, point.Y + (product.Length / 2) + move_y);   //{205 ; 215}
            pointCorner[3] = new PointF(point.X - (product.Width / 2) + move_x, point.Y + (product.Length / 2) + move_y);   //{195 ; 215}

            placedP.GridSpace = 10;
            placedP.GridSpace = -20;
            placedP.GridSpace = -15;
            point.X += move_x;
            point.Y += move_y;

            Assert.AreEqual(point.X, placedP.Location.X, 0.1, "The horizontal location of the product is different!");
            Assert.AreEqual(point.Y, placedP.Location.Y, 0.1, "The vertical location of the product is different!");

            for (int index = 0; index < pointCorner.Length; index++)
                Assert.AreEqual(pointCorner[index].ToString(), placedP.CornerPoints[index].ToString(), true, "Corner #" + index + " is in the wrong spot!");
        public void PanelMouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            PlacedProduct product = utility.GetProductFromField(e.Location, placedProducts, tileWidth, tileHeight,

            if (product != null && !(product.StaticProductBoolean && space.Final))
                selectedProduct = product;
                draggingProduct = true;

                selectedProduct.OriginalLocation = selectedProduct.Location;
                selectedProduct = null;
                draggingProduct = false;
        public void placeProducts()
            foreach (var placedProduct in dbc.DataSet.placement)
                if (placedProduct.space_number ==
                    // get placed productID product
                    foreach (ProductModel product in ProductModel.List)
                        if (product.ProductId == placedProduct.product_id)
                            Point         point = new Point(placedProduct.x_position, placedProduct.y_position);
                            PlacedProduct p1    = new PlacedProduct(product, point, 0);

        private void PaintProduct(PlacedProduct product, Graphics g)
            Rectangle  rectangle = utility.GetProductRectangle(product, tileWidth, tileHeight, tileSize);
            SolidBrush brush     = utility.SelectBrush(product, legendDictionary);
            int        angle     = product.CurrentAngle;

            using (Matrix m = new Matrix())
                m.RotateAt(angle, new PointF(rectangle.Left + rectangle.Width / 2, rectangle.Top + rectangle.Height / 2));
                g.Transform = m;
                if (product == selectedProduct)
                    Rectangle selectionRectangle = new Rectangle(rectangle.X, rectangle.Y, rectangle.Width,
                    Pen pen = new Pen(Color.Red, 4);
                    g.DrawRectangle(pen, selectionRectangle);
                g.FillRectangle(brush, rectangle);
        private void placement_NewProduct(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
            ProductModel model = (ProductModel)e.Data.GetData(typeof(ProductModel));

            //Get the correct location
            Point newLocation = new Point(e.X, e.Y);

            newLocation    = motherFrame.PointToClient(newLocation);
            newLocation.X -= productAdding.productPanel.Left;
            newLocation.Y -= productAdding.productPanel.Top;
            newLocation.Y -= motherFrame.menuStrip1.Height;

            newLocation.X /= MovementSpeed; newLocation.X *= MovementSpeed; //Round down to the movement speed.
            newLocation.Y /= MovementSpeed; newLocation.Y *= MovementSpeed; //Round down to the movement speed.

            PlacedProduct product = new PlacedProduct(model, newLocation);

            //Collision Loop
            foreach (Polygon placedP in product.PolyList)
                PolygonCollisionController.PolygonCollisionResult r = PolygonCollisionController.PolygonCollision(product.Poly, placedP, new Vector(0, 0));

                if (r.WillIntersect)
                    //At the collision, quit the method

            //The adding of the product
            //Set as current product
            currentProduct = product;
        public PlacedProduct GetProductFromField(Point point, List <PlacedProduct> products, float width, float height,
                                                 float size)
            PlacedProduct result    = null;
            PointF        realPoint = TransformToRealWorld(point, width, height, size);

            foreach (PlacedProduct current in products)
                PointF currentLocation = current.Location;

                bool xOnPoint = (currentLocation.X <= realPoint.X) &&
                                (currentLocation.X + current.Product.Size.Width >= realPoint.X),
                     yOnPoint = (currentLocation.Y <= realPoint.Y) &&
                                currentLocation.Y + current.Product.Size.Height >= realPoint.Y;

                if (xOnPoint && yOnPoint)
                    result = current;
        public void AddNewProduct(ProductModel model, float x, float y, float width, float height, bool realDimensions,
                                  int angle)
            float viewWidth  = view.Get(ProductGrid.PropertyEnum.Panel).Width,
                  viewHeight = view.Get(ProductGrid.PropertyEnum.Panel).Height,
                  newX       = realDimensions ? x : x / viewWidth * meterWidth,
                  newY       = realDimensions ? y : y / viewHeight * meterHeight;

            PointF center       = (realDimensions) ? new PointF(x, y) : new PointF(newX - width / 2, newY - height / 2);
            int    currentangle = angle;

            SizeF size = new SizeF(width, height);

            model.Size = size;
            PlacedProduct newProduct = new PlacedProduct(model, center, currentangle);

            // Do not add product to field if it has collision
            if (!collisionHandler.Collision(newProduct, placedProducts))
        /// <summary>
        /// Selects the Brush where the type matches from the Dictionary kept in the Legend.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="product"></param>
        /// <param name="dict"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public SolidBrush SelectBrush(PlacedProduct product, Dictionary <string, SolidBrush> dict)
            SolidBrush brush;

                CategoryModel Currentcat = product.Product.ProductCategory;

                if (Currentcat.IsSubcategoryFrom > -1 || Currentcat.IsSubcategoryFrom == null) // is a subcategory
                    // gets the main category id
                    int MainId = (int)Currentcat.IsSubcategoryFrom;

                    // linq select category with the current id
                    var selectedcategory2 = CategoryModel.List
                                            .Where(c => c.CatId == MainId)
                                            .Select(c => c)

                    CategoryModel Main = selectedcategory2[0];

                    // gets the value (color) from the Main productcategory
                    brush = new SolidBrush(Main.Colour);
                else // is a maincategory
                    // give the color from the main category
                    brush = dict.Single(pair => pair.Key.Equals(product.Product.Category)).Value;
            catch (InvalidOperationException e)
                // This means that the type is not found in the dictionary, and so I will set the Brush to Black
                brush = new SolidBrush(Color.Gray);
        public void MoveProduct(ICollisionHandler <PlacedProduct> handler, PlacedProduct selectedProduct,
                                List <PlacedProduct> placedProducts, int boundWidth, int boundHeight,
                                float realWidth, float realHeight, float x, float y, bool real)
            float selectedWidth  = selectedProduct.Product.Size.Width,
                  selectedHeight = selectedProduct.Product.Size.Height;

            float newX = (real) ? x : x / (float)boundWidth * realWidth
                         - selectedWidth / 2,
                  newY = (real) ? y : y / (float)boundHeight * realHeight
                         - selectedHeight / 2;

            if (newX <= 0)
                newX = 0;
            if (newX + selectedWidth / 2 >= realWidth - selectedWidth / 2)
                newX = realWidth - selectedWidth;
            if (newY <= 0)
                newY = 0;
            if (newY + selectedHeight / 2 >= realHeight - selectedHeight / 2)
                newY = realHeight - selectedHeight;

            PointF newLocation = new PointF(newX, newY);

            selectedProduct.Location = !handler.Collision(selectedProduct, placedProducts)
                ? newLocation
                : selectedProduct.OriginalLocation;
        /// <summary>
        /// Event that triggers when the dragdrop object is dragged  across the screen.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        public void event_DragOver(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
            //If not ProductModel or PlacedProduct, then exit out, because you can only get the location from them
            if (!(e.Data.GetDataPresent(typeof(ProductModel)) || e.Data.GetDataPresent((typeof(PlacedProduct)))))
                draggingItem = false;
                draggingItem = true;

            //Gets the location of the mouse inside of the panel
            Point newLocation = new Point(e.X, e.Y);

            newLocation    = motherFrame.PointToClient(newLocation);
            newLocation.X -= productAdding.productPanel.Left;
            newLocation.Y -= productAdding.productPanel.Top;
            newLocation.Y -= motherFrame.menuStrip1.Height;

            newLocation.X /= MovementSpeed; newLocation.X *= MovementSpeed; //Round down to the movement speed. (AKA: Fit into the grid)
            newLocation.Y /= MovementSpeed; newLocation.Y *= MovementSpeed; //Round down to the movement speed.

            Color drawImageColor;

            if (e.Data.GetDataPresent(typeof(ProductModel)))
                //Make a new model, size and color
                ProductModel model = (ProductModel)e.Data.GetData(typeof(ProductModel));
                drawImageColor = GetMainCategoryColorIfNeeded(model.ProductCategory.CatId);

                //Colour in the bitmap and resize it.
                Graphics   gfx   = Graphics.FromImage(drawImageGhostBitmap);
                SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(128, drawImageColor.R, drawImageColor.G, drawImageColor.B));
                gfx.FillRectangle(brush, new Rectangle(new Point(0, 0), new Size(1000, 1000)));

                //Small dispose

                //Set the Bitmap and new location
                drawImageGhostBitmap = new Bitmap(drawImageGhostBitmap, model.Width, model.Length);
                drawImageGhostPoint  = new Point(newLocation.X - model.Width / 2, newLocation.Y - model.Length / 2); //Calculates the top left point for the Ghost.
            else if (e.Data.GetDataPresent(typeof(PlacedProduct)))
                //Get the rotated bitmap
                PlacedProduct placedP = (PlacedProduct)e.Data.GetData(typeof(PlacedProduct));
                drawImageGhostBitmap = placedP.RotatedMap;

                Vector clickOffsetVector = new Vector((clickLocation.X - placedP.Location.X), (clickLocation.Y - placedP.Location.Y)); //Get the click offset if the user clicked the bottom left of the image

                //Set the new location
                drawImageGhostPoint = new Point(
                    newLocation.X - drawImageGhostBitmap.Width / 2 - (int)clickOffsetVector.X,
                    newLocation.Y - drawImageGhostBitmap.Height / 2 - (int)clickOffsetVector.Y);
                //Calculates the top left point for the Ghost.

            //And then repaint the panel
        public void collision_RotateCollision()
            //Rotate -> Collision

            //Rotate 15
            //Rotate 15
            //Rotate 15
            //Rotate 15 -can't do this because collision

            PointF point     = new PointF(400, 200);
            PointF pointWall = new PointF(400, 50);

            ProductModel product     = new ProductModel(100, 300, 50);
            ProductModel productWall = new ProductModel(100, 50, 50);

            PlacedProduct placedP    = new PlacedProduct(product, point);
            PlacedProduct placedWall = new PlacedProduct(productWall, pointWall);


            double radius       = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(product.Width / 2, 2) + Math.Pow(product.Length / 2, 2));
            double initialAngle = (Math.Atan((0.5 * product.Length) / (0.5 * product.Width)) * 180 / Math.PI);

            double angle_Even   = 45 + initialAngle;
            double angle_Uneven = 45 - initialAngle;

            float Cos_Even = (float)(Math.Cos(angle_Even * Math.PI / 180) * radius);
            float Sin_Even = (float)(Math.Sin(angle_Even * Math.PI / 180) * radius);

            float Cos_Uneven = (float)(Math.Cos(angle_Uneven * Math.PI / 180) * radius);
            float Sin_Uneven = (float)(Math.Sin(angle_Uneven * Math.PI / 180) * radius);

            PointF[] pointCorner = new PointF[4];
            pointCorner[0] = new PointF(point.X - Cos_Even, point.Y - Sin_Even);     //{205 ; 195}
            pointCorner[1] = new PointF(point.X + Cos_Uneven, point.Y + Sin_Uneven); //{215 ; 195}
            pointCorner[2] = new PointF(point.X + Cos_Even, point.Y + Sin_Even);     //{215 ; 205}
            pointCorner[3] = new PointF(point.X - Cos_Uneven, point.Y - Sin_Uneven); //{205 ; 205}

            placedP.AddAngle(15); //after this it's 15
            placedP.AddAngle(15); //after this it's 30
            placedP.AddAngle(15); //after this it's 45
            placedP.AddAngle(15); //after this it's 60 -Can't perform this because of the collision.
            placedP.AddAngle(15); //after this it's 75 -Can't perform this.
            placedP.AddAngle(15); //after this it's 90 -Can't perform this.

            Assert.AreEqual(point.X, placedP.Location.X, 0.1, "The horizontal location of the product is different!");
            Assert.AreEqual(point.Y, placedP.Location.Y, 0.1, "The vertical location of the product is different!");

            for (int index = 1; index < pointCorner.Length; index++)
                Assert.AreEqual(pointCorner[index].ToString(), placedP.CornerPoints[index].ToString(), true, "Corner #" + index + " is in the wrong spot!");
        public void MoveProduct(PlacedProduct selectedProduct, List <PlacedProduct> placedProducts, Vector deltaVector, int panelWidth, int panelHeight)
            //A variable to keep track of collision
            bool collision = false;

            //The new location that the product is going towards
            Point newLocationPoint = new Point(
                (int)(selectedProduct.Location.X + deltaVector.X),
                (int)(selectedProduct.Location.Y + deltaVector.Y));

            //Checkes the borders
            foreach (Polygon wall in selectedProduct.PolyBorder(panelWidth, panelHeight))
                PolygonCollisionController.PolygonCollisionResult result =
                    PolygonCollisionController.PolygonCollision(selectedProduct.Poly, wall, deltaVector);

                if (result.WillIntersect)
                    collision = true;

            //Loops through each item and determines if it collides with any of them
            foreach (PlacedProduct collisionTarget in placedProducts)
                if (collision)
                if (selectedProduct.Product.Collidable == false) //If the selected product is not collidable. For example an 'Energy Socket'. Break out the loop and place it.
                if (collisionTarget.Product.Collidable == false) //If the target is not collidable. For example an 'Energy Socket'. Skip this loop and go to the next target.

                PolygonCollisionController.PolygonCollisionResult result =
                    PolygonCollisionController.PolygonCollision(selectedProduct.Poly, collisionTarget.Poly, deltaVector);

                if (result.WillIntersect)
                    collision = true;

            //Failsafe check at the end
            if (!collision)
            { /*selectedProduct.MoveTo(newLocationPoint); */
        /// <summary>
        /// Issues the rotation of the product.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fallbackAngle">The fallback angle to provide should the product not be able to rotate.</param>
        public static void placement_rotatePoints(PlacedProduct targetProduct, int fallbackAngle)
            PointF[]     fallbackPoints = new PointF[5];
            ProductModel product        = targetProduct.Product;
            PointF       location       = targetProduct.Location;

            for (int index = 0; index < targetProduct.CornerPoints.Length; index++)
                fallbackPoints[index] = targetProduct.CornerPoints[index];

            double angle_Even   = (double)targetProduct.CurrentAngle;
            double angle_Uneven = targetProduct.CurrentAngle;
            double radius       = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(0.5 * product.Width, 2) + Math.Pow(0.5 * product.Length, 2));

            //Tan^-1 ( (1/2H) / (1/2W) )
            //This is to get the angle of the center of the rectangle relevant to the sides. (To get the angle inside the rectangle)
            angle_Even   += (Math.Atan((0.5 * product.Length) / (0.5 * product.Width)) * 180 / Math.PI);
            angle_Uneven -= 90 - (Math.Atan((0.5 * product.Width) / (0.5 * product.Length)) * 180 / Math.PI);
            //If the angle is negative, add 360 to it to get the positive version
            while (angle_Uneven < 0)
                angle_Uneven += 360;
            while (angle_Even < 0)
                angle_Even += 360;
            //MessageBox.Show("Depth: " + product.depth + ". Width: " + product.width);
            //MessageBox.Show("Even angle: " + angle_Even.ToString() + ". Uneven angle: " + angle_Uneven.ToString());

            //Get the total angle to know what direction the item is facing. (To know where to apply the deltaX and deltaY)
            int directional_Even   = Convert.ToInt32(angle_Even) % 360;
            int directional_Uneven = Convert.ToInt32(angle_Uneven) % 360;

            //Gets a 4 possible outcome to determine what deltaX and deltaY do.
            directional_Even   = directional_Even / 90;
            directional_Uneven = directional_Uneven / 90;

             * 0-89 = 0 (360 degrees is 0 degrees)
             * 90-179 = 1
             * 180-269 = 2
             * 270-359 = 3

            //Gets the angle nearest to 90, so that the Cos and Sin methods work.
            angle_Even   = angle_Even % 90;
            angle_Uneven = angle_Uneven % 90;
            //MessageBox.Show("Even angle: " + angle_Even.ToString() + ". Uneven angle: " + angle_Uneven.ToString());

            //Get the difference in X and Y to be applied to the centre point so the corner points can be calculated
            float Cos_Even = (float)(Math.Cos(angle_Even * Math.PI / 180) * radius);
            float Sin_Even = (float)(Math.Sin(angle_Even * Math.PI / 180) * radius);

            float Cos_Uneven = (float)(Math.Cos(angle_Uneven * Math.PI / 180) * radius);
            float Sin_Uneven = (float)(Math.Sin(angle_Uneven * Math.PI / 180) * radius);

            //Determine what deltaX and deltaY do.
            switch (directional_Even)
            case 0:     //Total degree is between 0 and 89
                targetProduct.CornerPoints[0] = new PointF(location.X - Cos_Even, location.Y - Sin_Even);
                targetProduct.CornerPoints[2] = new PointF(location.X + Cos_Even, location.Y + Sin_Even);

            case 1:     //Total degree is between 90 and 179
                targetProduct.CornerPoints[0] = new PointF(location.X + Sin_Even, location.Y - Cos_Even);
                targetProduct.CornerPoints[2] = new PointF(location.X - Sin_Even, location.Y + Cos_Even);

            case 2:     //Total degree is between 180 and 269
                targetProduct.CornerPoints[0] = new PointF(location.X + Cos_Even, location.Y + Sin_Even);
                targetProduct.CornerPoints[2] = new PointF(location.X - Cos_Even, location.Y - Sin_Even);

            case 3:     //Total degree is between 270 and 359
                targetProduct.CornerPoints[0] = new PointF(location.X - Sin_Even, location.Y + Cos_Even);
                targetProduct.CornerPoints[2] = new PointF(location.X + Sin_Even, location.Y - Cos_Even);

                goto case 0;
            switch (directional_Uneven)
            case 0:     //Total degree is between 1 and 90
                targetProduct.CornerPoints[1] = new PointF(location.X + Cos_Uneven, location.Y + Sin_Uneven);
                targetProduct.CornerPoints[3] = new PointF(location.X - Cos_Uneven, location.Y - Sin_Uneven);

            case 1:     //Total degree is between 91 and 180
                targetProduct.CornerPoints[1] = new PointF(location.X - Sin_Uneven, location.Y + Cos_Uneven);
                targetProduct.CornerPoints[3] = new PointF(location.X + Sin_Uneven, location.Y - Cos_Uneven);

            case 2:     //Total degree is between 181 and 270
                targetProduct.CornerPoints[1] = new PointF(location.X - Cos_Uneven, location.Y - Sin_Uneven);
                targetProduct.CornerPoints[3] = new PointF(location.X + Cos_Uneven, location.Y + Sin_Uneven);

            case 3:     //Total degree is between 271 and 360
                targetProduct.CornerPoints[1] = new PointF(location.X + Sin_Uneven, location.Y - Cos_Uneven);
                targetProduct.CornerPoints[3] = new PointF(location.X - Sin_Uneven, location.Y + Cos_Uneven);

                goto case 0;
            //Set the last angle to the first angle to complete the square
            targetProduct.CornerPoints[4] = targetProduct.CornerPoints[0];

            //Setting the new points to the polygon
            targetProduct.Poly = new Polygon();
            foreach (PointF point in targetProduct.CornerPoints)
                targetProduct.Poly.Points.Add(new Vector(point.X, point.Y));

            //Testing if turning caused a collision
            foreach (Polygon placedPoly in targetProduct.PolyList)
                //Test if the selected polygon is himself
                if (placedPoly == targetProduct.Poly)

                //Test if the polygon collides with others
                PolygonCollisionController.PolygonCollisionResult r = PolygonCollisionController.PolygonCollision(targetProduct.Poly, placedPoly, new Vector(0, 0));

                //If it does, cancel the rotation
                if (r.WillIntersect)
                    //Issue the fallback
                    targetProduct.CurrentAngle = fallbackAngle;

                    //Issue the fallback
                    for (int index = 0; index < targetProduct.CornerPoints.Length; index++)
                        targetProduct.CornerPoints[index] = fallbackPoints[index];

                    //Restate the polygon
                    targetProduct.Poly = new Polygon();
                    foreach (PointF point in targetProduct.CornerPoints)
                        targetProduct.Poly.Points.Add(new Vector(point.X, point.Y));

                    //MessageBox.Show("The rotation has caused a collision.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Moves the product a certain amount to a certain direction
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="X_Axis">Chooses the axis that the product moves on. True for X-axis. False for Y-axis</param>
        public static void placement_Move(PlacedProduct targetProduct, bool X_Axis)
            int x = 0;
            int y = 0;

            if (X_Axis)
                x += targetProduct.GridSpace;
                y += targetProduct.GridSpace;

            Vector velocity           = new Vector(x, y);
            Vector playerTranslation1 = velocity;
            Vector playerTranslation2 = velocity;

            //Resets the speed, after the velocity has been assigned.
            if (targetProduct.GridSpace < 0)
                targetProduct.GridSpace *= -1;

            //Test all product polygons for a collision
            foreach (PlacedProduct placedP in placedProductList)
                //Test if the selected polygon is himself
                if (placedP.Poly == targetProduct.Poly)

                //Test if the polygon collides with others
                PolygonCollisionController.PolygonCollisionResult r = PolygonCollisionController.PolygonCollision(targetProduct.Poly, placedP.Poly, velocity);

                //If it does, alter the speed
                if (r.WillIntersect)
                    playerTranslation1 = velocity + r.MinimumTranslationVector;

                    if (X_Axis) //Moving the x-axis, so set the y-axis velocity to 0
                        playerTranslation1.Y = 0;
                    else //Moving the y-axis, so set the x-axis velocity to 0
                        playerTranslation1.X = 0;

                    //If there is any movement along the Y axis while moving along the X axis, then the polygon collision want to move around the other polygon. Can't let that happen. So set all movement to 0.
                    if (X_Axis && r.MinimumTranslationVector.Y != 0)
                        playerTranslation1.X = 0;
                        playerTranslation1.Y = 0;
                    if (!X_Axis && r.MinimumTranslationVector.X != 0)
                        playerTranslation1.X = 0;
                        playerTranslation1.Y = 0;

                    //Round down to the closest x pixels
                    playerTranslation1.X = ((int)playerTranslation1.X / targetProduct.GridSpace) * targetProduct.GridSpace;
                    playerTranslation1.Y = ((int)playerTranslation1.Y / targetProduct.GridSpace) * targetProduct.GridSpace;
                    //MessageBox.Show("then " + playerTranslation1.X.ToString() + " and " + playerTranslation1.Y.ToString());

            //Test all product polygons for a collision
            foreach (PlacedProduct placedO in staticlyPlacedObjectList)
                //Test if the selected polygon is himself
                if (placedO.Poly == targetProduct.Poly)

                //Test if the polygon collides with others
                PolygonCollisionController.PolygonCollisionResult r = PolygonCollisionController.PolygonCollision(targetProduct.Poly, placedO.Poly, velocity);

                //If it does, alter the speed
                if (r.WillIntersect)
                    playerTranslation2 = velocity + r.MinimumTranslationVector;

                    if (X_Axis) //Moving the x-axis, so set the y-axis velocity to 0
                        playerTranslation2.Y = 0;
                    else //Moving the y-axis, so set the x-axis velocity to 0
                        playerTranslation2.X = 0;

                    //If there is any movement along the Y axis while moving along the X axis, then the polygon collision want to move around the other polygon. Can't let that happen. So set all movement to 0.
                    if (X_Axis && r.MinimumTranslationVector.Y != 0)
                        playerTranslation2.X = 0;
                        playerTranslation2.Y = 0;
                    if (!X_Axis && r.MinimumTranslationVector.X != 0)
                        playerTranslation2.X = 0;
                        playerTranslation2.Y = 0;

                    //Round down to the closest x pixels
                    playerTranslation2.X = ((int)playerTranslation2.X / targetProduct.GridSpace) * targetProduct.GridSpace;
                    playerTranslation2.Y = ((int)playerTranslation2.Y / targetProduct.GridSpace) * targetProduct.GridSpace;
                    //MessageBox.Show("then " + playerTranslation2.X.ToString() + " and " + playerTranslation2.Y.ToString());

            //Compares the tanslations

             * 1. Makes a new vector
             * 2. compares the two, and chooses the highest for the X and the highest for the Y (it looks for the highest number, even when negative. ie. -10 is higher than 4)
             * 3. If one of the two is 0, then set that Axis to 0
            Vector playerTranslation = new Vector();

            playerTranslation.X = Math.Abs(playerTranslation1.X) > Math.Abs(playerTranslation2.X)
                ? playerTranslation1.X
                : playerTranslation2.X;
            playerTranslation.Y = Math.Abs(playerTranslation1.Y) > Math.Abs(playerTranslation2.Y)
                ? playerTranslation1.Y
                : playerTranslation2.Y;
            if (playerTranslation1.X == 0 || playerTranslation2.X == 0)
                playerTranslation.X = 0;
            if (playerTranslation1.Y == 0 || playerTranslation2.Y == 0)
                playerTranslation.Y = 0;

            //Set the polygon points

            //Update the corner points
            for (int index = 0; index < targetProduct.Poly.Points.Count; index++)
                targetProduct.CornerPoints[index] = new PointF(targetProduct.Poly.Points[index].X, targetProduct.Poly.Points[index].Y);

            //Update the center point
            targetProduct.Location = new PointF(targetProduct.Location.X + playerTranslation.X, targetProduct.Location.Y + playerTranslation.Y);
        /// <summary>
        /// Issues the rotation of the image of the product.
        /// </summary>
        public static void placement_rotateImg(PlacedProduct targetProduct)
            Color  bkColor    = Color.Transparent;
            int    angle      = targetProduct.CurrentAngle;
            Bitmap defaultMap = targetProduct.DefaultBitMap;

            angle = angle % 360;
            if (angle > 180)
                angle -= 360;

            PixelFormat pf = default(PixelFormat);

            if (bkColor == Color.Transparent)
                pf = PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb;
                pf = defaultMap.PixelFormat;

            float sin          = (float)Math.Abs(Math.Sin(angle * Math.PI / 180.0)); // this function takes radians
            float cos          = (float)Math.Abs(Math.Cos(angle * Math.PI / 180.0)); // this one too
            float newImgWidth  = sin * defaultMap.Height + cos * defaultMap.Width;
            float newImgHeight = sin * defaultMap.Width + cos * defaultMap.Height;
            float originX      = 0f;
            float originY      = 0f;

            if (angle > 0)
                if (angle <= 90)
                    originX = sin * defaultMap.Height;
                    originX = newImgWidth;
                    originY = newImgHeight - sin * defaultMap.Width;
                if (angle >= -90)
                    originY = sin * defaultMap.Width;
                    originX = newImgWidth - sin * defaultMap.Height;
                    originY = newImgHeight;

            Bitmap   newImg = new Bitmap((int)newImgWidth, (int)newImgHeight, pf);
            Graphics g      = Graphics.FromImage(newImg);

            g.TranslateTransform(originX, originY); // offset the origin to our calculated values
            g.RotateTransform(angle);               // set up rotate
            g.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBilinear;
            g.DrawImageUnscaled(defaultMap, 0, 0);  // draw the image at 0, 0

            targetProduct.RotatedMap = newImg;